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the quintessence ofChinese Clture中国文化的精髓中国文化的精髓the quintessence ofThe history of Chinese GardenThe history of Chinese Garden中国园林的历史中国园林的历史 Chinese garden,has been three thousand Chinese garden,has been three thousand years in the history,is one of the earliest years in the history,is one of the earliest origin garden in the world,on the history of origin garden in the world,on the history of garden,it has an important position,and it garden,it has an important position,and it has the extremely outstanding art and the has the extremely outstanding art and the unique national style.unique national style.中国园林,中国园林,至今至今已已经经有三千多年的历史,是世界有三千多年的历史,是世界上起源最早的上起源最早的园林之一,在园林的历史中,它具有重园林之一,在园林的历史中,它具有重要地位,它还具有非常优秀的艺术和独特的民族风格。要地位,它还具有非常优秀的艺术和独特的民族风格。The history of Chinese GardenThe features of Chinese garden中国园林的特点 Chinese region is very big,the climate and culture of each place are not the same,so the garden has show obvious local features.中国区域非常大,每个地方的气候和文化又不相同,所以中国园林有明显的地方特色。The features of Chinese gardenThe first one is the garden of Jiangnan.第一个是江南园林It is small,but very delicate.小而精致The first one is the garden ofThe second is the garden of lingnan.第二个是岭南园林Because of the local painting and the influence of the art,the architectural color of lingnan architectural color of lingnan garden is relatively beautiful and the design of garden is relatively beautiful and the design of garden is various.garden is various.由于由于受受当地的绘画和艺术的影响,岭南园林建筑色彩当地的绘画和艺术的影响,岭南园林建筑色彩较为较为美丽美丽,其园林,其园林的设计的设计多样多样。The second is the garden of liThe third one is the garden of shuzhong.第三个是蜀中园林第三个是蜀中园林It often show the style of primitive simplicity and It often show the style of primitive simplicity and group the pastoral scene into the park.group the pastoral scene into the park.它的风格通常较为古朴,入口处多为田园风光。它的风格通常较为古朴,入口处多为田园风光。The third one is the garden ofThe last one is the garden of north.最后一个是北方园林最后一个是北方园林It has large-scale and excellent building,is the It has large-scale and excellent building,is the essence of Chinese classical garden.essence of Chinese classical garden.北方园林北方园林有大型和优秀的建筑,是中国古典园林的精髓。有大型和优秀的建筑,是中国古典园林的精髓。The last one is the garden of 8 留 园 Lingering Garden8 The Lingering Garden was first founded during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty.The garden is separated into the middle,eastern,northern and western parts.The middle part is regarded as the best part of the whole garden.The eastern part is noted for its strangely shaped lime stones,the northern part idyllic scenes,and the western part the delights of woody hills.留园始建于明嘉靖年间。园中分中东北西四个景区。中部是全园的精华部分。东部以奇石著称;北部是田园风光;西部是美丽的木本山。9 The Lingering Garden was 1010Humble Administrators Garden(拙政园)Humble Administrators Garden,Lingering Garden together with the Summer Palace in Beijing and Mountain Resort of Chengde are the four most famous classic gardens in China.Around 1513,during the Ming Dynasty,the imperial inspector Wang Xianchen returned to Suzhou after retiring and built his garden.Humble Administrators Garden is named to take for the government of the humble semantic.Humble Administrators Garden is divided into East,middle,West,and residential four Part.Residential gardens are arranged for the museum exhibition hall.拙政园与北京颐和园、承德避暑山庄、苏州留园并称为我国四大古典名园。1513年左右,明代监察御史王献臣归隐苏州,建立了自己的园林。拙政园就是取“拙者之为政”的语意而命名的。拙政园分东、中、西和住宅四部分。住宅区现布置为园林博物馆展厅。11Humble Administrators Garden(1212 Lion Grove Garden(狮狮子林子林)Lion Grove Garden is one of the four most famous and representative gardens of ancient classical style in Suzhou City.The other three are Blue Wave Pavilion,Lingering Garden and Humble Administrators Garden.Built during the Yuan Dynasty,it has a history of more than 600 years.The area is about 10000 square meters,is the ideal place for tourists.The most fascinating is the rockery,known as rockery Kingdom.狮子林是苏州最富盛名和最具代表性的四大古典园林之一,其他三个是沧浪亭、留园和拙政园。狮子林始建于元代,至今已有六百多年的历史了。其面积约10,000平方米,是旅游观光的理想去处。其最引人入胜之处是假山,素有“假山王国”之美誉。13 Lion Grove Garden(狮子林)131414Garden of Surging Wave Pavilion(沧浪亭)Surging Wave Pavilion lies near ThreeYuanFang in the south of Suzhou City and enjoys the longest history among all the existing gardens in Suzhou.Surging Wave Pavilion is simple and unadorned in structure,and elegant and lively in patterns.Surging Wave Pavilion is the five generation of Imperial Garden at first,the Ming Dynasty for the temple,then fell into disrepair,rebuilt until the Qing Dynasty,area expanded,adding new building and has joined the new style.沧浪亭地处城南三元坊,在现存苏州园林中,历史最为悠久。全园景色简洁古朴,落落大方。沧浪亭起初是五代时的御花园,明代时为寺院,后来年久失修,直到清代才进行重建,面积扩大,增添了新的建筑并且加入了新的风格。15Garden of Surging Wave Pavilio写在最后写在最后成功的基成功的基础在于好的学在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits16写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯16谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干,是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard,Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal17谢谢聆听Learning Is To Achieve A C


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