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Electrical Harness Installation电气安装气安装Electrical HarnessAssembly电气装配气装配Getting Started Samples简例例1.Electrical Harness Installation电气安装气安装Electrical HarnessAssembly电气装配气装配CATIA Training FoilsVersion 5 Release 13 20042.Course PresentationObjectives of the courseIn this course you will learn how to build a harness integrated within the DMU and how to connect the bundle segments to your electrical components.下面的下面的讲义介介绍如何在如何在电子装配中建立子装配中建立电气用具和如何使用气用具和如何使用线束束连接它接它们Targeted audienceNew Electrical V5 users适用适用对象是象是CATIA V5初初级学者学者Prerequisites Catalog Editor,CATIA V5 basics0.5 day3.Table of Contents内容提要内容提要1.Introduction to Electrical Harness Installation介介绍Electrical Harness Installation workbench presentation电气安装模气安装模块菜菜单位置位置2.Bundle Segment(BNS)definition线束定束定义Geometric Bundle几何定几何定义Bundle Segments线束定束定义Split a Bundle Segment线束分段束分段3.Links Management线束束联结Link the electrical objects与与电器器件的器器件的联结Links Management联结修改修改4.Local Slack Management线束局部松弛度的修改束局部松弛度的修改Adding Local Slack增加增加Removing Local Slack取消取消5.Support Management线束支撑束支撑Routing of BNS through Supports增加增加Removal of Support from Bundle Segment取消取消6.Rectangular Sections矩形截面矩形截面Change bundle segment section改改变线束截面束截面7.Floating Junction线束束连接点接点Define the constraints of the floating junction定定义连接点接点4.Accessing the workbenches进入入电气安装界面气安装界面Allows the geometrical harnesses creation.It links bundle segments together to create this harness.产生生线束定束定义,线束束连接接Allows the bundle segments creation within a geometrical bundle线束的几何定束的几何定义5.User Interface用用户界面界面Electrical Harness Assembly电气装配气装配Electrical Harness Installation电气安装气安装线束几何定义6.Terminology术语Geometric Bundle线束束组Bundle Segment线束束Also called segment,a geometrical subdivision of a geometrical bundle.It is the branch of harness graphical representation in the digital mock-up.Electrical object federating a bundle segments group.A geometrical bundle is mandatory in order to create a bundle segment.Support电器器库元件支承件元件支承件An Electrical catalog item that is utilized when routing geometrical bundles.It controls the entry and exit of the bundle segment as it is routed through the DMU.Floating Junction线束束连接点接点A junction that automatically finds a natural position.Alternative Bundle Segment Section线束截面束截面The sections of a bundle segment need not be circular,they can follow the profile of another sketch.7.Define a geometric bundle定定义线束束组8.Define a point生成点生成点Select the“Bundle Segment”function1The new point is added to the BNSSelect the point function and give the coordinates2选择图标生成点的图标9.Define a Line生成生成线Select the“Bundle Segment”function1The new line is added to the BNSSelect the line function give it the coordinates2选择图标生成线的图标10.Define a plane生成平面生成平面Select the“Bundle Segment”function1The plane is added to the bundle segmentSelect the“Plane”function and define its coordinates2选择图标生成平面的图标11.Define a bundle segment定定义单个个线束束The BNS is updatedSelect the“Bundle Segment Definition”function and define it2Select the“Bundle Segment”function1选择图标生成线束的图标12.Define a bundle segment定定义线束段束段123截面和松弛度设置线束控制点生成样条线13.Define a bundle segment:following a surface(1/2)线束附着面束附着面123Select the points the BNS has to go through and the surface.You may have to invert the BNS orientation in case the surface orientation is not correspondingIf two BNS are on two distinct surfaces,you have to connect them with a third BNS not lying on any surface or create a join.选曲面线束两端点在此曲面上改方向连接两个不同面上的线束14.Define a bundle segment:following a surface(2/2)线束附着面束附着面The external references to the points the BNS is using are created automatically.The surface the BNS is lying on is represented by an external reference as well.Tools/Options/Mechanical Design/Part Design/General/External References:Keep Link with Selected Object.Activate this option or you will loose the links to the objects that belong to other parts.相关设置自动生成相关参考点和曲面15.Split a bundle segment(1/2)分割分割线束束Create a new point on the Bundle Segment spline(“on curve”)2Select the“Bundle Segment”function1Isolate point3选图标生成点隔离点16.Split a bundle segment(2/2)The BNS is split.5Exit the Bundle Segment command4Add point to the BNS route definition6Split the bundle segment加入点退出分割线束分割完毕17.Links Management线束束连接接Objective:You are going to learn how to connect two bundle segments together or to an electrical component Link the electrical objects线束和束和电器器连接接 Links management连接管理接管理18.Between two bundle segments两两线束之束之间连接接Create two bundle segments1Select the“Link”function and both BNS,close to the extremity to link2The GBN is updated生成两线束选择图标和两线束连接19.Between a bundle segment and an electrical component线束和束和电器器连接接Create an equipment and a BNS within a GBN12Select the function“Link”,the BNS and a connectorThe BNS got himself connected to the connector automatically产生设备和线束选择LINK图标线束和电器自动连接20.Links Visualization连接接图示示Select the“Related Objects”function“相关目标”图标21.Unlink two electrical objects切断切断连接接Select the funtion“Unlink”12The connection is lost but the geometry remains.切断图标连接去掉,线束还在22.Local Slack Management松弛度松弛度Objective:You are going to learn how to add or remove Slack locally along the bundle segmentAdd Local Slack增加增加Remove Local Slack去掉去掉23.Add Local Slack to a bundle segmentSelect the“Add local slack to a bundle segment portion1Select the bundle segment next to the point where the additional slack is to start.Click on“Add slack”,key Slack Definition value.2Slack is added to the bundle segment after the point.图标在线束上欲增加松弛度附近选点输入松弛度松弛加在选点之后的线束24.Removing Local Slack from a bundle segment去掉松弛去掉松弛Select the“Add local slack to a bundle segment portion1Select the bundle segment to display the Local Slack Management Panel.Click on“Ignore Slack”2Slack is Ignored and the bundle is modified 同样图标不同选项取消松弛25.Support Management增加增加线束支撑束支撑Objective:You are going to learn how to add a Support to a bundle segment and also how to remove a Support from a bundle segmentAdd Support增加增加Remove Support去掉去掉26.Add a support to a bundle segmentCreate a bundle segment routed through 3 supports.Add an additional support.1Select the“Add Support to bundle segment”and select the bundle segment followed by the Support2The bundle is routed Through the support三支撑模型,支撑必须用Electrical Part Design中Support 命令定义选图标和第四支撑增加完毕27.Remove a support去掉支撑去掉支撑1Select the“Remove Support from bundle segment”and select the bundle segment2The Support is removed and the bundle route is modified图标28.Section Management线束截面束截面Objective:You are going to learn how to change the section of a bundle segment from circular to rectangular.Change Section更更换截面截面29.Replacing a circular section with a rectangular sectionCreate a bundle segment1Sketch new rectangular profile on the same plane as the current bundle segment profile2Activate the“Rib Definition”panel and select the rectangular profile3产生一个线束增加截面草图更换截面30.Floating Junction线束束连接点接点Objective:You are going to learn how to manage a floating bundle segment junction Manage bundle segment Junction positioning修改修改连接点位置接点位置31.Floating Junction ManagementDefine the constraint geometry for the floating junction1Create the bundle segments 2Move the Junction 增加分支点去掉分支点32.Electrical Harness Flatterning线束展平束展平Electrical Harness Flattening offers the following main functions:itflattensbundlesegmentsorelectricalandgeometricalbundles展平线束itstraightensbundlesegments拉直线束itrotateswholebundlesegmentsorbendthematadefinedpoint旋转和弯曲线束itrollsbundlesegments卷线束itscalesbundlesegmentsbyintroducingfakelengths线束变比例itcanbeupdatedatanytimeduringyoursessionthankstothesynchronizationoption与实体关联和更新itallowsyoutochoosethetypeofrepresentationofyourdrawing选择平面图的类型itallowsyoutoannotatethewiresofyourdrawing.平面图标注33.Getting Started Samples起始起始简例例34.Electrical Harness Flatterning线束展平束展平DefiningHarnessFlatteningParameters定定义展平参数展平参数Extracting3DData输入三入三维线束束Flattening Harness线束展平束展平Straightening Bundle Segments线束拉直束拉直Rotating Bundle Segments线束旋束旋转Rolling Bundle Segments线束卷束卷Scaling Bundle Segments线束束变比例比例Synchronizing the Environment根据三根据三维更新更新Filtering Wires Based on External Configuration System 线束束过滤External Data Access获取外部数据取外部数据Related Objects相关目相关目标35.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!


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