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Vocabulary 退出退出Unit 1Text A What is Resistance?Text B What is Capacitor?Text A What is Resistance?resistance copper insulator conductorvolage series parallel capabilityampere wattage Text B What is Capacitor?capacitor dielectrics inductor inherentoscillator emitter rectifier amplifierwavelength Unit 2Text A Basic Electrical ConceptText B Introduction to ACText A What is Resistance?atom neutral state orbit charge negative charge positive chargeattraction repulsion electric field free electronsymbol rate current flow alternator magnetic potential terminal kilovolt millivolt microvoltText B Introduction to AC DC(Direct Current)AC(alternating current)polarity sine wave waveform positive direction oppositive directionnegative direction cycle frequencyhertz phase offset magnetic field peak value root-mean-square Unit 3Text A Simple ElectricalText B DC Parallel CircuitText A Simple Electricalcircuit load battery switch voltmeterammeter Ohms law series circuit series resistancevoltage drop meter dividerText B DC Parallel Circuitparallel circuit side-by-side equal value resistorslowest common multiple compound circuitsequivalentUnit 4Text A Basic Semiconductor Crystal StructureText B The PN JunctionText A Basic Semiconductor Crystal Structurediode transistor semiconductor fabricatephysics types silicon fall in caborn familydimensional adjacent covalent3-dimensional crystal outer electronintrinstic impurity N-type periodic Tablepositive charge P-typeText B The PN Junctionjunction PN junction boundary interactionN region P region exploit reversebias leakageUnit 5Text A Number SystemsText B Digital Circuit ElementsText A Number systemsnumber system numerical value decimal systemdigit weight power binary systemequivalent bit byte word logic 0 logic 1programmable controller BCD(Binary Coded Decimal)hexadecimal remainder conversion of numberText B Digital Circuit ElementsCMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)density integration IC(Integrated Circuit)inverter laptop gate truth tablechip immunity multiplexer theoremUnit 6Text A AC MotorsText B Basic DC Motor OperationText A AC MotorsAC motor electrical energy mechanical energynet force external force property lossbearing work horsepowerText B Basic DC Motor OperationDC motor commutator statorcoil armature field magnetic linesUnit 7Text A The Basis of ControlText A The Basis of Controlprinciple closed-loop controller facilityfeedback factor adhere to built-in disturbance sensor over time behaviour proportional system self-regulation constantText B Digital Control Systemshardware structure algorithm equationsampling period sampling interval approximationconverter simulate verify velocity proportional signal integral Unit 8 Text A PLCText B TerminologyText A PLCPLC(Programmable Logic Controller)monitor configuration field moduledigital signal analog signal starter actuatorHard-Wired Control reconnect interfacerelay microprocessor PPI(Point-to-Point Interface)brick I/O point counting timing protocolbit rateText B Terminologyterm contact discrete discrete input discrete output logic high logic lowanalog input analog output Unit 9 Text A What is CNC?Text B The Basics of Computer Numerical ControlText A What is CNC?CNC(Computerized Numerical Control)stand for introduce touch manufacturingworkpiece intervention likelihood stylestep by step axes Text B The Basics of Computer Numerical Controlintention usage automation predictableUnit 10 Text A Industrial BusText B Serial Communications SystemText A Industrial Busmainframe transmitter surge suppressiontransient isolation Ethernet photosensitive optical impedanceText B Serial Communications Systemalarm asynchronous bandwidth low costEIA(Electronic Industries Association)modem transceiver repeater threshold fiber node half-duplex RF(radio frequency)connectivitywireless spectrum antenna industrial busvoltage difference 词组 AC motor amplifier region amplitude modulationangular speed block diagram bypass capacitorclosed-loop dielectic constant differential amplifierdigital signal digital signal processingdigital electrical technique forward bias backward biasfrequency response frequency domain high voltageinitial phase Ladder Logic Diagram load resistancepower plant time invariant ohms law open circuitstorage battery short circuit industrial bus center frequency backword bias binary number词组 circuit element coupled capacitor dielectric constant voltage difference缩写 A/D AC ACD ALU ASIC BCD CPU CNC DC EDA EIA FAM FET FM FPGA IC LAN PCM PLC PLL PPI PROM RAM RF ROMWAN (Wide Area Network)PC翻译Unit 1 Ex.3 1-5 Unit 2 Ex.3 1-4 9、10Unit 3 Ex.3 1、3、7翻译Unit 4 Ex.3 3、5、7 Unit 5 Ex.3 1-3 、10Unit 6 Ex.3 1 翻译Unit 7 Ex.3 4、7-10Unit 8 Ex.3 1-3 、5、8Unit 9 Ex.3 1-3Unit 10 Ex.3 2-4例题一、根据英文单词,写出中文意义(一、根据英文单词,写出中文意义(115)resistance copper insulator conductorvolage capabilityampere capacitor dielectrics inductor inherentoscillator amplifierwavelength 例题二、根据中文意义,写出英文单词(二、根据中文意义,写出英文单词(110)波长波长 原子原子 电流电流 传感器传感器 二二极管极管 三极管三极管 中继器中继器 势的,位的势的,位的 电池电池 仪表仪表例题三、根据英文词组,写出中文意义(三、根据英文词组,写出中文意义(115)series circuit over timevoltage drop sampling intervalpositive charge data comparisonparallel circuit discrete outputdecimal system analog outputdigital signal time invariantsampling period backward biaselectrical energy例题四根据英文缩写,写出英文完整形式及中文意思四根据英文缩写,写出英文完整形式及中文意思(210)例题五根据下列短文回答问题(五根据下列短文回答问题(25)参考参考Text A课后习题课后习题1例题六把下列句子翻译为中文(六把下列句子翻译为中文(210)Resistors are components that have a predetermined resistance.Resistance determines how much current will flow through a component.译译:电电阻阻器器是是预预先先设设定定好好电电阻阻的的元元件件。电电阻阻的的大大小小将将决决定定流过电阻器的电流的大小。流过电阻器的电流的大小。Metals have very low resistance.A low resistance allows a large amount of current to flow.译:金属的电阻很小。很小的电阻允许很大的电流通过。译:金属的电阻很小。很小的电阻允许很大的电流通过。Semiconductors are any of various solid crystalline substances,such as germanium or silicon,having electrical conductivity greater than insulators but less than good conductors.译译:半半导导体体是是一一种种固固态态结结晶晶物物质质,如如锗锗或或硅硅,其其导导电电性性强强于绝缘体但弱于良导体。于绝缘体但弱于良导体。例题Ohms Law deals with the relationship between voltage and current in an ideal conductor.译:欧姆定律涉及理想导体中的电压与电流关系。译:欧姆定律涉及理想导体中的电压与电流关系。Electrons of atom have orbits at different distances from the nucleus.For some atoms the electrons in the farthest orbits have only weak forces binding them to the atoms.译:原子内的电子在离核不同的位置上绕核运动,在译:原子内的电子在离核不同的位置上绕核运动,在某些原子中对离核最远的电子只有很微弱的力将其束某些原子中对离核最远的电子只有很微弱的力将其束缚在原子内。缚在原子内。Diodes are components that allow current to in only one direction.They have a positive side and a negative side.译:二极管是一种只允许电流以一个方向流过的元件。译:二极管是一种只允许电流以一个方向流过的元件。它有一个正极和一个负极。它有一个正极和一个负极。例题If we take a piece of the P-type material and connect it to a piece of N-type material and apply voltage then current will flow.Electrons will be attracted across the junction of the P and N materials.译:如果将一块译:如果将一块N型材料同一块型材料同一块P型材料相连,然后加型材料相连,然后加上电压,将有电流通过。电子将被吸引穿过上电压,将有电流通过。电子将被吸引穿过PN结的材结的材料。料。A microprocessor,for example,can endow a machine with decision-making ability,memory for instructions,and self-adjusting controls.译:例如微处理器,可以赋予一台机器决策的能力,译:例如微处理器,可以赋予一台机器决策的能力,指令的存储及自适应控制。指令的存储及自适应控制。例题Magnetic fields are produced by electric currents,which can be macroscopic currents in wires,or microscopic currents associated with electrons in atomic orbits.译译:电电磁磁场场可可以以由由流流过过导导线线的的宏宏观观电电流流产产生生,或或者者可可以以由由在原子轨道上的电子运动引起微观电流产生。在原子轨道上的电子运动引起微观电流产生。Process control is a term applied to the control of variable in a manufacturing process.译:过程控制是用来表示制造过程中控制变量的一个术语。译:过程控制是用来表示制造过程中控制变量的一个术语。Once a program has been written it needs to be tested and debugged.译:一旦程序写好,程序就要被测试和调试。译:一旦程序写好,程序就要被测试和调试。例题七把下列短文翻译成中文(共七把下列短文翻译成中文(共10分)分)Switches are devices that create a short circuit open circuit depending on the position of the switch.For a light switch,ON means short circuit(current flows through the switch,lights light up).When the switch is OFF,that means there is an open circuit(no current flows,lights go out).When the switch is ON,it looks and acts like a wire.When the switch is OFF,there is no connection.译译:开开关关是是一一种种根根据据开开关关的的位位置置来来接接通通或或断断开开电电路路的的设设备备。对对于于电电灯灯开开关关,ON意意味味着着接接通通(电电流流过过开开关关,灯灯点点亮亮)。当当开开关关在在OFF状状态态,这这意意味味着着开开路路(没没有有电电流流流流过过,灯灯熄熄灭灭)。当当开开关关是是ON是是,它它看看起起来来和和起起的的作作用用就就像像一一条条导导线线。当当开开关关是是OFF时时,就就相相当当于于导线没有连接。导线没有连接。


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