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UNIT 2 Business MeetingUNIT 2 Business MeetingTeaching PlanTeaching PlanIn ClassPeriod 1:Listening 1 Speaking 1(Task 1-2)Period 2:Watching 1 Speaking 1(Task 3-4)Period 3:Listening 2 Speaking 2(Task 1-2)Period 4:Watching 2 Speaking 2(Task 3-4)After ClassUnit File+Supplementary Listening+ProjectTeaching PlanIn Class Learning FocusKnowledge:To build up the vocabulary about business meeting;To learn about meeting preparation,meeting notifications,meeting minutes,meeting presentations,expressions of views at a meeting,meeting summarization.Skills:To be able to understand meeting preparation,meeting notifications,meeting minutes,meeting presentations,expressions of views at a meeting,meeting summarization.To learn the skills of meeting preparation,meeting notifications,meeting minutes,meeting presentations,expressions of views at a meeting,meeting summarization.Learning FocusKnowledge:OutlineOutlineListeningWatchingUNIT 2 Business MeetingSupplementary MaterialSpeaking121212Fun TimeFurther ListeningFurther WatchingOutlineListeningWatchingUNIT 2Lead-inLead-in Watch the video“A Serious Business Meeting”and talk about what you know about from the video.Lead-in Watch the video“A I.Warming-up Do you like having meetings?Probably the answer is“NO”.However,people do have meetings every day.Can you list some reasons why people like or dislike meetings?Listening 1Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for a MeetingTASK 1 Reason for a MeetingWarming-upListening 1TASK 1 RListening 1Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for a MeetingTASK 1 Reason for a MeetingLike _ _ _ _Dislike _ _ _You can exchange ideas and opinions during meetings.Meetings can be time-consuming.You can get a lot of information at meetings.Sometimes people might discuss things that you dont care about.Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for Listening 1Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for a MeetingTASK 1 Reason for a Meeting New Words&Expressions1.primarily ad.主要地;根本地 Napoleon was primarily a soldier.拿破仑主要是个军人。2.agenda n.(会议的)议程表,议事日程 Did everyone get an agenda?大家都拿到议程安排吗?3.copy sb.in(on sth.)把(信件、电子邮件等)抄送给某人 You have to copy the letter in(on)him.你必须把这封信抄送给他。Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for Listening 1Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for a MeetingTASK 1 Reason for a MeetingII.Extensive Listening Bruce is talking with Bill.Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Then write down the key words to support your answers.1.Bruce is satisfied with the sales for the last quarter.I see our sales have been decreasing since the last quarter.Whats happened?2.The meeting is to be held to promote new products.Then I think we need to have a meeting to discuss the problem and work out what measures to take.FalseFalseScriptListening 1TASK 1 Reason for Listening 1Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for a MeetingTASK 1 Reason for a MeetingIII.Intensive ListeningListen to the conversation again and tick()the correct answer to each question.1.Whats the primary reason for the sales decrease since the last quarter?A.Rising prices.B.Lack of new products.C.Not enough sales representatives.2.Which department will not attend the meeting?A.The HR Department.B.The R&D Department.C.The Production Department.ScriptScriptListening 1TASK 1 Reason forListening 1Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for a MeetingTASK 1 Reason for a MeetingIII.Intensive ListeningListen to the conversation again and tick()the correct answer to each question.3.Which day is a good time for the meeting?A.This Friday.B.Next Tuesday.C.Next Wednesday.ScriptListening 1TASK 1 Reason for Language Summary Read aloud the following sentences,paying special attention to the italicized parts dealing with future plans and expressing intentions.Listening 1Listening 1TASK 1 Reason for a MeetingTASK 1 Reason for a Meeting1.Then I think we need to have a meeting to discuss the problem and work out what measures to take.2.Ill ask the Production and the R&D Departments to join the meeting as well.3.And I need you to contact all the sales representatives and ask them to attend the meeting.4.Ill let you know when we set the time and Ill copy you in on the agenda.Language SummaryListening 1Listening 1Listening 1TASK 2 Informing AttendeesTASK 2 Informing Attendees Warming-upIf you are to inform a person to attend a meeting,what information should be included?_timeplacewho will be attendingwhat will be discussedwhat to prepare forListening 1TASK 2 Informing AListening 1Listening 1TASK 2 Informing AttendeesTASK 2 Informing AttendeesNew Words&Expressions1.attendee n.出席者;在场者 Only one-half of the attendees could fit into the large hall at any one time.这个大厅一次只能容下一半的出席者。2.promotion n.促销活动;广告宣传 It is an important meeting.Its about the promotion of our new product.这个会议非常重要,是关于新产品的促销。Listening 1TASK 2 Informing AListening 1Listening 1TASK 2 Informing AttendeesTASK 2 Informing Attendees Extensive ListeningJenny is informing Frank of a meeting next week.Listen to the conversation and tick()the items that have been covered.1.The time of the meeting2.The place of the meeting3.The content of the meeting4.The attendees of the meeting5.The preparation for the meetingScriptListening 1TASK 2 Informing AListening 1Listening 1TASK 2 Informing AttendeesTASK 2 Informing Attendees Intensive Listening Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.1.When will the meeting be held?Next Thursday afternoon.2.Why is Frank not willing to attend the meeting at first?Because Thursday is the first day of their bigpromotion and he doesnt want to miss it.ScriptScriptScriptListening 1TASK 2 Informing A Intensive Listening Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.3.What might be the possible outcome of the meeting?A plan to promote sales.4.What does Frank need to do for the meeting?He needs to prepare a sales report on his area.Listening 1Listening 1TASK 2 Informing AttendeesTASK 2 Informing AttendeesScript Intensive ListeningListening Language Summary Fill in the blanks with the noun form for each word given.Consult your dictionary if necessary.inform prepare promote Listening 1Listening 1TASK 2 Informing AttendeesTASK 2 Informing Attendeesinformationpreparationpromotion Language SummaryListening 1Watching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes TakingI Warming-up Discuss with your partner and figure out what the following documents are used for.Minutes:the record of a meetingWatching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakiWatching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes TakingAgenda:the items to be discussed at a formal meetingSchedule:timetable for a project or a programWatching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakiWatching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes TakingNew Words&Expressions1.minutes n.会议记录;会议纪要 Before the meeting started its work,the minutes of the last meeting were read out.会议开始之前,先宣读了上次的会议记录。2.logical a.符合逻辑的;按照逻辑的 Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted.只有每一个逻辑步骤都被其他数学家验证之后,证明才能成立。3.accurate a.正确无误的;精确的,准确的This may provide a quick and accurate way of monitoring the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.这也许能提供一个监测空气中二氧化碳含量的既快又准的方法。Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakiWatching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes TakingNew Words&Expressions4.venue n.聚集地点;会场Birminghams International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival.为期三天的艺术节在伯明翰的国际会议中心举办。5.chair n.(主持会议或委员会的)主席席位v.主持会议He was about to chair a meeting in Venice of EU foreign ministers.他将主持在威尼斯召开的欧盟外长会议。6.circulate v.传送;传递;传阅 The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations.这份文件先前在纽约的联合国总部传阅过。Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakiWatching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes TakingNew Words&Expressions7.transact v.办理;处理(业务、事务等)I want to transact the call display service.我想办理来电显示业务。8.resolution n.决议;正式决定 He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.他答复说联合国已经通过了两项号召全面撤军的重要决议。9.lay out 布置;设计 Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it out.只有经常使用厨房的人才会懂得如何设计好厨房。Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes Taki Extensive Watching Lisa is talking with Eric about minutes taking.Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Then write down the key words to support your answers.Watching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes Taking1.Lisa is skillful at taking minutes.Im not really good at it.Would you please give me some tips?2.Eric only gives a detailed introduction of what should be done during a meeting in order to take good minutes.Then after the meeting,you must type up your notes and circulate them to everyone who attended the meeting.FalseFalseScript Extensive WatchingWatching 1Watching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes Taking Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with proper words.To take good minutes,you really need to 1_.Of course,you must be 2 _as well.Make sure you have 3_ _ and the meeting,the date,time and venue correct and the names of all the people present.Make a note of the exact time that the meeting is 4 _ and who is in the chair.During the meeting you have to 5 _ all the topics discussed,the main points made by each speaker and any 6 _ made.Then after the meeting,you must 7 _ your notes and circulate them to everyone who attended the meeting.concentrateaccuratethe name ofopened and closedtake notes ofdecisionstype upthe companyScriptWatching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakiWatching 1Watching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakingTASK 1 Minutes Taking Language SummaryRead the following sentences,paying special attention to the use of modal verbs(情态动词情态动词)for suggestions,obligations and requests.1.Would you please give me some tips?2.To take good minutes,you really need to concentrate.3.Of course,you must be accurate as well.4.Then what else should I do?5.During the meeting you have to take notes of all the topics discussedWatching 1TASK 1 Minutes TakiWatching 1Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingTASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingI Warming-upDiscuss with your partner and list the tasks that need to be considered when preparing for a meeting.informing attendeesgetting the meeting venue readygetting the equipments readygetting the relevant documents readygetting the agenda readyWatching 1TASK 2 Preparation Watching 1Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingTASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingNew Words&Expressions1.notify v.(正式)通报;通知Earlier this year they were notified that their homes were to be cleared away.今年早些时候他们接到通知说他们的房屋要拆迁。2.memo n.备忘录 He faxed me a memo.他传真给我一份备忘录。3.microphone n.麦克风;话筒;传声器 A microphone is a device that is used to make sounds louder or to record them on a tape recorder.麦克风是一种装置,用于扩音或在录音机上录音。Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation Watching 1Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingTASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingNew Words&Expressions4.speaker n.扬声器;喇叭 For a good stereo effect,the speakers should not be too wide apart.为了达到理想的立体声效果,扬声器之间的距离不能太远。5.projector n.放映机;投影仪A projector is a machine that projects films or slides onto a screen or wall.投影仪是一种将影片或幻灯片投映在屏幕或墙上的机器。6.coffee break 喝咖啡时间It looks like shell be too busy to stop for a coffee break.看来她太忙了,连停下来喝杯咖啡的时间都没有。Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation Extensive Watching Bill and Jenny are talking about the preparations for a meeting.Watch the video clip and tick()the items that are covered in the conversation.1.Conference room 2.Meeting agenda 3.Presentation notes 4.Microphones and speakers 5.Projector 6.Air ticketsWatching 1Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingTASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingScript Extensive WatchingWatching 1 Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and answer the following questions.1.How did Jenny notify the proposed attendees?She informed the attendees either by telephone or by memo.2.When will the projector be ready?It will be ready by tomorrow morning.3.What will be served during the coffee break?Coffee,tea and cookies will be served.4.What arrangement will be made for the sales representatives to get back to their hotel?A mini-bus will be arranged to take them back to their hotel.Watching 1Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingTASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingScriptScript Intensive WatchingWatching 1 Language Summary Fill in the blanks with the verb forms of the words given.Consult your dictionary if necessary.notice beautiful pure simpleWatching 1Watching 1TASK 2 Preparation for a MeetingTASK 2 Preparation for a Meetingnotify beautifypurifysimplify Language SummaryWatching 1TA:According to the latest market survey,our new products are not well received by customers.We 1 _.B:Another meeting?Its the third one this week.Having meetings is a waste of time.A:It 2 _,but we may be inspired by all the discussions and brainstorming.Work in pairs.Choose the proper expressions to complete the following conversation with your partner.Speaking 1Speaking 1CB A.wont take long B.need to have a meeting to improve the design C.might be time-consuming D.can have another day to think about the issue A.wont take long B.need to have a meeting to improve the design C.might be time-consuming D.can have another day to think about the issueA:According to the latest marSpeaking 1Speaking 1B:But I still have a lot of other work to do.A:Dont worry.It 3 _,two hours at most.B:OK,how about the day after tomorrow?A:Sounds good!We 4 _.AD A.wont take long B.need to have a meeting to improve the design C.might be time-consuming D.can have another day to think about the issue A.wont take long B.need to have a meeting to improve the design C.might be time-consuming D.can have another day to think about the issueSpeaking 1B:But I still have Speaking 1Speaking 1 Work in pairs.Role-play a conversation between a secretary and an HR Manager according to the following instructions.Time 2:30 p.m.,ThursdayPlace Conference Room 2Attendees All the department managersContent Next years work planSecretary Inform the HR Manager of the meeting,making sure the manager gets the above information.HR Manager Get information about the meeting from the secretary and ask more questions.Speaking 1 Work in pairs.RolSpeaking 1Speaking 1Sample:A:Hi,Mr.Black,I am calling to inform you of a meeting on Thursday.B:Thanks,Jane.What time is the meeting?A:2:30 on Thursday afternoon.Conference Room 2.B:Who will be attending the meeting?A:All the department managers will be there.B:And what will the meeting be about?A:Its about next years work plan.B:Should I prepare anything?A:The boss might ask all the department managers to present their preliminary work plan for the next year.So youd better get that ready.B:OK,got it.Thanks,Jane.A:Dont mention it.Speaking 1Sample:Work in pairs.Tell your partner how to take meeting minutes in turn.You can refer to the following points.to concentrate to be accurate the name of the company and the meeting the date,time and venue the names of all the people present to take notes of all the topics discussed the main points made by each speaker decisions madeSpeaking 1Speaking 1 Work in pairs.Tell your parSpeaking 1Speaking 1Sample:A:First,you need to concentrate.B:And you need to be accurate as well.A:Then,you need to be clear about the name of the company and the meeting.B:The date,time and venue of the meeting should also be included.A:Those will be followed by the names of all the people who attend the meeting.B:During the meeting,you must take notes of all the topics discussed.A:You need to take down the main points made by each speaker.B:Last,but not least,you must take down all the decisions that are reached at the meeting.Speaking 1Sample:Work in groups of four.You are to prepare for a class meeting.Have a discussion and make sure that everyone is clear about his/her responsibilities and knows how to prepare for the meeting.Details Task(s)RequiredTimePlaceAttendeesEquipmentAgendaRefreshments Speaking 14 p.m.Wednesday afternoonClassroom 101All students in the classProjectorPlanning the spring outingSnacks Work in groups of four.YouSpeaking 1Speaking 1SampleA:We need to make a plan for the spring outing.B:Its a class activity,so I think all our classmates should attend the meeting.C:You are right.When should we have the meeting?D:How about Wednesday afternoon?At 4 oclock?We dont have classes,so most of us would be free.A:Is Classroom 101 available?B:Yes,there are no classes on Wednesday afternoons.C:OK,lets make it on Wednesday afternoon in Classroom 101.Edward,would you please inform all the classmates?D:No problem.A:I already had some ideas about the spring outing and I have made PowerPoint slides.But I need a projector.I remember the projector in the classroom is not working.Speaking 1SampleSpeaking 1Speaking 1B:Dont worry.The meeting is on Wednesday.I am sure the projector will be fixed by then.C:And if not we can change to another classroom.D:Since its a meeting for planning the spring outing,I think we need to create a relaxed atmosphere.How about bringing some snacks for the meeting?A:Thats a good idea.But we need to make sure the classroom is clean and tidy after the meeting.Speaking 1B:Dont worry.The Listening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1 Making Presentations Warming-up Look at the following two slides and decide which slide structure is better.State your reasons.Slide Structure 1 is better than Slide Structure 2 for the following reasons:Slide 1 uses/presents bullet points rather than complete sentences.Slide 1 is simple,concise and to the point.Slide 1 uses key words and phrases only.Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresListening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1 Making PresentationsNew Words&Expressions1.graph n.图;图表;曲线图 Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.在这几页上同时画上横线和竖线,以便制作图表。2.dramatic a.突出的;显著的;令人吃惊的 A fifth year of drought is expected to have dramatic effects on the California economy.第五年遭受旱灾预计会对加利福尼亚的经济产生巨大的影响。3.launch v.开始从事;发动,发起n.(新产品的)投放市场 Marks&Spencer recently hired model Linda Evangelista to launch its new range.玛莎百货最近聘请模特琳达埃万杰利斯塔为其发布系列新品。Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresListening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1 Making PresentationsNew Words&Expressions4.squeeze v.挤压;捏 Dip the bread briefly in water,then squeeze it dry.将面包在水里快速蘸一下,然后将它挤干。5.stage v.举办;举行 At the middle of this year the government staged a huge military parade.今年年中,政府举行了一次盛大的阅兵活动。6.promotional a.促销的 You can use the logo in all your promotional material.你们可以将这个标志用在所有的宣传材料中。Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresListening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1 Making PresentationsNew Words&Expressions7.campaign n.运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)We are campaigning for law reform.我们正在宣传呼吁进行法律改革。8.lower v.减少;降低 Dont lower yourself;dont be the way they are.不要自贬身份,不要学他们那样。9.finding n.调查发现;调研结果 We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly.我们希望制造商能注意到这些结果,并对他们的产品作出相应的改进。Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresNew Words&Expressions10.chart n.图表The chart below shows our top 10 choices.下图是我们优先考虑的10个选择。Listening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1 Making PresentationsNew Words&ExpressionsListeni Extensive Listening A sales meeting is held.Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Then write down the key words to support your answers.1.The sales for the first quarter are quite good.2.The main reason for the decrease in sales is due to the poor quality of the products.Listening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1 Making PresentationsYoull notice that the sales have been excellent for the first three months.this was mainly due to the launch of a new series of products by one of our major competitors.TrueFalseScript Extensive ListeningListeningListening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1 Making Presentations Intensive Listening Listen to the conversation again and tick()the correct answer to each question.1.Which of the following graphs describes the sales in the first half of the year better?ScriptScriptListening 2TASK 1 Making PresListening 2Listening 2TASK 1 Making PresentationsTASK 1


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