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第第15期期综合学问专练综合学问专练(For Unit 3-4)词语狙击词语狙击 Vocabularyn.description,fisherman,net,post,tool,scissors,pattern,character,health,luck,warning,cartoon,symbol,thought,program,stage,actor,team,star,island,storm,jacket,wave,sizev.describe,dive,reach,attract,hang,require,practise,role-play,record,appear,match,play,scoreadj.fit,ready,simple,lovely,basic,pleasantadv.separatelyconj.although1.paper cutting 2.up to 3.set off 4.up and down 5.after dark 6.no more 7.all the time ic strip 9.pop out 10.decide on 11.video camera 12.play against 13.weather forecast 14.life jacket 15.thank goodness 16.make itI.依据句意及首字母提示填写单词依据句意及首字母提示填写单词,使句使句子完整、通顺。子完整、通顺。1.The f_ is trying to catch more fish.2.This t_ is very useful to me.3.The little boy is using a pair of s_ to cut paper,which is very dangerous.ishermanoolcissors4.Tom and Jerry are two popular cartoon c_.5.Before you play cards,you should know the b_ rules.6.-Are you r_ for the show?-Of course.7.I dont know whether my favorite team has s_ in that game.haractersasiceadycored8.-Whats your favorite s_,Tim?-Jackie Chan.9.In order to enjoy the beautiful scenery,you must d_ down to the bottom of the lake.10.Mr Greens work is to p_ films in the cinema.tarivelay11.When they r_ the island,they saw a kind of animal they had never seen.12.The places of interest in this city have a_ many visitors.13.I was fishing when a wild duck a_ on the river.eachedttractedppeared14.It requires a lot of time and work to p_ playing basketball if you want to be the best.15.If you have a bad memory,you should r_ what you should do every day.ractiseecordII.依据句意及汉语提示填写单词依据句意及汉语提示填写单词,使句使句子完整、通顺。子完整、通顺。16.Some people use _(网网)to catch birds.We should try to stop them.17.The _(程序程序)is very important for a computer.18.The boy drank milk from an early age,so he is very _(强健的强健的)sprogramfit19.Do you know what the _(符号符号)means?20.He can _(不再不再)swim in the river because the water is very dirty.21.He insisted on doing his work,_(尽管尽管)he was sleepy.22.She is too young to _(描述描述)the situation vividly.symbol no morealthoughdescribe23.They used to live on an _(岛岛),Later they moved to this city,24.When the strong wind comes,there are often many _(海浪海浪)on the sea.25.Many houses were destroyed in the big _(风暴风暴)26.The man wearing a blue _(夹克夹克)is Jims father.islandwavesstormjacket27.The worker tried to _(使搭配使搭配)the tie with his suit.28.Our English teacher asked us to _(角色扮演角色扮演)the dialogue in the last class.29.Which football _(队队)do you like best?30.The woman _(挂挂)the clothes outside to make them dry.hungmatchrole-playteamIII.词语释义词语释义从下面每题的从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项四个选项中选出可以替换划线局部的最正确选项。中选出可以替换划线局部的最正确选项。31.There are so many choices.Which pattern do you like?A.clothB.flower C.designD.house32.It requires a lot of time and work to make a good cartoon.A.needsB.thinks C.drawsD.arranges33.Anna is a pleasant girl.She often helps her classmates.A.badB.ugly C.friendlyD.boring34.These four stages are very important.We should be careful.A.stepsB.miles C.feetD.marks35.-Do you like seeing cartoons?-Yes,I like them very much.A.filmsB.TV C.comic stripsD.dramasIV.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子使句子完整、通顺。完整、通顺。36.The man drew a picture according to my _(describe).37.We should pay attention to our own _(healthy).38.Everyone wants to be a person with a lot of _(lucky).descriptionhealthluck39.A group of boys ignored the _ (warn)and threw some bananas to the monkeys.40.No one knows whats in her _ (think).41.The boy wants to become an _ (act)42.The teacher talked with us _ (separate)yesterday.warningthoughtactorseparately43.There are different _(size)of shoes though the shop is not very large.44.The task is very _(simply).I believe you can finish it soon.45.The dog kept by the girl is very _(love).sizessimplelovelyV、依据句意用所学短语的适当形式完、依据句意用所学短语的适当形式完成句子。成句子。up to,set off,video camera,decide on,thank goodness,play against,after dark,up and down,all the time,make it46.Believe me.You can _.47.Mr White likes to use his _ _ to record things.make itvideocamera48._!He was saved by the man.49.Dont jump _ on the bed,Kitty!50.Peter can only earn _ 3000 yuan one month,so he seldom buys expensive things.51.We should not wander in the street _,especially girls.up to Thank goodnessup and downafter dark52.In the family,Mrs Hand often _ _ most things.53.We will _ Class 5,Grade 6 tomorrow.54.-When will you _,Anna?-Next month.55.The twin sisters do well in their subjects _.decidesonplay againstset offall the timeVI.依据汉语意思完成句子依据汉语意思完成句子,每室一词。每室一词。56.我妹妹特别宠爱剪纸,但是我不宠爱。我妹妹特别宠爱剪纸,但是我不宠爱。My sister likes the _ _ very much,but I dont57.船上常常有些救生衣。船上常常有些救生衣。There are often some _ _ on the boat.paper cuttinglife jackets58.依据天气预报依据天气预报,明天会下雨。明天会下雨。According to the _ _ it will rain tomorrow.59.这个连环画是关于一个警察如何抓到这个连环画是关于一个警察如何抓到 一个小偷的。一个小偷的。This _ _ is about how a policeman catches a thief.weather forecastcomic strip60.当那个女士看到这么多花的时候当那个女士看到这么多花的时候,她她 睁大了眼睛。睁大了眼睛。When the woman saw so many flowers,her eyes _ _.popped out句型演练句型演练 Sentences1.There are lots.ofhere.这里有很多这里有很多2.I likebecause 我宠爱我宠爱由于由于 3.Although 尽管尽管4.I hope that one day I can 我希望有一天我可以我希望有一天我可以5.sth be required to do 做做需要某物需要某物6.sth be simple for sb 对某人来说简洁对某人来说简洁7.sit in front of 坐在坐在前面前面8.sth be not as popular as before 某物没有以前受欢送某物没有以前受欢送9.look at oneself in the mirror 某人照镜子某人照镜子 10.This story is about 这个故事是关于这个故事是关于11.sth be ready to be done 某事预备好了可以被做某事预备好了可以被做12.Its about a boy called 它是关于一个叫它是关于一个叫的男孩的男孩13.Dont be silly 不要傻了不要傻了14.get sb/sth into trouble 让某人某物陷入逆境让某人某物陷入逆境15.sb is(are)tooto 某人太某人太以至于以至于 I.连词成句。连词成句。1.young,to,too,is,she,it,understand(.)_2.lots,there,are,birds,of,here(.)_3.kite,making,a,is,for,simple,me(.)_ She is too young to understand it.There are lots of birds here.Making a kite is simple for me.4.do not silly be(.)_5.I,the,is,woman,like,she,at,because,writing,good(.)_ I like the woman because she is good at writing.Do not be silly.6.I,that,one,own,hope,day,can,have,I,company,my(.)_7.although,is,am,strong,he,of,I,not,afraid,him(.)_ I hope that one day I can have my own company.Although he is strong,I am not afraid of him.II.依据汉语提示补全句子。每空一词。依据汉语提示补全句子。每空一词。8.努力不要让别人陷入逆境。努力不要让别人陷入逆境。Try not to _ others _ _.9.它是关于一个叫威廉的男孩的。它是关于一个叫威廉的男孩的。_ _ _ _ _ William.getinto troubleIts about a boy called10.这些鱼肉预备好可以煮了。这些鱼肉预备好可以煮了。These fish _ _ _ _ cooked.11.我知道这个故事是关于一个王子和一我知道这个故事是关于一个王子和一 个公主的。个公主的。I know _ _ _ _ a prince and a princess.12.做这道菜需要黄油。做这道菜需要黄油。Butter _ _ _ make this dish.is ready to bethis story is aboutis required to13.坐在黑板前面的那个人是我们的英语坐在黑板前面的那个人是我们的英语 教师。教师。The man _ _ _ _ the blackboard is our English teacher.14.这首歌没有以前流行了。这首歌没有以前流行了。This song _ _ _ _ _ _.15.女孩们常常照镜子。女孩们常常照镜子。Girls often _ _ _ _ _ _.look at themselves in thesitting in front ofis not as popular as beforemirror玩转语法玩转语法 Grammar语法一语法一:一般现在时、一般过去时和一一般现在时、一般过去时和一般般 将来时的被动语态将来时的被动语态语法二语法二:含情态动词的被动语态含情态动词的被动语态语法三语法三:现在完成时的被动语态现在完成时的被动语态I.用动词的正确时态和语态填空用动词的正确时态和语态填空,完成句完成句子。子。1.This kind of cars _(make)in the US.2.Computers _(often use)in our English classes.3.The book Torn Sawyer _ (write)by Mark Twain.is madeare often usedwas written4.Many kinds of animals _ (take)to this zoo during the past three years.5.When _ the meeting _(hold)?Today or tomorrow?6.Generally speaking,many stars _(can see)at night.have been takenwillbe heldcan be seen7.The museum _(have,build)for ten years.8.That funny movie _(show)again next week.9.The trees _(should,water)after they are planted.10._ the soup _(make)by your mother yesterday?madehas been builtwill be shownshould be wateredWasII.连词成句。连词成句。11.widely,English,world,is,spoken,the,in(.)_12.these,were,years,built,thousands,buildings,of,ago(.)_ English is widely spoken in the world.These buildings were built thousands of years ago.13.China,pair,made,of,scissors,this,is,in(.)_14.a,be,built,house,next,new,year,will(.)_15.will,his,book,be,month,published,next,new,(.)_ His new book will be published next month.This pair of scissors is made in China.A new house will be built next year.16.these,watered,flowers,be,often,must(.)_17.these,long,time,have,kept,in,the,been,library,magazines,for,a(.)_ These flowers must be often watered.These magazines have been kept in the library for a long time.18.clothes,be,hung,outside,should,washed,after(.)_19.old,and,young,people,looked,after,children,must,be,well(.)_ Clothes should be hung outside after washed.Old people and young children must be looked after well.20.visitors,are,not,to,animals,feed,the,required(.)_ Visitors are required not to feed the animals.III.依据要求做题。依据要求做题。21.They gave me ten minutes to decide whether I would go there.(改为被动句改为被动句)_22.The news should be sent to the man as soon as possible.(改为否认句改为否认句)_ I was given ten minutes to decide whether I would go there.The news should not be sent to the man as soon as possible.23.Many animals are killed every year.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_24.My new bike was stolen last night.(改为否认句改为否认句)_ Are many animals killed every year?My new bike was not stolen last night.25.The door wont be locked.(改为确定改为确定 句句_26.Someone has told me that the sports meeting might be put off.(改为被动句改为被动句)_ The door will be locked.I have been told that the sports meeting might be put off.27.You must hand in your compositions after class.(改为被动句改为被动句)_28.Are many trees planted this year?(作作 确定答复确定答复)_ Your compositions must be handed in after class.Yes,they are.29.A story was told to us by Jimmy yesterday.(改为主动句改为主动句)_30.The lost boy has been found so far.(改为否认句改为否认句)_ The lost boy has not been found so far.Jimmy told a story to us yesterday.IV.单项选择单项选择从从31-35各题所给的各题所给的A、B、C和和D项中,项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。31._ these words _ by us,Miss Huang?A.Have;been learnt B.Have;learnt C.Has,been learnt D.Has;learnt32.About 300 tables _ in the factory next month.A.were produced B.will be produced C.have been produced D.would be produced33.Students _ not to smoke.Smoking is bad for their health.A.should tell B.may tell C.may be told D.should be told 34.Jim _ to finish his work yesterday.A.was asked B.has been asked C.would ask D.has asked35.Our classroom _ every day.A.would clean B.must be cleaned C.will clean D.must clean参考答案参考答案词语狙击词语狙击I.1.fisherman2.tool 3.scissors4.characters5.basic6.ready7.scored8.star 9.dive10.play11.reached12.attracted13.appeared14.practise15.record IIs17.program18.fit 19.symbol 20.no more21.although22.describe23.island24.waves25.storm26.jacket 27.match28.role-play29.team30.hungIII.31.C32.A33.C34.A35.CIV.36.description 37.health 38.luck 39.warning40.thought 41.actor 42.separately 43.sizes44.simple 45.lovely V.46.make it 47.video camera48.Thank goodness49.up and down 50.up to51.after dark52.decides on 53.play against 54.set off55.all the time VI.56.paper cutting 57.life jackets58.weather ic strip 60.popped out句型演练句型演练I.1.She is too young to understand it.2.There are lots of birds here.3.Making a kite is simple for me.4.Do not be silly.5.I like the woman because she is good at writing.6.I hope that one day I can have my own company.7.Although he is strong,I am not afraid of him.II.8.get;into trouble 9.Its about a boy called10.is ready to be11.this story is about12.is required to13.sitting in front of14.is not as popular as before15.look at themselves in the mirror玩转语法玩转语法I.1.is made 2.are often used 3.was written4.have been taken 5.will;be held 6.can be seen7.has been built 8.will be shown 9.should be watered 10.Was;madeII.11.English is widely spoken in the world.12.These buildings were built thousands of years ago.13.This pair of scissors is made in China.14.A new house will be built next year.15.His new book will be published next month.16.These flowers must be often watered.17.These magazines have been kept in the library for a long time.18.Clothes should be hung outside after washed.19.Old people and young children must be looked after well.20.Visitors are required not to feed the animals.III.21.I was given ten minutes to decide whether I would go there.22.The news should not be sent to the man as soon as possible.23.Are many animals killed every year?24.My new bike was not stolen last night.25.The door will be locked.26.I have been told that the sports meeting might be put off.27.Your compositions must be handed in after class.28.Yes,they are.29.Jimmy told a story to us yesterday.30.The lost boy has not been found so far.IV.31.A32.B33.D34.A35.B阅读训练营阅读训练营1.B2.C3.D4.B5.A特别解读特别解读1.F2.T3.F4.T5.T完形小测完形小测1.D2.A3.C4.B5.B6.A7.C8.D9.B10.C


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