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3 English for Administration 3管理英语3课件Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4HumanResourcesFinancialBudgetUnit 5UrbanTrafficQualityControlUnit 6FoodSafetyUnit 7CommunityServiceUnit 8EmergencyManagement ContentsUnit 1OrganizationStructureUnit 2Unit 3Unit 4Human Resour1OrganizationStructure1Organization Structure42写一份组织结构介绍Writeanintroductiontoanorganization咨询与提供建议Askforandgiveadvice询问事情Makeinquiries31LearningObjectives描述组织结构Describeorganizationstructure42写一份组织结构介绍Write an introducti4GettingStartedMatch the job titles with the departments.The first one has been donefor you as an example.Job Titles1.President(总裁)2.Accountant(会计)3.Training Officer(培训主管)4.Engineer(工程师)5.Production Manager(生产部经理)6.Purchasing Officer(采购部经理)7.Marketing Manager(营销部经理)8.Quality Controller(质检员)DepartmentsA.Purchase Dept.(采购部)B.Human Resources Dept.(人力资源部)C.Quality Control Dept.(质检部)D.Production Control Dept.(生产管理部)E.Board of Directors(董事会)F.Marketing Dept.(营销部)G.Finance Dept.(财务部)H.Engineering Dept.(工程部)Getting StartedMatch the job t5Departments 1.Human Resources2.Sales and Marketing 3.Operations4.Finance and Administration 5.Purchase6.Quality ControlListeningandSpeakingTask3Match the departments with their responsibilities.ResponsibilitiesA.to research and develop marketing opportunities and plansB.to develop and monitor budgetsC.to recruit;to process employee payroll and benefitsD.to make policies;to solve problemsE.to ensure a certain level of quality in a product or serviceF.to select supplies or goods used in the operation of a businessDepartments Listening and Spea6ListeningandSpeakingTask3Complete the sentences using the phrases given below.is responsible for report to on a business tripis supposed to be looking forward to a number of1.boys have been absent some time during the term.2.Dad promised to take me with him to San Francisco.3.A bus driver the safety of his passengers.4.I am your early reply.5.Companies their shareholders annually.6.Everybody equal before the law.Listening and SpeakingTask 37Listen to the dialog and decide whether the statements are True(T)or False(F).ListeningandSpeakingTask41.Wendy punched in this morning.2.They need to punch out after work.3.They need to work overtime.4.They can wear casual clothes when going out on a sales call.5.They can use office phones for personal matters.Listen to the dialog and decid8【句子】Didnt you punch in this morning,Wendy?【译文】温迪,你今天早上上班没打卡吗?【难点】punch 打孔;punch in 打卡上班;punch out 打卡下班。此外,punch 还有“用拳头猛击”的含义。例如:“I simply want to punch him in the head,”said the senator angrily.参议员愤怒地说:“我简直想打他的脑袋。”【句子】I should have told you earlier.【译文】我应该早点儿告诉你。【难点】should have done 表示假设,用于谈论过去的情况,指本该发生而实际上未发生或与过去事实不符的情况,是虚拟语气的一种形式,有时带批评之意。ListeningandSpeakingTask4LanguageNotes【句子】Didnt you punch in this m9【句子】But you cant go out on a sales call if you are dressed in jeans.【译文】如果你穿牛仔裤,你就不能去拜访客户。【难点】sales call 销售,业务拜访。sales call 还有另一个含义,即“电话促销”。例如:For any sales call,you have only 15 seconds before the other party realizes it is another sales call and hangs up the receiver.对任何电话促销来说,在对方意识到这只是另一个促销电话并挂上听筒前,你只有15 秒时间。ListeningandSpeakingTask4LanguageNotes【句子】But you cant go out on a 10UsefulExpressionsMake inquiriesDo we also need to punch out after work?Can I wear casual clothes in the office?I wonder if youd show me how it works.Could you be specific about this question?We should punch in before 8 oclock and punch out after 5 oclock every workday.Dont use office phones for personal matters.Youd better not be late for work.In this(kind of)situation,I(would)always recommend reporting to the chief.Ask for and give adviceUseful ExpressionsMake inquiri11ReadingandWritingTask5Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F).1.Companies today are responsible for employees career.2.It is the CEO who decides your place.3.You need to understand your company well so that you can do things well.4.Understanding yourself means knowing well about your strengths,weaknesses,your values,how you learn,how you do with others and so on.5.Ordinary people cannot manage themselves well.Reading and WritingTask 5Rea12ReadingandWritingTask5Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.If you are smart enough,and have got ambition and keep pushing forward,you can rise to the top of your chosen profession.2.Its up to you to strive for your place,to keep yourself engaged and productive during a working life that may last around 50 years.3.They are so unusual both in their talents and their accomplishments as to be considered rare exceptions.4.We will have to place ourselves where we can make the greatest contribution.5.We will have to stay mentally alert and engaged.Reading and WritingTask 5Tra13ReadingandWritingTask5LanguageNotes【句子】But with opportunity comes responsibility.【译文】但是,随着机遇而来的便是责任。【难点】此句为倒装句,主语responsibility 置于谓语动词comes 之后,with opportunity 前置,是为了强调“机遇”,与短文第一句“We live in an age full of opportunities”相呼应。以伴随状语开头(With或Along with 放在句首)时,句子可以倒装。例如:With globalization have come many problems.全球化带来许多问题。【句子】youll need to have a deep understanding of yourself not only what your strengths and weaknesses are,but also how you learn,how you work with others【译文】你需要对自己有一个深刻的了解,不仅仅是你的优缺点,还有你的学习方式,你与人共事的方式【难点】not only.but also.用于连接两个表示对等、并列关系的成分,意为“不仅而且”,着重强调后者。例如:His speech not only broke the ice,but also aroused everyones interest.他的发言不仅打破了冷场,而且引起了大家的兴趣。not only.but also.中的also 通常可以省略,有时甚至 but also 一并省略。Reading and WritingTask 5Lan14【句子】only when you operate from strength can you achieve true excellence.【译文】只有当你充分发挥自己的长处时,你才能做到真正优秀。【难点】这是一个倒装句型,only 前置于句首,主句中的情态动词can 置于主语you 之前,还原后的结构是:you can achieve true excellence only when you.(只有当的时候)。当“only+副词/介词短语/状语从句”放在句首时,主句倒装。例如:Only in this way can you learn English well.只有这样,你才能学好英语。Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting.叫了三次,他才来参加会议。Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.只有病得很重时,他才卧床休息。【句子】Now,most of us,even those of us with modest talents,will have to learn to manage ourselves.【译文】现在,我们中的大多数人,即使智力平平,也都得学会自我管理。【难点】even 是副词,放在它所强调的词、短语或从句前,用来加强语气,表示“即使,甚至连都”之意。modest 普通的,一般的。LanguageNotesReadingandWritingTask5【句子】only when you operate fr15Write the Chinese meaning of each underlined word in each pair of the sentences.Pay attention to the part of speech and pronunciation.1.increaseA.The workers are trying their best to increase productivity.B.There was a steady increase in sales.2.contactA.He made contact with someone who can repair the air-conditioner.B.If the exposed wires contact,we shall have a short circuit.3.marketA.There is a good market for motorcars now.B.The inventor is trying to market his new product.4.financeA.He is a well-known expert in finance.B.Who finances the organization?5.functionA.The new machine functions quite well.B.My iPhone has a lot of functions.ReadingandWritingTask6Write the Chinese meaning of e16【句子】Traditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floor,manufacturing products according to the instructions which they were given.【译文】以往,我们车间里的一线员工按照指令生产产品。【难点】shop floor 车间,工作场所。例如:Cost must be controlled,not just on the shop floor but in the boardroom too.必须控制成本,不仅仅是在生产车间,在董事会层面也要控制。【句子】The structure today is that we form teams within teams to place people who can manufacture a product.【译文】现在的结构是,我们在团队内组建小团队,安排能够生产同一产品的人员在其中。【难点】本句中that 引导表语从句;who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词people。整个句子从句较多,学习时要注意分析句子结构。ReadingandWritingTask6LanguageNotes【句子】Traditionally we had peopl17Management by Objectives(MBO)(目标管理(目标管理)MBO is a management model that aims to improve performance of an organization by clearly defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and employees.According to the theory,having a say in goal setting and action plans should ensure better participation(参与)and commitment(致力)among employees,as well as alignment(共识)of objectives across the organization.WorkplaceTipWorkplaceTipManagement by Objectives(MBO)18Read the sample of the introduction to an organziation,and label the structure with the words and expressions in the box.ReadingandWritingTask7 GM is a ship company.Since its foundation in 1989,GM has successfullygrown to become a multi-national manufacturer with factories in Asia,reflecting the worldwide demand for its products.GMs products are designed and manufactured to meet global requirements.We seek global solutions to ensure economies of scale in production that result in higher quality,low life cost and superior cost effectiveness.1.2.Name of the company Date of foundation Location Nature of the company Companys motto3.4.5.Read the sample of the introdu19Organizational Culture(组织文化)(组织文化)The values and behaviors contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization.Organizational culture includes an organizations expectations(期望),experiences(经历),philosophy(哲学),and values(价值)that hold it together,and is expressed in its self-image,inner workings interactions with the outside world,and future expectations.It is based on shared attitudes,beliefs,customs,and written and unwritten rules that have been developed over time and are considered valid.Take a look at how Google does to make an amazing experience for its employees.Indoor and outdoor fitness areas,including bowling lanes,dance studios,a basketball court,a soccer field,tennis courts,a roller hockey rink(旱冰曲棍球溜冰场),a putting green(高尔夫球的球穴区)and more.Free food for employees in 25 cafeterias(餐厅).Free Android smartphones(智能手机),given as a holiday gift to employees.18 weeks maternity leave(产假)and 12 weeks paternity leave(探亲假)for new parents.CultureNoteOrganizational Culture(组织文化)C20将来进行将来进行时时 You will probably be meeting him at lunch.也许午饭时间你会见到他。本句使用的是将来进行时,其基本结构为“shall/will+be+动词现在分词”。将来进行时主要表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作,或要在将来某一时间开始并持续下去的动作,其谓语动词一般为延续性动词。本句是将来进行时的一种特殊用法,用来表示礼貌地询问、请求或期待等。这时,它常与表示将来某时的时间状语soon,this evening,on Sunday,by this time,tomorrow,in two days,tomorrow evening 等一起使用。将来进行时表示一种客观的制约、约束,而不是主观意愿。例如:After you take the medicine,you will be feeling much better.Stop the child or he will be falling over.CheckItOut将来进行时Check It Out212HumanResources2Human Resources42撰写招聘广告Writerecruitmentadvertisements表达希望与意愿Expresshopesandwishes谈论计划与意图Talkaboutplansandintentions31LearningObjectives谈论人力资源管理TalkaboutHRmanagement42撰写招聘广告Write recruitment adve23GettingStartedThere are many different roles and functions for a human resources management(HRM)department.Talk about the functions in the box:Staffing 员工管理Promotions 晋级,升职Reassignments 工作调整Safety and health 安全健康Position classification and grading 岗位分类、分级Salary determination 薪酬决定Personnel data entry 员工资料登记Ensuring compliance to regulation 确保政策合规Benefits and compensation 福利与薪酬Policy development 制度完善Training and development 培训与发展Performance appraisal 绩效考核Planning 计划管理Recruitment 员工招聘1.What kind of jobs are there for each of them?2.Which ones are the top six functions of Human Resources Management(HRM)from the list?Getting StartedThere are many 24Achievements Nationality Single Work experience Educational backgroundListeningandSpeakingTask3Complete the rsum with the terms given below.Name:Sabrina LeeAge:27 1 :AmericanMarital status:2 3 :Denver University,Denver,ColoradoBachelor of Science,Marketing and Management,2006 2009 4 :Director of Sales and Marketing 1/2013 Present,R&Y CompanyResponsibilities:Leadership,direction and management of 9 sales and customer service employees.Regional Sales Manager 1/2010 12/2012,Copper Intelligence Co.LtdResponsibilities:Management of distribution channels.5 :Selling 30 robot systems in less than three years,worth over$1 million.Personal quality:Like sports.Very outgoing and organized.Able to work independently.Achievements Nationa25ListeningandSpeakingTask3Choose five most important qualities of a good human resources manager and then discuss the reasons with your partner.far-sighted loyal diplomatic full of imagination straightforward motivating resourceful easygoing encouraging effective team working good at listening independent creative good at writingListening and SpeakingTask 326【句子】Do you know Lucy gave her notice this morning?【译文】露西今天早上辞职了,你知道吗?【难点】give(ones)notice 辞职,递交辞呈;通知,告知。这个短语常用于谈论准备辞职、准备结束合作或结束租房等。例如:He handed in his notice at the bank last week and ruined his promising career.他上周向银行递交了辞职报告,毁了自己的大好前程。The company didnt give its employees notice.They just sent everyone home and closed the plant.公司没有(预先)通知员工就关闭了工厂,把大家打发回家了。He gave notice to his landlord last Monday and hes going to move out of the flat next Saturday.上周一他跟房东说了,下周六他要搬出这所公寓。ListeningandSpeakingTask3LanguageNotes【句子】Do you know Lucy gave her 27【句子】No one will get stuck with more work if we find a replacement quickly!【译文】如果我们尽快找到接替的人,大家就不至于干那么多额外的工作。【难点】stuck 是动词stick 的过去分词形式。be/get stuck with 被困住,不知所措;be/get stuck in 处于困境,无法摆脱。前者多指不情愿地被工作、人或事所困,难以取得进展;后者多指处于某种窘迫的境地,难以脱身。例如:I was stuck with him for the whole journey.整个旅程,我都不得不跟他在一起。We were stuck in traffic for over an hour this morning.今天早上,我们被堵了一个多小时。【句子】You dont want to have to hold his or her hand all the time.【译文】你不会想总是手把手地教他(她)。【难点】hold ones hand 抓着某人的手,手把手,比喻对方缺乏独立做事的能力。all the time 一直,总是。ListeningandSpeakingTask3LanguageNotes【句子】No one will get stuck with28Listen to the dialog again and rearrange the sentences in the right order.ListeningandSpeakingTask4A.That would attract many talented people who are trying to find a higher salary and a better employer.B.You mean,instead of overpaying,we should simply pay well to get the talents we need?C.I want to give them more than fair wages.D.Its not the employer but the workers who control overtime.E.Im not sure whether it will make us more competitive.F.High salaries stop people from moving on.The correct order is:1.C 2.3.F 4.5.6.E Listen to the dialog again and29Complete the sentences with the words given below.ListeningandSpeakingTask4wage income salary pay fee1.These officers,though retired,are on full .2.Please ask the lawyer what his would be to take the case to court.3.Charles works at a of 10 dollars a day.4.She had been saving every cent she could for months,but twenty dollars a week which was the total of their .5.My is paid directly into my bank account every month.Complete the sentences with th30【句子】That would attract many talented people who are trying to find a higher salary and a better employer.【译文】那样就会吸引很多期望更高待遇的人才,他们也希望有一个更加开明的老板。【难点】定语从句who are trying.用于修饰talented people。一般来说,定语从句紧跟在被修饰的名词、代词的后面,由关系代词that/who/whom/whose/which/what/as 和关系副词where/when/why 等引导。例如:Can you lend me the novel that you mentioned the other day?你可以把那天你提到的那本小说借给我吗?Do you still remember the shop where we met Mr.Niu last Friday?你还记得上周五我们碰到牛先生的那家店铺吗?【句子】I want to give them more than fair wages.【译文】我想给他们多发点儿工资(发给员工高于普通水平的工资)。【难点】fair 适当的,合理的,公平的。例如:The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play.该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争获得了表扬。ListeningandSpeakingTask4LanguageNotes【句子】That would attract many ta31【句子】Its not the employer but the workers who control overtime.【译文】加班这件事不是由老板而是由员工控制的。【难点】not.but.不是而是;在句子中连接并列成分,but 表示转折;not 后接被否定的内容,but 后接被认可的事实。例如:They do not want your pity but your help.他们需要的不是你的怜悯而是帮助。Its.who.是强调句型,这里强调的是句子的主语。overtime加班,额外工作;既可以用作名词,也可以用作副词。例如:We worked overtime to meet the target.为达到目标,我们加班加点工作。ListeningandSpeakingTask4LanguageNotes【句子】Its not the employer but 32UsefulExpressionsTalk about plans and intentionsSince we have so many excellent employees,I want to give them more than fair wages.I am going to watch a basketball match.Mum and Dad are going to Canada for a visit this weekend.I intend to present my own recommendations over the coming weeks on how we should proceed.I hope to get an“A”on the exam.We wish you a“Merry Christmas”.Wish me luck.He has a strong desire to be a doctor.Express hopes and wishesUseful ExpressionsTalk about p33ReadingandWritingTask5Match these strategies for job seeking with their Chinese meanings.Column A 1.Referrals 2.Career Websites 3.Job Fairs4.Cold Calling5.Internships 6.Company Websites 7.Head Hunters and Recruitment AgenciesColumn BA.电话销售B.实习C.猎头公司和招聘中介D.推荐人E.招聘网站F.人才招聘会G.公司网站Reading and WritingTask 5Mat34ReadingandWritingTask5Translate the sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.1.虽然有很多应聘者,但是他们却找不到合适的人。(though)2.学习语言的关键是要多练习。(the key to)3.尽管工资不高,但还是有很多人担心失去这份工作。(despite)4.老师指出了作文里的语法错误。(point out)5.如果你在乎这次晋升,那你就要去争取。(if)Reading and WritingTask 5Tra35ReadingandWritingTask5LanguageNotes【句子】.offering good career chances is the key to attracting and keeping the talent.【译文】提供优厚的事业发展前景是吸引和留住人才的关键。【难点】the key to.(某事成功的)关键;to 后面跟名词或动名词。例如:Transportation has always been the key to developing trade.交通运输一直是发展贸易的关键。【句子】Yet not every employee feels that they can better their career chances.【译文】但并不是每位员工都觉得他们能够获得更好的事业发展机会。【难点】yet 在句中用作并列连词,意思是“然而,可是”。例如:He studied hard,yet he failed.他努力学习,可是考试仍未及格。better 在这里是动词,意为“使更好;提升”。例如:The government hopes to better the conditions of workers.政府希望改善工人的条件。【句子】Many companies they have researched on are short of talents.【译文】他们调查的许多公司都缺乏人才。【难点】be short of 缺乏。例如:The trouble is that we are short of financial support.问题是,我们缺乏资金支持。Reading and WritingTask 5Lan36【句子】.despite a recent fall in unemployment.【译文】虽然近期失业率有所下降【难点】despite 不管,尽管;介词,后接名词性成分,如名词、动名词、名词性从句等,用来表示转折。例如:Despite his lack of experience,he got the job.尽管缺乏经验,他还是得到了这份工作。【句子】Were still in the hardest living standards squeeze for over a century and those who are already working have had years of real-terms pay cuts.【译文】一个多世纪以来,我们的生活水平一直处于最艰难的状况,而且,员工的收入多年来实际一直在减少。【难点】squeeze 在此处是名词,意为“(可获得的钱、工作岗位等的)减少,削减;拮据,经济困难”。例如:She has just lost her job,so they are really feeling the squeeze.她刚失业,这下他们真正感到艰难了。LanguageNotesReadingandWritingTask5【句子】.despite a recent fall 37A Cover Letter(求职信(求职信)A cover letter(also called a covering letter,a motivation letter,a motivational letter or a letter of motivation)is a letter of introduction attached to,or accompanying another document such as a rsum or a curriculum vitae(简历).How to write a cover letter?Heres a short list for you to check.1.Include a salutation(称呼).2.State your purpose in the first paragraph.Tell the employer why you are writing to them intwo or three sentences.State the position for which you are applying.3.Outline(概述)your qualifications(资格,条件)in the body paragraphs.4.Provide your contact information,including your email address and your phone number sothe hiring manager can get in touch with you.5.End your cover letter with a respectful(有礼貌的)closing statement.WorkplaceTipWorkplaceTipA Cover Letter(求职信)Workplace T38Write the antonyms of these words,and then complete each sentence with an appropriate word from these given words.ReadingandWritingTask6Words:legal regular effective satisfied polite availableAntonyms:1.The price of a ticket usually falls between 30 and 40 RMB yuan.2.Its not to point to or talk about strangers in public.3.Organizations of all kinds now recognize the Internet as an means for global communication.4.Basic food products are frequently in the state shops.5.He is very happy because there is a look in his eyes.6.In some countries homosexual life is and its a great challenge to human life.Write the antonyms of these wo39【句子】Staffing also involves the management of employees on matters like monitoring of holidays,absences,health and safety,disciplinary action,and dismissal.【译文】人事工作也包含对员工的管理,如休假、缺勤、健康与安全、纪律处分和解雇等事项。【难点】involve 包含,涉及。例如:Dont involve me in your quarrel!不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中!【句子】The training of employees to enable them to improve their career development is very important.【译文】提升员工职业发展能力的培训是十分重要的。【难点】enable sb.to do sth.使某人能做某事。例如:The measures will enable us to double our output of the products.这些措施能使我们的产品产量加倍。ReadingandWritingTask6LanguageNotes【句子】Staffing also involves the40【句子】Good HRM policies ensure that there are clear regulations which show the pay levels for the different positions in an organization.【译文】优质的人力资源管理能够保证公司有明确的制度实行以岗定薪。【难点】ensure 确保,保证;使(某人)获得。例如:This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep.这种药将保证你一晚上睡眠良好。that 引导宾语从句;which 引导定语从句,修饰regulations。ReadingandWritingTask6LanguageNotes【句子】Good HRM policies ensure t41Three Ways HR Defines Company Culture(人


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