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Lesson ThirteenLesson ThirteenBlueprint for SuccessIntroduction to the TextThis is a true story about an American philanthropist who devoted his life to building houses for the poor and needy.In the United States,some of them are often influenced by the religious tradition.Millard Fuller,the hero of the story,had a very good minister friend,and it was obviously from this minister that he first got the inspiration.Introduction to the Text1.Whats the meaning of“success”in your eyes?(earning a lot of money/social status/good job/promising career/happy family life/excellent children/good health/or sth else?)2.There are many sad stories and trapped persons around us everyday,what will you do-indifferent because youre also not wealthy and not capable enough?Or help them whatever you could do because youre responsible as a social member?Discussion3.Is it a duty for the well-off person to donate money or sth to the charity organizations?Why?4.Can you name some famous philanthropists in the world?Whats your opinion to their deeds?5.Comment on Bill Gates and his wife?Discussion6.We have more and more wealthy and successful people in China but have fewer philanthropists compare to the western country,whats the reason?Do you think theyre wealthy but indifferent,selfish and lack of responsibility?(为富不仁)Words and expressionsassault:1)an attempt to achieve sth difficult e.g.They made their on the south face of the glacier(=an attempt to climb or cross it).2)a strong spoken or written criticism of someone elses ideas,plans,etc.e.g.The governor is continuing his on the welfare system.3)a military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemyThe combined fleet made plans for an on Midway island.blueprintblues:feelings of sadnessAt 3:15 the midwife came down stairs and said my mother was suffering from after-baby blues caused by hormone trouble.Hospitality cured my blues,and my journey was kept alive.Many graduates sang the job-market blues.His prospects of getting a job look rather blue(=bleak).bluebeat sb black and blueHe was blue with cold.blue bloodblue bookblue ribbonblue movie/jokeWaterloo Bridge vs.蓝桥charity1)an organization that gives money,goods etc to people who are poor,sick etc.E.g.Several charities sent aid to the flood victims.a event/concert/dinner2)money or gifts given to help people who are poor or sick etc.Pride makes it difficult for even the poorest peasant to accept charity from strangers.charity3)kindness or sympathy shown toward other peopleMother Teresa gained worldwide attention for her selfless acts of.begins at home:people should look after the people nearest and dearest to them before thinking about others is not a bone given to a dog but a bone shared with a muteE.g.between Brighton and LondonEvery day she s from her home in the suburbs to her office downtown.Every morning and evening the subway is packed with rs.pain for pleasure foreign money to domesticdilapidateruin:suggests the action of destructive agencies and the ending of the value,beauty,or well-being of sth or someone or the loss of sth vital:a reputation by ugly rumorsdilapidate:implies ruining resulting from neglector abuse but in more general use implies a shabby worn-out condition:drove a d carwreck:implies a ruining by or as if by crashing or being shattered and is likely to suggest damage that is beyond repair:health ed by dissipationdubiousE.g.Newsome failed to explain his personal finance.The new strategy of stopping drug smugglers is untested and.I am about/as to the safety of my cars airbags.dubiety n.jolt1)give sb a sudden shock or surpriseE.g.Vic was ed awake by at least five explosions.The news of his resignation gave even his critics a.2)move suddenly and roughly,or make sb move in this wayE.g.Their house was ed right off its foundation.3)n.sth that has a sudden strong effectE.g.a of caffeineThe tax laws may be a severe to the economymortgage1)the arrangementE.g.The payment will be around 600 dollars a month.Barb and Joe have taken out a on their first house.2)the money owed on a We paid off our last September.We still have a$180,000 on the house.mortgage v.We d our house to start Pauls business.Everything I owned is d to the hilt sbs future:do sth that will make things very difficult for sb in the future:Our lack of respect for the environment is mortgaging our childrens future.needy,-y-y:1)with much of,full of,or covered with sthe.g.sugary desserts(full of sugar)dirty hands(covered with dirt)hairy chest;healthy;juicy2)having a quality or feeling,or tending to do sthE.g.messy room;sleepy child;droopy ears;sticky finger-y3)like sth,or typical of sthE.g.his long,horsey facea cold wintry day(typical of winter)wavy line4)formed byE.g.waxy,icy5)in nicknamesE.g.Daddy,granny,doggypeek:look quickly at sth you are not supposed to seepeep:look at sth quickly and secretly,esp.through hole or openingpeer:suggests a straining to see more closely or fully,often with narrowed eyes and as if through a small openinggaze:implies fixed and prolonged attention,as in wonder or admirationgape:suggests an openmouthed and often stupid wonderstare:implies a direct open-eyed gazing denoting curiosity,disbelief or insolenceglare:suggests a fierce or angry staringscorching:extremely hotIf you scorch sth or if it scorches,its surface burn slightly and changes color:Stir the onions frequently to prevent ing.scorched-earth policy:the destruction by an army of everything useful in an area,esp.crops and buildings,so that the land cannot be used by an enemyToday is going to be a scorcher(=an extremely hot day).syn.sultry,steamy,stopgapE.g.a method/solutionAfter his death,the committee appointed his deputy as a.The Senate has passed a funding measure.whizE.g.a on the computera in the watera at footballa management yearnE.g.after letters from friends towards sb My eyes ed for sleep.We for beauty,truth and meaning in our lives.Bud had yearned to be a pilot since he was young.to satisfy a ing for mysteryan unfulfilled Notes to the text1.A planned life can only be endured:A planned life offers little excitement,drama,or romance;its a life that has fallen into a rut,or into a boring situation that has never changed.2.They were trapped.They got into a bad situation from which they cannot escape.E.g.At 31,Peggy feels trapped in a boring job.trap sb:1)prevent sb from escaping a dangerous place:workers were trapped in the ships engine room by the fire2)catch sb by forcing him into an inescapable place:police have the man trapped inside the bar3)trick sb so that you can make him say or do sth that he did not intend to:Anthony says she trapped him into marriage before he was ready3.tap a reservoir of good willdraw upon or use a great deal of kindness or the readiness to help shown by otherstap:1)to use or take what is needed from sth such as energy supply or an amount of money:To continue the research project,the university plans to tap funds primarily from private foundations.2)listen secretly to someones telephone conversation by making a connection to the phone or wire:The investigators had tapped the drug dealers phone line.4.I was looking for a way to measuremoneyI was looking for a way to find out the meaning of my life or to judge my value from some other perspectives,not from the monetary point of view.other than:apart from a particular person or thing;exceptE.g.He doesnt eat out at all,other than at Burger King.The music was a little loud;but other than that,it was a great concert.5.passer-by passers-bysimilar examples:editors-in-chieflookers-onsisters-in-lawcomrades-in-armP352.work,job,professionwork:1)imply activity of body,mind,machine,or a natural force,or it may apply to the effort expended or to the product of such effort2)may apply to any purposeful activity,whether remunerative or notwork,job,professionjob:apply to a piece of work voluntarily performed or to an assigned bit of menial work and may sometimes suggest difficulty or importanceprofession:refer to work that needs special training,skill or knowledgesatisfactory vs.satisfiedsatisfactory:acceptable,or good enough for a particular situation or purposeE.g.a answer to the questionan arrangement to both sidesatisfied:pleased because sth has happened in the way you want,or because you have achieved sthdifference vs.distinctionDifference:stresses the absolute absence of similarity whatsoever between things compared in nature,quantity or sizeE.g.There is a between them just as that between night and day.Being well-educated or not makes a world of.There are many s between English and Chinese.distinctiondistinction applies to difference that makes one thing easily separated from the other,even though they are of the similar kind,class etc.E.g.Whats the between hares and rabbits?All as human beings,there is without a difference between the black and white.make/draw a distinction between:be careful to say what the difference between two or more things is谢谢


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