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HalfaDaytext王佳BrainstormingLead-in ActivityAbouttheauthorSkimmingandscanningGroupdiscussionComprehensive ReadingVocabularySentencegrammarIntensive ReadingExerciseCriticalthinkingAssignmentsContents 1 2 3 4Lead-inActivityDirection:Work in pairs or groups and discuss.Q1Wasithardforyoutoleavehomeforthefirsttimeinyourlife?Lead-inActivity Who saw you off at the railway station?What did he/she say to you on the way?Who came to school with you?Q1Q2Wasithardforyoutoleavehomeforthefirsttimeinyourlife?Doyourememberyourfirstdayofthisschool?Lead-inActivityQ3Doyourememberyourfirstdayofschool?Didyoufindtheschooljustasyouhadimagined?Q2Lead-inActivity Were you disappointed when you found it was not as good as you had expected?Clickheretoaddyourtext1Lead-inActivityForestGumpClickheretoaddyourtext1Lead-inActivityForestGumpComprehensivereading2024/7/7ComprehensiveReading-TheauthorHislife纳吉布纳吉布马哈富兹马哈富兹Naguib Mahfouz 1911-2006uuBorn in 1911,educated at Cairo UniversityBorn in 1911,educated at Cairo UniversityuuWrote Wrote short stories and historical novelsshort stories and historical novels before WWII and before WWII and novels of social realismnovels of social realism after WWIIafter WWII the first Arabic-language author awarded the first Arabic-language author awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988.the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988.2024/7/7ComprehensiveReading-TheauthorHiswritingstyleThe Cairo Trilogy三部曲(first published in 1957)uHis works combined realism&symbolism uIn this text,a strategy used in fiction writing-the protagonist主角主角 returns after being absent for a short time to find everything changed beyond recognition.2024/7/7ComprehensiveReading-TheauthorHiswritingstyleRip Van Winkle by Washington Irving uThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传奇睡谷传奇,华盛顿华盛顿.欧文欧文uRip went to hunt squirrels.He drank something a queer old man offered him and fell fast asleep.When he woke up he found himself an old man and that great changes had occurred in his village during his absence.Exampleinthetext2024/7/7ComprehensiveReading-Theauthoru山中方一(七)日,山中方一(七)日,世上已千年。世上已千年。u水经注水经注u“信安山(烂柯山)有石室,信安山(烂柯山)有石室,王质入其室,见二童子对弈,王质入其室,见二童子对弈,看之。局未终,视其所执伐薪看之。局未终,视其所执伐薪柯已烂朽,遂归,乡里已非矣。柯已烂朽,遂归,乡里已非矣。”u浙江,烂柯浙江,烂柯围棋围棋(go game)(go game)Exampleinthetext2024/7/7ComprehensiveReading-TheauthorHiswritingstyleThis technique is often used to emphasize rapid changes in society.thesocialrealismofBalzacandDickens.The first Arab Writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature 1988,The Cairo TrilogyHisworkshavebeencomparedinspiritandtonetoHisinfluenceComprehensiveReading-Theauthor16ComprehensiveReading-StructureThe text can be roughly divided into three parts,according to the little boys experience that day.123Part1Part2Part3The narrators The narrators unwillingness to unwillingness to go to school.go to school.The narrators The narrators experience at experience at school.school.The changes the The changes the narrator found narrator found after school.after school.123Para.1-7Para.8-16Para.17-20The narrators The narrators unwilling to go unwilling to go to school.to school.The narrators The narrators experience at experience at school.school.The changes the The changes the narrator found after narrator found after school.school.19ComprehensiveReading-StructureScan Part.1 and focus on the following questions.1.How did the boy feel about going to school?Support your ideas with some simple words in the text.2.List the fathers comments on the school?What do you think of them?unhappypunishingbe thrown intoSchool is not a punishment.A place that makes men out of boys and useful.Be a man.Today you truly begin life.20ComprehensiveReading-Q&AScan Part.2 and focus on the following questions.1.What are the different understandings of the boy to the school?Positive aspectsNegative aspectsWhat lay ahead of him?21ComprehensiveReading-Q&AScan Part.2 and focus on the following questions.1.What are the different understandings of the boy to the school?Positive aspectsNegative aspectsfriendshipschoolworkloverivalryplayingfightinglearningPhysicalpunishment exertion,struggle,perseverance22ComprehensiveReadingScan Part.3 and focus on the following questions.1.What did“I”see when he stepped out of school?Summarize the changes.He didnt find his waiting for him at the gate and the had changed.He couldnt find his home.He found himself a fatherstreetwayGrandpa/an old man.23ComprehensiveReading2.Why do you think the boy was suddenly a“grandpa”?To emphasize the rapid changes in society.2024/7/7ComprehensiveReadingGroupdiscussionThefollowingareafewpossibleunderstandingsofthemessagetheauthorintendstoconvey?Whichdoyouagreewith?2024/7/7ComprehensiveReadingp Time and tide wait for no man.p Life is a tragedy.There is nothing permanent in life but change.p Education can never keep up with changes in society.p Life is short and time is precious.p Life is a dream.Do not take anything seriously.26ComprehensiveReading-T&FFTTFFThe boys mother brought him to school.The boy was convinced that school was not a punishment.The boy didnt know any other boy or girl in the school the moment he arrived.School life was just a matter of playing and fooling around.The boys father came to pick him up as he had promised.Timeandtidewaitsfornoman.1.Scan2.Transitionalwords/expressions3.WritingskillsThe authorThe authorHislifeHisworksHisinfluenceReading Reading skills skills Conclusion Conclusion ComprehensiveReading-SummaryIntensiveReading010203IntensiveReading04GrammaticalpointsImportantsentencesNewphrasesNewwordsIntensiveReading30IntensiveReadingHalf a day Naguib MahfouzPart IPart IPart IIIPart IIIIntensivereadingWordsPhrasesSentence PatternGrammarclutch throw intomake out oftear fromThe day+that clause There is no/any good in doingI was to be thrown into clutching his right handstreet lined with gardensPart IPart II walked alongside my father,clutching his right hand.(para.1)IntensiveReading-Summaryclutch:hold tightly,usu.in fear,anxiety,or paine.g.Silent and pale,the girl clutched(to/onto)her mothers chest.这个苍白安静的小女孩紧紧地靠在母亲胸前.他紧紧地抓着钱,匆忙走向银行Clutching the money in his hand,he hurried to the bank.They did not make me happy,however,as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.(para.1)“As”introduces an adverbial clause of reason.Noun phrase usu.followed by a relative clause is used as an adverbial of time.to be forced to do sth.to throw sb.out:to force sb.to leave a placee.g.ThemomentIsawhim,Irecognizedhewasthecriminalwantedbythepolice.They will throw me out(of school)if I fail three exams.IntensiveReading-SummaryThey did not make me happy,however,as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.(para.1)“As”introduces an adverbial clause of reason.Noun phrase usu.followed by a relative clause is used as an adverbial of time.to be forced to do sth.to throw sb.out:to force sb.to leave a placeParaphrasing:But my new clothes did not bring any happiness to me,because it was the day I was forced to go to school for the first time.IntensiveReading-Summary“Why school?”I asked my father.“What have I done?”(para.3)elliptical questionMore examples:1.-Headmaster:we want you to go and tell the boys parents the news.-Teacher:Why me?2.-Father:Well go to Tianjin this weekend.-Daughter:What for?Why this weekend?Why Tianjin?“Why school?”I asked my father.“What have I done?”(para.3)elliptical questionParaphrasing:Why do I have to go to school?I dont think Ive done anything wrong to be punished like this.Its a place that makes useful men out of boys.(para.4)Make(out)of sb/sth:to make sb./sth.becomee.g.The army made a man of him.I dont think you can make a football star out of Johnny.I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge,high-walled building.(para.5)e.g.:覆水难收。Itisnousecryingoverspiltmilk.to(make sb.)leave a place unwillingly because one has toThere is no good to be had in doing:It is no good/use doing sthI did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge,high-walled building.(para.5)Paraphrasing:I didnt think it was useful to take me away from home and put me into that building with high walls.to(make sb.)leave a place unwillingly because one has toThere is no good to be had in doing:It is no good/use doing sthWordsPhrasesSentence PatternGrammarfool aroundbring aboutgive rise toresort toThere was no question of doingI had never imagined school would have She would often yell and scoldIntensivereadingIntensivereadingIhadneverimaginedschoolwouldhavethisvarietyofexperiences.(para.13)possibility用于对过去事情的推测,译为“大概”Andwhiletheladywouldsmile,shewouldoftenyellandscold.(para.15)frequentactionsinthepast过去经常性的习惯和动作:总会Iwouldfindtheanswerathomewithmyfather.(para.18)pastfuturetense过去有意识的行动或意志:将butthestreamofcarswouldnotletup.(para.18)willingness 用于过去的否定句中,表示拒绝,或无此习惯或不可能:不肯Lesson 1 Half a DayItwasnotallamatterofplayingandfoolingaround.(para.15)Paraphrase:What we did at school wasnt just playing and wasting time doing nothing pletelyto waste time instead of doing sth.that you should be doinga matter of:eg:Wisdom is a matter of knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech.Lesson 1 Half a DayRivalriescouldbringaboutpainandhatred,orgiverisetofighting.(para.15)make sth.happen(formal)to cause or produce sth.esp.sth.bad and unpleasantHowcanwe_achangeinattitudes?Hisspeech_abitterargument.bring aboutgave rise toLesson 1 Half a DayEvenmorefrequentlyshewouldresort to physicalpunishment.(para.15)resort to:to make use of sth.To turn to sth(especially sth bad)as a solutione.g.Trynottoresorttoviolence.Lesson 1 Half a DaylInaddition,thetimeforchangingonesmindwasoverandgoneandtherewasnoquestionofeverreturningtotheparadiseofhome.(16)Besides,it was impossible for us to quit school and return to the good old days when we stayed home playing and fooling around all day.Our childhood was gone,never to come back.there is no possibility of IntensivereadingWordsPhrasesGrammartraceinvadedaze in vainon my own come to a haltfind ones way totake overshow offlet upHere and there stood conjurers with clowns and weight lifters walking in frontPart IIIPart III.came to a startled halt.(para.17)Compare:1.Air traffic in the country was brought to a halt by heavy snowstorms.to stop suddenlyto bring sth to a halt:to cause sth to stopHere and there stood conjurers showing off their tricks or making snakes appear from baskets.(para.17)Compare:1.Were there no air on the earth,there wouldbe no life on it.2.In no case should we waste our time.3.There goes the bell.4.Away hurried the customers.an inverted sentence due to long subjectWhen should inversion be used?Then there was a band announcing the opening of a circus,with clowns and weight lifters walking in front.(para.17)1.He stood there with a stick in his hand.(with+n.+prep.)2.Paul soon fell asleep with the light still burning.(with+n.+participle)3.She cant go out with all these dishes to wash.(with+n.+to do)4.He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.(with+n.+adv.)“With+n.+doing”construction is used adverbially modifying“announcing”.but the stream of cars would not let up(para.18)Whentherainlets up wellgoforawalk.Ifmyfinancialsituationlets up,Illbuymyselfacar.(weatherorunpleasantsituation)stoporimproveHespenttheentireeveningcomplainingabouthisjobhejustwouldntletup.Thepoliceinsisttheyarenotlettinguptheircampaignagainstdrugs.stopdoingsth.onehasbeendoingcontinuouslyorverydeterminedly


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