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KC.Train For the FutureWelcomeThe World of Food and Beverage 欢迎来到餐饮世界TODAY今天的内容今天的内容-Together we going to Learn More 我们一起学习我们一起学习-Together we going to Develop our Skills 我们一起提高技能我们一起提高技能-Together we going to Coach our people 我们一起指导员工我们一起指导员工Cake StorySESSION课程课程TIME时间时间WEDNESDAY星期三星期三21 MAR 20072007年年3月月21日日One第一部门第一部门10.00am 10.30amYou as Roles as Coach 作为指导的角色作为指导的角色Motivating Subordinates 激发员工激发员工10.30am 10.45amDiscussion/Break 讨论时间讨论时间Break休息休息Two第二部分第二部分10.45am 12.15pmCoaching Process指导的步骤指导的步骤Problem Solving&Decision Making问题处理以及决策制定问题处理以及决策制定12.15pm 1.15pmLunch午餐午餐Lunch午餐午餐Three第三部分第三部分1.15pm 2.30pmImproving Communication改善沟通效果改善沟通效果How to Discipline Staff2.30pm 3.00pmDiscussion/Break讨论时间讨论时间Break休息休息Four第四部分第四部分3.00pm 4.00pmLeadership Skills领导技能Building a Winning Team 创建成功的团队创建成功的团队Five第五部分第五部分Our InterContinental Food and Beverage Concept 洲际酒店餐饮洲际酒店餐饮设施概念设施概念Slides Discussion/Next Week 下周讨论下周讨论Programme Objective课程目标课程目标Be able to enhance your knowledge&understanding functions,roles&responsibilities as Coach 对指导者一角的职能,角色,责任的认识有大幅提高Be able to polish your skills in Communication,leadership,motivation,problem solving and decision making which are essential to effective Coach.提高你的沟通技巧,领导能力,驱动能力,问题解决能力以及决策制定能力等作为有效指导者所必备的素质Understand our F&B concept 了解餐饮设施概念At the end of this programme,you will:本课结束后,你将会:本课结束后,你将会:Classroom Rules培训纪律培训纪律Can We 准备好开始了吗?准备好开始了吗?Do you know this place?你知道图片所示的地方吗?你知道图片所示的地方吗?What is man doing?这个人在做什么?这个人在做什么?Lesson we Learn:-由此得知:由此得知:1)If you want your people to know their job,you guide and show them!如果想让你的员工了解他们的工作,需指导并且展示给他们!如果想让你的员工了解他们的工作,需指导并且展示给他们!Lesson we Learn:-由此得知:由此得知:2)If you want your people to success you need to have a successful mind too想让你的团队取得成功,你必须有真知灼见。想让你的团队取得成功,你必须有真知灼见。Lesson we Learn:-由此得知:由此得知:3)If we what them to win you must get ready your winning formula想让你的团队取得成功,想让你的团队取得成功,你必须准备好成功的规则你必须准备好成功的规则Lesson we Learn:-由此得知:由此得知:4)Lastly,if you want your people to support you and our customers,you need to support them tooooooo 最后,想要员工支持你的工作和更好的服务客人,你必须给予他们你的支持最后,想要员工支持你的工作和更好的服务客人,你必须给予他们你的支持You as Roles as Coach作为指导者的角色作为指导者的角色You as a Coach你作为指导者的角色你作为指导者的角色YOU你你Upper Management上级管理人员上级管理人员Governmental官方官方Middle Management中层管理人员中层管理人员Industry Demands 行业需求行业需求Employee 员工员工Internal Guests 内部内部客人客人Guests客人客人Suppliers 供应商供应商Responsibilities of Coaches指导者的责任指导者的责任Bosses 对你的老板Meeting quality standards 保持公司标准Operating within budget limitations 在预算范围内很好的运作餐厅Maintaining records 保持重要记录Writing reports on time 及时撰写报告Staff 对你的员工Providing safe working environment提供安全工作环境Representing your employees concerns to upper-management将员工所关注的问题反映给上层领导Being consistent and fair in all decisions that your employee对所有员工保持决策的公正性Providing opportunities to help good workers get ahead为表现好的员工创造提高的机会Responsibilities of Coaches指导者的责任指导者的责任Coaches 对指导者Providing the benefit of your experience 从经验中获益Helping coordinate efforts among departments 协助部门间沟通Responsibilities of Coaches指导者的责任指导者的责任Guests 对客人 Providing a pleasant experience 提供愉悦的体验 Providing good products/services 提供优质的产品和服务Responsibilities of Supervision指导者的责任指导者的责任Now I Know.现在我知道现在我知道That learning about people rather than tasks 学习了解我的员工而不仅仅是工作本身That employees at all levels depend on me to get the job done 员工依靠我的指导完成他们的工作Helping InterContinental Century City Chengdu Hotel meets its objectives 帮助成都世纪城洲际大饭店取得成功Supervising Up对待上级对待上级State your thoughts in terms 将你的意见归成条Make sure information is accurate and complete 确保所传达信息的准确和完整Write down ideas 将你的想法写下来Be brief 简洁明了Be aware of voice&body 注意声调和体态TIPS for getting boss to listen 使老板听你讲话的几窍门使老板听你讲话的几窍门Tell them,Were going to do this,not,You are going to do this.告诉他们:“我们会”,而不是:“你们会”Be sincere 真诚的对待他们Make business decisions,not personal decisions 根据经营需要而不是个人需要做出决策Supervising Down 对待下级对待下级TIPS for working with your employees 和员工相处的几点窍门和员工相处的几点窍门“Friendly,Fair and Firm”友好,公正,意志坚定Be consistent 保持一致Praise your staff when they did a good job 表扬鼓励员工Discussion 讨论时间Recap the Coaches Roles 复习指导者的角色Stage WalkingCoaching Process.指导的步骤指导的步骤“Who says elephants cant dance?”谁说大象不能跳舞?谁说大象不能跳舞?Lou Gerstner Functions of Management管理职能管理职能COACHING PROCESS指导的步骤指导的步骤Planning计划计划Oganising组织组织Leading领导领导Controlling控制控制These things will help me in planning activities:以下将帮助我们进行计划工作以下将帮助我们进行计划工作Setting aside time for planning 抽出时间做工作计划Gathering all necessary information收集所有必要信息Letting employees help me planning 让员工协助制定计划Making flexible plan 制定灵活的计划 ContUsing employee,equipment,and resources wisely 精明的运用员工,设备以及其他资源Evaluating my plan 对计划做出评估Completing my plan on time 准时完成计划Considering an employees personal qualities when assigning job responsibilities 结合员工的不同所长分配工作Training employees who need to improve their skills 对工作技能有待提高的员工进行培训Coordinating resources effectively 有效调整利用资源These things will help me in organising activities:以下将帮助我们以下将帮助我们进行组织工作:进行组织工作:ContTelling employees that their work affects other departments 告诉员工他们的工作成效会影响其他部门工作的展开Showing employees how they can work with other departments to get job done 向员工展示怎样和其他部门合作完成任务Telling my staff whats expected of them 告知员工你对他们的期望Showing a positive attitude 表现出积极的工作态度Complimenting employees for their good performance 称赞员工的好的表现Seeking employee suggestions 寻求员工的意见These things will help me in leading activities:以下将帮助我们领导员工以下将帮助我们领导员工 ContThanking and rewarding employees who perform well 感谢并奖励表现好的员工Setting a good example through my behavior 通过自己的行为树立好的榜样Standing up for employees when they need my support当员工需要的时候站出来为他们说话Helping employees to improve帮助员工改进工作Knowing that sometimes we need to change how things are done in order to meet goals 明白有时候我们需要改变做事的方式以达到效果的道理Knowing that preventing problems and errors is easier that correcting them 了解预防问题比纠正问题要容易These things will help me in controlling activities:以下将帮助我们以下将帮助我们进行控制工作进行控制工作 ContKnowing that operating within my departmental budget is an important tool in control了解:在预算范围内经营餐厅是控制的重要方面Tracking the worst problems and blocks first 跟踪可能出现的最坏的问题,并且及时制止 Discussion 讨论时间讨论时间 Recap Coaching Process 复习指导的步骤复习指导的步骤ItsTrue.ppsIMPROVING COMUNICATION.改善沟通效果改善沟通效果IMPROVING COMUNICATION 改善沟通效果改善沟通效果What is communication?什么是沟通?Whom you communicate to?谁是沟通的对象?Effective Communication?怎样做到有效沟通?Roadblocks to Effective Communication有效沟通的障碍有效沟通的障碍Unfair Comparison 不公平对比Just-Like-Me 以己度人Stereotypes 墨守成规Good Day/Bad Day Effect 好心情和坏心情效应Halo or Pitchfork Effect The Elements of Communication沟通的要素沟通的要素1.VOCAL声音声音2.VISUAL视觉视觉3.VERBAL语言语言Vocal variety,quality,rate,volume,and vocalized paused 声调变化,声调变化,音色,速度,音音色,速度,音量以及适时停顿量以及适时停顿Eye contact,posture,gesture,and facial expression目光目光接触,体态,姿接触,体态,姿势和面部表情势和面部表情What the person actually says 说说话的实际内容话的实际内容Nonverbal Communication 非语言沟通非语言沟通“Actions speak louder than words”行动比文字更有说服力How we say something(vocal&visual),not what we say(verbal)不要光说,要看不要光说,要看和说结合和说结合38%VOCAL声音声音55%VISUAL视觉视觉7%VERBAL语言语言100%Verbal Communication 口头沟通口头沟通Keep it Simple 内容简洁Explain and/or Provide an Example解释或举例说明Use Clear,Direct Words用简洁明了的语言Respect your Listeners尊重听者 ContRepeat Your Main Idea 重复重点Check for Understanding 检查对方是否听懂Active Listening 积极的听众积极的听众Involved 包括1.Verbally 语言上2.Nonverbally 非语言3.Mentally 精神上4.Physically 身体上Some Additional Suggestions for Effective Listening 对于积极听众的几点建议对于积极听众的几点建议Dont Interrupt 不要中途插话Dont Pre-judge 不要事先草率判断Dont React Emotionally 不要有过激的情绪反应Discussion.讨论时间讨论时间LAPALABRA_2.PPSLeadership Skills.领导能力领导能力LEADERSHIP 领导能力领导能力All supervisors hold leadership positions,but not all supervisors are leaders.主管担任领导职位,但不一定能担当起领导角色.Good Leaders/Bad Leaders Exercise 好的领导以及坏的领导 练习Traits of Leaders 领导的特性领导的特性Strong Desire to Succeed强烈的求胜欲Education教育水平Good Judgment很好的判断能力 Empathy 工作投入Self-Confidence 自信 ContCreativity and Drive创造力干劲Enthusiasm and Optimism 热情乐观Power 权利权利Is ability to get people to act because they want to,not because they have to.让人自愿而并非被迫的去工作Youve earned respect and staff approve of you as a person赢得员工对于你的尊重和认可Staff admire your superior skills,special knowledge or ability员工敬佩你的领导技能,行业知识以及才干Personal power 个人权利个人权利The power that comes from your Position 职位赋予你的权利职位赋予你的权利Involves your ability to get people to act because of the position hold.职位赋予你安排员工工作的权利Staff recognize your position员工承认你的职位Staff expected to be rewarded with pay raise,promotion etc 员工期待奖励,加薪,升职等Do not want to be criticized 员工不想受到批评Successful Leader Vs Effective Leader 成功的领导成功的领导 和和 有效的领导有效的领导Successful leadership behavior determined by 成功的领导取决于Performance 成绩表现Behavior 行为举止Result 办事成效Effective leadership behavior is measured by 有效领导取决于Attitude 态度Feeling 感情Commitment of the job 对工作的投入Directive&Supportive 指导和支持指导和支持To be effective,a leader must be responsive to the needs of the workers.作为有效领导,需关注员工需求Vary the leaderships style accordingly 适时改变领导风格Directive 指导指导Structure(5W1H)结构Control(one way communication)控制(单向沟通)Supervise(result oriented)监督(成效驱动)Supportive 支持支持Praise(People)称赞(员工)Listen(Two way communication)倾听(双向沟通)Facilitate(Discussion)推进事情顺利进展(讨论)THANK YOU谢谢谢谢DiscussionA.ppt


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