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WelcomeToThailand!3.The politic 1.brief introduction 2.The economy 4.The culture6.The cuisine7.Best place 5.The history 1.The brief introduction of Thailand1)The location of Thailand2)The population of Thailand1400001200001000008000060000400002000001234567891011国家名称人口(万)The ranking in Asia1.China2.India3.Indonesia4.Pakistan5.Japan6.Bangladesh7.Vietnam8.Iran9.Philippines10.Turkey11.Thailand3)The land area of Thailand12345678910111213020000004000000600000080000001000000012000000面积(平方公里)国家名称 The ranking of Asia1.China2.India3.Kazakhstan4.Saudi Arabia 5.Indonesia6.Iran7.Mongolia8.Pakistan9.Turkey10.Myanmar11.Afghanistan12.Yemen13.Thailand2.The economy of ThailandOverview of the Thai economyOverview of the Thai economyLiberal economic policies(自由主义经济自由主义经济政策政策):Thailand is export-oriented economy,and its economy depends on the United States,Japan,Europe and other foreign markets.1)Thai currencyThis is the Thai Baht.The person is the Thais king.(普密蓬.阿杜德)2)Level of economic developmentThe floods in 2011 hit Thailands economy seriously.Thus Thai economic growth is expected to only 1.1%this year.3)Pace of economic developmentThailand has been regarded as one of the worlds fastest growing economies Though experiencing the financial crisis in 1997 and 2008,the economy started to recover,the per capita gross domestic product(GDP)has more than 5000 U.S.dollars.$4)Thailands economic pillarsAgriculture,traditional Thai Economy.Trade and Industry,the national land area cultivated area of about 41%.The manufacturing industry,with the rapid economic development,the manufacturing industry has become the largest proportion of the industry,and has become one of the major export industries.Tourism,Thailand is rich in tourism resources,has always been known as the smiling country,and thus attracts many foreign tourists.5)Exchange rate 1 RMB=4.8 Baht 1 Baht=0.2 RMB 3.The Political of ThailandMembers of the royal family Constitutional monarchy Military regimecongressYingluck Thaksin Shinawatra The house of representatives The senateASEAN4.The culture of Thailand1)Buddhism Thais believe in Buddhism,Buddhism is the State religion.Every man in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life.Or other people will laugh at him.2)Floating markets You will see hundreds of boats laden(满载的)with fruits,vegetables,dried fish and other produce paddled(划桨)by women.3)Ladyboy showLadyboys,Kathoey or katoey is a male-to-female transgender person or an effeminate gay male in Thailand.4)The long neck raceGirls there at 5 year-old must puts on the copper circle(铜项圈)in the neck,then every year to add one on the neck,continuously to until 25 years old.5)ElephantsThailand is called “the white elephant kingdom”.They think that the white elephant is the Buddhas incarnation(化身)(化身).The white elephant regards the national treasure of Thailand.6)Songkran Festival day Songkran Festival(宋干节)is the traditional Thai New Year Festival and starts on April 1 3th every yearAcross the country,its a time for laughter and entertainment,for religious ceremonies and merit-making,for families and friendsAnd of course for splashing water!“5.The history of ThailandThe kingdom of ThailandThailands full name is the kingdom of Thailand(泰王国).Thailand has more than 800 years of history and culture.Thailand was known for centuries as Siam(暹罗)and is the only country in Southeast Asia that was never colonized.It has been a constitutional monarchy ever since 1932 and has a parliamentarian form of government.National emblemNational flagThe national flower The kingdom of ThailandBefore1932,Thailandshistorycanbedividedintofourkingdoms:SukhothaiKingdom(素可泰王朝)AyutthayaKingdom(大城王朝)RattanakosinKingdom(吞武里王朝)andBangkokKingdom(曼谷王朝)May11,1949,Thailandpeopleintheirownnationsname,theSiamtoTai,ismainlytakethefree.The kingdom of ThailandKingBhumibolAdulyadejsucceededtothethronein1946,heisthelongestreignofkinginThailand.Asaconstitutionalmonarchy,heremainedneutralintimesofcrisis.The kingdom of ThailandYingluck was elected as the twenty-eighth Prime Minister of Thailand in 2011 and became the first female Prime Minister of Thailand in history.6.The cuisine of Thailand Birds nest soup(燕(燕窝汤)When visiting Thailand,you can see birds nest soup everywhere.In the restaurants,having this kind of snack only costs you 50 Bahts to 100 Bahts.Incense bamboo rice(香竹(香竹饭):To make the delicious snack,firstly,we need to choose the green bamboos,then according to your tastes,the chef will season the glutinous(糯米);lastly,fill the seasoned glutinous into the bamboos.Sweet potato soup(地瓜羹)(地瓜羹)To make the yummy snack,you need to cut the sweet potato into strips,then steam the potato with sugar water,add coconut spices and many other fruits.Grilled squid(烤(烤鱿鱼)Thailand is rich in seafood,thus the squid is fresh,whats more,add some spicy seasoning into the food and bake it,you will enjoy a real feast.Tom Yum Kung soup(冬阴功(冬阴功汤)This is the most representative cuisine in Thailand,and it is famous for its hot taste,hot shrimp soup is mainly made of fresh shrimps,so it is ordinary in Thailand,you can also enjoy the delicious food in every Thailands restaurant.7.The BEST place to held a conferencePhuket44写在最后写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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