SectionA1 (4)课件

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重点:熟练掌握have(has)beento的用法。难点:现在完成时态的结构,含义以及运用。【Learning procedure】来源来源:学。科。网学。科。网IPreclass翻译官,试试看1.太空博物馆_2.娱乐公园_3.水族馆_4.动物园_5.水上公园_6.乘坐地铁_重点:熟练掌握have(has)beentohave/hasgoneto的用法。难点:现在完成时态的结构,含义以及运用。1.太空博物馆_2.娱乐公园_3动物园_4.水上公园_5.乘坐地铁_spacemuseumamusementparkzoowaterparktakethesubway重点:熟练掌握have(has)beentohave/hasgoneto的用法。难点:现在完成时态的结构,含义以及运用。1.太空博物馆_2.娱乐公园_.动物园_5.水上公园_6.乘坐地铁_spacemuseumamusementparkzooWaterparkTakethesubwaypreclass翻译官,试试看翻译官,试试看1.太空博太空博物馆物馆_2.娱乐公园娱乐公园_3.水族馆水族馆_4.动物园动物园_5.水上公园水上公园_6.乘坐地铁乘坐地铁_spacemuseumHaveyoueverbeentoaspacemuseum?B:Yes,I have./No,I havent.historymuseumHaveyoueverbeentoahistorymuseum?B:Yes,I have./No,I havent.artmuseumHaveyoueverbeentoanartmuseum?B:Yes,I have./No,I havent.waterparkHaveyoueverbeentoawaterpark?B:Yes,I have./No,I havent.zooHaveyoueverbeentoazoo?B:Yes,I have./No,I havent.amusementparkHaveyoueverbeentoanamusementpark?B:Yes,I have./No,I havent.A:Have you ever been to?B:Yes,I have./No,I havent.Which of these places would you like to visit?Rank them from 1(most)to 6(least).1aspace museum_ history museum_art museum _ water park _zoo _ amusement park _SarahClaudiaTalk something about the picture.Science museumHistory museumArt museumNature museumSpace museumClaudia Sarah Listening11bListen.Have these students ever been to these places?Check()the boxes.Ask and answer questions about the places in 1b.A:Lets go somewhere different today.B:OK.Where do you want to go?A:Have you ever been to the space museum?B:No,I havent.How about you?A:Listening22aLook at the map of the town.Listen and circle the places you hear.Conversation 11.Tina went to the space museum last year.T/F2.John has never been to the space museum.T/F3.They are going to take the subway.T/FListening2Listen again and circle T for true or F for false.2bConversation 21.Linda has been to the amusement park.T/F2.Linda went to the amusement park yesterday.T/F3.Linda is going to the amusement park again by bike.T/FConversation 31.Frank had a great time at the water park.T/F2.Franks friend has never been to the water park.T/F3.Frank and his friend are going skating.T/FLook at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.2cA:Have you ever been to the space museum?B:Yes,I have.How about you?A:No,I havent.B:Oh,its fantastic.Lets go tomorrow.A:OK.How are we going to get there?B:We can take the subway.极好的极好的2dRole-playtheconversation.I went to the film museum last weekend.Have you ever been there?Yes,I have.I went there back in April.1.I learned about the inventions that led to color movies,too.我还了解了一我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。此处此处learn是是“了解;获知;得知了解;获知;得知”的意的意思,由介词思,由介词about或或of引入所获知的具引入所获知的具体内容。体内容。例如:例如:The children were all shocked to learn of the death of their headmaster.得知校长去世,孩子们都十分震惊。得知校长去世,孩子们都十分震惊。I only learned about the accident later.我只是后来才得知了事故的情况。我只是后来才得知了事故的情况。2.Ive never been camping.我从未野营过。我从未野营过。此句为现在完成进行时。这一时态的结此句为现在完成进行时。这一时态的结构为构为“have been+现在分词现在分词”,表示,表示从过去某一时刻延续至今的动作。从过去某一时刻延续至今的动作。在本在本句中,说话人使用这一时态来强调自己句中,说话人使用这一时态来强调自己至今从未有过野营的经历,欠缺这方面至今从未有过野营的经历,欠缺这方面的经验。又如:的经验。又如:Hes been watching TV all afternoon.他一下午都在看电视。他一下午都在看电视。Weve been living like this ever since the birth of my little brother.自打我小弟弟出生,我们就一直这样生自打我小弟弟出生,我们就一直这样生活。活。1.我去过北京两次。我去过北京两次。2.I _ _ _ Beijing twice.3.2.大声读书是一种学习英语的好方法。大声读书是一种学习英语的好方法。4.Reading aloud _ _ _ _ to learn English.5.3.昨天他没有去那,我也没去。昨天他没有去那,我也没去。6.He didnt go there yesterday.7._ _.have been to a good way to Me neither4.我了解了一些电影的知识。我了解了一些电影的知识。I _ _ some information about movie.5.他的粗心导致了这次失败。他的粗心导致了这次失败。His carelessness _ _ this failure.learned aboutled to 选用选用have,has填空填空:1.I _ told him the news.2.She _ come back from school.3.You _ won the game.have has have 按要求改写下列各句按要求改写下列各句:4.They have bought a computer.(改成否改成否定句)定句)_5.He has lost his book.(先改成一般疑问先改成一般疑问句,再作肯定与否定回答)句,再作肯定与否定回答)_They havent bought a computer.Has he lost his book?Yes,he has.No,he hasnt.1.Practice the dialogue and remember the language points.2.Preview the next lesson.


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