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rnest Hemingwa1899-1961Made by 罗贤晖、刘璁慧、苏艳辉、赵原罗贤晖、刘璁慧、苏艳辉、赵原rnestHemingwa1899-1961Made1social statusAmerican novelist and short-story writer One of the greatest American writers of the 20th century.socialstatusAmericannovelist2WorksWorks3ShortStories:TheSnowsoftheKilimanjaroTheHillsLikeWhiteElephantsACleanWell-lightedPlaceTheShortHappyLifeofFrancisMacomberShortStori4But man is not made for defeat,a man can be destroyed but not defeated.Butmanisnotmadefordefeat5When he was youngWhenhewasyoung6Spanish Civil War Ernest,Pauline,Bumby,Patrick,and Gregory Hemingway pose with marlins after a fishing trip to Bimini in 1935SpanishCivilWarErnest,Paul7When he got the Nobel Prize When he was 60 years old WhenhegottheNobelPrizeW8Lifeborn in a small town called Oak Park in Illinois near Chicagofather:a successful physician,middle class,love fishing and hunting;mother:music teachera happy childhood;a lover of brutal sports,such as boxing and football in middle schoolThough his father hoped him to be a physician,Hemingway refused to enter university.He chose to be a reporter.During the WWI,he wanted to join the army but was refused because of his poor eyesight.Then Hemingway came to Italy to work as an ambulance driver.He was seriously wounded in the battlefield.The nightmarish war experience changed his life.Lifeborninasmalltowncall9After the war,he still worked as a reporter.He was sent to Paris and knew Pound,Gertrude Stein,Sherwood Anderson and some other famous writers who encouraged him to write.He also worked as a war reporter in the Spanish Civil War and the WWII.He is a tough guy with rather masculine manner.In all his life,he loved tough games,such as boxing,hunting,deep-sea fishing,bullfight and so on.He was injured many times.In all the operations,237 steel fragments were taken out from Hemingways body.He also suffered 3 car accidents and 2 air crushes.He was admired as a hero by lots of people and his life style was imitated.In 1961,Hemingway shot himself with gun in his home.Afterthewar,hestillworked10解读海明威的一个干净明亮的地方课件11Early Themethe Lost Generation 1.Definition Its a term coined by Gertrude Stein and Hemingway quoted it on the title page of The Sun Also Rises”You are all a lost generation”.Since then it is used to refer to the post-war generation who are devoid of religious and traditional values,exist only for feverish sensuality or are sustained only by their personal honor.Leading figures:Hemingway,William Faulkner,John Dos Passos,and F.S.Fitzgerald.EarlyThemetheLostGeneratio122.The Causes of their Lost1)Developmentofscienceandtechnology,whichoutdatesreligionandtraditionalvalues.2)developmentofhumanityandindividualismasaresultofsocialdevelopment.3)theWWIfurtherdestroyedpeoplesfaithintraditionalvalues.2.TheCausesoftheirLost13Later Themes1 Code Hero 2.Grace under Pressure 3.A Narcissistic and Tragic View of Life LaterThemes1CodeHero14Stylistic Features 1.General features:1.General features:simple,fresh,clear diction,declarative sentences,simple,fresh,clear diction,declarative sentences,antiphonal repetition and variation,concentration antiphonal repetition and variation,concentration,understatement,understatement 2.Iceberg Principle or Style2.Iceberg Principle or Style The“dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only The“dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water”.one-eighth of it being above water”.His style has the kind of mechanism enabling readers to His style has the kind of mechanism enabling readers to perceive more than what he says.perceive more than what he says.3.Metonymy as the Chief Device3.Metonymy as the Chief DeviceStylisticFeatures1.General15The Lost GenerationThe term“lost generation”was coined by Gertrude Stein,a lost generation writer herself,after World War I.It was between the first and second World Wars.Speaking to Ernest Hemingway,she said,you are all a lost generation.TheLostGenerationTheterm“16A Clean,Well-Lighted Place Ernest HemingwayAClean,Well-LightedPlace17INTRODUCTION“A Clean,Well-Lighted Place”is considered a prime example of Hemingways craftsmanship and insight into the human condition.In this brief story,which was initially published in Scribners Magazine in 1933,he evoked an atmosphere of despair and loneliness almost entirely with dialogue and interior monologue.INTRODUCTION“AClean,Well-Lig18Through these stylistic techniques Hemingway renders a complex series of interactions between an old waiter and his young colleague as the two men reflect on the ephemeral nature of happiness and the inevitability of death.Much of the critical commentary on the short story focuses on a series of unattributed lines of dialogue.Throughthesestylistictechni19PlotandMajorCharactersRendered almost completely in dialogue,the main action of“A Clean,Well-Lighted Place”is set in a small caf in Spain,as two waiters prepare to close the establishment for the night.The place is empty except for a regular customer,a deaf old man drinking alone at one of the tables.Realizing that the old man is drunk,one of the waiters informs the other that the customer attempted suicide the week before.After the waiters watch a young man and woman pass on the street,the young waiter serves the old customer another brandy and voices his impatience to the old waiter,complaining that the old man is keeping him from his warm bed and the comfort of his wife.PlotandMajorCharactersRend20They discuss the old mans suicide attempt and his possible reasons for such a desperate act.When the old man gestures for another brandy,the young waiter tells him that it is closing time.After the old man pays his bill and leaves,the old waiter chides the young waiter for his lack of patience and empathy for the old man.He compares himself to the man,saying he understands the need for a clean,well-lighted place to be at night.After the caf closes,the old waiter stops at a bar for a drink before he goes home,dreading his return to an empty room.Theydiscusstheoldmanssui21CHARACTERSThe old man:rich,life was meaningless for him,committed suicide,drank excessively.The middle-aged waiter:sympathetic,realized that youth,love and passion must be followed by aging,despair and nothing.He also looked for order and meaning by staying in the clean,well-lighted cage,experiencing nothing.The young waiter:eager to go back home,confident and ignorant of truth of life.CHARACTERSTheoldman:rich,l22Major Themeslight and dark(Light and Shadows)clean and dirtynoisy and quietyouth and agenihilism and religious idealism MajorThemeslightanddark(Li23Waiter A VS Waiter B=Youth VS Old age=Man VS TimeWaiterAVSWaiterB=YouthVS24 Plenty money VS Loniness=Successful VS UnhappinessPlentymoneyVSLoniness=S25QUESTION?NADANADANADAQUESTION?NADANADANADA26Nothing(nada)through the old mans unsuccessful suicide and the middle-aged mans soliloquy.Nada means hopelessness,aimlessness and meaninglessness of life Nothing(nada)throughtheold27The middle aged waiter knew the old mans today was his tomorrow.The young waiter lived in Nada as well,even if he did not realize it.Themiddleagedwaiterknewth28 the consciousness of absurditythe consciousness of deaththe awareness of bitternesstheconsciousnessofabsurdit29TheEnd.Thankyou!30


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