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Chapter 9 Car Marketing9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesman1Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service本章学习内容Chapter9CarMarketing本章学习内容、目标和重点难点本章学习目标本章难点重点1.The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesman 2.How to Become a Great Car Salesman 3.Owning a Car Dealership Franchise 4.Getting a Franchise Agreement With a Car Manufacturer1.掌握汽车销售员的基本用语和要求2.掌握开设一家汽车特许经营店的基本要求3.能够读懂基本的汽车销售宣传信息1.重点为汽车销售流程话语2.难点是中外地域的差异性3.汉译准确表达也是难点2Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesman salesman seilzmn n.推销员,售货推销员,售货dealership di:lipn.代理商,经销权diploma diplumn.毕业文凭,学位证书Potential ptenladj.潜在的,有可能的psychologysaikldin.心理学Negotiationngi:enn.协商,谈判Princeton Review n.普林斯顿评论withstandwistndvt.抵挡,反抗;禁得起groomgru:mvi.打扮,穿戴New Words 3Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesman tactfultktfladj.机智的机智的;圆滑的圆滑的;老练的老练的commissionkminn.CU佣金persistentpsistntadj.坚持不懈的;固执的quota kwutn.配额fiercefisadj.残酷的;激烈的stereotypesteritaipn.陈规,刻板模式integrityintegritin.U正直;廉正;诚实craftykr:ftiadj.狡猾的,诡计多端的,奸诈的New Words 4Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car SalesmanCar salesmen are an important part of the automotive industry.Their primary mission is to make customers interested in cars and sell as many cars as possible to bring in profit for the dealership.The entire process of persuading the customer to buy a car could take hours.Still,many people find car sales a thrilling occupation because of the large commissions a person can make.There are several qualifications that are required to become a car salesman.5Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesman9.1.1 EducationThe usual education level for a car salesman is a high school diploma.Potential car salesmen with high school diplomas can give themselves an edge by taking a few classes in sales or marketing.According to the Princeton Review,college coursework in psychology,finance,and public speaking is becoming more common.6Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service要点分析:要点分析:diploma参考译文:文凭参考译文:文凭就是“教育机构颁发的证书”的意思,可以指从小学到研究生任何层次的“文凭”。没有学位的学习也会有证书(学位的要求会更严格,比如有学分要求等)。diploma还有一个词义:荣誉证书(Acertificateconferringaprivilegeorhonor)。知识拓展7Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesman9.1.2 Specialized TrainingAccording to Career Choices,automotive technology training,including training in on board systems,is becoming a common basic qualification for employment.Most training in sales,specifically,is done on the job.However,some salesmen may spend time at a national training center learning about each models features,general negotiation strategies,the culture of the company they work for,and the manufacturing process,according to the Princeton Review.8Section 3 Automotive Marketing and ServiceHowever,some salesmen may spend time at a national training center learning about each models features,general negotiation strategies,the culture of the company they work for,and the manufacturing process,according to the Princeton Review.难点提示:难点提示:1)learning about each models features,general negotiation strategies,the culture of the company they work for,and the manufacturing process,learning about 引导的是后置定语,用来解释训练引导的是后置定语,用来解释训练中心主要学写的内容;中心主要学写的内容;the culture of the company they work for,they work for也属于定语从句,修饰也属于定语从句,修饰culture,一,一般定语从句都放置在修饰词或句子的后面。般定语从句都放置在修饰词或句子的后面。according to 引引导状语从句,一般翻译提前。导状语从句,一般翻译提前。o 参考译文:参考译文:但是,根据普林斯顿评论的调查,根据普林斯顿评论的调查,一些销售员会花很多时间在全国性的训练中心学习每一个车型的特点学习每一个车型的特点、一般的一般的谈判策略谈判策略、他们工作公司的文化以及汽车的制造过程。他们工作公司的文化以及汽车的制造过程。难点分析9Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesmano9.1.3 Physical QualificationsoCar salesmen must be able to stand for long periods of time and walk through the car lot.Some salesmen may need to be able to work for long hours.The ability to withstand a variety of outdoor temperatures,such as intense summer heat or cold winters,is also helpful.10Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.1 The Qualifications are Required to Become a Car Salesman9.1.4 PersonalityAccording to the Bureau or Labor Statistics,car salesmen need to be well groomed,tactful,and have a good ability to express themselves.Most are paid solely on commission,so they need to be persistent in their efforts to make sales each day.Because they work with other salesmen trying to make their daily sales quota,competition is fierce.Each day car salesmen must fight against the stereotype that they are dishonest and crafty.To do that,they must put forth an image of integrity and interest.A lot of business may depend on return customers,so car salesmen have to be skilled at building customer loyalty.11Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.2HowtoBecomeaGreatCarSalesmanrevisit,ri:vizit vt.重游;再访;回访重游;再访;回访authoritative:rittivadj.权威的;有权力的trustworthytrstw:i:adj.值得信赖的,可靠的subtlestladj.微妙的;敏感的verballyv:bladv.言词上;口头地bashingbv.痛击,猛击procedureprsi:dn.程序,手续;工序,过程,步骤steerstivt.&vi.驾驶;操纵,引导,说明budget.bditn.预算;预算案;预算拨款;rapportrp:tn.友好关系;融洽,和谐referralsrif:rlzn.转交,呈交,提供12Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.2HowtoBecomeaGreatCarSalesmanoBecoming a great car salesman takes time and patience.While you can do many things to improve your customer service and product knowledge,some traits,such as being able to achieve good rapport with customers or simply convey a naturally personable and likable character,depend on personality.Any salesman can improve with honest effort.Over time,consistency and hard work pays off(Fig.10-5)13Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.2HowtoBecomeaGreatCarSalesman9.2.1 Instructions1.Revisit product knowledge training or seek out product knowledge on your own.Learn interesting facts about the vehicles you sell,including gas mileage,awards,safety ratings and options.Being able to answer questions immediately makes you appear knowledgeable,authoritative and trustworthy14Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service2、Know your competitors.If you are doing a walk-around,which is displaying the car to your customer,you should be able to comfortably talk about competitors models and state why the vehicle you are showing is the ideal choice while being subtle and not verbally bashing other cars or dealers.Perfect your walk-around-you have one shot to gain interest,so dont leave anything.9.2HowtoBecomeaGreatCarSalesman9.2.1 Instructions15Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Serviceo3、Keep your walk-around relevant to the customer you are with.Do not show a safety-concerned mother how easy it is to change a headlight bulb.Focus on what the customer is looking for,not what you think is important.9.2 How to Become a Great Car Salesman9.2.1 Instructions16Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service要点分析:要点分析:walk-around参考译文:四处走动参考译文:四处走动 绕走绕走本文采用了绕走的含义,实际是指销售常用的“六方位”绕车法。虽然有最佳建议路线,但是也要根据顾客的需求,随时改变路线,而不是墨守成规一直按照“六方位”的顺序来 知识拓展17Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service4.Follow your dealer procedures,such as bringing your customer inside for an interview before walking around the lot or conducting a walk-around.Ask questions that deserve answers and steer clear from yes or no answers.Ask why the customer wants another car,what cars she finds attractive and why,and what she liked best about her last car and didnt like at all.5.Ask about budget.It is unnecessary to show a customer a car that will cost$450 per month when he has a budget of a$250.Determine credit standing by asking what rate you should figure for payment budgeting to calculate a price range.Those who know they have bad credit will let you run a credit report while those with excellent credit will tell you they will qualify for the best 9.2 How to Become a Great Car Salesman9.2.1 Instructions18Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service Ask why the customer wants another car,what cars she finds attractive and why,and what she liked best about her last car and didnt like at all.难点提示:难点提示:1)Ask引导祈使句,省略了主语第二人称,后面接的引导祈使句,省略了主语第二人称,后面接的是宾语从句,是宾语从句,why the customer wants another car,what cars she finds attractive and why,and what she liked best about her last car and didnt like at all.四个四个疑问词引导的是宾语从句,疑问词引导的是宾语从句,why,and what 共用一套句子成共用一套句子成分。最后一个分。最后一个and是省略了前面的是省略了前面的why,and what。o参考译文:参考译文:询问询问顾客喜欢另一台车的原因顾客喜欢另一台车的原因,她她觉得哪觉得哪些车些车有吸引有吸引以及原因,以及原因,以及以及关于关于他最近拥有的这台车他最近拥有的这台车,她最喜欢和最不喜欢她最喜欢和最不喜欢的地方是哪些,以及为的地方是哪些,以及为什么什么。难点分析19Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service6.Explain the vehicle in detail before the customer test-drives it.Make sure the mirrors are set and the seat is properly proportioned to his height.Show you want to make the test drive a positive experience by finding a radio station the customer likes and turning to it,turning it down so he can hear how the car operates at the beginning of the drive and turning it up once the customer is comfortable driving.This creates comfort with you and the car.9.2 How to Become a Great Car Salesman9.2.1 Instructions 20Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service7 Be honest when dealing with your customer.If you can give a better deal and the sale depends on it,do so,and if you cant,tell the customer why.If you have built a positive rapport with your customer,it is likely she will work with you to make the sale8.Establish a follow-up system and stick to it.When you sell a car,note birthdays and dates of sales to follow up with cards or phone calls on holidays and every month after purchase to keep your name fresh in the customers mind for future sales.Referrals are often a reliable source of business9.2 How to Become a Great Car Salesman9.2.1 Instructions21Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.Keep your word.Call when you say you will and be present for your deliveries-when the customer picks up the vehicle-and appointments.10.Avoid laziness.The more people you work with,the more sales youll achieve.Even if a customer does not buy from you,she may send three other people your way because of the customer service experience you provided.9.2 How to Become a Great Car Salesman9.2.1 Instructions22Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.2.2 Tips&Warnings1.Do not judge anyone and follow your process.Youd be surprised how much money a young student has once he is ready to purchase.If the customer is on your lot,you should treat him as a person who is ready to buy that day.And if he doesnt buy,keep moving.2.Dont let your emotions affect you at work.If you feel that someone wasted your time for three hours,learn what you can from it and move on.There is always something that could have been done differently.Identify it and try something different once the opportunity presents itself again.3.Customers will cancel sales and be less than truthful about purchase issues no matter how good of a salesman you are.Take none of it personally and make the best of the customers you have.9.2 How to Become a Great Car Salesman 23Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Serviceingenuityindinju:itin.独创性;精巧;精巧的装置innovationinuveinn.创新,革新;新方法familiarizefmiljraizv.使熟悉taxationtkseinn.课税,征税;税款franchisefrntaizn.特权;公民权;经销权;管辖权v.给以特许(或特权);exclusivityzone,eksklu:sivitizunn.排外性;独占权v.把分成地带inventoryinvntrin.存货;清单;目录staffsta:fn.工作人员;职员;杖9.3OwningaCarDealershipFranchise24Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.3OwningaCarDealershipFranchiseSince the introduction of Henry Fords iconic Model T in 1908,cars have been seen as symbols of ingenuity and innovation-and their manufacturing as an American tradition.With over 200 million cars on the road today,despite recent economic hardship,the automobile industry remains strong.With millions of potential clients and cars in need of service,owning a car dealership franchise can be a dream comes true for an entrepreneur.25Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.3OwningaCarDealershipFranchiseoSurvey the market.Knowing what types of cars are selling today and who is buying them will be of great use in choosing a car manufacturer and potential location.By familiarizing yourself with the market and the brands within the market,you will be able to make an informed decision.oResearch state and local laws.Laws significantly impact car dealership operation.From zoning to occupational safety,employment to taxation,a car dealership must operate within the confines of the law,or risk severe consequences.26Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.3OwningaCarDealershipFranchiseDraft a business plan.A well-written business plan will let potential investors know that you have a vision,have done your research,appreciate the risks involved,and are serious about your franchise.People will be more willing to invest in you when assured you know what you are doing.Obtain financing.Franchise fees range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars,depending upon the brand exclusivity,amount of support from the manufacturer,and a host of other factors.Some manufacturers will allow financing of the franchise fee.In addition to the franchise fee,take into consideration overhead expenses required to run the dealership,as well.27Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.3OwningaCarDealershipFranchisePurchase a motor vehicle dealer bond.Motor vehicle dealer bonds are required to ensure the dealership is in compliance with state regulations.The bond essentially protects the consumer from the dealers noncompliance with state law.Many states require a motor vehicle dealer bond as a prerequisite to obtaining a dealer license.Get a car vehicle dealer license.Vehicle dealer licenses are another measure the states use to protect consumers.Licensed dealers are bound and regulated by state law,and thus the consumer has recourse in the event of malfeasance28Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.3OwningaCarDealershipFranchiseoRequest and Read the Franchise Agreement.The franchise agreement is a legal document that details the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved:you and the automobile manufacturer.Because the manufacturer drafts it,the terms of the franchise agreement will be favorable to the company,so it is best to have an attorney review the document for you before signing it.Be sure you are willing and able to perform all of the duties stated in the agreement,as you will be strictly held to them throughout the course of your contract with the manufacturer.oFill your lot with cars.After the franchise agreement has been signed,you are now the owner of a car dealership franchise.Begin building your inventory of cars while hiring salespeople and administrative staff to help your dealership achieve success.29Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service要点分析:要点分析:lot参考译文:多个意思,专业英语的词汇通常需参考译文:多个意思,专业英语的词汇通常需要具体环境具体问题,结合专业知识具体的要具体环境具体问题,结合专业知识具体的解释。本文的意思是场地或者店面。其他常解释。本文的意思是场地或者店面。其他常用的意思:用的意思:on.份额;许多;命运;阄oadv.(与形容词和副词连用)很,非常;(与动词连用)非常;opron.大量,许多;ovt.分组,把划分(常与out连用);把(土地)划分成块;ovi.抽签,拈阄;知识拓展30Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service Be sure you are willing and able to perform all of the duties stated in the agreement,as you will be strictly held to them throughout the course of your contract with the manufacturer.难点提示:难点提示:1)willng 和和able to 是并列用法后面的是并列用法后面的able to 省略了省略了系动词系动词“are”,stated in the agreement是后置定语,修是后置定语,修饰饰duties,as引导原因状语从句,引导原因状语从句,holdto对忠诚或忠实,在这里翻译的时候不能直译,那就做不到翻译的“信、达、雅的要求了。”参考译文:参考译文:确保确保你你愿意愿意且且能够能够履行合同中规定的义务,因为在合同履行过程履行合同中规定的义务,因为在合同履行过程中制造商会要求你中制造商会要求你严格按照条款执行严格按照条款执行。难点分析31Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.4GettingaFranchiseAgreementWithaCarManufacturerlengthy lei adj.过长的过长的;漫长的漫长的;冗长的冗长的entrepreneur,ntrprn:n.企业家;承包人;主办者stipulation,stipjuleinn.规定;约定;条款;契约proximity prksimitin.亲近,接近;邻近ongoing nui,:n-adj.不间断的,进行的;前进的n.前进;行为,举止securesikjuadj.安全的;有把握的;稳当的municipality mju:,nisipltin.市民;市政当局;自治市或区substantial sbstnladj.大量的;实质的;内容充实的exclusivity,eksklu:sivtin.排外性;独占权institution,institju:nn.制度;建立;习俗consultknslt,knsltvt.查阅;商量;向请教vi.请教;商议;当顾问submitsbmitvt.使服从;主张;呈递vi.提交;服从documentation,dkjumenteinn.文件,证明文件,史实,32Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.4GettingaFranchiseAgreementWithaCarManufacturerIf you are an entrepreneur with motivation and good people skills,you might succeed in the world of automotive sales.An owner of a car dealership has the option of signing a franchise agreement with a car manufacturer in order to sell new cars in the manufacturers name.The franchising process can become lengthy and difficult,however.Youll have manufacturer stipulations and legal matters to keep in mind;educate yourself beforehand on what steps to take.33Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service要点分析要点分析An owner of a car dealership has the option of signing a franchise agreement with a car manufacturer in order to sell new cars in the manufacturers name.4S店都是特许经营,跟厂家签订协议授权,这店都是特许经营,跟厂家签订协议授权,这也是中国也是中国4S店在经营过程中始终受厂家牵店在经营过程中始终受厂家牵制的原因。制的原因。知识拓展34Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.4GettingaFranchiseAgreementWithaCarManufacturerContact the auto manufacturer with which you are interested in working,and request a franchise information package.Review the information package carefully,and become familiar with all the rules and stipulations of the agreement.Verify that you will be able to meet every aspect of the agreement before proceeding.Most car manufacturers require a dealership have a specific type of location within the correct proximity to other existing franchises.Manufacturers will also expect franchisees to pay certain ongoing fees associated with profits and advertising.35Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.4GettingaFranchiseAgreementWithaCarManufactureroOpening a car dealership requires you to secure certain licenses and permits.oObtain all necessary licenses and permits to do business as a car dealership.Some auto manufacturers will require that you already own and operate an existing car dealership before issuing a franchise agreement.In order to open a car dealership,you will also need to obtain legal permits from your local municipality.36Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service9.4GettingaFranchiseAgreementWithaCarManufactureroNew car franchises can come with a high franchise fee.oSecure the financing to purchase your franchise.Nearly all types of franchises require the franchisee to pay a fee up front allowing them to essentially buy into the business.Automotive manufacturer franchise fees can amount to a substantial investment of up to$350,000 or more,depending on the brand exclusivity.You may be able to work out a financing agreement for the franchise fee if the auto manufacturer is willing to approve you for financing.Otherwise,you will need to have a cash investment from your own savings,or you will need to apply for alternate financing from a bank or other financial institution.37Section 3 Automotive Marketing and Service要点分析要点分析come with 翻译:伴随发生,与一起供给;这里为了强调高加盟费,翻译时不需要直译出这个词的意思。Automotive manufacturer franchise fees can amount to a substantial investment of up to$350,000 or more,depending on the brand exclusivity.不同品牌加盟费不一样,但是品牌本身的价值越高,加盟费越高,这也是4S店高资本 的一个原因。知识拓展38


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