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Unit6 Enjoying CyclingTopic3 Bicycles are popular新野溧河一中新野溧河一中 王云杰王云杰SectionALearning aims and demands(学习目标)学习目标):1.Learn the usage of adverbial clauses of condition。(学习条件状语从句的用法)学习条件状语从句的用法)2.Know about the advantages and disadv-antages of riding bicycles.Pay attention to driving safely。(了解骑自行车了解骑自行车的利弊,注意行车安全。)的利弊,注意行车安全。)3.Know about how to write an accident report form.(了解如何写事故报告单。了解如何写事故报告单。)乘客,乘客,旅客旅客 死(死(n.)疯狂的疯狂的 减速减速任何地方任何地方 奔跑奔跑不可能的不可能的 警察警察passenger crazy anywhere impossible deathslow downrushpolicemanRead and match.Pay attention to the structure of the sentences.It is important to spit in public.It is impossible to obey the traffic rules.It is exciting to finish so much work in an hour.It is bad to explore the Ming Tombs by bike.It is adj./n.+to do sth.How do you often go to school?Lets survey in the class about the number of vehicles.VehicleNumber On footCarBus Bicycle Compare them,and then we know bicycles are very important in our lives.They also have many advantages.Discuss the advantages of riding bicycles.a.Its faster than walking.b._c._d._Its easy to park.It can save energy.It doesnt cause air pollution.C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator桌面Unit6Topic 93P41-1a.swfPractice the dialog with your partner.条件状语从句条件状语从句If people obey the traffic rules,there will be fewer accidents.But bicycles are not always safe.Look at the pictures and guess what happened.Listen to 2a and answer the question.What was the young man doing when the traffic accident happened?He was riding very fast while listening to an MP3.C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator桌面Unit6Topic 3P42-2a.swfRead 2a again,and then complete the accident report form.Accident Report Form4:15 p.m.April 1st,2010Cai shikou StreetA young man on a bicycle ran into the wall to avoid hitting a truck.His arm was badly hurt.Time:Date:Place:Accident:Group workEveryyearmanypeoplegethurtorloseEveryyearmanypeoplegethurtorlosetheirlivesintrafficaccidents.Pleasetheirlivesintrafficaccidents.Pleasecollectsometrafficsignsanddiscusscollectsometrafficsignsanddiscuss theirmeanings.theirmeanings.Write a passage according to the accident report form.Accident Report Form Time:_ _4:40 p.m.Date:_March 30th,2009 Place:_the gate of Sifang Supermarket Accident:_ _ _A motorcycle hit a student cyclist.The student s right leg was badlyhurt and his bike was broken.


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