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Case report Xian central hospital Dang shan胶质母细胞瘤课件1New wordssomnolentia smnlenr 嗜睡 morphology m:rf:ldi 形态学paediatric pi:dtrk 儿科的 hydrocephalushadrsefls 脑积水 heterogeneous 成分混杂的 cauliflower 菜花 neuroepithelial 神经上皮的 prognosis 预后 infiltrate 浸润 渗透 New wordssomnolentia smnle2Medical history 2-year-old male patient Somnolentia,decrease consciousness 3 hours Medical history3胶质母细胞瘤课件4胶质母细胞瘤课件5胶质母细胞瘤课件6胶质母细胞瘤课件7胶质母细胞瘤课件8胶质母细胞瘤课件9胶质母细胞瘤课件10胶质母细胞瘤课件11 A Ependymoma B Choroid plexus papilloma C Intraventricular meningioma D GlioblastomaWhat is your diagnosis?What is your diagnosis?12Pathological result Lateral ventricle glioblastoma Immunohistochemistry:GFAP+、S-100+、Vim+、Syn part+、Ki67 40%、Olig-2 few、CD99-/+、NeuN-CK-、EMA-Pathological result13Glioblastoma Incidence:Glioblastoma accounts for about 57%of all brain tumors in children Peak age:4555 years old less occur at age lower than 30-year-old Location:Supratentorial white matter most common,especially in frontal and temporal lobes.Glioblastoma 14Morphology:Poorly-marginated,diffusely-infiltrating necrotic mass.Tumor typically acrosses white matter tracts to involve contralateral hemispherePrognosis:Poor,1year survival rate is only about 50%胶质母细胞瘤课件15NECT Finding:Irregular isodense or hypodense mass with central hypodensity representing necrosis.Marked mass effect and surrouding edema,tumor infiltration,hemorrage not uncommon,calcification rareCECT Finding:95%have stong,heterogeneous,irregular rim-enhancementNECT Finding:Irregular isodens16 T1WI irregular isotense,hypointense white matter mass T2WI heterogeneous,hypointense mass with adjacent tumor infiltration and edema DWI no typically diffusion restriction necrosis,cysts,hemorrage may be seenMR Finding T1WI irregular isotense,h17Ependymoma Peak age:before the age of 5 years oldLocation:about 8%occured in the lateral ventricleMorphology:typically heterogeneous mass,with areas of necrosis,calcification,cystic change and frequent hemorrhage MR Finding:T1WI isointense to hypointense relative to white matter T2WI hyperintense to white matter T1C+(Gd)enhancement present but heterogeneous DWI diffusion restrict may be seen in solid components Ependymoma Peak age:before the18CT Ependymoma CT Ependymoma 19 MR Ependymoma MR Ependymoma 20An uncommon,benign neuroepithelial intraventricular tumour which can occur in both the paediatric and adult.lobulated or cauliflower-like masseshydrocephalus commonCT iso-or somewhat hyperdense,homogeneous enhancement T1WI typically isointense or somewhat hypointense T2WI iso to hyperintense T1 C+(Gd)marked enhancement,tends to be homogenous Choroid plexus papilloma An uncommon,benign neuroepith21T2WI T1WI T2WI T1WI 22T1C+Choroid plexus papilloma T1C+Choroid plexus papilloma23Intraventricular meningioma Location:80%trigone of lateral ventricle,15%the third ventricle,5%the fourth ventricle CT 60%slightly hyperdense to normal brain,20-30%have some calcification,72%brightly and homogenously contrast enhance,less frequent in malignant or cystic variants T1WI isointense or somewhat hypointense compared to grey matter T2WI isointense,hyperintense or hypointense compared to grey matter T1 C+(Gd)usually homogenous enhancementIntraventricular meningioma L24T1WI Intraventricular meningioma T1WI Intraventricular mening25T2WI T1+CT2WI T1+26 Thank you!27胶质母细胞瘤课件28


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