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Lesson 133Sensational news!Lesson 1331Who is your favourite actor or actress?How much do you know about her or him?Who is your favourite actor or2赵丽颖(1987年10月16日-),出生于河北省廊坊市,中国内地女演员,有“金鹰女神”之称。她是荧屏花旦中的正能量担当,早年因出演新还珠格格中晴儿一角获得关注,后主演了多部收视冠军剧如花千骨知否知否应是绿肥红瘦等,使其“国民甜心”与“收视小主”的形象渐入人心。赵丽颖(1987年10月16日-),出生于河北3中文名:肖战别名:战战、肖叔叔性别:男民族:汉族身高:183cm出生地:重庆出生日期:1991年10月5日毕业院校:重庆工商大学现代国际设计艺术学院中文名:肖战4Wordsreporter n.记者sensationaladj.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的mink coatn.貂皮大衣Wordsreporter n.记者5reporter n.-er 后缀,表示人后缀,表示人-or,-ess(女女),-ee,learner 学习者 teacher 教师 driver 司机doctor 医生 artist 艺术家 dentist 牙医actress 女演员waitress 女服务员 visitor参观者report报道,动词报道,动词reporter n.-er 后缀,表6sensational adj.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的sensational news 爆炸性新闻新概念英语第一册ppt课件完美版Lesson7 mink coat n.貂皮大衣貂皮大衣mink n.水貂,水貂,貂皮貂皮 mink coat n.貂皮大衣mink 8TextDo you still remember Karen Marsh?What is she?How old is she?TextDo you still remember Kare9What reasons did Karen Marsh give for wanting to retire?Because she said she felt very tired.Watch the video and answer the10Further Questions:1.Who is the reporter?Alan Jones2.Has she just made a new film?Yes,she has.3.Is she going to make another film?No,she isnt.4.What is she going to do?She is going to retire.5.How does she feel?She feels tired.6.Does she want to make another film for a long time?No,she doesnt.Further Questions:11REPORTER:Have you just made a new film,Miss Marsh?MISS MARSH:Yes,I have.REPORTER:Are you going to make another?MISS MARSH:No,Im not.Im going to retire.I feel very tired.I dont want to for a long time.make a film拍电影拍电影时态:现在完成时时态:现在完成时另一另一another(film)Why?for+时间段时间段表时间持续长短表时间持续长短make another film REPORTER:Have you just made a12KATE:Lets buy a newspaper,Liz.Listen to this!Karen Marsh:Sensational News!By our reporter,Alan Jones.Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today.She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.let sb.do sth.had better do sth.后面接不定式的动词:后面接不定式的动词:ask sb.to do sth.tell sb.to do sth.want sb.to do sth.would like sb.to do sth.listen为不及物动词为不及物动词 listen+prep.+宾语宾语e.g.look/arrive引出作者名引出作者名 wear 状态状态=be dressed in put on 穿上穿上KATE:Lets buy a newspaper,L13She told me she had just made a new film.She said she was not going to make another.She said she was going to retire.She told reporters she felt very tired and didnt want to make another film for a long time.She told me she had just made 14She said,“I have just made a new film.”She said that she had just made a new film.She said,“Im not going to make another.”She said that she was not going to make another.She said,“Im going to retire.”She said that she was going to retire.”She said,“I feel very tired.”She said that she felt very tiredShe said,“I dont want to make another film for a long time.She said she didnt want to make another film for a long time.She said,“I have just made a 15Review the key points.Come on!Review the key points.Come on!16Have you just made a new film?Yes,I have.make a film 制作一部影片,拍摄一部电影just“刚刚“,表示动作完成不久just now“刚才”(用于一般过去时)I saw him just now.新概念英语第一册ppt课件完美版Lesson17Are you going to make another?No,Im not.another 不定代词Im going to retire.retire 退休 In 1974 he retired from the museum.Are you going to make another?18I dont want to make another film for a long time.want(sb)to do sth.想要(某人)做某事She wants me to go with her.for a long timefor+一段时间我在那呆了3天 I stayed there for 3 days.我在那住了10多年。I have lived here for more than 10 years.I dont want to make another f19Lets buy a newspaper,Liz.Lets buy=Let us buy.Lets go swimming!Listen to this!listen to.Listen!Whats that noise?Can you hear it?Lets buy a newspaper,Liz.20Karen Marsh:Sensational News!By our reporter,Alan Jones.by+动作的执行者,意为“由.”或“被”培根写的一本书 a book by BaconKaren Marsh arrived at London Airport today.arrive at 到达,小的地方arrive in 到达,较大的地方I arrived in England on Friday.We first arrived at London airport.Karen Marsh:Sensational News21She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.wear“穿着“(强调状态)She always wears green.put on“穿上“,表“穿上”的动作She put on her coat and went out.dress“给穿衣”,对象是人,而非衣物She dressed her baby first,and then dressed herself.She was wearing a blue dress a22She told me she had just made a new film.过去完成时:had+过去分词(过去的过去发生的事情)His son told him that he had done his homework.She said she was not going to make another.She said she was going to retire.She told reporters she felt very tired and didnt want to make another film She told me she had just made 23I wonder why!wonder“不知道,想知道”,表示疑惑我不明白谁会这样干I wonder who could do this.我想知道他是否能成功I wonder if he will succeed.I wonder why!24本课词句本课词句1、make a film 拍一部电影2、arrive at/in 到达(小地点/大地点)3、Have you just made a new film?Yes,I have.4、Im going to retire.5、She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.6、I dont want to make another film for a long time.本课词句1、make a film 拍一部电影25Lesson134He said(that)heHe told me(that)heLesson134He said(that)he26Grammar直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语Grammar直接引语和间接引语27直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语Direct Speech and Indirect Speech直接引述直接引述别人的话,叫别人的话,叫“直接引语直接引语”;用自己的话用自己的话转述转述别人的话叫别人的话叫“间接引语间接引语”;直接引语一般前后要加引号直接引语一般前后要加引号;间接引语不用引号。间接引语不用引号。如:John said,“I like reading very much.”(直接引语)John said that he liked reading very much.(间接引语)直接引语和间接引语Direct Speech and In28直接引语变间接引语直接引语变间接引语直接引语 He said,“I like English very much.”间接间接引语引语 He said that he liked English very much.直接转述别人的话,用引号。直接转述别人的话,用引号。用自己的话转述别人的话。一般情况下是宾语从句用自己的话转述别人的话。一般情况下是宾语从句直接引语变间接引语直接引语 He said,“I lik29e.g.He often says,“China is great.”He often says(that)China is great.Tom says,“I am a student.”Tom says(that)he is a student.He says,“I leave my book in your room”He said(that)he left his book in your room.陈述句:连词(that)引导,that常省略e.g.He often says,“China is g30(1)人称的变化人称的变化She says,“I am a bus driver.”She says(that)she is a bus driver.He says,“My mother will come back tomorrow.”He says(that)his mother will come back tomorrow.Tom says,“You are a good student.”Tom says I am a good student.(1)人称的变化31Practice:1)He said,“My brother failed in the exam.”He said _brother had failed in the exam.2)He said to Mary,“How is your mother now?”he asked Mary how _mother was then.3)My teacher said,she is a good student.My teacher said _was a good student4)He said to me,“Ive left her book in your room”He told me that _had left _ book in _ room.hishershehehermyPractice:hishershehehermy32She says,“I have just made a new film.”She says that she has just made a new film.She says,“Im not going to make another.”She says that she is not going to make another.She says,“Im going to retire.”She says that she is going to retire.”She says,“I feel very tired.”She says that she feels very tired.She says,“I dont want to make another film for a long time.She says she doesnt want to make another film for a long time.新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134She says,“I have just made a 33She said,“I have just made a new film.”She said that she had just made a new film.She said,“Im not going to make another.”She said that she was not going to make another.She said,“Im going to retire.”She said that she was going to retire.”She said,“I feel very tired.”She said that she felt very tiredShe said,“I dont want to make another film for a long time.She said she didnt want to make another film for a long time.新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134She said,“I have just made a 34时态变化时态变化 直接引直接引语 间接引接引语 例句例句 一般现在时 一般过去时He said,“I am a student.”He said that he was a student.一般过去时 过去完成时He said,“I was a teacher.”He said that he had been a teacher.现在进行时 过去进行时He said,“I am playing basketball.”He said that he was playing basketball.现在完成时 过去完成时He said,“I have learnt English for 6 years”He said that he had learnt English for 6 years.过去完成时 过去完成时He said,“I had finished my homework before supper.”He said that he had finished his homework before supper.新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134时态变化 直接引语 35指示代词,时间状语,地点状语的指示代词,时间状语,地点状语的直接引直接引语间接引接引语例句例句this 这个 that 那个 She said,”I washed my hair this morning.”She said that she had washed her hair that morning.these 这些 those 那些 He said,“These books are mine.”He said that those books are mine.now 现在then 那时 He said,“I am washing my hair now.”He said that he was washing his hair then.today 今天that day 那天He said,“I have washed my hair today.”He said that he had washed his hair that day.yesterday 昨天that day那天 She said,“I went to Beijing yesterday.”She said that she had went Beijing the day before.tomorrow 明天the next(following)day 第二天She said,“Ill go to Beijing tomorrow.”She said that she would go to Beijing the next day.here 这里there 那里 He said,“My sister was here.”He said that his sister had been there.新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134指示代词,时间状语,地点状语的直接引语间接引语例句this 36练习一:练习一:例题例题1.I am tired.-What did he say?(改间接引语)He said he was tired.练习二:Im reading.-What did he tell you?He told me he was reading.新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134练习一:新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新37More exercises in your book.See you!新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134More exercises in your book.Se381.学习可以彻底的改变自己,即使失去原来改变的条件,人也不会退回到原来的样子,因为经过学习可以彻底的改变自己,即使失去原来改变的条件,人也不会退回到原来的样子,因为经过“輮輮”。人已经脱离一个旧我,变成一个新我。人已经脱离一个旧我,变成一个新我.2.这一段介绍了怎样学习,也就是学习的要素。荀子认为积累是学习的第一要素,也是学习的根本。学习可以达到奇妙的效果,可以这一段介绍了怎样学习,也就是学习的要素。荀子认为积累是学习的第一要素,也是学习的根本。学习可以达到奇妙的效果,可以“兴风雨兴风雨”“”“生蛟龙生蛟龙”。“神明自得,圣心备焉神明自得,圣心备焉”从人的角度,来说学习的效果。接着运用正反对比的手法来说明积累的效果,体现了荀子文章说理的生动性。从人的角度,来说学习的效果。接着运用正反对比的手法来说明积累的效果,体现了荀子文章说理的生动性。3.家庭在西洋是一种界限分明的团体。在英美,家庭包括他和他的妻以及未成年的孩子。而在我们中国家庭在西洋是一种界限分明的团体。在英美,家庭包括他和他的妻以及未成年的孩子。而在我们中国“家里的家里的”可以指自己的太太一个人,可以指自己的太太一个人,“家门家门”可以指叔伯侄子一大批,可以指叔伯侄子一大批,“自家人自家人”可以包罗任何要拉入自己的圈子,表示亲热的人物。可以包罗任何要拉入自己的圈子,表示亲热的人物。4.这表示了我们的社会结构本身和西洋的不同,我们的格局不是一捆一捆扎清楚的柴,而是好像把一块石头丢在水面上所发生的一圈圈推出去的波纹,愈推愈远,愈推愈薄。每个人都是他社会影响所推出去的圈子的中心。被圈子的波纹所推及的就发生联系。这表示了我们的社会结构本身和西洋的不同,我们的格局不是一捆一捆扎清楚的柴,而是好像把一块石头丢在水面上所发生的一圈圈推出去的波纹,愈推愈远,愈推愈薄。每个人都是他社会影响所推出去的圈子的中心。被圈子的波纹所推及的就发生联系。5.在乡土社会里,地缘关系也是如此。每一家以自己的地位做中心,周围划出一个圈子,个圈子是在乡土社会里,地缘关系也是如此。每一家以自己的地位做中心,周围划出一个圈子,个圈子是“街坊街坊”。可是这不是一个固定的团体,而是一个范围。范围的大小也要依着中心的势力厚薄而定。可是这不是一个固定的团体,而是一个范围。范围的大小也要依着中心的势力厚薄而定。6.在这种富于伸缩性的网络里,随时随地是有一个在这种富于伸缩性的网络里,随时随地是有一个“己己”作中心的。这并不是个人主义,而是自我主义。在个人主义下,一方面是平等观念,指在同一团体中各分子的地位相等,个人不能侵犯大家的权利;一方面是宪法观念,指团体不能抹煞个人,只能在个人们所愿意交出的一分权利上控制个人。作中心的。这并不是个人主义,而是自我主义。在个人主义下,一方面是平等观念,指在同一团体中各分子的地位相等,个人不能侵犯大家的权利;一方面是宪法观念,指团体不能抹煞个人,只能在个人们所愿意交出的一分权利上控制个人。7.“画竹画竹”是本文的线索,本文记述文与可画竹的情形,以充满感情的笔触回忆两人的交往,以及文与可死后自己的悲慨,又从文与可的创作经验中总结出艺术创作的规律,熔叙事、抒情、议论于一炉。是本文的线索,本文记述文与可画竹的情形,以充满感情的笔触回忆两人的交往,以及文与可死后自己的悲慨,又从文与可的创作经验中总结出艺术创作的规律,熔叙事、抒情、议论于一炉。8.总之,说明文中使用生动活泼的语言,不仅能增强文章内容表达上的形象性、可感性和文学色彩,使读者获得不同程度的美感体验,受到美的陶冶,还有助于加深读者对说明内容的理解,增知益智。总之,说明文中使用生动活泼的语言,不仅能增强文章内容表达上的形象性、可感性和文学色彩,使读者获得不同程度的美感体验,受到美的陶冶,还有助于加深读者对说明内容的理解,增知益智。感谢观看,欢迎指导!新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson133134新概念英语第一册课件完美版Lesson1331341.学习可以彻底的改变自己,即使失去原来改变的条件,人也不会39


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