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Chap.4 Distance surveying and line Chap.4 Distance surveying and line orientationorientation Highway school Changan universityChap.4 Distance surveying and Chap.4 Distance surveying and line orientationChap.4 Distance surveying and line orientationvDistance:refers to length of the Distance:refers to length of the curve curve line line between twobetween two projections of twoprojections of two points points to the to the geoid along the plumb linegeoid along the plumb line.vMain contentsMain contents:钢尺量距(钢尺量距(steel tape distance surveyingsteel tape distance surveying););视距测量(视距测量(stadia surveying stadia surveying););光电测距(光电测距(photoelectric surveying distancephotoelectric surveying distance)卫星测距(卫星测距(Satellite rangingSatellite ranging););直线定向(直线定向(line orientationline orientation););1Chap.4 Distance surveying and 2vKey content:Key content:坐标方位角(坐标方位角(coordinates coordinates azimuth calculation azimuth calculation)vClassification:Classification:Direct measurement method-Direct measurement method-steel tape steel tape distance surveying;distance surveying;Optical measurement method-Optical measurement method-stadia stadia d distance istance surveyingsurveying;Physical measurement method-Physical measurement method-photoelectric photoelectric surveying distance;surveying distance;Key content:坐标方位角(coordinates34-1 4-1 Steel tape distance surveyingSteel tape distance surveyingv一、一、The toolsThe tools 钢尺(钢尺(Steel tapeSteel tape),标杆(标杆(benchmarkingbenchmarking),测钎测钎(measuring brazingmeasuring brazing)and and 垂球(垂球(Metal ball Metal ball ballball).v1.Steel tape 1.Steel tape vFeet long Feet long:20 meters,30 meters,50 meters 20 meters,30 meters,50 meters;vS Specifications:plastic coated or not plastic coated.pecifications:plastic coated or not plastic coated.vScale and note:mm,cm,dm,Scale and note:mm,cm,dm,m m 刻线尺(刻线尺(compartmentalized rulecompartmentalized rule)端点尺(端点尺(endpoint ruleendpoint rule)Endpoint rule Compartmentalized rule 14-1 Steel tape distance surve44-1 4-1 Steel tape distance surveyingSteel tape distance surveyingv一、一、The toolsThe toolsv2.Flower stem:Fixed line forward direction line 2.Flower stem:Fixed line forward direction line v3.Measuring brazing:fix rule segment endpoint 3.Measuring brazing:fix rule segment endpoint position.position.v二、直线定线(二、直线定线(Fixing lineFixing line)v目测定线和经纬仪定线目测定线和经纬仪定线14-1 Steel tape distance surve54-14-1 Steel tape distance surveyingSteel tape distance surveyingv三、三、Steel tape distance surveyingSteel tape distance surveyingvThe basic requirements:“straight,The basic requirements:“straight,l level,accurate.evel,accurate.v1.The distance surveying at flat ground 1.The distance surveying at flat ground Use the equation:Use the equation:D D=nl+qnl+q l-the the length of whole f l-the the length of whole fe ee et;t;n-the whole rule section number,n-the whole rule section number,q-zero rule section length.q-zero rule section length.surveying error:surveying error:D D=D D往往-D D返返Distance average:Distance average:D D平平=(D D往往-D D返返)The relative error:The relative error:14-1 Steel tape distance surve64-1 Steel tape distance surveying4-1 Steel tape distance surveying2.The distance surveying at the tilt ground2.The distance surveying at the tilt groundv(1)flat surveying method:(1)flat surveying method:v(2)inclined surveying method(2)inclined surveying method 14-1 Steel tape distance surve74-2 Stadia 4-2 Stadia s surveyingurveying vStadia Stadia s surveying urveying is indirect ranging methodis indirect ranging method 它利用望远镜内十字丝分划板上的视距丝及刻有厘米分它利用望远镜内十字丝分划板上的视距丝及刻有厘米分划的视距标尺划的视距标尺(地形塔尺或普通水准尺地形塔尺或普通水准尺),根据光学原理可以,根据光学原理可以同时测定两点间的水平距离和高差同时测定两点间的水平距离和高差.v The relative error is about 1/300,below the rule The relative error is about 1/300,below the rule surveying distance,surveying distance,v Determine the elevation precision is below level Determine the elevation precision is below level survey,survey,v Stadia measurement is widely used Stadia measurement is widely used for measuring the details topography for measuring the details topography Measurement.Measurement.14-2 Stadia surveying Stadia 84-2 Stadia 4-2 Stadia s surveyingurveying v一、一、Stadia formula when sight is horizontalStadia formula when sight is horizontaln14-2 Stadia surveying 一、Stadi94-2 Stadia 4-2 Stadia s surveyingurveying v一、一、Stadia formula when sight is horizontalStadia formula when sight is horizontalvHorizontal distance formula:Horizontal distance formula:vHeight difference formula:Height difference formula:nl14-2 Stadia surveying 一、Stadi104-2 Stadia 4-2 Stadia s surveyingurveyingv二、二、T The stadia formula when sight is tiltinghe stadia formula when sight is tiltingHorizontal distance D:Horizontal distance D:Elementary height difference:Elementary height difference:The height difference between A and B:The height difference between A and B:14-2 Stadia surveying二、The st114-2 Stadia 4-2 Stadia s surveyingurveyingv三、三、The steps of the sThe steps of the stadia tadia s surveyingurveying1 1在测站上安置经纬仪,量取仪器高(桩顶至仪器横轴中心在测站上安置经纬仪,量取仪器高(桩顶至仪器横轴中心的距离),精确到的距离),精确到cmcm;2 2瞄准竖直于测点上的标尺,并读取中丝读数值;瞄准竖直于测点上的标尺,并读取中丝读数值;3 3用上、下视距丝在标尺上读数,将两数相减得视距间隔;用上、下视距丝在标尺上读数,将两数相减得视距间隔;4 4使竖盘水准管气泡居中,读取竖盘读数,求出竖直角使竖盘水准管气泡居中,读取竖盘读数,求出竖直角;5.5.根据视距公式,计算水平距离和高差及立尺点的高程。根据视距公式,计算水平距离和高差及立尺点的高程。14-2 Stadia surveying三、The s124-2 Stadia 4-2 Stadia s surveyingurveyingv四、四、Stadia measurement errorsStadia measurement errorsv1.The stadia rule partition error 1.The stadia rule partition error v2.Constant K value error 2.Constant K value error v3.Vertical Angle measurement errors 3.Vertical Angle measurement errors v4.Stadia cross reading error 4.Stadia cross reading error v5.Influence of stadia rule tilting to stadia 5.Influence of stadia rule tilting to stadia measurement measurement v6.The influence of external meteorological 6.The influence of external meteorological conditions to stadia measurement conditions to stadia measurement v(1)the influence of atmospheric refraction(1)the influence of atmospheric refraction v(2)the influence of atmospheric turbulence(2)the influence of atmospheric turbulence14-2 Stadia surveying四、Stadia134-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinderv一、一、Ectromagnetic ranging overviewEctromagnetic ranging overview 1.Principle1.Principle To record the electromagnetic wave traveling time To record the electromagnetic wave traveling time between two endpoints round-trip once time,using between two endpoints round-trip once time,using its propagation velocity in the atmosphere to its propagation velocity in the atmosphere to calculate the distance between two points.calculate the distance between two points.14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind144-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder一、一、Ectromagnetic ranging overviewEctromagnetic ranging overview 2.Rangefinder classification 2.Rangefinder classification(1 1)carrier wave adaptedcarrier wave adapted Microwave rangefinder Microwave rangefinder Photoelectric rangefinder Photoelectric rangefinder 1.Laser rangefinder 1.Laser rangefinder 2.Infrared rangefinder 2.Infrared rangefinder(2 2)method method t to calculate o calculate time time Phase type rangefinder Phase type rangefinder Pulsed rangefinder Pulsed rangefinder 14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind154-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder (3)according to distance (3)according to distance Remote rangeRemote range:tens of kilometers tens of kilometers M Medium-range edium-range:from several kilometers tofrom several kilometers to 10 kilometers 10 kilometers Short-range Short-range:below three kilometers below three kilometers(4)by carrier number(4)by carrier number Single carrierSingle carrier:visible light,Infrared light,visible light,Infrared light,microwave.microwave.D Double carrierouble carrier:visible+visible light,Visible visible+visible light,Visible +infrared radiation+infrared radiation Three carrierThree carrier:visible+visible+microwave,visible+visible+microwave,Visible+infrared+microwave etc Visible+infrared+microwave etc.14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind164-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder (5)By the reflection target (5)By the reflection target Diffuse target(no cooperation target)Diffuse target(no cooperation target)Cooperation goal Cooperation goal-flat mirror,flat mirror,prism prism Active reflector Active reflector-same frequency carrier same frequency carrier wave transponderwave transponder;different frequency different frequency carrier transponder,etc carrier transponder,etc 14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind174-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinderv二、二、Pulse photoelectric surveying distancePulse photoelectric surveying distance 14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind184-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder三、三、Phase photoelectric rangefinder Phase photoelectric rangefinder 1.Basic principle1.Basic principle14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind194-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder三、三、Phase photoelectric rangefinderPhase photoelectric rangefinder 2 2B Basic formulaasic formula Modulation wave modulation frequency f,angular Modulation wave modulation frequency f,angular frequency t,period T,frequency t,period T,14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind204-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder三、三、Phase photoelectric rangefinderPhase photoelectric rangefinder 2 2B Basic formulaasic formula Set modulated signal is sine signal,Set modulated signal is sine signal,including the euploid of including the euploid of 2,2,2 2 N2N2,and terminal part less than and terminal part less than 22,namely:,namely:14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind214-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinderv三、三、Phase photoelectric rangefinderPhase photoelectric rangefinder3 3The determination of N valueThe determination of N value14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind224-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinderv三、三、Phase photoelectric rangefinderPhase photoelectric rangefinder4 4The inner light path set The inner light path set 14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind234-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinderv四、四、Total reflecting prisms Total reflecting prisms v由于光在玻璃中的折射率为由于光在玻璃中的折射率为1.,而光在空气中的折,而光在空气中的折射率近似等于射率近似等于1 1,也就是说光在玻璃中的传播要比空气中,也就是说光在玻璃中的传播要比空气中慢,因此光在棱镜中传播所用的超量时间会使所测距离增慢,因此光在棱镜中传播所用的超量时间会使所测距离增大某一数值,称为棱镜常数。大某一数值,称为棱镜常数。14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind244-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder五、五、Distance measurement steps Distance measurement steps 测距时,将测距仪和反射镜分别安置在测线的两测距时,将测距仪和反射镜分别安置在测线的两端,仔细地对中。接通测距仪的电源,然后照准反端,仔细地对中。接通测距仪的电源,然后照准反射镜,检查经反射镜反射回的光强信号。合乎要求射镜,检查经反射镜反射回的光强信号。合乎要求后即可开始测距。后即可开始测距。六、六、Distance measurement data processDistance measurement data processv1 1Add constants correctAdd constants correct14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind254-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder六、六、Distance measurement data processDistance measurement data process2 2Multiply constant corrections Multiply constant corrections 3 3Meteorological correct Meteorological correct 不同型号的测距仪,气象改正公式的系数也不同,不同型号的测距仪,气象改正公式的系数也不同,在仪器使用说明书内给出了气象改正计算公式。在仪器使用说明书内给出了气象改正计算公式。4.Tilt correction 4.Tilt correction 5 5To calculate to geoid correctionsTo calculate to geoid corrections14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind264-3 Electromagnetic rangefinder4-3 Electromagnetic rangefinderv七、七、E Error sources of photoelectric rangingrror sources of photoelectric rangingvDistance error can be divided into two parts:Distance error can be divided into two parts:The first part error of it is proportional to The first part error of it is proportional to distance D,namely the speed of light value error,distance D,namely the speed of light value error,atmospheric refraction error and ranging frequency atmospheric refraction error and ranging frequency error;error;Another part is irrelevant with distance,Another part is irrelevant with distance,namely phase error,to add constant error,plummet namely phase error,to add constant error,plummet error,error,vGenerally rangefinder precision expressionGenerally rangefinder precision expression14-3 Electromagnetic rangefind2714-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspection4-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspection v一、一、OverviewOverviewInspection items mainly include:Inspection items mainly include:v1 function examines,1 function examines,v2 The correctness of calibration of three axis relationship 2 The correctness of calibration of three axis relationship v3 luminescence tubes phase uniformity(beadle error)3 luminescence tubes phase uniformity(beadle error)measurement,measurement,v4 Amplitude phase error measurement,4 Amplitude phase error measurement,v5 period errors measurement,5 period errors measurement,v6 determination of add constants 6 determination of add constants v7 by constant(including crystal frequency),7 by constant(including crystal frequency),v8 internal and external precision of the examination.8 internal and external precision of the examination.v9 adaptive performance testing:9 adaptive performance testing:v10 measurement process detection10 measurement process detection 14-4 Electromagnetic wave ran284-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspection4-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspection v一、一、OverviewOverviewInspection items mainly include:Inspection items mainly include:功能检视功能检视;三轴关系正确性的检校三轴关系正确性的检校;发光管相位均匀性(照准误差)的测定;发光管相位均匀性(照准误差)的测定;幅相误差的测定;幅相误差的测定;周期误差的测定;周期误差的测定;加常数的测定;加常数的测定;乘常数(包括晶振频率)的测定;乘常数(包括晶振频率)的测定;内部、外部符合精度的检验;内部、外部符合精度的检验;适应性能的检测:适应性能的检测:测程的检测。测程的检测。14-4 Electromagnetic wave rang294-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspection4-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspectionv二、二、The determination of the period errorsThe determination of the period errorsv1.What is the period errors 1.What is the period errors Cycle repeated error according to Cycle repeated error according to certain distance,mainly comes from certain distance,mainly comes from internal fixed crosstalk signal.internal fixed crosstalk signal.14-4 Electromagnetic wave rang304-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspection4-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspectionv二、二、The determination of the period errorsThe determination of the period errors 2 2The measurement method of the period The measurement method of the period errors errors 14-4 Electromagnetic wave rang314-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspection4-4 Electromagnetic wave rangefinder inspectionv三、三、The determination of surveying distance The determination of surveying distance constantconstantv1.Simple measurement of add constant1.Simple measurement of add constantv2.Fix add,by constant by 6 sections 2.Fix add,by constant by 6 sections parison.To get the observation value by To get the observation value by comparison method,to compare observation comparison method,to compare observation with the known baseline data to obtain with the known baseline data to obtain constant K,by constant R.constant K,by constant R.14-4 Electromagnetic wave rang324-5 Line orientation4-5 Line orientationvDetermine the horizontal angle between a Determine the horizontal angle between a straight line and a basic direction.straight line and a basic direction.v一、一、Basic directionBasic direction1 1True north direction True north direction:过地面某点真子午线的切线北端过地面某点真子午线的切线北端所指示的方向。采用天文测量的方法测定。所指示的方向。采用天文测量的方法测定。2 2Magnetic north direction Magnetic north direction:磁针自由静止时其指北端磁针自由静止时其指北端所指的方向,称为磁北方向,可用罗盘仪测定。所指的方向,称为磁北方向,可用罗盘仪测定。3 3Coordinates north direction Coordinates north direction:过过O O点的真子午线坐标点的真子午线坐标纵轴(纵轴(X X轴)正向所指示的方向,称为坐标北方向。实用上轴)正向所指示的方向,称为坐标北方向。实用上常取与高斯平面直角坐标系中常取与高斯平面直角坐标系中X X坐标轴平行的方向为坐标北坐标轴平行的方向为坐标北方向。方向。14-5 Line orientationDetermine334-5 Line orientationv二、方位角(二、方位角(Azimuth Azimuth)An azimuth is the direction of a line as given An azimuth is the direction of a line as given by an angle measured clockwise from the north end by an angle measured clockwise from the north end of a meridian.It ranges in magnitude from of a meridian.It ranges in magnitude from 00360360。1 1True azimuth(A):True azimuth(A):the direction of a line as the direction of a line as given by an angle measured clockwise from given by an angle measured clockwise from the true north the true north。2.Magnetic azimuth(A2.Magnetic azimuth(Am m):the direction of a line as the direction of a line as given by an angle measured clockwise from given by an angle measured clockwise from the magnetic north the magnetic north。3 3Grid azimuth(Grid azimuth():the direction of a line as the direction of a line as given by an angle measured clockwise from given by an angle measured clockwise from the Grid north the Grid north。14-5 Line orientation二、方位角(Azi344-5 Line orientationv三、磁偏角(三、磁偏角(Magnetic declinationMagnetic declination)子午线收敛角(子午线收敛角(meridian convergencemeridian convergence)1 1Magnetic declination:Magnetic declination:The horizontal angle between the The horizontal angle between the north north o of f the compass and true north the compass and true north。2 2meridian convergencemeridian convergence:The horizontal angle between The horizontal angle between true and grid northtrue and grid north。and are positivand are positive e when thewhen themagnetic north or grid north is in the east magnetic north or grid north is in the east t to o true true north,the otherwise are negativenorth,the otherwise are negative.过O点的真子午线14-5 Line orientation三、磁偏角(Mag354-5 Line orientationv四、四、The relationship between three azimuthsThe relationship between three azimuths14-5 Line orientation四、The rel364-5 Line orientationv五、五、Pros and cons grid azimuthPros and cons grid azimuth 14-5 Line orientation五、Pros an374-6 The azimuth surveying4-6 The azimuth surveyingv一、一、C Compass determination magnetic azimuth ompass determination magnetic azimuth pass pass construction telescope,compass box,base telescope,compass box,base14-6 The azimuth surveying一、Co384-6 The azimuth surveying4-6 The azimuth surveyingv一、一、A compass determination magnetic azimuthA compass determination magnetic azimuth v2.Compass operation2.Compass operation(1 1)安置罗盘仪于直线的一个)安置罗盘仪于直线的一个端点,进行对中和整平。端点,进行对中和整平。(2 2)用望远镜瞄准直线另一端)用望远镜瞄准直线另一端点的标杆。点的标杆。(3 3)松开磁针制动螺旋,将磁针)松开磁针制动螺旋,将磁针放下,待磁针静止后,磁针在刻度盘上所指的读数即为该直放下,待磁针静止后,磁针在刻度盘上所指的读数即为该直线的磁方位角。线的磁方位角。14-6 The azimuth surveying一、A 394-6 The azimuth surveying4-6 The azimuth surveyingv二、二、Gyro theodolite determination true Gyro theodolite determination true azimuthazimuth1 1Gyro theodolite constructionGyro theodolite construction由望远镜、罗盘盒、基座三部分组成。由望远镜、罗盘盒、基座三部分组成。GYROMAT2000AGP114-6 The azimuth surveying二、Gy404-6 The azimuth surveying4-6 The azimuth surveyingv二、二、Gyro theodolite determination true Gyro theodolite determination true azimuthazimuth1 1Gyro theodolite observation methodsGyro theodolite observation methodsv(1)Roughly orientation(1)Roughly orientation 两逆转点法两逆转点法:四分之一周期法:四分之一周期法:14-6 The azimuth surveying二、Gy414-6 The azimuth surveying4-6 The azimuth surveying(2 2)Precision direction Precision direction 精密定向一般采用跟踪逆转点法和中天法。精密定向一般采用跟踪逆转点法和中天法。14-6 The azimuth surveying(2)P42Chapt.4 Content reviewChapt.4 Content reviewv1.Steel tape distance surveying1.Steel tape distance surveyingv2.Stadia measurement2.Stadia measurementv3.Electromagnetic rangefinder 3.Electromagnetic rangefinder v4.Electromagnetic rangefinder 4.Electromagnetic rangefinder inspection inspection v5.Line orientation5.Line orientationv6.The azimuth surveying6.The azimuth surveyingThats all for this chapter!1Chapt.4 Content review1.Ste43


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