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Science and TechnologyUnit 4NEW HORIZON ENGLISH COURSES Book OneUnit 4Science and Technology1Around the Topic2Section A A3Section B4Section CLeading in Exploring the TopicPlus ActivitiesWarming-upText AExercisesBackground InformationReading ThroughExercisesRelated KnowledgeSample ReadingExercisesUseful TermsSection BSection CSection AExploring the TopicPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicIntroduction Sometimesthebestthingsinlifecanalso be the worst!If you use acomputer,thenyouknowallaboutthis.Computers can help us do manythings,butwhatiftheworldstheybuildarenotreal?Letsreadonandfindouthowlifecanchangeincrazywayswithnewtechnology.Leading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CLeading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CLeading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CA People exchange letters by computer rather than through the post office.B If you want to go shopping online,most probably(可能)youll visit the website founded by Alibaba Group.C If you want to make friends and even date online,you can visit a website like this on the Internet.Leading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CD People can share(分享)their ideas and feelings online with readers sooner and better through this“web diary.”E People can use this chat software(聊天软件)on mobile phone to exchange and share information of voice,video(录像)and text with friends.F It is one of the latest products of Apple Inc.that are popular among the mobile phone users in the whole world.1 C 2 3 4 5 6AEFBDLeading inExploring the TopicAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C1.What hi-tech products do you use?computerwashing machine microwave stoveCellphoneair-conditionerLeading inExploring the TopicAround the TopicSection ASection BSection Csave time pollute the environmentbe very convenient people are too depend on themcommunicate easily people are not so close as beforelive comfortable without the hi-tech products,it seems the society wont go onhave fun 2.What are the advantages and troubles that these hi-tech products may bring you?Around the TopicSection ASection BSection CEven in Real Life There Were Screens Between UsSectionA:Text AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C What do you think?The film below is a video of computer.It helps us catch a glimpse of the computer in modern life.what do you think importance does the computer Technology play in the film industry?Watch&DiscussionText AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection Cl“Star Trek”l“Shrek”l“Final Fantasy”BrainstormingDiscussion:After seeing the ad video,what is your general impression of the computer technology?And what do you think about the characters mentioned in this film?Text AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C1.GoogleGoogle is one of the most popular websites(网址)in the world.It is a web search engine that lets you find other sites on the Web based on keyword searches.It also provides specialized searches through blogs(博客),catalogs(目录),videos,news items and more.Google provides Internet services that let you create blogs,send e-mails,and publish web pages.It has social networking tools,organization tools,and chat tools,services for mobile(移动)devices(设施),and even Google branded(品牌)products.Text AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C2.chat roomThe term chat room,or chat room,is primarily used to describe any form of synchronous(同步的)conferencing,occasionally even asynchronous(异步的)conferencing.The term can thus mean any technology ranging from real-time online chat and virtual(虚拟的)interaction with strangers over instant messaging and online forums to fully immersive(身临其境的)graphical(生动的)social environments.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CChineseChineseStill the Google chat box said,“Paul is typing.”Paul was the guy I met in October at a meeting.Since then we started video chatting for hours every night.谷歌聊天框依然显示:谷歌聊天框依然显示:“保罗在输入中。保罗在输入中。”保保罗罗是是我我在在10月月份份的的一一次次会会议议上上认认识识的的一一个个小小伙伙子子。从从那那以以后后,我我们们每每晚晚都都会会通通过过视视频频聊聊上上好好几几个小时。个小时。Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between UsParas.1-2Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C One night,when we talked too late,I fell asleep with my laptop open and woke up seven hours later.He was still there,asleep.Then he woke up too and said,“Hi,you.”“Hi,”I said.“How did you sleep?”ChineseChinese 有有一一天天晚晚上上,我我们们聊聊到到深深夜夜,笔笔记记本本电电脑脑还还开开着着,我我就就睡睡着着了了。七七小小时时后后醒醒来来,发发现现保保罗罗还还在在线线上上,只只是也睡着了。是也睡着了。后来他也醒了,说:后来他也醒了,说:“嗨,你好!嗨,你好!”“嗨,嗨,”我说。我说。“睡得好吗?睡得好吗?”Paras.3-5Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C ChineseChineseAs the weeks went on,I told Paul about my last boyfriend,a guy I had met in computer class and dated for almost two years.He listened quietly and gave good,clear-eyed advice about letting go.He also told me about his ex-girlfriend,who never appreciated his work.在在后后来来的的几几周周里里,我我和和保保罗罗讲讲了了我我的的前前男男友友。我我们们是是在在电电脑脑课课上上认认识识的的,交交往往了了近近两两年年。保保罗罗静静静静地地听,明智地劝我放下那段感情。他也对我讲了他前女听,明智地劝我放下那段感情。他也对我讲了他前女友的事,说她从不欣赏自己的工作。友的事,说她从不欣赏自己的工作。Para.6Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C In the safety of my room,I could see Paul,but I couldnt touch him.I could summon him when I wanted to talk,but I never knew him in any light other than the one from the lamp by his bed.I could call him any time I liked;I could avoid him any time I wanted,because just one click of the mouse would shut him out of my room.ChineseChinese 在在自自己己安安全全的的房房间间里里,我我能能看看到到保保罗罗,但但摸摸不不到到。我我想想和和他他说说话话时时就就叫叫他他上上线线,但但我我无无法法了了解解他他,唯唯一一能能借借助助的的,就就是是他他床床头头的的灯灯光光。任任何何时时候候,我我想想给给他他打打电电话话就就打打,想不理他时,轻轻一按鼠标就可将他拒之屏外。想不理他时,轻轻一按鼠标就可将他拒之屏外。Para.7Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C “I really like you,”he said one night.“I really like you too,”I said.“I dont know what that means.”ChineseChinese一天晚上,他说:一天晚上,他说:“我很喜欢你。我很喜欢你。”“我我也也很很喜喜欢欢你你,”我我说说。“可可我我不不知知道道这这意意味味着什么。着什么。”Paras.8-9Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CChineseChineseI wanted to find out.So in early March I borrowed a car,begged my boss to let me out of work a day early,and drove 540 miles to spend a long weekend in the city where Paul lived.我我想想找找出出答答案案。于于是是,3月月初初,我我借借了了辆辆车车,央央求求老老板板准准我我提提前前一一天天放放假假,驱驱车车540英英里里到到保保罗罗生生活活的的城市,与他共度长长的周末。城市,与他共度长长的周末。Para.10Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CChineseChinesePaul was almost exactly as I expected.He stood waiting at the side of the street while I parked my car.We kissed on the street.I felt relieved and thought:“This works in real life.”保保罗罗几几乎乎就就是是我我想想象象的的那那样样。我我停停车车时时,他他站站在在街街边边等等。接接着着我我们们在在街街上上亲亲吻吻。我我一一边边感感到到宽宽慰慰,一一边边想想:“这这种种事事居居然然发发生生在在现现实实生生活活里里了。了。”Para.11Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CBut after we kissed and ate pizza and went back to his house,we struggled for things to talk about.In real life,Paul stared off at nothing while I talked.In real life,he had no questions about the drive or my job.He took me out for dinner and read his e-mail while we waited for our food.然然而而,等等我我们们接接过过吻吻,吃吃过过比比萨萨饼饼,回回到到他他家家,我我们们却却很很难难找找到到话话题题。现现实实生生活活里里,我我说说话话的的时时候候保保罗罗双双眼眼茫茫然然地地瞪瞪着着。现现实实生生活活里里,他他对对我我的的旅旅途途或或工工作作闭闭口口不不问问。他他带带我我出出去去吃吃饭饭,等等饭饭时时却却自自顾顾自自地地查查看看他他的的电电子邮件。子邮件。ChineseChinesePara.12(a)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CHe took me to a party at his friends house where they proceeded to argue for hours about Web design while I sat on a chair and stared at the ceiling,drunk and bored.I felt all this seemed like a game:a constant dance of reaching for me and pulling back,of closeness and distance,of real life and Internet make-believe.他他带带我我去去朋朋友友家家里里参参加加派派对对,他他们们一一连连几几小小时时讨讨论论网网络络设设计计,而而我我则则被被晾晾在在座座椅椅上上,醉醉醺醺醺醺地地、无无聊聊地地望望着着天天花花板板。我我感感到到所所有有这这一一切切就就像像一一场场游游戏戏:像像在在不不停停地地跳跳舞舞,他他一一会会儿儿靠靠近近我我,一一会会儿儿推推开开我我,在在这这场场舞舞蹈蹈中中,我我们们一一直直游游离离于于亲亲近近和和疏疏远远、现现实实生生活活和和虚虚拟网络之间。拟网络之间。ChineseChinesePara.12(b)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CThe day I left him while he was out at work,I wrote him a note,willing myself not to cry:“Dear Paul,thank you so much for having me this weekend.It meant a lot to me to spend time with you in person.”我我离离开开保保罗罗的的那那天天他他上上班班去去了了。我我给给他他留留了了张张字字条条,一一边边强强忍忍着着泪泪水水一一边边写写道道:“亲亲爱爱的的保保罗罗,非非常常感感谢谢你你留留我我在在这这里里一一起起度度过过这这个个周周末末,与与你你在在现现实生活中共度周末,这对我来说意义非凡。实生活中共度周末,这对我来说意义非凡。”ChineseChinesePara.13Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CMeaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences Meaning:Even if we met each other in real life,there were things that prevent us from understanding each other.Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us(Title)1Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C Meaning:He listened quietly and told me to forget about it,which I considered to be a good and clear piece of advice.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences2He listened quietly and gave good,clear-eyed advice about letting go.(Para.6)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C Meaning:When I wanted to,I could ask him to talk with me,but I knew nothing more about him except seeing him from his bedside lamp.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences3I could summon him when I wanted to talk,but I never knew him in any light other than the one from the lamp by his bed.(Para.7)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CMeaning:So in early March I borrowed a car,asked my boss to give me a day-leave before weekend,and drove 540 miles to the city where Paul lived.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences4So in early March I borrowed a car,begged my boss to let me out of work a day early,and drove 540 miles to spend a long weekend in the city where Paul lived.(Para.10)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C Meaning:In real life,Paul felt uninterested in what I was talking about.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences5In real life,Paul stared off at nothing while I talked.(Para.12)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CMeaning:In real life,he didnt ask me anything about how I drove here.Neither did he ask about my job.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences6In real life,he had no questions about the drive or my job.(Para.12)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CMeaning:He took me out for dinner,and while we waited for our food,he just read his e-mail without paying any attention to me.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences7He took me out for dinner and read his e-mail while we waited for our food.(Para.12)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CMeaning:So in early March I borrowed a car,asked my boss to give me a day-leave before weekend,and drove 540 miles to the city where Paul lived.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences8So in early March I borrowed a car,begged my boss to let me out of work a day early,and drove 540 miles to spend a long weekend in the city where Paul lived.(Para.10)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C I felt all this seemed like a game:a constant dance of reaching for me and pulling back,of closeness and distance,of real life and Internet make-believe.(Para.12)Meaning:I felt this was like a game:an endless game where he tried hard to get to me and then moved away from me,where we got closer to each other and then kept far away from each other,and where one was hard to tell what was real life and what was online life.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences9Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CMeaning:On the day when I left Paul,he was out working.I wrote a note to him.I wished I would not cry for leaving him.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences10The day I left him while he was out at work,I wrote him a note,willing myself not to cry:(Para.13)Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CIt meant a lot to me to spend time with you in person.(Para.13)Meaning:The days we spent side by side with each other were very meaningful to me.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning of the Sentences11Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CText A tells us a story from which we can learn that the Internet,while it is useful and helpful in communication like many other high-tech products,may also cause trouble.It illustrates how a“trouble”is caused to a couple who,with the help of the Internet,have fallen in love with each other but been kept distant from each other.To help the students see this point,the teacher is advised to draw the students attention tothe 3 points by asking them the following questions:how much they know about the Internetthe advantages and disadvantages of the Internet the attitude they should take towards the InternetMain IdeaWarming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CThe narrator decides to leave Paul for she realizes in the end that people and things are different in real life from online.StructureStructureMain idea:The development of the storytopic:The main character Paul is introduced.Part II:Para.2-12 Part III:Para.13Part I:Para.1Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CNew Wordsguy girlfriend laptoptouchasleepappreciationvideochatex-safetytypescreenWarming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CNew Wordsclick struggle mouse expectproceedlampbegstarerelievee-mailavoidsummonWarming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CNew Wordsdrunkbore distancedesignconstantceilingwebWarming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CPhrases&Expressions reach for wake up other thanat work fall asleep let go pull backwill somebody to do something shut somebody outin personWarming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C screenn.1)C the front glass surface of an electrical instrument 屏幕;荧光屏a computer screen 计算机屏幕 a television screen 电视机屏幕e.g.Its easy to change the text on screen before printing it.印刷之前在屏幕上,修改这个文本很容易。2)C something that protects,shelters,or hides 屏障;阻隔物e.g.We planted a screen of trees to keep out the wind.我们种下一排树作为挡风的屏障。e.g.The police attacked the teahouse that was opened as a screen for illegal drug dealing.警察袭击了那家用来掩护非法毒品交易的茶馆。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection Cvt.shelter or protect 遮蔽;掩护e.g.The woman screened her face with a fan.这位女士用扇子遮着脸。在路上看不到那房子,一排树把它给挡住了。PracticeA line of trees screened the house from the road.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C chatn.C;U a friendly informal conversation 闲谈;谈天e.g.Many TV chat shows are popular with people.许多电视访谈节目很受大众欢迎。e.g We made an appointment to meet at the park for a chat.我们约好到公园面谈。vi.talk socially without exchanging too much information 闲谈;谈天e.g.Women like to chat together.女人喜欢在一起聊天。e.g.He chatted with a stranger online for a while.他在网上和一个陌生人聊了一阵。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C typev.write by means of a keyboard 打字e.g.The manager asked his secretary to type the letters for him.经理让秘书把这些信打出来。e.g.Type your password,then press“Return.”输入密码,然而按“回车”。n.C a subdivision of a particular kind of thing 种类e.g.Whats your blood type?你是什么血型?e.g.Ive already seen a few movies of this type.这类电影我看过几部了。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C guyn.C an informal term for a youth or man 家伙;(男)人e.g.John is a nice guy who always smiles at others.约翰是个脾气温和的男人,总是以微笑对人。e.g.He is a guy I never really like.我并不真心喜欢那家伙。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C videon.1)U(computer science)the appearance of text and graphics on a video display(电脑)视频videosignal视频信号e.g.Video chatting is now a common way for family members to keep in touch.视频聊天已经是现今家庭成员之间保持联系的一种普遍方式。2)C;U the visible part of a television transmission 录像;影像e.g.Multimedia teaching includes the use of video and film in class.多媒体教学包括在课堂上运用录像和电影进行教学。e.g.We watched the football match on video the next morning.第二天上午我们看了那场足球赛的录像。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C laptopn.C a portable computer small enough to use on your lap 便携式电脑;笔记本电脑e.g.A laptop usually costs more than a desktop computer.笔记本电脑通常比台式电脑贵。Practice我的手提电脑坏了,要修了。My laptop needs repairing.Its down.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C appreciatevt.1)recognize with gratitude 欣赏;赏识e.g.We really appreciate his effort in his work.我们很欣赏他对工作的努力。e.g.By traveling,we can appreciate the beauty of nature.旅游让我们欣赏到大自然的美。2)be grateful to 感激e.g.You have done so much to help me.I really appreciate it.你帮了我那么多,我很感激。e.g.Id appreciate it if you let me get on with my job.若你能让我继续我的工作,我会感激的。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C safetyn.U the state of being safe from danger or harm 安全;保险e.g.The main duty of the police is to insure safety of people.警察的主要职责是保卫民众的安全。Practice驾驶员开车时不系安全带是很危险的。Its dangerous for a driver not to tie his safety belt while driving.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C touchvt.1)make physical contact with;feel 触摸e.g.Dont touch the cup;its hot.别摸杯子,很烫。2)affect emotionally 感动e.g.We were so touched by that movie that we all cried.我们都被那部电影感动得哭了。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C n.C the action of putting your hand,finger,or other part of your body on someone or something 接触;碰触e.g.In some societies,even a light touch on others body is regarded as being offensive.在有些社会,即便轻轻触碰别人的身体也会被认作是一种冒犯。get touch with somebody contact somebody 联系上某人e.g.Please get in touch with us if you need any help.如果需要帮助,请联系我们。Practice阿拉伯人喜欢互相触摸以示友好。Arabs like to touch each other to show friendliness.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C 他挥手招呼我进来。summonvt.order someone to come to a place 召唤e.g.In case of a fire,dial 119 to summon the firefighters.如果有火情,打119叫消防员。PracticeHe summoned me to come in by waving his hand.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C avoidvt.1)stay away from someone or something 躲开;逃避e.g.Everyone seemed to be avoiding Nick.好像人人都躲着尼克。e.g.She carefully avoided his eyes.她小心地避开他的目光。2)prevent the occurrence of;prevent from happening 避免e.g.Our English teacher told us to avoid misspellings.英语老师告诉我们要避免拼写错误。e.g.To avoid offending the locals,you should follow the rule:When in Rome do as the Romans do.为了避免冒犯当地人,我们要遵循的原则是“入国问禁,入乡随俗”。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C clickn.C the action of making a computer do something by pressing a button on the mouse点击e.g.Your photos can be viewed with the click of a mouse.按一下鼠标就可以看到你的照片。v.1)press a button on a computer mouse to choose something from the screen 点击鼠标e.g.Choose the image you want by clicking twice.点击两下鼠标就可以选择你要的图像。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C beg v.1)ask for something 恳求e.g.I begged Helen to stay,but she wouldnt listen.她再三恳求他们,直到他们最后同意。2)ask people to give you food,money,etc.乞讨e.g.That young man was so lazy that he begged for money to support himself.那个年轻人太懒,就靠乞讨度日。Practice我恳求海伦留下,但她没理我。She begged and pleaded with them until they finally agreed.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C expectvt.1)regard something as probable or likely 预期e.g.A rainstorm is expected in this area within an hour.预计一小时后本地有一场暴雨。e.g.My teacher said he had never expected me to turn out to be a doctor.我的老师说他根本没有料想到我最后竟然成了医生。2)look forward to the probable occurrence of 期待;盼望e.g.Everybody expected him to win the gold medal.大家都期望他能获得金牌。e.g.I expect to travel around the world some day.我盼望有一天能够环游世界。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C relievevt.1)ease or reduce from pain 减轻(痛苦、压力)e.g.Listening to light music is good for relieving you of stress.听轻音乐对减轻压力有好处。e.g.Aspirin can help relieve headache.阿司匹林有助于减轻头痛。2)free someone temporarily from his or her obligations 解除e.g.The invention of many machines relieved human beings from heavy work.许多机器的发明都把人类从沉重的劳动中解放了出来。e.g.The money relieved them from poverty.这笔钱使他们摆脱了贫困。Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection Cstrugglevi.make a strenuous or l


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