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Do You Know Them?IrelandRussiaSwedenSirilankaNorwayTask 3Guessing Work What are their nationalities JapanThailandEgyptSpainIndiaVideo ClipTask 4Click to stop and click again to continueProverbs and SayingsCulture itself is neither education nor law-making,it is an atmosphere and a heritage.(H.l.Mencken)文化本身既不是教育也不是立法,它是一种氛围,文化本身既不是教育也不是立法,它是一种氛围,一种遗产。一种遗产。门肯门肯 Culture is an activity of thought,and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling.Scraps of information have nothing to do with it.A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on Gods earth.(Whitehead)文文化化是是一一种种思思想想活活动动,是是对对美美和和人人类类情情感感的的领领悟悟,与与零零碎碎的的知知识识无无关关。一一个个仅仅仅仅是是满满腹腹经经纶纶的的人人对对于于世界是无裨益的。世界是无裨益的。怀特黑德怀特黑德 Task 5Work in groups to answer the following questions.Work in groups to answer the following questions.One custom is that the host and hostess should say to guests words and phrases that will smooth over the visitors leaving and make them feel they will be welcome to come again.The other one is that the host and hostess feel they must see a guest off to the farthest point except those less important or young.What are the two parting customs in China mentioned in the article?A Chinese will appear to be modest and apologize for giving“nothing”even slightly edible and for not showing enough honor by providing proper dishes;an American is likely to say,“Oh,Im so glad that you liked it.I cooked it especially for you.”What are Chinese and Americans responses when they are complimented for cooking skills?Chinese parents will say that their children,even if at the top of their class in school,are always so“naughty”,never studying,never listening to their elders,and so forth;American parents will straightforwardly speak proudly of their childrens achievements.What are Chinese and American parents comments when they evaluate their children?Its rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed.Topic sentence(para.1)Supporting evidence Parting customs in China(para.1-7)A.At a party when complimented for cooking skills Chinese modesty vs.American straightforwardness(para.8-12)B.When talking about their children C.Hearing the word“no”Conclusion(para.13)Life becomes much easier once you have studiedup on cultural differences.Part I Its rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed.1.1.Why Why is is it it that that when when you you study study a a foreign foreign language,language,you you never never learn learn the the little little phrases phrases that that let let you you slip slip into into a a culture culture without all your foreignness exposedwithout all your foreignness exposed?(Line(Line 1 1)整整整整个个个个句句句句子子子子其其其其实实实实就就就就是是是是:Why Why is is it?it?只只只只是是是是it it是是是是形形形形式式式式主主主主语语语语,真真真真正正正正的的的的主主主主语语语语是是是是从从从从句句句句that that when when you you studywithout studywithout all all your your foreignness foreignness exposedexposed。主主主主语语语语从从从从句句句句中中中中又又又又含含含含有有有有两两两两个个个个从从从从句句句句,一一一一个个个个是是是是时时时时间间间间状状状状语语语语从从从从句句句句when when you you study study a a foreign foreign languagelanguage,一一一一个个个个是是是是定定定定语语语语从从从从句句句句that that let let you you slip slip into into a a culture,culture,修饰先行词修饰先行词修饰先行词修饰先行词the little phrases.the little phrases.在在外外语语学学习习中中,有有一一些些简简单单的的词词语语,一一旦旦掌掌握握,就就能能让让你你不不知知不不觉觉地地融融入入另另一一种种文文化化,而而丝丝毫毫不不会会暴暴露露你你是是一一个个外外国国人人。但但你你为为什什么总学不会呢?么总学不会呢?1.1.Why Why is is it it that that when when you you study study a a foreign foreign language,language,you you never never learn learn the the little little phrases phrases that that let let you you slip slip into into a a culture without all your foreignness exposed?culture without all your foreignness exposed?(Line(Line 1 1)2 2.Every Every Chinese-language Chinese-language textbook textbook starts starts out out with with the the standard standard phrase phrase for for greeting greeting people;people;but but as as an an American,American,I I constantly constantly found found myselfmyself tongue-tied when it came to seeing guests off at the door.(Line Line 4 4)when it comes to+when it comes to+名词名词名词名词/动名词动名词动名词动名词/代词等代词等代词等代词等 表示表示表示表示“当谈到当谈到当谈到当谈到的时候的时候的时候的时候”谈到谈到英语,我简直一窍不通。英语,我简直一窍不通。当当然然,说说到到大大型型数数据据库库的的收收集集与与处处理理,技术已不再是问题。技术已不再是问题。When it comes to English,I am completely at sea.Certainly when it comes to gathering and handling large database,technology is no longer a problem.每每本本汉汉语语课课本本都都是是从从问问候候语语开开始始的的。但但是是作作为为美美国国人人,每每当当要要我我送送客客出出门门时时,我我总总是是舌舌头打结。头打结。2 2.Every Every Chinese-language Chinese-language textbook textbook starts starts out out with with the the standard standard phrase phrase for for greeting greeting people;people;but but as as an an American,American,I I constantly constantly found found myselfmyself tongue-tied when it came to seeing guests off at the door.(Line Line 4 4)3.Then finally,listening to others,I began to pick up the phrases that eased relations and sent people off with a feeling of mission not only accomplished but surpassed.(Line 9)listening to others listening to others 是分词短语,作伴随状语。是分词短语,作伴随状语。是分词短语,作伴随状语。是分词短语,作伴随状语。and and 连接两个并列句,连接两个并列句,连接两个并列句,连接两个并列句,sent sent 是过去时态,和是过去时态,和是过去时态,和是过去时态,和beganbegan并列,并列,并列,并列,都是主语都是主语都是主语都是主语I I 发出的动作。过去分词发出的动作。过去分词发出的动作。过去分词发出的动作。过去分词“accomplished”“accomplished”和和和和 “surpassed”“surpassed”都是都是都是都是missionmission的补语,补充说明的补语,补充说明的补语,补充说明的补语,补充说明missionmission。w with a feeling of ith a feeling of+名词名词名词名词+形容词形容词形容词形容词/分词分词分词分词 感到感到感到感到被被被被通过四级考试以后,我通过四级考试以后,我感到感到大学生活没有白过。大学生活没有白过。因因为为受受到到老老板板的的表表扬扬,我我坐坐在在办办公室里公室里有一种有一种工作被认可的工作被认可的感觉感觉。Having passed the Band Four Examination,I lived in the college with a feeling of time not wasted.Being praised by my boss,I was seated in my office with a feeling of work recognized.后后来来,听听得得多多了了,我我开开始始学学会会了了说说一一些些话话,使使送送客客的的气气氛氛轻轻松松了了许许多多。我我感感到到我我不不仅仅完完成了任务,而且完成得很出色。成了任务,而且完成得很出色。3.Then finally,listening to others,I began to pick up the phrases that eased relations and sent people off with a feeling of mission not only accomplished but surpassed.(Line 9)“Diving Queen”Gao Min _ in 1992 as the worlds greatest female springboard diver.“跳水女皇跳水女皇”高敏在高敏在1992年作为世界上最优秀的女子跳板年作为世界上最优秀的女子跳板跳水运动员跳水运动员体面地退役体面地退役。retired gracefully 1.gracefully(title)adv.behaving in a polite and pleasant way 得体的得体的In December 2004,former Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue _ to serve as the Chinese ambassador in Belgium.2004年年12月,前中国外交部女发言人章启月月,前中国外交部女发言人章启月被体面地调任被体面地调任中国驻比利时大使。中国驻比利时大使。was gracefully transferred 杨丽萍小姐是一位动作如此杨丽萍小姐是一位动作如此优雅的优雅的舞者。舞者。Ms.Yang Liping is such a graceful dancer.名词形式:名词形式:grace n.quality of being pleasing,attractive,or beautiful,esp.in structure or movement 优美;优雅(尤指在结构或动作上)优美;优雅(尤指在结构或动作上)形容词形式:形容词形式:graceful It was gracious of you to come.蒙您光临,不胜感激。蒙您光临,不胜感激。词义辨析:词义辨析:graceful 与与 gracious gracious adj.(of persons and their behavior)pleasant;kind;agreeable (指人及其行为)亲切的,和善的,和蔼的(指人及其行为)亲切的,和善的,和蔼的 The host welcomed the guests in his program _.(态度亲切地态度亲切地)in a gracious manner那个贼那个贼悄悄溜走悄悄溜走没被人看到。没被人看到。岁月岁月岁月岁月在不知不觉中过去在不知不觉中过去在不知不觉中过去在不知不觉中过去。The thief slipped away/out/past without being seen.The years slipped by.2.slip(Line 2,Para.1)v.go or move quickly or quietly 滑滑 Her brother John is a man with an abrupt manner.那条通往那个小镇的道路有很多那条通往那个小镇的道路有很多那条通往那个小镇的道路有很多那条通往那个小镇的道路有很多急转弯急转弯急转弯急转弯。他的弟弟约翰是一个他的弟弟约翰是一个举止粗鲁的举止粗鲁的人。人。The road to the small town was full of abrupt turns.adj.2)sudden;unexpected 突然的突然的,意外的意外的 _ greatly frightened all the gamblers in the room.(警察的突然闯入)(警察的突然闯入)The policemens abrupt entrance 3.abrupt(Line 5,Para.1)adj.1)seeming rude and unfriendly 唐突的;鲁莽的唐突的;鲁莽的Give the Chinese of the following phrases.abrupt departure 突然的离去突然的离去 abrupt attack 突袭突袭 骤停骤停/急转弯急转弯突如其来的终止突如其来的终止 政策突变政策突变 abrupt stop/turnabrupt ending abrupt change of the policy 副词形式:副词形式:abruptly名词形式:名词形式:abruptness The Lenovo Group of China _ IBMs personal computer(PC)division in 2005.在在2005年,中国的联想集团成功年,中国的联想集团成功实现了实现了对对IBM的个人电脑业的个人电脑业务的务的收购收购。Resolution and perseverance enable him to _ _.坚强和毅力使他坚强和毅力使他实现了成为实现了成为F-1车车手手 的梦想的梦想。5.accomplish(Line 10,Para.2)v.succeed in doing something 完成完成accomplish his dream to becomea Formula One raceraccomplished the purchase of For a prose writer,thats rather an accomplishment.She could She could achieveachieve everything if she works hard.everything if she works hard.对于一个散文作家来说,那是一个相当了不起的对于一个散文作家来说,那是一个相当了不起的成就成就。如果她努力的话她就会如果她努力的话她就会取得成功取得成功。名词形式:名词形式:accomplishment 成就成就 词义辨析:词义辨析:achieve,accomplish 和和 attain这三个词都指达到某种目的或完成任务。这三个词都指达到某种目的或完成任务。achieve和和attain强调通过努力而达到目的,取得成功或实现愿望。强调通过努力而达到目的,取得成功或实现愿望。achieve在表示在表示“取得取得成绩或成就成绩或成就”时,常和某些代词连用。时,常和某些代词连用。We tried to persuade them but We tried to persuade them but accomplished nothingaccomplished nothing.我们想说服他们,但我们想说服他们,但并没有成功并没有成功。词义辨析:词义辨析:achieve,accomplish 和和 attainattain 多用作多用作vt,用作用作vi时时,常与常与to搭配。搭配。注意:如宾语是如宾语是power,prosperity,distinction,knowledge,wisdom等词时等词时,用,用attain或或attain to都可以。都可以。但宾语是但宾语是end,object,aim,ideal,aspiration等词时等词时只能使用只能使用attain,不能用,不能用attain to。accomplish 指成功地完成预期的目标。在表示指成功地完成预期的目标。在表示“取得取得成就成就”时,也和某些代词连用。时,也和某些代词连用。请选择请选择“achieve”,“accomplish”或或“attain”的适的适当形式填空。当形式填空。1.He will never _ anything if he doesnt work hard.2.It took them two years to _ that great TV serial.3.We must try our best to _ this standard.4.If you dont rely on the experimental conclusion,you will _ nothing.6.Did your sister _ all that she expected to?5.Jack finally _ to the highest office in that company.achieveaccomplishattainaccomplishattained achieve 和我们一样,台湾同胞和我们一样,台湾同胞(compatriot)也也过过农历新年。农历新年。Before the start of the meeting,all the participants _ in honor of those victims in the earthquake and tsunami.在会议开始之前,所有的与会者向地震和海啸的受害在会议开始之前,所有的与会者向地震和海啸的受害者者默哀三分钟默哀三分钟。Just like us,Taiwan compatriots also observe the lunar new year.6.observe(Line 12,Para.3)v.1)obey(a law,rule or custom)遵守,奉行遵守,奉行observed three minutes silence I have never observed her do otherwise.我从未我从未我从未我从未看到看到看到看到她不是这样做的。她不是这样做的。她不是这样做的。她不是这样做的。那些联邦调查局的探员们那些联邦调查局的探员们(FBI agent)正在正在监视监视那个可疑的人。那个可疑的人。Those Those FBI FBI agents agents were were observingobserving that that suspected suspected person.person.我们我们我们我们注意到注意到注意到注意到天转阴了。天转阴了。天转阴了。天转阴了。We observed that it had turned cloudy.2)see and notice;watch carefully 看;观察看;观察 她对我们她对我们说说我们的任务完成地很好。我们的任务完成地很好。She observed(to us)that our task was very well finished.3)say by way of comment 评论;评述;说评论;评述;说 名词形式:名词形式:observation 形容词形式:形容词形式:observing 我可以我可以向你保证向你保证这家商店里的健身器这家商店里的健身器材材(fitness equipment)的质量。的质量。援救队援救队援救队援救队(rescue team)(rescue team)的成员们的成员们的成员们的成员们向那位焦急的母亲保证向那位焦急的母亲保证向那位焦急的母亲保证向那位焦急的母亲保证他们会尽全力去寻找她失踪的儿子。他们会尽全力去寻找她失踪的儿子。他们会尽全力去寻找她失踪的儿子。他们会尽全力去寻找她失踪的儿子。I can assure you of the quality of the fitness equipment of this shop.Those rescue team members assured the worried mother that they would try their best to look for her missing son.8.assure(Line 25,Para.5)v.1)tell somebody that something will definitely happen so that they are less worried 向向保证保证 形容词形式形容词形式:assured adj.sure;confident 确信的;深信的确信的;深信的 _ our government could effectively put the overheating economy under control.你尽可以放心你尽可以放心,我们的政府能够有效地控制过热增长的经济。,我们的政府能够有效地控制过热增长的经济。You may rest assured that 名词形式:名词形式:assurance n.certainty;confidence 确信;信心确信;信心 9.discourage (Line 30,Para.6)v.1)lessen,take away,the courage or confidence of 使使气馁;使气馁;使沮丧沮丧 Dont let one failure discourage you;try again.别因为一次失败就别因为一次失败就气馁气馁,再试一次。,再试一次。Its very discouraging that every time I try to ride a motor bike I fall off.我每次骑机车都会摔跤,真我每次骑机车都会摔跤,真让人丧气让人丧气。2)vp.discourage somebody from doing something =put difficulties in his way;make it seem not worthwhile;try to persuade him/her not to do it 阻碍;使阻碍;使 认为某事不值得做;劝阻认为某事不值得做;劝阻雨天雨天使使人们人们不能去不能去看车展看车展(auto exhibition)。The wet weather discouraged people from going to the auto exhibition.人们人们劝阻劝阻他他不要不要放弃工作。放弃工作。He was discouraged from giving up his job.Key words in Part Ilittle phrase pick up the phrases farthest feasible pointslip into ease relations assurewithout.exposed with a feeling of mission put sb.to the troublestandard phrase accomplish at every landingtougue-tied surpass discouragesmooth over involve put ab.to the discomfortin ones fluster one-upmanship flee aftergraciousness ritual inevitable observe go against politeness haste protest caution accompany translate literally Part II Its rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed.4.The same rules 4.The same rules hold true with regard tohold true with regard to children.children.(Line (Line 4444)hold true for/to适用于适用于;对;对有效有效 with/in regard to 关于关于,至于,至于(without regard to 无视无视,对,对不加不加考虑考虑)你你的的工工作作观观念念已已不不再再适适用用,如如果果你你想想找找个个工工作作,你你就必须改变思想。就必须改变思想。你你的的学学习习方方法法很很好好,但但是是并并不不一一定定适适合合其其他他同同学学,因因为为每每个个同同学学都都有有各各自自不不同同的情况。的情况。Your concept about work no longer holds true;if you want to find a job,you have to change your idea.Your learning strategy is wonderful,but it does not necessarily hold true for other students,for every student has his own specific condition.hold sth.against sb.:和某人作对,对某人持不好的看法 e.g.Its not fair to hold the boys past behavior against himhold back:a)阻碍 e.g.They built banks of earth to hold back the rising of flood water.b)抑制 e.g.You could become a good musician,but your lack of practice is holding you back.hold on:a)to wait(often on the telephone)e.g.Hold on a minute,I will just get a pen.b)to continue in spite of difficulties e.g.Try and hold on until help arrives.hold onto:紧紧抓住,不卖出 e.g.She managed to hold onto her job when several of her colleagues lost theirs.就就你你认认为为智智商商与与成成功功密密切切相相关关的的观观点点,我我想想举举另另外外一个例子。一个例子。印印巴巴两两国国同同意意开开通通热热线线,保保持持联联系系,来来共共同同探探讨讨如如何何降降低低有有关关核事件的危险。核事件的危险。I want to give you another example with regard to your point that IQ is closely related to success.India and Pakistan agree to establish hotline to reduce risks with regard to nuclear issues.同同样样的的规规则则在在对对待待小小孩孩上也适用。上也适用。4.The same rules hold true with regard to children.(Line 44)将军对那个士兵在战场上的勇气将军对那个士兵在战场上的勇气给与赞扬给与赞扬。她非常高兴人们她非常高兴人们她非常高兴人们她非常高兴人们称赞称赞称赞称赞她漂亮。她漂亮。她漂亮。她漂亮。The general complimented that solider for his courage on battlefield.She is very pleased that people compliment her on her pliment(Line 40,Para.9)v.say something nice to someone in order to praise him/her 赞扬赞扬The general paid that soldier a compliment on his courage on battlefield.谨谨致致佳佳节节祝祝贺贺(西西方方人人圣圣诞诞、新新年年互相祝贺用语)互相祝贺用语)n.1)expression of admiration,approval,etc.,either in words or by action(e.g.by asking somebody for his advice or opinions,or by imitating him)(以言语或行动做出的)恭维的表示;敬意;赞扬(以言语或行动做出的)恭维的表示;敬意;赞扬 (例如向某人请教或效法他)(例如向某人请教或效法他)例句一可换为:例句一可换为:2)(pl.)greetings(多用作复数)问候;致意;道贺(多用作复数)问候;致意;道贺 with the with the complimentscompliments of the season of the season plimentary:complimentary remarks The arrival of Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady _ _.(逐渐改变了休斯敦火箭队的传统战术)(逐渐改变了休斯敦火箭队的传统战术)修改修改合同中的某些条款看来非常必要。合同中的某些条款看来非常必要。To modify some terms of the contract seems quite necessary.11.modify (Line 55,Para.12)vt.1)make small changes to something,often in order to improve it 修改;变更修改;变更 tactics of the Houston Rocketshas gradually modified the conventional Youd better modify your tone on such a formal occasion.他是不会他是不会他是不会他是不会降低降低降低降低要求的。要求的。要求的。要求的。在那样一个正式的场合之下,你最好在那样一个正式的场合之下,你最好说话文雅一些说话文雅一些。He wont modify his demands.2)make less severe,violent,etc.减轻;缓和减轻;缓和 The sponsors _ in a program of that commercial performance.主办方主办方打算变动打算变动那个商业演出中的一个节目的内容。那个商业演出中的一个节目的内容。新的王宫的设计正在大加新的王宫的设计正在大加新的王宫的设计正在大加新的王宫的设计正在大加修改修改修改修改。planned to make modifications The design of the new palace is undergoing huge modification.名词形式:名词形式:modification n.modifying or being modified;C instance of this;change or alternation 修改;修饰;减轻;缓和;变更;变化修改;修饰;减轻;缓和;变更;变化Key words in Part IIinadequate host hold true modifyat polar opposites with regard to proposalcompliment speak proudly of take ones wordfancy honor roll study up nothing edible take pride in save modesty confusion straitforwardness frustration three refusals“Dont see me off.”to slip into a culture to see a guest off to the farthest feasible point a feeling of mission“别送我了。别送我了。”融入一种文化融入一种文化 送客人送到尽可能远的地方送客人送到尽可能远的地方 一种使命感一种使命感 American and Chinese cultures are at polar opposites.“Please dont bother.”honor roll中美文化完全不同。中美文化完全不同。“不用麻烦。不用麻烦。”光荣榜光荣榜 AssignmentI.Write a summary of the text according to the outline and key words given.Part I.Its rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed.Supporting evidence Parting customs in China(para.1-7)Part II.Chinese modesty vs.American straightforwardness(8-12)A.At a party when complimented for cooking skills B.When talking about their children C.Hearing the word“no”Part III.Conclusion(para.13)Life becomes much easier once you have studied up on cultural differences.Key words in Part Ilittle phrase pick up the phrases farthest feasible pointslip into ease relations assurewithout.exposed with a feeling of mission put sb.to the troublestandard phrase accomplish at every landingtougue-tied surpass discouragesmooth over involve put ab.to the discomfortin ones fluster one-upmanship flee aftergraciousness ritual inevitable observe go against politeness haste protest caution accompany translate literally Key words in Part IIinadequate host hold true modifyat polar opposites with regard to proposalcompliment speak proudly of take ones wordfancy honor roll study up nothing edible take pride in save modesty confusion straitforwardness frustration three refusalsII.Make a presentation onCultural Differences between Chinese and Westerners by choosing one of the 8 given subtitles.1.Dinning Customs 2.Food Customs 3.Marriage Customs 4.Character 5.Dress Etiquette(服饰礼仪)6.Taboo(禁忌)7.Communicative language 8.Education 习语的翻译方法习语的翻译方法 习语可泛指某一语言在长期历史进程中经过习语可泛指某一语言在长期历史进程中经过千锤百炼的谚语、俗语等约定俗成、言简意赅的千锤百炼的谚语、俗语等约定俗成、言简意赅的固定说法。习语既用于口头,又见于书面,既体固定说法。习语既用于口头,又见于书面,既体现出该语言的特点,又反映民族习俗和文化特色。现出该语言的特点,又反映民族习俗和文化特色。习语翻译的基本要求是形象简练,意义完整,富习语翻译的基本要求是形象简练,意义完整,富于韵味,并要紧密切合情景、题旨,适合不同语于韵味,并要紧密切合情景、题旨,适合不同语言的文化背景。习语的翻译有三种方法:直译法、言的文化背景。习语的翻译有三种方法:直译法、意译法和套用法。意译法和套用法。直译法直译法 直译法并非依照原文逐字对译,而是取其题直译法并非依照原文逐字对译,而是取其题旨用意和比喻形象,兼顾原文修辞效果。故当原旨用意和比喻形象,兼顾原文修辞效果。故当原文用意独特、汉语又无对应说法时,均可采用直文用意独特、汉语又无对应说法时,均可采用直译法。译法。君子协定君子协定 A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔。滚石不生苔。Barking dogs do not bite.吠犬不咬人。吠犬不咬人。a gentlemans agreementWhom God would ruin he first sends mad.上帝欲将其人灭亡,必先使之疯狂。上帝欲将其人灭亡,必先使之疯狂。套用法套用法 有些英语习语同汉语有些英语习语同汉语的成语有一定对应关系,的成语有一定对应关系,不仅所含思想和哲理基本不仅所含思想和哲理基本相同,而且形象比喻也接相同,而且形象比喻也接近或相同。这时可以采用近或相同。这时可以采用套用法,直接套用汉语的套用法,直接套用汉语的对应成语。对应成语。隔墙有耳。隔墙有耳。a bolt from the blue晴天霹雳。晴天霹雳。Homer(荷马)(荷马)sometimes nods.智者千虑,必有一失。智者千虑,必有一失。Walls have ears.Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。物以类聚,人以群分。意译法意译法 有的英语习语直译过来不能为汉语读者所理有的英语习语直译过来不能为汉语读者所理解,甚至可能造成误解,但又没有适当的汉语说解,甚至可能造成误解,但又没有适当的汉语说法可以套用,这时可采用意译法。法可以套用,这时可采用意译法。家丑家丑break the ice 打破僵局打破僵局 smell a rat 满腹狐疑满腹狐疑 the family skeleton like a hot knife through butter 轻而易举轻而易举 文章结尾文章结尾(一一)作文结尾处理不当的常见类型作文结尾处理不当的常见类型:1.1.前面段落写作比较仔细、精致,而到结尾部分因所余时间前面段落写作比较仔细、精致,而到结尾部分因所余时间不多只能不多只能“草率收兵草率收兵”,导致收笔不力。,导致收笔不力。2.2.本该用于结尾的话在前面段落中已本该用于结尾的话在前面段落中已“超前超前”说出,到了结说出,到了结尾无话可说。只能硬凑几句,文章给人尾无话可说。只能硬凑几句,文章给人“头重脚轻头重脚轻”的感的感觉。觉。文章结尾文章结尾(一一)作文结尾处理不当的常见类型作文结尾处理不当的常见类型:3.3.在最后引述个人看法时,与前面段落内容重合。还有的学在最后引述个人看法时,与前面段落内容重合。还有的学生仅仅表个态:同意上面第一或第二类观点。没有个人见生仅仅表个态:同意上面第一或第二类观点。没有个人见解,或者观点落入俗套、毫无新意可言。解,或者观点落入俗套、毫无新意可言。4.4.“信马由缰信马由缰”,随心所欲,随心所欲,该收尾时收不住。该收尾时收不住。5.5.“画蛇添足画蛇添足”,节外生枝,节外生枝,导致功亏一篑。导致功亏一篑。1.1.动笔前合理分配段落写作时间,平均使用脑力。动笔前合理分配段落写作时间,平均使用脑力。2.2.构思严谨。选用素材要为结尾构思严谨。选用素材要为结尾“留有余地留有余地”。3.3.表达个人观点时,从深层次探讨或综合其它观点表达个人观点时,从深层次探讨或综合其它观点 的合理性。的合理性。4.4.目的明确,言简意赅。目的明确,言简意赅。5.5.自然顺势。该停笔时当停笔。自然顺势。该停笔时当停笔。你在写下篇作文时,将采用何种方法结尾?你在写下篇作文时,将采用何种方法结尾?Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition according to the following situation.You should write at least 120 words.“You are talking with several students in English corner.Two foreign students from the U.S.have introduced some dining customs in America.Now its your turn to introduce DINING CUSTOMS IN CHINA to them.”Just now,our American friends introduced some dining customs in the States.Next,Id like to talk something about our Chinese peculiar dining customs,from inviting guests to seeing them off.Dinging Customs in China The Chinese feel that a courteous(礼貌的礼貌的)g


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