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11111.reward v.give sth.in return for good reward sb.with sth.;reward sb.for sth;Word UsingPhrases e.g.e.g.Larry complimented her and was rewarded with a smile.She was generously rewarded for her work.Words and ExpressionsWord Using111.reward n.sth.received in return for work or services 他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。He received a medal as a reward for his bravery.TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using112.rewarding a.worth doing,satisfyingTeaching can be a very rewarding career.What job do you think is the most rewarding one?e.g.e.g.Use ItWords and ExpressionsWord Using112.frustrate v.to cause sb.to feel angry or disappointed Was there anything making you frustrated?I was frustrated bydiscourage;disappoint;upset;annoy近义、同义词近义、同义词近义、同义词近义、同义词Use ItWords and ExpressionsWord Using112.frustrate to prevent someones plans,efforts from succeeding The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.out.恶劣的天气使我们出门的希望化为泡影。KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using113.positive adj.effective;helpful 别只是看着我,给我提些积极的建议吧。Dont just watch me;give me some positive advice.KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using11 3.positive definite and clearnegative negative(消极的,负面的,否定的消极的,负面的,否定的)answersanswersordersordersinstructionsinstructionsproof/evidenceproof/evidenceattitudeattitudemethodmethodpositivepositiveCollocation 反义词反义词反义词反义词Words and ExpressionsWord Using11The most disabled person in the world is a negative thinker.Words and ExpressionsWord Umunicate v.exchange ideas How do deaf people communicate?When do you communicate with your parents?sign language;when I have trouble cant understandUse ItTipsWords and ExpressionsWord Using115.access n.way of entering,right of using and reaching The only access to that building was guarded by the soldiers.have/gain/get/obtain access to 得接近;得进入;得使用e.g.e.g.Collocation Words and ExpressionsWord Using116.participate v.take part or become involved in How many countries will be participating in the Beijing Olympic Games?班上的每一个同学都要参加英语朗诵比赛。e.g.e.g.TranslationEveryone in the class is expected to participate in the English recitation contest.KeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using11 7.embarrass n.advantage;good effect;v.be helpfulThe old womans blunt questions embarrassed her,making her momentarily tongue-tied.What,in your life,has made you feel most embarrassed?Share your story with your partner.e.g.e.g.Use ItWords and ExpressionsWord Using11 8.reap the benefit of get sth.as a rewardAs long as you get regular exercise,you can reap the benefits of being fit.Dont let others reap the benefits of your research.e.g.e.g.Words and ExpressionsWord UsingCollocation reap the benefit/reward/profit/fruit of11 9.benefit n.advantage;good effect;v.be helpfulShe has had the benefit of a first class education.for sb.s benefit 为了的利益 benefit from 得益于What can you benefit from learning English?e.g.e.g.Use ItPhrases Words and ExpressionsWord Using1110.insight:n.the power of using ones mind to see or understand the true nature of sth.洞察力,深刻的见解TranslationTranslationShe has a womans quick insight into character.她对人的品格具有女性特有的敏锐眼力。11 insight:n.C.U the power of using ones mind to see or understand the true nature of sth.洞察力,深刻的见解CollocationCollocationgain(an)insight into have(an)insight into give sb.(an)insight into 1111.favorite adj.most loved;n.sth.that is loved above all others What is your favorite music?What kind of movie is your favorite?rock and roll,country music,classical music,folksongs;detective story,science fiction,cartoon,kungfu,love storyUse ItTipsWords and ExpressionsWord Using111.The people living in these apartments have free _ to that swimming pool.A.assess B.excessC.process D.access2.The two friends havent _ with each other.A.associated B.wrote C.communicated D.heardA mini-testWords and ExpressionsWord Using113.If you get up early and run every day,you will _ a lot from it.A.profit B.benefit C.derive D.receive4.Teachers have free _ to the library.A.accuse B.accessible C.access D.approachWords and ExpressionsWord Using115.You can learn anything with a _ attitude.A.positive B.constructive C.negative D.sensitive6.High interest rates _ people from borrowing money.A.frustrate B.discourage C.disappoint D.disturbWords and ExpressionsWord Using117.He felt _ when he found he had difficulty with most of the math problem.A.frightened B.terrified C.encouraged D.frustrated8.Why cant you do this small _ for me?Ive helped you often in the past.A.favorite B.favorable C.favor D.demandWords and ExpressionsWord Using119.His attitude to work mainly depends on _ from the work.A.the offer B.the award C.the reward D.the reflection10.The students were participating _ an international energy-saving competition between towns in New England and Canada.A.for B.to C.in D.atWords and ExpressionsWord Using11be well worth sth./doing sth.be far from perfect get access to keep up with the flow of feel like doingreap the benefits of trade for give sb.insights into keep my mind open to bridge the gap between and now thatreach out tocome acrossa couple ofUseful Expressions 值得做远不尽人意得到跟上的进度想做,想要收获的益处交换使认识了解放思维接受弥合鸿沟既然接触;联系遇到两三个111)at times:虽然有的时候,学习一门外语让人觉得很挫败,但仍然值得让人付诸努力。Although at times,learning a foreign language is frustrating,it is well worth the effort.on occasion;sometimesTranslationTranslation111)at times:on occasion;sometimesAssociationAssociationat all times:随时,一直(even)at the best of time:即使在最好的情况下at other times:在其它时候,也有时候at the same time:同时at the time:在那时;在那段时间at a time:依次;逐一;每次112)be well worth doing:This report about the effect of modernization on human nature is well worth reading.这篇关于现代化对于人类本质的影响的报告非常值得一读。be rewarding enough for the time or effortTranslationTranslationNow you tryNow you try这表的价值超出标价。112)be well worth doing:worth(pred)值的;价值的;价值 be worth+num./n.be(well)worth doing sth/sth worthwhile(pred&attrib)值得做的,值得出力的 be worthwhile+adj be worthwhile doing sth worthy(pred&attrib)值得做某事 be worthy of doing be worthy to do be rewarding enough for the time or effortAssociationAssociation11Have a try Have a try a citizen of the town a career It is taking the trouble to explain a job fully to the new employees.ten pounds of petrol This matter is our careful consideration.She said she was not to accept the honor they had offered her.worthyworthy/worthwhileworth/worthwhileworthworthworthy2)be well worth doing:be rewarding enough for the time or effort11最近的情况远不尽人意,越来越糟了。The current situation is far from satisfactory;it is somewhat going from bad to worse.3)far from:notat all;rather thanTranslationTranslationExtension Extension far from perfect/enough/satisfactory114)feel like:want to do sth.What do you feel like doing when tired?What do you feel like doing when tired?What do you feel like doing on weekends?What do you feel like doing on weekends?Use it Use it tipsEnjoying music/doing light reading/;Enjoying music/doing light reading/;going shopping/visiting my going shopping/visiting my friends/having a picnic.friends/having a picnic.11Though faced with many difficulties,he would not give up online learning.虽然面临许多困难,他仍然没有放弃网上学习。5)give up:stop having or doingTranslationTranslation11AssociationAssociation5)give up:stop having or doinggive in:allow oneself to be defeated or overcome 屈服e.g.He would rather die than give in to the enemies.116)trade for:exchange for为了还债,他不得不变卖钢琴。In order to pay off his debt,he had to trade in his piano for money.TranslationTranslation11AssociationAssociationtrade on:take advantage of 利用e.g.The senators son traded on his fathers name when he ran for mayor.6)trade for:exchange for117)now that:because(sth.has happened)既然John已经到了,我们可以开始上英语课了。Now that John has arrived,we can begin our English class.TranslationTranslation118)reach out to:communicate with;contact我们应伸出援助之手,帮助任何有困难的人。We must reach out to those in need。TranslationTranslationYou must reach out for any opportunities that come your way.Now you try Now you try 11AssociationAssociationreach for:strech ones hand to get 伸手拿e.g.He reached for the phone and dialed the number.8)reach out to:communicate with;contact119)come across:meet with他在上班的路上遇到了他的前妻。He came across his ex-wife on his way to work.TranslationTranslationNow you tryNow you try在打扫房间时,我偶然发现了几张过去从来未见过的,我父亲还是婴儿时的老照片。11 Key and Difficult SentencesBecause of the effective and helpful method,I was very willing to answer all the questions I could,and I never worried about making mistakes.ParaphraseParaphrase由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。1.Because of this positive method,I eagerly answered all the questions I could,never worrying much about making mistakes.(L6)111.Because of this positive method,I eagerly answered all the questions I could,never worrying much about making mistakes.(L6)1)because of +sth./doing sth.because of +sth./doing sth.because+a sentence because+a sentence Have a try Have a try 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。I do it because I like it.他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴才吃的。He eats because of greed,not hunger.11由于身体不好,她只好放弃学业。由于下雨,运动会被延期了。She had to quit school because of ill health.Because of the rain,the sports meeting has been put off.NotesTranslationNotes to the TextFocus Study 111.Because of this positive method,I eagerly answered all the questions I could,never worrying much about making mistakes.(L6)2)“worrying about making mistakes”是现在分词短语是现在分词短语作状语,通常有逗号把它和主谓语分开。作状语,通常有逗号把它和主谓语分开。Taking off our shoes,we crept cautiously along the passage.(表伴随情况)Not knowing her address,we couldnt get in touch with her.(表原因)Hearing the news,they decided to act.(表时间)11Have a try Have a try She was in the kitchen _ supper.A.prepared B.preparingThe girls stood _ together at one end of the room.A.grouped B.groupingWeather _,well go on a tour of the lake district next week.A.permitted B.permittingB.preparingA.groupedB.permitting11现在分词主动意义过去分词被动意义作状语 分词1.分词的逻辑主语应与句子主语一致。分词的逻辑主语应与句子主语一致。2.分词有时也可有自己独立的逻辑主语,这时分词的逻辑分词有时也可有自己独立的逻辑主语,这时分词的逻辑 主语与句子的主语不一致,这种结构称为独立结构。主语与句子的主语不一致,这种结构称为独立结构。e.g.The day being fine,we decided to have a picnic by the lake.e.g.Everything considered,his plan seems better.Notice Notice When a participate is used as an adverbial 113.现在分词在意思上与逻辑主语是主动关系,现在分词在意思上与逻辑主语是主动关系,而过去分词与逻而过去分词与逻辑主语则为被动关系。辑主语则为被动关系。4.分词有时有完成时态。分词有时有完成时态。e.g.Having been there once,he knew the place fairly well.e.g.Having been warned about the bandits,she left her valuable things at home.Notice Notice When a participate is used as an adverbial 112.Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English.(L13)(L13)I not only didnt feel happy answering questions,but also didnt want to say anything in English.ParaphraseParaphrase我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。112.Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English.(L13)(L13)表示否定意义的副词或短语放在句首作状语时,句子用部分倒装。never/little/few/hardlyseldomnowherein no wayunder no circumstancesno sooner.than.scarcely(hardly).when.Notice Notice 113.Unlike my senior middle school teacher,my college English teachers were patient and kind,and none of them carried long,pointed sticks!Unlike,不像,PracticeNotes to the TextFocus Study 11与传统英语学习不同,网络英语学习更取决于学习者的自我约束。他在比赛中跑完了全程,不像大部分选手那样半途而废。Unlike the traditional English learning,online English learning depends much on the learners self-discipline.TranslationNotes to the TextFocus Study Unlike most of the competitors,who gave up halfway,he managed to finish the race.113.I worked hard to meet the minimum standards set by the course and to complete assignments on time.(L33)(L33)I worked hard to reach the lowest standards allowed by the course and to finish the homework on time.ParaphraseParaphrase我尽力达到课程的最低限度的要求,并按时完成任务。113.I worked hard to meet the minimum standards set by the course and to complete assignments on time.(L33)(L33)过去分词可引导短语做定语,放在所修饰的词后面,相当于是一个定语从句。e.g.That summer we launched a rocket designed by ourselves.e.g.The tiny seed planted ten years before had flowered.Notice Notice 114.Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,but one that I wouldnt trade for anything.(L44)(L44)Leaning a foreign language has been an experience full of difficulties,but I wouldnt exchange it for anything else.Paraphrase Paraphrase“that I wouldnt trade for anything”是定语从句修饰“one”(=a most trying experience).Notice Notice 学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但却是一种无比珍贵的经历。115.The most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language was that I could communicate with many more people than before.sth.is+that(clause)是PracticeNotes to the TextFocus Study 11 What I mean is that I can share joy and happi-ness with many people by chatting online.For me,the most amazing gain of having come to college is that I have learned how to learn and how to communicate with others.我的意思是通过上网聊天我可以和许多人分享欢乐与幸福。对我来说,上大学最大的收获是学会了如何学习和与人交流。TranslationNotes to the TextFocus Study 116.Now thatNow that I speak a foreign language,instead of staring into space when English is being spoken,I can participate and make friends.(L50)(L50)As I can speak a foreign language,I can take part in the conversation and make friends,and I no longer look into the distance when someone is speaking English.Paraphrase Paraphrase now that=because(something has happened).Notice Notice 现在我已能够说外语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了,我能够参与并结交朋友。111.We have been told that under no circumstances _ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.A.may we use B.we may use C.we could use D.did we use2.The organization had broken no rules,but _ had it acted responsibly.A.neither B.so C.either D.both A mini-testNotes to the TextFocus Study 113.I could not persuade him to accept it,_ make him see the importance of it.A.if only I could not B.or I could not B.nor could I D.no more than I could4.Only under special circumstances _ to take make-up tests.A.are freshmen permitted B.freshmen are permitted C.permitted are freshmen D.are permitted freshmenNotes to the TextFocus Study 115.Not until the game had begun _ at the sports ground.A.had he arrived B.would he have arrived C.did he arrive D.should he have arrived Notes to the TextFocus Study 11Matching Game_ medium_ screen_ gap_ virtual_ modema.the flat part of a computerb.one of the necessities for getting onlinec.a way of giving informationd.a space between two objectsacdebWords and ExpressionsMatching Game e.created by the computer to be similar to the experience of real life 11a.effective,helpfulb.a good chancec.give in returnd.exchange idease.take part inf.the smallestg.right of reachingh.self-control_ communicate_ participate in_ positive_ opportunity_ reward_ minimum_ discipline _ accessahgfedcbWords and ExpressionsMatching Game1111 The author presents readers with his own language learning experiences at different stages.And at different stages,the author met different teachers and consequently formed different attitudes towards English learning.Now find the information to fill in the blanks.I.UnderstandingText StudyUnderstanding11Para(s).Topic 1 General experiences of learning a foreign language:_ yet _.2 Experiences in _.3 Experiences in _.4 Experiences at _.5-7 Experiences about _.8 Benefits of learning a foreign language.rewardingjunior middle school senior middle schoolcollegeonline learningdifficultThe Topic of Each PartText StudyUnderstanding11In junior middle school(Para.2):The teacher:_ _The author:_ _kind and patient,positive,often praising the students at the top of my class,eagerly answering all the questions,never worrying much about making mistakesText StudyUnderstanding11In senior middle school(Para.3):The teacher:_ _ _The author:_ _punishing quickly,pointing a long stick at us and shaking it up and down,shouting“No!No!No!”losing my eagerness,losing my joy,losing my desireText StudyUnderstanding11At college(Para.4):The teacher:_ _The classes:_ _ The author:_ _patient and kind,no pointed sticksfeeling intimidated,afraid to speak,staying at the same levelvery large,many students spoke much better than I didText StudyUnderstanding11The on-line learning(Paras.57):The on-line learning requires:_ The author(at the beginning):_ _ The author(finally):_ _much time,commitment,disciplinereaping the benefits of all the hard workmaking many mistakes,crying out of frustration,feeling like giving upText StudyUnderstanding11The benefits of learning a foreign language(Para.8):1.2.3._Teaching me the value of hard work._Giving me insights into another culture.Enabling me to communicate with more people.Text StudyUnderstanding11Structure AnalysisGeneral Statement+Specific Details+Conclusion What is the General Statement?What are the specific details?What is the conclusion?A.The Writing Model of Passage A:Text StudyStructure Analysis11The General Statement(the Main Idea)Learning a foreign language was oneof the most difficult yet most rewardingexperiences of my life.(Para.1)Text StudyStructure Analysis11The Specific DetailsEnglish Learning Experiences:Difficult:a._.(Para.3)b.at college.(_)Rewarding:a._.(Para.2)b.with the online course.(_)in junior middle schoolPara.4in senior middle schoolParas.57Text StudyStructure Analysis11ConclusionLearning a foreign language has been amost trying experience for me,but onethat I wouldn t trade for anything.(Para.8)Text StudyStructure Analysis11The way to develop paragraphs:cause and effect The cause and effect technique can make clear the reasons why something happens by showing the relation between cause and effect.Text StudyStructure Analysis11List the cause and effect of Paras.2,3,and 4.Text StudyStructure Analysis11The kind and patient teacher often praised the students.Cause:Effect:I eagerly answered questions,not worrying about making mistakes.I was at the top of my class.Para.2Text StudyStructure Analysis11Cause:Effect:I lost my eagerness to answer questions and my desire to say anything in English.The new teacher quickly punished those who gave wrong answers.Para.3Text StudyStructure Analysis11Effect:I was afraid to speak.My English seemed to stay at the same level.Large classes made me only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period.Many students spoke much better than I did.Cause:Para.4Text StudyStructure Analysis11:Cause and Effect Writing11 When you explain the reasons why something happens by writing,you are having a cause and effect writing.Read the following passage and tell the cause and effect.II.Cause and Effect Writing WritingCause and Effect Writing11 Do you know why winter is colder than summer?One reason is that there are fewer hours of sunlight in winter.But there is another reason.Winter sunlight is cooler.The earth gets less heat from it,though it is the same sun,and it shines just as bright as in the summer time.(effect)(先果后因,多因一果先果后因,多因一果)(cause 1)(cause 2)Sample 1WritingCause and Effect Writing11 Shopping online has many advantages.First,the web-stores can keep customers updated about the best selling products.Second,they can provide customers with a wider range of choices.Third,it is very convenient and time-saving.I enjoy shopping online very much.(cause)Sample 2WritingCause and Effect Writing(effect)11 Owing to(because of/thanks to)sth.There are three reasons for this.The reasons for this are as follows.This is due to(results from)several factors.A number of factors could account for One reason is that partly because,partly because Many factors that contribute to(lead to/account for)include Useful Expressions for CauseWritingCause and Effect Writing11 So/Therefore/Consequently/As a result The effect is evident/obvious.It will have/exert a deep influence(on).It may cause a sweeping change.It leaves some serious consequences.It may give rise to a host of problems.The immediate result it produces is.Useful Expressions for EffectWritingCause and Effect Writing11To Section BThe End of Section A


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