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Unit 3 English Learning StrategiesUnit 3 English Learning StrateLearning objectivesIn this unit,you will:1.get to know the importance of effective English learning strategies;2.familiarize yourself with the words,expressions,and sentence patterns related to the theme;3.use these words,expressions,and sentence patterns in writing and speech;4.search the Internet and/or other resources for materials about English learning strategies;5.search for other English learning strategies 6.learn to write correct complex sentences.Learning objectivesIn this uni Part I Part I Approaching the TopicApproaching the Topic Part II Part II Understanding the TextUnderstanding the Text Part III Part III Integrated TasksIntegrated Tasks Part IV Part IV Writing StrategyWriting Strategy Part I Approaching the TopicPart I Part I Approaching the TopicApproaching the Topic Task 1 Brainstorming Task 2 Watching and RetellingPart I Approaching the Topic You will need a partner for this activity.1.Brainstorm a list of at least 10 words that might be used to discuss English learning strategies.2.What characteristics make English learning different from other disciplines?3.Do you use or have you heard of any strategies in learning English?Are they helpful?Task 1 BrainstormingUnit 3 Part I Task 1You will need a partner for thTask 2 Watching and Retelling1.Watch the video clip“In or Out”Use the glossary below as a reference.adopt 领领养养legally 法律地;合法地法律地;合法地agency 代理代理机构机构cute 逗人喜爱的;漂亮的逗人喜爱的;漂亮的jump on the bandwagon 顺应潮流;随大流顺应潮流;随大流overpopulation 人口过多人口过多fashionable 时髦的;流行的时髦的;流行的clutch 影响影响breed 繁殖繁殖exchange 交换交换policy 政策政策reputable 有声望的;有信誉的有声望的;有信誉的Unit 3 Part I Task 2Task 2 Watching and Retelling12.Fill in the blanks with the words you hear in the video clip.Unit 3 Part I Task 31)This is my new son.His name is Table.Its so to have a kid right now.2)Its in right now.3)What are you going to do once it becomes to have a child and people worry about overpopulation and they just stop breeding and they stop adopting?4)The agency I does have an exchange policy.5)I dont know,exchange him for a different kid,a smaller one or a bigger one that can itself so as times progressing,I could watch it less,as it becomes more out.in_totally_out of fashion_went through_take care of_2.Fill in the blanks with the3.Watch the video again and then explain the main idea to your partner.【Script】Unit 3 Part I Task 23.Watch the video again and tScriptUnit 3 Part I Task 3ScriptUnit 3 Part I Task 3Part II Understanding the TextPart II Understanding the Text Main Reading Related ReadingPart II Understanding the TexPart II Understanding the TextPart II Understanding the Text Main Reading Text-Related Information Language Points Tasks Part II Understanding the TeText-Related InformationUnit 3 Part II Main Reading1.CNN VS BBCText-Related InformationUnit 3Language Points Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1.The child eagerly relates the content of the paragraphs.(L3)relate vt.to tell someone about events that have happened to you or someone elselWitnesses to the same crime related the events completely differently.e.g.to show or prove a connection between two or more things relate something tolThe police are still trying to relate the two pieces of evidence.e.g.Language Points Unit 3 Part IUnit 3 Part II Main Reading2.often using some of the same expressive language as she has just heard.(L4)expressive adj.showing very clearly what someone thinks or feels be expressive of somethinglThe sculpture is expressive of Micheangelos spiritual aspirations.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading2Unit 3 Part II Main Reading3.This method is one of the simplest and yet most profound ways a child can learn.(L11)profound adj.having a strong influence or effectlThe mothers behavior has a profound impact on the developing child.e.g.showing strong serious feelingslI owe you a profound apology.e.g.showing great knowledge and understandinglHe is a profound thinker.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading3Unit 3 Part II Main Reading4.British educational reformer Charlotte Mason recommended narration as the best way for a child to retain new learning.(L12)1)recommend vt.to advise somebody to do something,especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subjectlHe strongly recommended this book to me.e.g.recommend that/doing something/something for/something to somebodylDoctors recommend that all children should be immunized against measles.lThe manufacturers recommend changing the oil after 500 km.lMy mother always recommends the market for fresh fruit and veg.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading4Unit 3 Part II Main Reading2)retain vt.to keep facts in your memorylIt is very difficult for the elderly to retain such complex information.e.g.to keep something or continue to have somethinglA copy of the invoice should be retained by the Accounts Department.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading2Unit 3 Part II Main Reading5.To have an adult wait for their words with smiling eyes and anticipation is something any child cherishes.(L17)Paraphrase:Any child would love to be expected to say something by an adult who has a smile onhis face.【译文译文】任何一个孩子都珍视大人微笑着等待他们发任何一个孩子都珍视大人微笑着等待他们发言的机会。言的机会。这是一个动词不定式结构作主语的句子。其中这是一个动词不定式结构作主语的句子。其中“to have an adult.”是句子的主语是句子的主语,“is”是谓语是谓语,“something any child cherishes”是表语。表语中又包含一个省略了关系代词是表语。表语中又包含一个省略了关系代词 “that”的定语从句的定语从句“something(that)any child cherishes.”Unit 3 Part II Main Reading5Unit 3 Part II Main Reading anticipation n.U the act of expecting something to happenlThey waited,filled with nervous anticipation.e.g.in anticipation oflThe workers have called off their strike in anticipation of a pay offer.e.g.cherish vt.to love someone or something very much and take care of them welllThis toy is one of the possessions that he cherishes most.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading Unit 3 Part II Main Reading6.Charlotte Mason believed that this love of telling could be used as a foundation for self-education.(L19)foundation n.C the condition that will make it possible for something to be successfullGood planning after the war laid the foundations for the nations economic miracle.e.g.lay/provide the foundation for lNarration provides the solid foundation for your future self-education.e.g.a solid/firm foundationlAll theories should be built on a firm foundation of factual knowledge.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading6Unit 3 Part II Main Reading7.This means of instruction is the least effective because the child is committing the information to memory for the purpose of using it.(L23)Paraphrase:This kind of learning(memorization without understanding the content)will lead the child nowhere.Because he just wants to put the information into his heart for passing the test instead of understanding it thoroughly.【译文译文】这种死记硬背的方法是最无效的。因为孩子这种死记硬背的方法是最无效的。因为孩子只是想牢记这些知识以便通过考试,而不是只是想牢记这些知识以便通过考试,而不是真正地理解这些知识。真正地理解这些知识。Unit 3 Part II Main Reading7Unit 3 Part II Main Reading 1)commit something to memory to learn something so that you can remember it commit vt.to say that somebody will definitely do something or must do somethinglThe contract commits him to playing for the team for the next three years.e.g.to do something wrong or illegallWomen commit fewer crimes than mit oneself to doing something/somethinglI have already committed myself to working for Smith.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading Unit 3 Part II Main Reading 2)for the purpose of someone or something will be considered in a particular way in a discussion,document etc.lFor tax purposes you will be treated as a married couple.e.g.3)comprehension n.U the ability to understand somethinglHow she managed to pass the exam after doing so little work is beyond my comprehension.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading Unit 3 Part II Main Reading8.Charlotte Mason refers to the mind of the learner as having an outer court and inner court.(L26)refer toas to mention or speak about someone or something as 称称为为lHe referred to this book as the best seller of this year.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading8Unit 3 Part II Main Reading9.The outer court is short-term memory and does not engage the personality.(L27)Paraphrase:The outer part of the mind is in charge of short-term memory and this part has nothingto do with the persons character.【译文译文】学习者大脑的外部主要负责短时记忆,它与学习者大脑的外部主要负责短时记忆,它与一个人的性情无关。一个人的性情无关。Unit 3 Part II Main Reading9Unit 3 Part II Main Reading to attract someone and keep their interestlThe new toy did not engage the childs interest for long.e.g.engage in to take part or become involved in an activitylHe is a politician engaged in various business activities.e.g.1)engage vt.to arrange to use or employ someone or somethinglHis father engaged a private tutor to improve his mathematics.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading Unit 3 Part II Main Reading the qualities that make someone interesting,friendly and enjoyable to be withlThe boss likes people with personality.e.g.2)personality n.C&U someones character especially the way they behave towards other peoplelMary has a mild personality.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading Unit 3 Part II Main Reading10.is the seat of the childs emotional and cognitive abilities.(L28)Paraphrase:The inner court of long-term memory is the place where a childs emotional,understanding and learning abilities lie.【译文译文】内部板块是长时记忆板块,是孩子情感和认内部板块是长时记忆板块,是孩子情感和认知能力的基石。知能力的基石。cognitive adj.related to the process of knowing,understanding and learning something lHe is an expert in cognitive psychology.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading11.High-quality literature essential to narration(L32)essential adj.extremely important and necessary in order to do something correctly and successfullylIf you are going walking on the mountains,strong boots are essential.e.g.essential to/forlGood food and plenty of exercise are essential for a healthy life.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading12.A child cannot narrate from a textbook or a book.lots of graphics.(L33)narrate v.to tell a story by describing all the events in orderlDavid narrated a wild life film.e.g.graphics n.(plural)drawings or images that are designed to represent objects or factslYou can use graphics to explain the results of your experiment.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading13.as well as non-fiction works that are descriptive.(L34)descriptive adj.giving a description of something in words or pictureslThe book is full of descriptive passages.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading14.The author of a high-quality work has a passion for the subject and is able to inspire,delight and educate in a narrative form.(L35)Paraphrase:The writer of the well-written work should have deep love for the subject under discussion and he or she should also have the ability to encourage,give pleasure and education to his reader.【译文译文】高质量作品的作者必须对自己的作品倾注深高质量作品的作者必须对自己的作品倾注深厚的感情,并且能够用一种讲述的方式激发、厚的感情,并且能够用一种讲述的方式激发、取悦、教育读者。取悦、教育读者。Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading 1)passion n.C&U a very strong,deeply felt emotion,especially of love,anger or belief in an idea or principlelHe has a burning passion for the ladye.g.to have passion for 对对充满激情充满激情lWe are astonished by the little boys passion for baseballe.g.inspire somebody to somethinglI hope this success will inspire you to greater effort.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading Unit 3 Part II Main Reading 2)inspire vt.to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to achieve somethinglWe need a new captain who can inspire the team.e.g.to give someone the idea for a story,painting,poem etc.lThis story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old writer.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading Unit 3 Part II Main Reading15.You can lengthen the amount of material to be narrated as the child progresses.(L40).lengthen v.to make something longer or become longerlCan you lengthen the skirt for me?lThe days lengthened as summer approached.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading16.After a few years of consistent,regular narration.(L41)consistent adj.always having the same behavior,attitude or qualitylHe is one of the most consistent players on the tennis circuit.e.g.continue to develop in the same waylOur country achieved a consistent improvement in economy.e.g.be consistent with saying the same thing or following the same principlelThis evidence is not consistent with what you said earlier.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading17.After you read the story or passage,pause a moment to let it settle in,then.(L46)Paraphrase:After you read the material,stop for a short time so that what you have read can be taken in and understood by the child then.【译文译文】你读完一段之后,稍停片刻以便于让你所读你读完一段之后,稍停片刻以便于让你所读的内容在孩子头脑里吸收并理解然后的内容在孩子头脑里吸收并理解然后Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading18.Taking turns narrating while others listen builds the habit of attention in children.(L51)Paraphrase:The practice of narrating one by one while others listen can help the children to form the habit of focusing their attention.【译文译文】这样轮流让一个孩子复述另外的孩子聆听会这样轮流让一个孩子复述另外的孩子聆听会让孩子养成集中注意力的习惯。让孩子养成集中注意力的习惯。Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading19.move to more and more challenging literature.(L65)challenging adj.difficult in an interesting and enjoyable waylTeaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading1Unit 3 Part II Main Reading20.Begin today using narration consistently in your home school and you will see marvelous results.(L74)marvelous adj.extremely good,enjoyable or impressivelIt sounds like a marvelous idea.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading2Unit 3 Part II Main ReadingTask 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details of the Text1.Answer the following questions with the information from the passage.1)Is narration an easy way for a child to learn?Yes,it is the simplest way for children to learn._2)What kind of material is proper for children to narrate?The material must be the best of books,the classics,as well as non-fiction works that are descriptive._TaskUnit 3 Part II Main ReadingTUnit 3 Part II Main Reading3)How to do narration?You can begin with short narration and lengthen the amount of material to be narrated as the childprogresses._A teaching parent can begin witting down a childs oral narrations from the first.Later,the child can write narrations independently.By sixth grade a student should be doing written narrations each day._4)When should parents use written narration?Unit 3 Part II Main Reading3Unit 3 Part II Main Reading5)What are the benefits of narration?By means of narrating,you can gain attention,the retention of knowledge,expressive language and foster higher level of thinking._Unit 3 Part II Main Reading5Unit 3 Part II Main Reading2.Write a brief summary of the text based on your answers to the above questions.Unit 3 Part II Main Reading2Part II Understanding the TextPart II Understanding the Text Related Reading Language Points Tasks Part II Understanding the TeLanguage Points Unit 3 Part II Related Reading1.It was awfully ineffective.(L8)ineffective adj.not achieving what it is intended to achievelThe various treatments for AIDS have so far proved ineffective.e.g.Language Points Unit 3 Part IUnit 3 Part II Related Reading3.Eight years of sacrifices,and these were the results.(L11)sacrifice n.C&U something valuable that you decide not to have,in order to get something that is more importantlThey all agreed upon the need for economic sacrifice.e.g.make(a)sacrifice(s)lMy parents were forever reminding me of the sacrifices they made to give me an education.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading intuition n.U the ability to understand or know something by using your feelings rather than by carefully considering the factslImagination and intuition are vital to good science.e.g.C an idea about what is true in a particular situation based on strong feelings rather than factslHe had an intuition there was trouble coming near.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading6.I get motivated and learn to learn on my own.(L22)motivate vt.to make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do itlA good teacher has to be able to motivate her students.e.g.motivate somebody to do somethinglThe profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading7.I started to learn English seriously because I wanted to improve myself,communicate with the world.(L23)communicate v.to exchange information or conversation with other peoplelHe learned how to use sign language to communicate with deaf municate with somebodylIt is very important for people to communicate with each other nowadays.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading11.I started to practice pronouncing English words,taking care to capture the difference between similar words.(L37)capture vt.to grasp or to get control of somethinglHis stories of foreign adventure captured my imagination.e.g.to catch someone in order to make them a prisonerlGovernment troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading14.I decided to take advantage of this opportunity as much as I could.(L46)take advantage of to use a particular situation to do or get what you wantlI took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.e.g.to treat somebody unfairly to get what you wantlDont lend them the car they are taking advantage of you.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading15.When I spoke,I made sure to use simple grammar to avoid mistakes.(L50)avoid vt.to do something to prevent something bad from happeninglHe always uses the words he is familiar with to avoid mistakes.e.g.avoid doing somethinglThis leaflet tells you how to avoid getting ill while travelling.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading16.I boost my English with reading.(L64)Paraphrase:I improve my English through reading.【译文译文】通过阅读,我的英语有了很大的提高。通过阅读,我的英语有了很大的提高。boost vt.to improve something because it is not as good as you want it to belThe advertising campaign is intended to boost sales.e.g.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading2.Choose the best answer to the following questions.1)Why didnt the author do well in English in the beginning?A.He did not work hard at English.B.There was a poor discipline in his English class.C.He did not have an effective learning strategy.D.He indulged himself in playing computer games.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading2)Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The author thought highly of the importance of playing computer games in improving English.B.The author could“feel”the right answers in grammar tests after playing a period of computer games in English.C.The author was motivated to study English by two of his classmates who often laughed at him.D.The author was determined to study English well owing to his competitive spirit.Unit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading3)The author decided to study American pronunciation,because_.A.American pronunciation was the standard in Polish schools B.British pronunciation was not popular in Poland C.British pronunciation was more difficult for the author to imitate D.American English provided a better choice of interesting contentUnit 3 Part II Related ReadiUnit 3 Part II Related Reading4)Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.Communicating with the foreign teachers helped the author a lot in improving both his written English and his oral English.B.The author often grasped opportunities to exchange ideas with his foreign teachers about English learning strategies.C.The author often practiced speaking English and discussed about studying methods with his opponents in English.D.After practicing oral English with the foreign teachers for a couple of months,the author was not afraid to open his mouth any more.Uni


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