大学英语六级阅读训练有哪些技巧大学英语六级阅读训练有哪些技巧在大学英语六级的考试中,我们可以通过哪些技巧来做好阅读部分的训练呢?为此百分网小编为大家带来大学英语六级阅读部分训练的技巧。大学英语六级阅读训练技巧首先,快速阅读的主要做题步骤如下:1.看大标题(主要是了解文章大意)2.选定位词3.读文解题4.查漏补缺下面我们来对各个步骤进行详细讲解:一、选定位词注意要去选那些不易替换、文中原样重现的词语,如:•数字、时间•大写专有名词:人名、地名、机构名•特定概念:合成词、专业概念、独特说法、偏具体的名词二、读文解题扫读,时刻注意定位词的出现•段首、段末•数字、专有名词丰富的区域•段中转折、强调处•识别同义改写三、查漏补缺•先确定来源明显的句子,一般有约7个句子来源明显•第一遍无法确定来源的句子,注意结合每段主题、话题词、态度方向筛选下面再为大家总结做题要点,来帮助大家对长篇阅读有一个整体的概念。•不求甚解:重点是看到,而非看懂•先题后文:先定句子定位词•匀速扫读:无需慢速精读,也莫过快略读;保持适中速度,时刻关注对应•有取有舍:优先确定来源明显的句子,先把简单题选出来,不要影响答题时间。大学英语六级阅读答题技巧1) 略读步骤 所谓略读,顾每思义是一种省略的读法。略读,能够让你以最快的速度阅读,选择性地遗漏某些细节内容,目的是获得文章的主旨大意。在回答主旨题目的时候,略 读就能派上用场。不仅如此,进行略读有助于我们了解文章的大意、作者的观点,这样对我们做推论题也大有裨益。这种选择性的阅读方法,特点是省略细节找主旨;,注重对全文整体内容的把握。但是,这里需要强调,省略细节;是选择性的省略。因为主旨也是可以从一些 细节中透露出来的,所以有些细节是有助于我们掌握大意的。那么在略读的过程中,关键点就是更多地关注并抓住文章中这些标志性的词句,例如文章的标题、章节 标题、斜体字、黑体字、每段的开头和结尾、以及文章中能够代表观点的句子。而其他的个别生词和介绍性质的语句(如说明时间、地点等的词汇)则可以略过。总之,在采用略读方法的时候,往往能够帮助我们确定:文章的主题和作者的观点(属于主旨题),文章的结构和作者的风格(属于推论题)。而在略读时,可以遵循以下步骤:a。快速阅读文章第一、二段,抓住文章大意、背景和作者风格,因为作者一般会在文章开头几段概述全文;b。快速浏览找出每段的中心句和几件事实,抓住一两个关键词,如果文中段落大意没有用一句话总结,就自己归纳出大意,在可能蕴含全文主旨的部分进行仔细阅读;c。注意转折词和序列词,有助于我们了解文章的脉络;d。省略不必要的细节内容,从而追求最快的略读速度。2) 查读步骤查读是以某个细节的关键词为目标,目光很快地扫过文章,直到发现与问题有关的文字,迅速锁定答案。在回答细节题目的时候(也就是我们通常所说的五个W;和一个H,即What,Who,When,Where,Why,How),查读的效率之高就突显出来了。这种有选择性的阅读,特点是带着问题找答案;,也就是说,在阅读文章之前就已经明白要回答什么样的问题,要找出什么方面的信息,然后带着这些问题进行阅 读,在文章中找出某些具体的事实和信息。就像我们查电话号码本一样,可以根据被查询者姓名的开头字母,按字母顺序快速找出电话号码。这种带着问题找答案;的方法,关键点就在于要熟悉不同体裁文章中信息的分布特点,就像查电话号码本一样,必须首先了解它是按照字母顺序编排的。否则,如果我们不熟悉这种信息的分布特点,那就很难快速地找到所需信息。因此,在运用查读技巧的时候,可以遵循以下步骤:a。首先,确定自己要找的信息:在阅读文章之前,目光快速扫描一遍后面的题目;b。其次,了解文章的信息分布:可查读各章节小标题进行定位,确定可能含有所需信息的部分;c。最后,找出所需的具体信息:在已经定位的区域,快速阅读直至锁定答案。3) 综合步骤快速阅读题不仅需要我们通过查读方法来回答细节题,同时也需要我们运用略读方法回答主旨题和推论题。因此,我们必须将略读和查读步骤统一起来,综合使用。归纳起来,应有以下步骤:a。略读文章前一、二段和各小标题,归纳出文章的主旨;(原略读第一步)b。目光快速扫描一遍文后题目,回答主旨题,确定其他题目关键词;(原查读第一步)c。根据关键词,查读各章节小标题,定位可能含有所需细节信息的部分;(综合原查读和略读第二步)d。快速通读已经定位的段落,找出与题目相关的句子确定答案;(原查读第三步)e。对蕴含全文观点的段落进行细读,判断作者态度并进行逻辑推理,完成推论题。 现在就以最新样题中的快速阅读题为例,分析如何在答题步骤中综合运用这两种技巧。大学英语六级阅读练习题Every day 25 million U. S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation s school children are transported to and from school safely.Even though the number of school bus casualties(死亡人数) is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done—particularly whether seat belts should be mandatory (强制性的)•Supporters of seat belts on school buses argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce death and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is that seat belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that follow the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration s (NHTSA) safety requirement set in 1977. They also believe that many children won t wear seat belts anyway, and that they may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bus safety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department of Transportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses.26. Each year, children killed outside buses in the loading zones are about_.A. 10 B. 40C. 30 D. 5027. Which of these words is nearest in meaning to the words are divided in Paragraph2?A. disagree B. separateC. arrange D. concern28. According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control of the school buses safety?A. A New Research Council.B. The Department of Transportation.C. The Medical Organizations.D. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.29. It may be inferred from this passage that_.A. many of the opponents of seat belt installation are parents and officials of the Department of TransportationB. proposal of seat belts on school buses would be seriously consideredC. an alternate safety device (raising seat backs four inches) may be taken intoconsiderationD. The Department of Transportation may either take the idea of seat belts or other measures when it reviews the whole situation30. The best title which expresses the idea of the passage is_.A. Making School Buses Even Safer for ChildrenB. Seat Belts Needed on School BusesC. Alternate Safety Devices and ProceduresD. Safety in and around School Buses26. B 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. A