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Astronomy:the science of the starsUnit 4Hangzhou High School ObservatoryIn our solar system eight planetscircle around the sun.1111My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine PizzasHow to remember the order of the eight planets around the sun?EarthJupiterMarsMercuryNeptuneSaturnUranusVenusChinese Legends Pangu separates the sky from the earth.Legend:The Goddess Nuwa mended the heaven and created human beings from the clay(粘土粘土).Religious Beliefs According to Bible,God created the world in seven days.Day 1:God created Day and Night.Day 2:God created sky.Day 3:God created dry landthe earth,and seas.Day 4:God created tow great lights(the sun,the moon)and stars.Day 5:God created living things in the air and sea.Day 6:God created the land animals and the first man.Day 7:God rested and called this day Holy.Unit 4How Life Began on the Earth1 Insects and amphibians appeared.2 Dinosaurs appeared.3 The earth became a solid ball.4 Small plants grew on the water.5 Reptiles appeared.6 Plants began to grow on dry land.scanningReading Comprehension III7 The earth was a cloud of dust.8 Water appeared on the earth.9 Shellfish and other fish appeared.10 The universe began with a“Big Bang”.11 Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.12 Mammals appeared.Answer:10 7 3 8 4 9 6 1 5 2 12 11Detailed ReadingThe development of the earthStage 1:The development of the earth(1)After the Big Bang,what happened?a cloud of dust a violent solid globe exploded with fire and rockproduced carbon,nitrogen,water vapour&gases(2)What happened next?(3)What did the water vapour and gases form?the earths atmosphereWater appeared(4)What appeared on the earth then?(5)What did the water form?oceans and seasThe development of lifeextremely small plants Firstearly shellfishStage 1:The development of life in waterall sorts of fish green plants on land insects on landStage 2:The development of life on land Nextamphibians on land and in the waterGreen plants grew into forests Later reptiles on land dinosaurs on land(1)What life developed after forests appeared?After thatmammals on land(2)What life developed after dinosaurs?small clever animals(3)What life developed after mammals?Finally1.Big Bang2.a cloud of dust3.A solid globe4.exploded with fire and rock5.produce the water vapour,carbon dioxide-atmosphereHow did the earth come into being?6.cooled down7.water appeared8.Dissolved harmful gases&acidGroup Discussion1.What problems are caused by human beings?2.How to solve these problems?Homework1.Find out language points and noun clauses in the reading passage.Discuss and analyse them.2.Writing:Rewrite the passage and use as many language points and new words as possible.


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