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职业综合英语职业综合英语 1 1新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 Mini-Project Writing Listening speaking Language LabWarming-upReading BReading A新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案tasksTask 2:Work in pairs.What kind of job do you want to do in your future?Discuss with your partner and give your reasons.Task 1 :read the following paragraph job advertisement and match the subtitles A-E with their corresponding parts in the ad.Warming-up新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 A.A.Qualifications Qualifications skills requiredskills required/B.Job descriptionB.Job descriptionC.Contact informationC.Contact informationD.Company introductionD.Company introduction _1_1_Epkon is among the worlds most Epkon is among the worlds most Successful industrial and high-tech Successful industrial and high-tech companies focusing on machine and companies focusing on machine and system engineering system engineering _2_2_Operations AssistantOperations Assistant_3_3_-Department support to Operations-Department support to Operations Manager.Manager.-Meeting organization and meeting-Meeting organization and meeting minutes talking minutes talking-Administrative support to the-Administrative support to the production lineproduction line-Team support on internal activities-Team support on internal activities_4_4_-Bachelor or higher degree-Bachelor or higher degree-Business English/Secretary related-Business English/Secretary related majormajor-Fluent English,both written and-Fluent English,both written and spokenspoken-Excellent MS Office skills-Excellent MS Office skills-Good organization,interpersonal and-Good organization,interpersonal and communication skillscommunication skills-Two or more years work experience-Two or more years work experience preferredpreferred_5_5_Correct:Jessica LiuCorrect:Jessica LiuEmail:Email:E.PositionWarming-upTask AE EBBAAC CDD新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 Task 2 Task 2 Work in pairsWork in pairsWhat kind of job do you What kind of job do you want to do in your future?want to do in your future?Discuss with your partner Discuss with your partner and give your reasons.and give your reasons.?Warming-upTask B新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Reading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Reading ABusiness Knows新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案para1para2para3para4para5Career trendsReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Career Trends According According to to the the U.S.U.S.Bureau Bureau of of LaborLabor Statistics,Statistics,the the three three hot hot career career fields fields in in thethe next next decadedecade are are going going to to be be informationinformation technology technology(IT),(IT),medical medical and and fitness.fitness.TheThe demand demand for for workers workers in in each each of of these these fields fields isis expected to double by 2010.expected to double by 2010.Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Text A-2 It is no surprise that one of the fastestIt is no surprise that one of the fastest growing growing areas of employment in recent yearsareas of employment in recent years relates to relates to computer technology.Technologicalcomputer technology.Technological advance advance ensuresensures that this trend will continuethat this trend will continue for some time.System for some time.System analysts,designersanalysts,designers and developers,computer and developers,computer programmers,programmers,web developers,web developers,consultants and consultants and informationinformation managers reflect the range of these managers reflect the range of these careercareer areas.Hardware engineers are also needed,areas.Hardware engineers are also needed,working in infrastructure construction andworking in infrastructure construction and repair,repair,cable,satellites,etc.cable,satellites,etc.Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 Another Another guaranteedguaranteed growth growth is is in in thethe medical medical field.field.The The increasing increasing number number ofof healthcare healthcare jobs jobs is is directly directly attributable attributable to to thethe ageing ageing of of the the p popopulation ulation and and the the expansion expansion ofof treatments treatments available available for for medical medical conditions.conditions.Medical Medical assistants assistants and and nurses,nurses,home home healthhealth advisers,advisers,and and health health information information technicianstechnicians will will be be in in increased increased demanddemand.As As a a result,result,there there will will also also be be an an expansion expansion in in the the numbernumber of of administrative administrative and support roles needingand support roles needing to be filled.to be filled.Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 The The fitness fitness field field is is also also expected expected toto expandexpand in in the the next next decade decade as as people people areare becoming becoming more more and and more more health health consciousconscious in in the the face face ofof mortality.mortality.New New servicesservices are are developing developing that that are are opening opening outout intointo recognized recognized career career fields.fields.Many Many of of these these areare provided provided directly directly to to the the consumers.consumers.FitnessFitness management management professionals professionals will will continuecontinue to to enjoy enjoy a a high high market market demand,demand,as as well well asas physical physical training training coaches.coaches.All All of of these these requirerequire degrees degrees in the health field.in the health field.Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 The The identificationidentification of of future future career career trendstrends is is of of some some help help when when you you are are seeking seeking a a careercareer direction.direction.However,However,no no matter matter how how good good thethe prospects prospects are are in in an an area area of of employment,employment,youryour choice choice of of career career must must depend depend primarilyprimarily onon an an assessmentassessment of of your your own own skills,skills,abilities,abilities,personal personal qualities qualities and and interests.interests.It It is is alsoalso important important to to remember remember that that the the top top requisitesrequisites for for success success in in any any field field are are communicationcommunication skills,skills,positivepositive mental mental attitude,attitude,and and the the abilityability to to get get along along with with people.people.Without Without thesethese qualities,qualities,all all the the education education and and training training in in thethe world world will will not not get you very far.get you very far.Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案据美国劳工统计局的统计,今据美国劳工统计局的统计,今后十年内的三个热门职业领域后十年内的三个热门职业领域将分别是信息技术、医疗和健将分别是信息技术、医疗和健身。到身。到2010年,以上每个职业年,以上每个职业领域对人才的需求都将会增加领域对人才的需求都将会增加一倍。一倍。Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案近年来人才需求增长速度最快的近年来人才需求增长速度最快的领域之一是计算机技术,这并不领域之一是计算机技术,这并不令人吃惊。技术的进步确保这种令人吃惊。技术的进步确保这种趋势还会继续一段时期。系统分趋势还会继续一段时期。系统分析师、设计师和开发师、电脑程析师、设计师和开发师、电脑程序员、网络开发人员、信息技术序员、网络开发人员、信息技术顾问和信息管理人员反映出计算顾问和信息管理人员反映出计算机技术领域职业的范围非常广泛。机技术领域职业的范围非常广泛。从事基础设施建设和维护、缆线、从事基础设施建设和维护、缆线、卫星等工作的硬件工程师也是需卫星等工作的硬件工程师也是需求的对象。求的对象。Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案另一个确定会增长的领域是医另一个确定会增长的领域是医疗。医疗保健类工作的增加直疗。医疗保健类工作的增加直接归功于人口老龄化和疾病治接归功于人口老龄化和疾病治疗手段的增多。对医疗助理和疗手段的增多。对医疗助理和护士、家庭健康顾问以及健康护士、家庭健康顾问以及健康信息技术人员的需求将会增加。信息技术人员的需求将会增加。其结果是,所需要的管理和后其结果是,所需要的管理和后勤人员的职位数量也会扩大。勤人员的职位数量也会扩大。Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案面对生老病死人们的健康意面对生老病死人们的健康意识越来越强烈,健身领域预识越来越强烈,健身领域预计也将会在下一个十年内得计也将会在下一个十年内得到快速发展。现有职业领域到快速发展。现有职业领域中的新型服务也方兴未艾,中的新型服务也方兴未艾,许多这些服务被直接提供给许多这些服务被直接提供给消费者。健身管理专家和体消费者。健身管理专家和体育教练的职业仍将保持很高育教练的职业仍将保持很高的市场需求。所有这些职业的市场需求。所有这些职业都要求具备健康领域的学位。都要求具备健康领域的学位。Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案在寻找职业方向时,明确未来的在寻找职业方向时,明确未来的职业趋势会有所助益。然而,不职业趋势会有所助益。然而,不管该职业领域的前景有多好,你管该职业领域的前景有多好,你的职业选择都必须首先建立在对的职业选择都必须首先建立在对自身技能、能力、个人素质和兴自身技能、能力、个人素质和兴趣的评估之上。同样有一点很重趣的评估之上。同样有一点很重要,那就是在任何领域中获得成要,那就是在任何领域中获得成功的必要条件都是沟通技能、积功的必要条件都是沟通技能、积极的精神状态和与人相处的能力。极的精神状态和与人相处的能力。没有这些素质,世界上所有的教没有这些素质,世界上所有的教育和培训都不会帮你走得很远。育和培训都不会帮你走得很远。Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案n.n.a period of ten yearse.g.e.g.That was the first meeting between the two companies in more than a decade.decadeReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.This relates to something I mentioned earlier.to be connected withrelate toReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.1.All the necessary steps have been taken to ensure the safety of the children.v.v.to make it certain that something will happen2.His wife ensured that he took his pills every day.ensureReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.Take this opportunity,and I guarantee you wont regret it.v.v.to promise that something will certainly happen or be doneguaranteeReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.His death was attributable to gunshot wounds.likely to have been caused by somethingattributable toReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.Skilled workers are in great demand in this city.greatly desiredin demandReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.The population of the town expanded rapidly in the 1990s.v.v.to become larger in size,number or amount,or to make something become largerexpandReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.1.I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression.2.Are you conscious how people will regard such behavior?a.a.noticing or realizing something;awareconsciousReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案before;in the presence ofe.g.e.g.What could he do in the face of all these difficulties?in the face of Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案e.g.e.g.1.The path opens out into a courtyard behind the houses.2.Business has been opening out recently.to become wider;to developopen outReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案n.n.the act or process of recognizing somethinge.g.e.g.Correct identification of consumers needs is important to the success of business.identificationReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案ad.ad.mainlye.g.e.g.This research is concerned primarily with prevention of the disease.primaryReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案n.n.a process of making a judgment about a person or situatione.g.e.g.1.Whats the CEOs assessment of the situation?2.The investigation was reopened after careful assessment of the new evidence.assessmentReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案a.a.believing that good things will happen or that a situation will get better;good,usefule.g.e.g.1.Youve got to be more positive about your work.2.At least something positive has come out of the situation.positiveReading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 all the education and training in the world will not help you much.e.g.e.g.With housing prices at this high level,$50,000 wont get you very far.all the education and training in the world will not get you very far.Reading A 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 task1:Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information from the passage Medical FitnessWhy Hot?Who in Demand?Medical It technological advancetechnological advancesystem analysts,system analysts,designers anddesigners and developers,computerdevelopers,computer programmers,webprogrammers,web developers,developers,consultantsconsultants and and informationinformation managers,hardwaremanagers,hardware engineersengineers1)the ageing of1)the ageing of the the populationpopulation 2)the expansion2)the expansion of of treatmentstreatments available available forfor medical conditionsmedical conditionspeople becomingpeople becoming more and moremore and more health conscioushealth consciousmedical assistantsmedical assistants and nurses,and nurses,home health advisers,health home health advisers,health information technicians,information technicians,administrative and support administrative and support clerks in this fieldclerks in this fieldfitness managementfitness management professionals,physical professionals,physical training coachestraining coaches新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 2 The choice of career/job depends primarily on:personal skills and abilities personal education and training background employment prospects in the area the location of the job salary prospectspersonal qualities and interests 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 Desired SkillsDesired SkillsPersonal QualitiesPersonal QualitiesWhat are Employers Looking for?Business Know-how新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Desired Skills Teamwork SkillsTeamwork SkillsTeamwork Skills Computer Computer Computer SkillsSkillsSkills Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills Analytical SkillsAnalytical SkillsAnalytical Skills Work Work Work ExperienceExperienceExperience Oral and Written SkillsOral and Written SkillsOral and Written Skills Leadership Leadership Leadership SkillsSkillsSkills新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Personal Qualities Motivation Motivation Flexibility Flexibility Honesty Honesty Self-confidenceSelf-confidence Enthusiasm Enthusiasm新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Reading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2Reading B 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案McDonalds Corporate CareersJob OpportunityJob OpportunityTitle:Title:Administrative AssistantPart-timeAdministrative AssistantPart-timeDepartment:Department:Marketing MarketingLocation:Location:Beijing BeijingAbout McDonalds:About McDonalds:McDonalds McDonalds is is the the largest largest and and best-known best-known global global food-food-service service retailer retailer with with more more than than 30,000 30,000 restaurants,restaurants,serving serving 46 46 million million customers customers each each day day in in 118 118 countries.countries.We We plan plan to to expand expand our our leadership leadership position position through through tasty tasty food,food,superior superior service,service,everyday everyday value value&convenience.convenience.Join Join our our team team and and find find out out firsthand firsthand why why Fortune Fortune magazine magazine calls calls us us one one of of Americas Americas most admired companies.most admired companies.翻译翻译新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案About the Position:About the Position:This This is is a a part-time part-time job-sharing job-sharing position position(20(20 hours hours per per week week with with benefits).benefits).Work Work time time is Wednesday afternoon,Thursday and Friday.is Wednesday afternoon,Thursday and Friday.This This position position supports supports three three directors directors and and one manager.one manager.Main Responsibilities:Main Responsibilities:Opens,sorts and distributes incoming mails,Opens,sorts and distributes incoming mails,reports reports and correspondence and correspondence Produces correspondence and reports using Produces correspondence and reports using appropriate software and tools appropriate software and tools Arranges travel reservations and Arranges travel reservations and accommodationsaccommodations May process telephone calls and answer May process telephone calls and answer enquiriesenquiries翻译翻译新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Key Requirements:Key Requirements:High School Diploma required,B.A.preferred High School Diploma required,B.A.preferred Minimum of 3 years of administrative experience Minimum of 3 years of administrative experience Strong project management skills Strong project management skills Excellent Excellent written,written,verbal verbal and and communication communication skills in Englishskills in English Strong organizational skills Strong organizational skills Proficient in Microsoft Word,Excel and Proficient in Microsoft Word,Excel and PowerPoint PowerPoint Teamwork skills Teamwork skills翻译翻译新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案麦当劳企业职场麦当劳企业职场工作机会工作机会职位:行政助理(兼职)职位:行政助理(兼职)部门:市场部部门:市场部工作地点:北京工作地点:北京关于麦当劳:关于麦当劳:麦麦当当劳劳是是全全球球最最大大最最知知名名的的食食品品服服务务零零售售商商,拥拥有有30,000多多家家分分店店,每每天天在在118个个国国家家及及地地区区为为4,600万万顾顾客客提提供供服服务务。我我们们计计划划通通过过提提供供美美味味的的食食物物、上上乘乘的的服服务务、每每天天的的超超值值享享受受和和方方便便快快捷捷来来巩巩固固我我们们的的领领导导地地位位。请请加加入入到到我我们们当当中中来来,亲亲身身了了解解为为什什么么财富财富杂志称我们为美国最受人称赞的公司之一。杂志称我们为美国最受人称赞的公司之一。新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案关于本岗位:关于本岗位:本本岗岗位位为为兼兼职职,任任务务与与他他人人共共同同承承担担(每每周周工工作作2020小小时时,有有加加班班补补贴贴)。工工作作时时间间为为周周三三下下午午、周四和周五全天。周四和周五全天。本岗位为三位董事和一位经理服务。本岗位为三位董事和一位经理服务。主要职责:主要职责:查收、筛选和分发来信、报告和其他函件查收、筛选和分发来信、报告和其他函件使用相应的软件和工具制作信函和报告使用相应的软件和工具制作信函和报告预定行程和安排食宿预定行程和安排食宿可能会处理来电及回答咨询可能会处理来电及回答咨询新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案主要资历要求:主要资历要求:须有高中毕业证,文学学士证书优先须有高中毕业证,文学学士证书优先三年以上行政工作经验三年以上行政工作经验项目管理能力强项目管理能力强英语书面和口头交际能力优异英语书面和口头交际能力优异组织能力强组织能力强熟练使用微软的熟练使用微软的Word、Excel及及PowerPoint 办公软件办公软件具备团队协作精神具备团队协作精神新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task Task 1 1 Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the job ad.()1.The job opening is offered by the Administrative Department of McDonalds in Beijing.()2.McDonalds serves 46 million customers each day in 118 countries.()3.The Administrative Assistant works full-time and provides support for three directors and one manager.()4.The Administrative Assistant may write reports to the directors.()5.Candidates with a B.A.in English are preferred.FTFFF新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案B-Task 2-1Task Task 2 2 Work in pairs.List your qualifications to meet the requirements for the position in the ad.Then share it with your partner.Sample新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案 Task 6 Task5Task 4Task 3TextTask1Listening speakingTask2Listening speaking新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 1 Li Qiang is seeking a job and now he is having an interview with Ms.chen.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.A Peking University B Tsinghua University C Qingdao University D Qinghai UnviersityA a technicianB a mechanicC an engineerD a director A He wants a raise B He doesnt like his present employer.C He has to move to another city D He wants a growth opportunity.BBC CDD新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 1Task 1 ScriptScript新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 2 Simon is job-hunting and is asking Ms.Wright for a reference.Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Then write key words to support your answers.1 The man is moving to anther place.2 The woman refuses to provide a reference for Simon.3 The man enjoy working in his current company.4 The woman has mixed feelings about Simons leaving.True Falsemoving his career in another directionmoving his career in another directionShes glad to do so.Shes glad to do so.新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 2Task 2 ScriptScript新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案selling books working in the evening having to carry some heavy books selling furniturehave to be physically strong working on weekendworking on weekdays need to have a drivers licenseTask 3 Amy and Adam are talking about a job position in the newspaper.Listen to the conversation and choose the descriptions for the job mentioned.selling furniture新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案selling furniturehave to be physically strong working on weekdays need to have a drivers licenseselling furnitureTask 3 keys新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 3Task 3ScriptScript新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 4 Abc English School is interviewing Sally Huang.Listen to the conversation and fill in the following information.Interviewee InformationName _Sally Huang_University(M.A.)_M.A.Major_ Current Employer _Current Job _UBCEducation ManagementExpress EnglishSecretary新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 4Task 4 ScriptScript新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit8 教案Task 5 listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.An interview gives you the opportunity to show you qualifications to a prospective employer,so it pays to _.The following provides some helpful ideas.Make sure your interview clothes are _ for the type of firm you are interviewing with.Bring several copies of your rsum.Know the exact place and time of the interview and arrive five to then minutes earlier.During the job interview try to relax and stay as clam as possible._with the interviewers.Listen very carefully to each question you are asked and give thoughtful,to-the point and honest answers.Make sure you understand the employers next step in the hiring process;know _ you should expect to hear next.When the interviewer concludes the interview,thank him or her for the time and confirm how you are to follow up.Always send a _ to the interviewer immediately.It is good to keep the letter short but to also restate your interest in the position and your confidence in your qualifications.be well preparedneat,tidy


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