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Unit 6I.Teaching Objectives:1).Talk about how long you have been doing things.2).Talk about peoples hobbies.3).Talk about how long you have been collecting things.II.Target Language:p1.How long have you been skating?-I have been skating for five hours.-I have been skating since nine oclock.p2.How long did you skate?-I skated for two hours.p3.How long has he been collecting kites?-Hes been collecting kites since he was ten years old.p4.Whats your hobby?-I like making kitesp5.How long have you been doing that?-For about 2 years.III.Useful expressions:p1.纵列式滑冰马拉松纵列式滑冰马拉松 p2.一双滑冰鞋一双滑冰鞋 p3.雪花玻璃球雪花玻璃球 p4.用尽、缺乏用尽、缺乏 p5.告知告知 p6.顺便说一句顺便说一句 p7.对对感兴趣感兴趣 p8.收集贝壳收集贝壳 p9.为慈善事业筹款为慈善事业筹款p10.创建一个俱乐部创建一个俱乐部 p11.对某事表示祝贺对某事表示祝贺 p12.到目前为止到目前为止 IV.Grammar:pPresent Perfect Progressive Tense&Simple Past TensepPrepositions:since&for Task 1.Our Hobbies Show Ss some pictures about peoples collections.Then ask them to talk about what they collect.Fill in the table on P47.And then have a discussion in pairs.I collect ReasonI would liketo collectshellsthey are beautifulstampsthey are interesting e.g.:I collect shells because they are beautiful.Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting The Student Union is going to set up many clubs.They are doing an investigation on students hobbies.They want to see want kind of clubs students like to join.Please fill in the investigation form in pairs.Whats your name?What is your hobby?How long have you been playing basketball?I have been playing basketball for about ten years.How long did you play it yesterday?I played it for about two hours.NameTomAnnaJerryHobbyPlay basketballdanceswimHow longFor 3 yearsFor 7 yearsFor 4 yearsLast timeYesterdayLast SundayLast weekHow long1 hour2 hours50 minutesGive a report.e.g.:My name is Peter.I have been living in China for about seven years.I like collecting stamps.I have been collecting Chinese stamps since I came to China.I have been collecting over three hundred Chinese stamps.I like Monkey King stamps best.Grammar Focus:The difference between“for”and“since”The skating marathon has been going for eight hours.I have been collecting kites for seven years.He has been watching English movies since 1998.I have been listening to music videos since I was seven years old.for:(prep)表示时间的持续,后面加时间表示时间的持续,后面加时间段,表示一段时间,多与带数词的名次连段,表示一段时间,多与带数词的名次连用,其谓语需用延续性动词。用,其谓语需用延续性动词。We have been leaning English for two years.since:(prep)表示表示“自从过去某一时间点自从过去某一时间点以来以来”,后面接点时间,强调动作或状态,后面接点时间,强调动作或状态一直延续到现在,一般用现在完成时或现一直延续到现在,一般用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。在完成进行时。I have been skating since 9 oclock.Task 2.Job InterviewYou are going to run your own business and you need to hire some people to work for you.Work in groups of 4.Have a thorough discussion on the kinds of jobs you provide and design an ad according to p49 2.Singer WantedOur school singing team will take part in a singing competition.So we need some more singers.To get the job,please answer these four questions:1.How long have you been singing?2.How long have you been studying English?3.What musical instrument can you play?4.How long have you been playing the musical instrument?Dear Mike,Im from Class Two,Grade Two.Im an outgoing boy.I am interested in singing songs.I have been singing songs since I was five years old.I have been studying English for six years,so I can sing many English songs.I am studying English songs now.Every Saturday I go to a singing club to study singing English songs.Yours sincerelyJohn ReadingFood Cultures1.Pre-reading:Talk about different food culture in the world.Look at the different dishes in the pictures.Match the dishes with the countries below:(India,Italy,U.S.A.,Mexico,Spain,Morocco,Japan)CountriesFoodsItalypizza,Indiavegetable curry and riceJapansushi with prawns(寿司寿司)Mexicotortilla,(玉米粉圆饼玉米粉圆饼)filled taco(煎玉米卷煎玉米卷)Moroccocouscous with lamb(蒸粗麦粉蒸粗麦粉)U.S.A.a hamburger and French fries2.While-reading:Paraphrase the following sentences.“It made me think about differences in food cultures between China and western countries”The letter reminds us of the differences between Chinese food culture and English food culture.Paragraph one“Yet what you ordered is yours and you have to do your best to eat it.”Whether you like your dish or not,you must try to finish it by yourself,because nobody will eat it.Paragraph two“The meal is not for one,but for many to enjoy.”The meal is not just ordered for one person to eat but its for many people to eat.Paragraph three“If we had been in China,we could have done so.”Suppose we were in China,we might have already shared the food from each others plates.Paragraph four“Sometimes the name and appearance of food is more important than how good it is.”People judge the food by the names and how they look.The taste is not the most important thing.Thats why restaurants pay more attention to the menu.Paragraph five“I now prefer the Chinese way of eating”I like eating in the Chinese way rather than the English way.3.Post-reading:Talk about different eating customs in China and in the Western countries.In ChinaIn western countriesPeople share dishesI eat my food.You eat yours.People use chopsticks to eatPeople use knives,forks and spoonsPeople serve the food to each otherFood are served by themselvesWoman:Alison,how long have you been skating?Alison:Ive been skating for five hours.Woman:Wow!Sam,how long did you skate?Sam:I skated for four hours.I started at nine oclock in the morning and stopped at one oclock in the afternoon.Im very tired!Section A 1bTape scriptsWoman:When did you start skating,Victor?Victor:At nine oclock.Woman:So youve been skating forVictor:Ive been skating for five hours.Woman:How long did you skate,Celia?Celia:Umm,lets see I skated for two hours.Reporter:Alison,congratulations on winning the skating marathon!Alison:Thank you.Reporter:So,how long did you skate today?Alison:For six hours!Reporter:Was this your first inline skating marathon?Section A 2aAlison:No,I skated in a marathon last year.Reporter:Youre an excellent skater,Alison.Do you skate every day?Alison:Yes,I do.Reporter:How long have you been skating?Alison:Since I was seven years old.I got my first pair of skates on my birthday from my grandmotherConversation(1)Girl 1:How long have you been collecting these kites,Bob?Bob:Since I was ten years old.Girl 1:How many do you have?Bob:Oh,I have about 22 so far.Girl 1:Where do you fly them?Bob:I usually fly them in the park when its windy.Section B 2aConversation(2)Boy 2:Wow,Marcia.Are these stuffed animals all yours?Marcia:Yes,Ive been collecting them for five years.Boy 2:How many do you have?Marcia:Well,I have about 35.Boy 2:Which ones do you like best?Marcia:I like the panda best hes so cute!And I also like the tiger.My mother gave me that one.Conversation(3)Girl 3:What do you collect,Liam?Liam:I collect theater and movie tickets.Girl 3:So how long have you been collecting them?Liam:Since last year.Girl 3:How many do you have?Liam:I have 20.I put them in this book and write if I liked the show or movie.Girl 3:Looks like an interesting collection.Thank you Thank you for for listening listening and have a and have a nice day!nice day!


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