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Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Period 1Discuss:How do you study English?How do you memorize new words?Do you work with friends?Do you listen to tapes every day?SectionAI learnI learnI learnI learn English English English English by by by by askingaskingaskingasking the teacher the teacher the teacher the teacher for help.for help.for help.for help.I learnI learnI learnI learn English English English English by by by by makingmakingmakingmaking vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary lists.lists.lists.lists.I learn I learn English English byby makingmaking flashcardsflashcards.How do you learn English well??They learn English by listening to tapes.They learn English by reading the textbook aloud.They learn English by studying with a group.How do they learn English well?He learns English by watching English programs on TV.How does he learn English well?Sometimes he learns by watching English-language videos and movies.She often learns English by memorizing the words.Sometimes she learns English by surfing the Internet.Sometimes she learns English by taking notes.(keep an English notebook)speak aloudjoin the English club practice conversations with friends make up conversations with friends How do you learn English?I learn EnglishI learn English by listeningby listening to the tapes.to the tapes.by studyingby studying with a group.with a group.by watchingby watching English programs on TV.English programs on TV.by enjoyingby enjoying English songs.English songs.by joining by joining the English the English club club.by askingby asking the teacher for help.the teacher for help.by makingby making vocabulary lists.vocabulary lists.by takingby taking notes carefully.notes carefully.By havingBy having the English class carefully.the English class carefully.by finishingby finishing my homework seriously.my homework seriously.A:How do you study for a test?B:I study by working with a goup.A:How do you learn English?B:I learn English by asking teachers questions.It can help me solve some difficulties.A:Do you learn English by listening to tapes.B:Yes,I do.I think it improves my listening skills.pairworkCheck()the ways you study for an English test.Then add other ways you sometimes use._ by working with friends _ by making flashcards _ by reading the textbook_ by making vocabulary lists_ by listening to tapes _ by asking the teacher for help _ _ _1aListen.How do these students study for a test?Write letters from the pictures below.1b_ 1.Mei _ 2.Pierre _ 3.Antonioacb2a Listen and check()the questions you hear.Questions Questions 1.1.Do you learn English by watching English-language Do you learn English by watching English-language videos?videos?2.2.Do You ever practice conversations with friends?Do You ever practice conversations with friends?3.3.What about listening to cassettes?What about listening to cassettes?4.4.What about What about reading reading aloudaloud to practice to practice pronunciationpronunciation?5.5.Have you ever studied with a group?Have you ever studied with a group?aloud adj.出声的出声的;高声高声的的 adv.出声地出声地出声地出声地;高声地高声地高声地高声地pronunciation n.发音发音1._ Do you learn English by watching English-language videos?_2._ Do you ever practice conversations with friends?_ 3._ What about listening to tapes?4._ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?_ 5._ Have you ever studied with a group?_ Questions AnswersdbcaA:Have you ever studied with a group?B:Yes,I have.Ive learned a lot that way.A:Do you learn English by watching Englishlanguage videos?B:No.Its too hard to understand the voices.A:Do you ever practice conversations with friends?B:Oh,yes.It improves my speaking skills.A:What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?B:I do that sometimes.I think it helps.A:What is the best way to learn English?And why?I B:I think learning English by listening to tapes is the best way because it can improve my listening(writing/reading/speaking)skill.I think studying English by is the best way because Please read 3a on page 4,and find seven ways of learning English in the article.using Englishmemorizing the words of pop songswatching English movies having conversations with friends reading English magazinesstudying grammarjoining the English clubhavingconversations with friends Liu Chang Wei Ming studyinggrammar Lillian LiNot successful OK SuccessfulWays of learning Englishmemorizing thewords of pop songswatching English moviesreading Englishmagazinesstudyinggrammarjoining the English club1.1.我认为学英语的最好方法是用英语。我认为学英语的最好方法是用英语。IthinkthebestwaytolearnEnglishisusingEnglish.IthinkthebestwaytolearnEnglishisusingEnglish.=Ithink_English_itisthebestway.=Ithink_English_itisthebestway.=Ithink_Englishisthebestway_English.=Ithink_Englishisthebestway_English.2.2.记住单词的最好方法是阅读英文纸。记住单词的最好方法是阅读英文纸。ThebestwaytolearnnewwordswasbyreadingEnglishThebestwaytolearnnewwordswasbyreadingEnglishmagazines.magazines.=_newwords_Englishmagazines_=_newwords_Englishmagazines_thebestway.thebestway.=_Englishmagazinesisthebestway_new=_Englishmagazinesisthebestway_newwords.words.3.3.记住流行歌曲的歌词也是有一些帮助的。记住流行歌曲的歌词也是有一些帮助的。Memoringthewordsofpopsongsalsohelpedalittle.Memoringthewordsofpopsongsalsohelpedalittle._thewordsofpopsongsisalsoalittle_._thewordsofpopsongsisalsoalittle_.4.4.我从来不学语法。太烦人了。我从来不学语法。太烦人了。Ineverstudygrammar.Itstooboring.Ineverstudygrammar.Itstooboring.Wei Ming 1.我学习英语有六年了。IhavebeenlearningEnglishforsixyears._youbeenlearningEnglish?2.我认为学习英语的好方法是学习语法。IthinkstudyinggrammarisagreatwaytolearnEnglish.(1)否定句(2)Ithink_English_grammarisagreatway.(3)_isagreatwaytolearnEnglish.3.看英文电影也不是坏方法,因为我可以看见演员说单词。WatchingEnglishmoviesisntabadwaybecauseIcanwatchtheactorssaythewords.4.但是,有时候我发现看电影也挺让人沮丧的。因为人们讲话太快了。ButsometimesIfindwatchingmoviesfrustratingbecausepeoplespeaktooquickly.Wei Ming 1.加入英语俱乐部是提高英语的最好法。_theEnglishclubwasthe_English.2.学生们得到很多训练,也很有乐趣。Students_practiceandtheyalso_.3.和朋友们练习对话根本没有帮助。_conversationswithfriendswasnt_.4.我们特别兴奋,然后就以讲汉语结束了。We_somethingand_inChinese.1.ask sb about+n./doing ask sb(not)to do sth 她向我询问关于学习英语历史的事情。她向我询问关于学习英语历史的事情。She asked me about learning English history.他让我给他买辆小汽车。他让我给他买辆小汽车。He asked me to buy him a car.Key words or structures2.Hes been learning English for six years and really loves it.have/has been doing 我已经教英语教了我已经教英语教了8年了。年了。I have been teaching English for 8 years.3.because he can watch the actors say the words.watch sb.do/doing 我看见他进了一辆出租车。我看见他进了一辆出租车。I watched him get into a taxi.我坐在窗边,看着人们从这里走过。我坐在窗边,看着人们从这里走过。I sit by the window and watch people walking past.4.Sometimes,however,he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.find+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语 我们发现英语很有趣。我们发现英语很有趣。We find English interesting.他们发现这本书很难。他们发现这本书很难。They find this book difficult.5.because the people speak too quickly.动词+副词他生气地大嚷起来。他很生气。He shouted angrily.He was very angry.(angry-angrily)他们开心地唱歌。他们很开心。They sing songs happily.They are very happy.(happy-happily)6.She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.not at all 他一点也不饿。Hes not hungry at all.他们一点也不喜欢这部电影。They didnt like this movie at all.7.“We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,”she said.end up doing sth/end up with sth 他们将乘火车游遍整个欧洲,并且计划在莫斯科结束旅程。Theyre traveling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.晚会以唱一首英文歌曲而结束。The evening ended up singing an English song.The evening ended up with an English song.8.We get excited aboutget excited about something.get/be exchited about sth/doing get/be excited to do sth 你对去上海感到兴奋吗?你对去上海感到兴奋吗?Are you excited about going to Shanghai?Are you excited to go to Shanghai?Importantphrases:1.与朋友们一起工作2.制作幻灯片3.听录音4.读课文5.向老师寻求帮助6.制作单词表7.看英文录像带8.和朋友练习对话9.大声朗读10.提高我的口语能力Importantphrases:1.workwithfriends2.makeflashcards3.listentotapes4.readthetextbook5.asktheteacherforhelp6.makevocabularylists7.watchEnglish-languagevideos8.practiceconversationswithfriends9.readaloud10.improvespeakingskills1.询问关于2.做最好的办法3.有更多特殊的建议4.记流行歌曲的歌词5.感觉不同6.观看演员说话7.发现看电影很令人失望8.说得太快9.得到很多练习10.和朋友做对话11.一点也不12.对兴奋13.以结束14.做一次关于的调查15.记英文笔记1.ask about2.the best way to do/of doing3.have more specific suggestions4.memorize the words of pop songs5.feel differently6.watch actors say the words7.find watching movies frustrating8.speak too quickly9.get lots of practice=practice a lot10.have conversations with friends11.not at all12.get excited about13.end up doing 14.do a survey about15.keep an English notebook1.Write a passage to introduce your ways or your partners ways of learning English.2.Try to retell the article.Homework


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