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四级作文四级作文第三节 应用文写作模板n应用文是指人们在工作、学习、生活中传递信息,以达到交际目的的一种文体。这种文章需做到言简意赅、条理清楚,一般不需要过多修饰。四级考试中的应用文大致分为两类:n1.书信类n2.口头类第三节 应用文写作模板应用文是指人们在工作、学习、生活中传递 Frank Hamilton 29 Portman Street Liverpool D5 7WL April 18,2002Dear(Sir),_._._.Yours sincerely,XXX书信作文 例Letter in Reply to a Friend(2003年12月)nDirections:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friends inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:n1)建议报考的专业及理由;n2)报考该专业的基本条件;n3)应当如何备考。例Letter in Reply to a Friend(2模板 December 27th,2003nDear X,n第一段:n I am very happy to learn that .(对来信表示高兴)n You are welcome to .(对报考表示欢迎)n When it comes to ,I suggest that .(提出建议报考的专业)n To begin with,.(理由一)n Whats more,.(理由二)n第二段:n In order to ,you have to .(指出报考该专业的基本条件)n First of all,.(条件一)n In addition,.(条件二)n第三段:n As far as is concerned,you should on the one hand .(有关如何备考,首先)n On the other hand,youd better .(其次)n Only by can you .(总结)n Best wishes!n Yours truly,n Li Ming模板 范文A Letter in Reply to a Friend December 27th,2003nDear X,n I am very happy to learn that you want to apply to our university.You are welcome to be one of us.When it comes to which major you should choose,I suggest that you apply for Computer Science.To begin with,this is one of the best specialized programs in our university.Whats more,Computer Science majors are more likely to find well-paid jobs.n In order to study at the Department of Computer Science,you have to meet the following requirements.First of all,you have to reach the minimum score set for admission to key universities in the National College Entrance Examination.In addition,you have to be good at mathematics.n As far as the preparation is concerned,you should on the one hand review all the required lessons.On the other hand,youd better spend some time on English.Only by careful preparations can you hope to enroll in our university.n Best whishes!n Yours truly,n Li Ming范文A Letter in Reply to a Frien框架点评n第一段:首先对来信表示高兴,欢迎对方申请本校。然后切入主题,建议报考计算机专业,并用两个词组To begin with和Whats more引出两点理由:一是因为该专业实力较强,二是毕业后容易就业。n第二段:首句是主题句,以In order toyou have to meet the following requirements引出两个条件;用First of all,In addition引导两个扩展句来阐述这两个条件。由于篇幅所限,且题目要求涉及的内容较多,故中间段的总结句省去。n第三段:以As far as引出对备考的建议,用On the one hand和On the other hand连接。最后以Only through来结尾,即只有做好这些准备,才有希望被录取。框架点评第一段:首先对来信表示高兴,欢迎对方申请本校。然后切例A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction(2004年6月)nDirections:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction.you should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:n要点:n1)致欢迎词;n2)一天的行程安排;n3)对游客即将访问的地点进行描述;n4)你应该让这个介绍很吸引人,并且让每个人都清楚你的行程安排。例A Brief Introduction to a Tou模板n第一段:n Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to .(致欢迎词)n Its my great honor to .(自我介绍)n I hope you will enjoy your whole time .(开头套语)n第二段:n First,I want to introduce the schedule to you.(主题句)n We will assemble at .(告知集合时间)n .(具体行程安排)n is the end of the whole days tour.(告知结束时间)n If any of you have questions,please dont hesitate to ask me.(套语)n第三段:n Now,its time to introduce our scenery briefly.(主题句)n .(具体的景点描述)n In a word,it is a good chance to .(总结句)n I am sure you are looking forward to it.Lets start.(结束语)模板第一段:范文A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to join our tour group.Its my great honor to be your tour guide.I hope you will enjoy your whole time with my company.First,I want to introduce the schedule to you.We will assemble at 7 a.m.here.After all of you have arrived,we will set out to climb mountains.At 1 p.m.we head for the seashore.5 p.m.is the end of the whole days tour.If you have any questions,please dont hesitate to ask me at any time.Now,its time to introduce the scenery briefly.The Five-Finger Mountains well climb are about 1,000 meters high.They are named after their shape,resembling a human hand,with exactly five fingers in a row.At the seashore,you will be amazed at the width of the sea.Certainly,you can swim in the sea or build a castle with soft sand at the beach.In a word,it is a wonderful chance to approach our nature,relax yourself and relieve you of the pressure.I am sure you are looking forward to it.Lets start.范文A Brief Introduction to a To框架点评n第一段:致欢迎词,礼貌地自我介绍,并致以良好的祝愿。n第二段:首句为主题句,引出具体的行程安排,如集合时间、结束时间等。该段最后一句必不可少,也非常实用,If you have any questions,please dont hesitate to ask me at any time,如有疑问请随时问我。n第三段:首句仍为主题句,引起听众的注意。景点描述部分语言平实简练、表达畅通。最后是总结句,用In a word引导。框架点评第一段:致欢迎词,礼貌地自我介绍,并致以良好的祝愿。例Welcome to Our Club(2007.6)nDirections:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to welcome students to join a club.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:n1.本社团的主要活动内容n2.参加本社团的好处n3.如何加入本社团例Welcome to Our Club(2007.6)D写作指南n这是一篇应用文。本作文所考查的目标主要是语言本身,思维或逻辑方面只要能自圆其说就可以了。本篇作文的要求是:布局合理,条理清晰,重在语言表达,尽量避免语言错误,有一定的语言变化。另外四六级作文的应试方针:尽量减少基础语言错误写作指南这是一篇应用文。本作文所考查的目标主要是语言本身,思n根据题目要求,文章的结构安排如下:n第一段:首先表示欢迎,并简要介绍该社团及其主要活动内容:1.定期组织英语角活动;2.与外教面对面练口语;3.请资深英语教学专家做讲座。n第二段:列举参加该社团的好处:1.掌握英语学习方法,增加学习兴趣;2.与外教交朋友,了解英语国家文化;3.提高英语水平,练就一口地道流利的英语。n第三段:说明如何加入社团,并表示感谢。根据题目要求,文章的结构安排如下:Welcome to Our Clubn Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to join our English club!It is sponsored(supported)by the Student Union and was set up(established/founded)two years ago.The club organizes various(all kinds of)activities regularly meeting the demands(needs)of participants,and enjoys high popularity(is well known/very popular)among English learners.We have English corners every weekend and you can practice your oral English with native speakers.In addition(Additionally/Besides/Moreover/Furthermore),experts(experienced teachers)are invited to give lectures on English learning occasionally(now and then).Welcome to Our Club LnThere are a lot of benefits for you to join us(You can gain a lot of benefits from joining us).To begin with(First and foremost),you can find the most suitable English learning methods for you(you can find the best way to learn English)by communicating with others and consulting language experts,hence making yourself more interested in English learning.Besides,you can make friends with foreigners and get to know their cultures.Lastly,through your own efforts and with our help,you can speak accurate and fluent English more easily(more confidently/with less difficulty),thus increasing your chances of finding a favorable(satisfactory)job in multinationals upon graduation(when you graduate).There are a lot of benefits fonYou can email us at englishclubE if you want to become a member of our club.Thank you for your interest.You can email us at englishclu开头段:说明与收信人关系,并表明写作意图主体段:投诉原因(有理有据)提出拟对如何改进或解决问题的建 议,或清楚表明你希望问题如何得 到解决。结尾段:表达希望快速解决的强烈愿望 对有关人员的努力表示感谢 希望尽快得到满意的答复投诉信投诉信开头段:1.I am writing to you to complain about2.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with3.I am afraid that I have to inform you that4.I am completely disappointed to find主体段:1.There are some problems with that I wish to bring to attention.In the first place,In the second place,开头段:2.To reverse this situation,it is advisable/desirable/recommended/suggested that3.To improve the situation,it is advisable to take the following measures.For one thing,For another,结尾段:1.I sincerely hope that it will review its management system(检讨管理制度)2.I look forward to a day when we could3.I do hope that the problems will be solved as soon as possible.4.I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration to improve the situation.2.To reverse this situation,5.We believe that you will take this matter seriously from now on and make every effort to prevent its recurrence.6.It is high time that7.If it is not properly settled,I would like to demand a refund,or I would complain to the Consumers Association.5.We believe that you will taA letter of ComplaintDear Editor,Im a college student.Im writing to complain about the poor service I received from Bright Bookstore.Last Sunday I bought an English-Chinese Dictionary from the bookstore.But when I used it in the following days,I found its really poor in quality with many printing errors and even several missing pages.It doesnt deserve the money.I decided to return it to the bookstore and ask for a refund.However,to my unpleasant surprise,the service manager was ill-mannered and retorted me impatiently,“Why didnt you check it carefully before you decided to buy it?”“How could I know you hadnt used it?”I protested.“Then youre the one to blame.You can only change it for another copy,”he suggested coldly.“But in view of its poor quality,I dont want it any more,”I argued.“No way,”he shrugged and turned to attend to other clients.A letter of ComplaintAnnoyed and depressed,I decided to resort to you for help.I think first its irresponsible of the bookstore to sell poor books;second,it should treat its clients with good manners and provide satisfactory solutions.This is not a rare phenomenon in the service industry.Are they serving people or being served?Sincerely yours,Liu Qiang Annoyed and depressed,I dec作文题目oLetter for SaleoPoster Calling for Cloth Bag DesignoLetter of ApplicationoLetter of ThanksoLetter of Invitation作文题目Letter for SaleComputer for Sale Computer for Sale 四级作文(书信类)课件Poster Calling for Cloth Bag DesignPoster Calling for Cloth Bag D四级作文(书信类)课件Topics:Apply for the position of volunteer to teach in poor arean常用的句型Topics:Apply for the positionTopics:Apply for the position of volunteer to teach in poor areanYou have read an introduction on a 2-year project volunteer work of teaching in poor rural areas in China.n1.Apply for the position in this project n2.Describe your education and experience.n3.Express your sincerity and your eagerness in this volunteer work.Topics:Apply for the positionDear Editor,Dear Editor,I am writing to apply for the positionI am writing to apply for the position in in the 2-year project volunteer work of the 2-year project volunteer work of teaching children in rural region.I believe teaching children in rural region.I believe that my background in education and that my background in education and experience will fit in well for this experience will fit in well for this challenging but rewarding work.challenging but rewarding work.Dear Editor,I have great passion for English learning I have great passion for English learning and teaching.and teaching.This JuneThis June I will graduate from I will graduate from Beijing Normal University with a Bachelors Beijing Normal University with a Bachelors degree of English Education.degree of English Education.During my four-During my four-year studyyear study in University,due to my hard work in University,due to my hard work and excellent performances in class,I have and excellent performances in class,I have been granted 1been granted 1stst-rate scholarship.-rate scholarship.Additionally,Additionally,I have served as a tutor for a I have served as a tutor for a senior high school student,which has provided senior high school student,which has provided me with much experience in the profession of me with much experience in the profession of teaching.teaching.Moreover,Moreover,I am from a rural area in I am from a rural area in Anhui province,and I am deeply aware of how Anhui province,and I am deeply aware of how limited the teaching resources are and how limited the teaching resources are and how eager the children in poor area are to learning eager the children in poor area are to learning and knowledge.and knowledge.Therefore,Therefore,I hope that I can I hope that I can contribute to the education in rural area in contribute to the education in rural area in China through my participation in this project.China through my participation in this project.四级作文(书信类)课件 I sincerely hope that you can I sincerely hope that you can consider my application carefully.consider my application carefully.Enclosed in my letter is my resume for Enclosed in my letter is my resume for your further consideration.I am looking your further consideration.I am looking forward to your early reply.forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Yours sincerely,Li Ming Li Ming I sincerely hope thLetter of Thanksn常用的句型Letter of Thanks常用的句型Letter of ThanksnSuppose you lived at the Rehabilitation Center and were under tender care.You write a letter to extend you thanks to your staffs consideration.nBegin your letter as follows:nDear Staff,nYou should write about 120 words on ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name,using“Li Ming”instead.Do not write the address.Letter of ThanksSuppose you liDear Staff,I am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you.At present,I am at home and on my own again.I feel extremely happy.During the time I lived at the Rehabilitation Center and was under your tender care,I promised myself I would write a letter of thanks as soon as I was able.Abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience,expertise and genuine concern.It was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that I could walk again.I would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me.Never stop your beautiful way of working with people.Your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well.Affectionately,Li MingDear Staff,A letter of InvitationnWrite a letter to invite your best friend Jane to take part in your mothers 60-year-old birthday and inform her of your arrangement.nBegin your letter as follows:nDear Jane,A letter of InvitationWrite a Dear Jane,I am going to have a dinner party at my house on July 14,2008 to celebrate my mothers 60-year-old birthday.The party will start at seven oclock in the evening.There will be a small musical soiree(晚会),at which a band will perform some popular and classical songs at first.At around eight o clock,we will start our dinner,during which we can talk and laugh together.And then all the friends will take some photos together.I know you have been busy these days,but I do hope you can make it.My family and I look forward to the pleasure of your company.Yours affectionately,Li Ming Dear Jane,A Letter of LeavenYou have had an accident and are in hospital.nWrite a letter to professor Johnson explaining why you will be absent from class for the next month.Ask for advice about how to continue your studies during this period.nYou should write about 120 words on ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Using“Li Ming”instead.Do not write the address.A Letter of LeaveYou have had Dear Professor Johnson,I am writing to explain my absence from classes since April 21,2007.On April 20,2007,I was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident.I was transported to the hospital in an ambulance,where I was treated for a broken ankle,fractured collarbone,and 3 bruised ribs.My doctor advised complete bed rest for 6 weeks and as a result,I have been unable to attend classes.I am concerned about keeping up with my studies,and have been doing the required readings as assigned by my professors.My biggest concern is whether I will be eligible to take the final exams in June.Would you please advise me regarding my courses and exams,specially if there will be any special consideration given to me in light of my current situation?Thank you for your kind assistance.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,Li MingDear Professor Johnson,谢谢观看!2020谢谢观看!


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