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How much are these socks?$8$7$5a pink skirt a green T-shirt a yellow sweater-Whats this?-Its a-What color is it?-Its so its a green T-shirt.-How much is it?-Itsdollars.$9$6$4$2white socksblue shorts red trousersblack shoes-What are these?-They are-What color are they?-They are so they are-How much are they?-They are dollars.$8$10$7$1$6$12a black hata big black hatA:Whats this?B:Its a big/small black/blue hat.A:How much is it?B:Its.dollars.$4$2big bg smallsml a blue hata small blue hatgreen socks short green socksA:What are these?B:Theyre short/long green/red socks.A:How much are they?B:Theyre.dollars.red sockslong red socks$6$8short/t/longl Listen and repeat.bigsmallshortlong 2a Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear.2b Listen again and fill in the price tags.2c$5$8$6$7$2$9eightTapescripts 1.A:I like .Do you have one?B:Yes,I have this one,here.A:How much is it?B:Its dollars.2.A:I like this .How much is it?B:Its dollars.3.A:How much are those?B:They are dollars.4.A:How much is that?B:Its dollars.big purple hatsfivebrown sweatereightred shortssixgreen T-shirtseven5.A:I like those .How much are they?B:They are dollars.6.A:How much are the?B:They are dollars.black trouserslong blue and yellow sockstwonineConversation 1A:I like this brown sweater.How much is it?B:Its eight dollars.Conversation 3A:How much are those red shorts?B:Theyre six dollars.Conversation 2A:I like big purple hats.Do you have one?B:Yes,I have this one.A:How much is it?B:Its five dollars.Conversation 4A:How much is that green T-shirt?B:Its seven dollars.Conversation 5A:I like those long blue and yellow socks?How much are they?B:They are only two dollars.Conversation 6A:How much are the black trousers?B:They are nine dollars.$5$8$6$7$2$9A:I like these long blue shorts.How much are they?B:Theyre six dollars.Do you like shopping?Lets go shopping!Saleswoman女售货员女售货员Customer(顾客顾客)saleswoman(女售货员女售货员)Read the dialogue in 2e.Then fill in the blanks.Things(物品物品)ColorHow muchsweater_dollars _ _for one pair_for two pairsninebluesocksyellowtwo dollarsthree dollarsWoman:Can I help you?Mary:Yes,please.I need a sweater for school.Woman:OK.What color do you want?Mary:Blue.Woman:How about this one?Mary:It looks nice.How much is it?Woman:Nine dollars.Mary:Ill take it.How much are those yellow socks?Woman:Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.Mary:Great!Ill take two pairs.Woman:Here you are.Mary:Thank you.Woman:Youre welcome.Listen and repeatvsalesman:Can I help you?vCustomer:Yes,please.I want to buyvsalesman:What color do you like?vCustomer:I like vsalesman:Here you are.vCustomer:How much is/are?vsalesman:Its/Theyre.dollars.vCustomer:Ill take it.Here is the money.Thank you.vsaleaman:You are welcomeChoose选择选择ColorI like.PriceHow much is it/are these?Customer顾客顾客Decide决决定定Ill take it/them.Yes,please.I wantGreetings问候问候Color Can I help you?What can I do for you?What color do you want?Here you are.othersPriceIts/TheyreTwo dollars for one pairThree dollars for two pairsLets go shopping!Who is the best actor/actress(演员演员)?_,The best actor in the role play performance.The Best ActorThe Best ActorGroup work Now,you want to buy some clothes,so you go to a store.()1.How much _ this T-shirt?-_ seven dollars.A.is,Its B.are,Its C.is,Theyre D.are,Theyre()2.What color do you_?-Red.A.likes B.to like C.want D.wants()3._ are these shoes?-They are green.A.How B.What C.What color D.How muchACC一、单项选择。二、句型转换。1.This shirt is small for me.(改为复数意义改为复数意义的句子的句子)_ _ _ small for me.2.The red skirt is 20 yuan.(对划线部分提对划线部分提问问)_ _ _ the red skirt?3.Those shoes are yellow.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _ _ those shoes?These shirts areWhat color areHow much isHomework:(1)Review the new words.(2)Practice the conversations.A:How much is.?B:Its.dollars.A:How much are.?B:Theyre.dollars.(3)Finish off the workbooks.Its difficult to make money.We should save money.赚钱不容易,我们应节约用钱赚钱不容易,我们应节约用钱。


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