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心脏解剖和心脏电生理基础心脏解剖和心脏电生理基础Normal BaroreflexBaroreflex FailureResting quietlyExcitationFibrous SkeletonMitral Valve ApparatusThe Breast DuctDuctal Cannulation n nA microcatheter is inserted 1.5 cm into the A microcatheter is inserted 1.5 cm into the duct.duct.n n1-2 cc of lidocaine is infused through the 1-2 cc of lidocaine is infused through the catheter.catheter.Blood flow of the heartCoronary Circulationn nLeft Coronary Arteryn nAnterior Descending Anterior Descending ArteryArteryn nCircumflex ArteryCircumflex Arteryn nRight Coronary Arteryn nPosterior Descending Posterior Descending ArteryArteryn nMarginal ArteryMarginal ArteryVascular Systemn nArterial Systemn narteriesarteriesn narteriolesarteriolesn ncapillariescapillariesn nVenous Systemn nvenulesvenulesn nveinsveinsIV.A.Heart Circulation In/Out n n4 Chambersn nTwo Atrian nLeft/RightLeft/Rightn nTwo Ventriclesn nLeft/RightLeft/Rightn nA septum separates right from left.IV.A.Into the Heartn nSuperior and Inferior Vena Cavan nBlood enters Right Atriumn nTricuspid Valve is openn nBlood enters the Right Ventricle,Atria ContractIV.A.Into the Lungsn nExits the heart through the Pulmonary Semi-Lunar Valven nVentricles Contractn nEnters Pulmonary Trunkn nInto Pulmonary Veins to LungsIV.A.Return to Heartn nFrom Lungs enters Pulmonary Arteries.n nEnters Heart in Left Atriumn nBicuspid is openn nBlood flows into Left Ventriclen nAtria contractIV.A.Into the Bodyn nVentricles contractn nBlood flows through Aortic Semi-Lunar Valve.n nBlood enters Ascending Aortan nAortic Archn nDescending AortaIV.B Vessels into the Bodyn nFrom Aortic arch:n nBrachiocephalic Artery:to Right Arm&HeadBrachiocephalic Artery:to Right Arm&Headn nTo head:Common Carotid ArteryTo head:Common Carotid Arteryn nTo Arm:Subclavian ArteryTo Arm:Subclavian Arteryn nCommon Carotid Artery:to Left HeadCommon Carotid Artery:to Left Headn nSubclavian Artery:to Left ArmSubclavian Artery:to Left Armn nPulse in Common CarotidPulse in Common Carotidn nIn arms pulse taken in Radial ArteryIV.B.Into the Bodyn nDescending Aorta(Thoracic Aorta):To organs in the thorax.n nDescending Aorta(Abdominal Aorta):To organs in the abdomen.n nAorta divides into Common Iliacn nRight and left External Iliacs feed right and left legs.Pulse:Femoral Artery and Dorsal Pedal.IV.B.From the Bodyn nBlood returns through the same named veins.n nAbdomen and legs return to Inferior Vena Cava.n nArms:Subclavian Veins to Brachiocephalic veins.n nHead:Jugular Veins to Brachiocephalic.n nBrachiocephalics enter the Superior Vena Cava.IV.B.To specific organsn n1 Common Carotid An n2 Jugular Vn n3 Subclaviann n4 Brachiocephalic An n5 Brachiocephalic Vn n6 Aortic ArchIV.B.To specific organsn n7 Coronary An n8 Cardiac Vn n9 Superior Vena Cavan n10 Inferior Vena CavaIV.B.To specific organsn n12 Gastric An n13 Splenicn n14 Abdominal Aortan n15 Hepatic Portal Vn n16 Mesentericsn n17 RenalIV.B.To specific organsn n18 Inferior Vena Cavan n19 Gonadaln nOvarianOvariann nTesticularTesticularIV.B.To specific organsn n20 Common Iliacn n21 FemoralNervous Regulation of HeartCapillary Exchanges Cross section of the thorax.The resistivity values are given for six different Cross section of the thorax.The resistivity values are given for six different types of tissues.types of tissues.Coronary Circulation


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