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新人教版七年级上册初中英语期末专题复习课件(词汇专题+句型专题+语法专题)新人教版七年级上册初中英语词汇专题训练词汇专题训练词汇专题训练一、单项选择一、单项选择1.I usually have _ egg and some bread for breakfast.【2019 广西北部湾】A.a B.an C.the D./B一、单项选择B2.Linda,is this your puter game?No,_ isnt.A.these B.those C.they D.itD2.Linda,is this your puter 3.John often takes a walk _ his grandpa after dinner.【2019盘锦】A.to B.for C.along D.withD【解析解析】句意分析法。句意为句意分析法。句意为“晚饭后,晚饭后,约翰约翰经常和爷爷去散步经常和爷爷去散步”。由句意可知,所填介。由句意可知,所填介词表示词表示“和和一起一起”,应用介词,应用介词with。3.John often takes a walk _4.Lucy is very young,_ she can live on her own.【中考大连】A.and B.or C.so D.but D【解析解析】and表示并列,用于肯定句表示并列,用于肯定句;or表示并表示并列或选择,用于否定句或疑问句列或选择,用于否定句或疑问句;so表示结果表示结果;but表示转折。结合语境可知选表示转折。结合语境可知选D。4.Lucy is very young,_5.The boy doesnt like history because he thinks its _.A.fun B.interesting C.relaxing D.boringD5.The boy doesnt like histor6._ is the sixth day in a week.A.Wednesday B.ThursdayC.Friday D.SundayC6._ is the sixth day i7.This term Ill have _.I need a map of the world(世界).A.math B.geography C.science D.musicB7.This term Ill have _8.Is Eric a _ boy?No.But he can speak _.A.China;Chinese B.Chinese;ChinaC.China;China D.Chinese;ChineseD8.Is Eric a _ boy?D9.Sallys favorite _ is orange.I see.Thats why all her sweaters are orange.A.fruit B.color C.juice D.subjectB9.Sallys favorite _ 10.Look at the two _ over there.They are teaching the girls to play the guitar.【2019益阳】A.women teachers B.woman teachersC.woman teacherA【解析解析】语法判定法。句意为语法判定法。句意为“看那边的两位看那边的两位女老师女老师”。两位女老师,。两位女老师,teacher应变为复应变为复数形式数形式teachers。另外,当。另外,当man和和woman用于用于名词前作定语时,若其后被修饰的名词为复名词前作定语时,若其后被修饰的名词为复数,则数,则man和和woman也要用复数。故选也要用复数。故选A。10.Look at the two _ o二、根据句意及汉语提示写单词二、根据句意及汉语提示写单词11.Carrots and _(鸡蛋)are good for your eyes.【中考聊城】12.At the age of _(四十),the writer finished his fifth novel.【2019贵港】eggsforty二、根据句意及汉语提示写单词eggsforty13.We will hold a party to say goodbye to our teachers next _(星期三).【2019北部湾】14.It is good for our health to eat more fruit and _(蔬菜).【2018南充】15.Teachers Day is in _(九月).WednesdayvegetablesSeptember13.We will hold a party to sa16.Picking _(草莓)is being more and more popular in Nanchong.【2019南充】17.This Chinese painting is the greatest work of _(艺术)I have ever seen.【中考安徽】18.There are some _(尺子)on the table.strawberriesart rulers16.Picking _(草莓)i三、用所给单词的适当形式填空三、用所给单词的适当形式填空19.Zhong Nanshan got to Wuhan on _(星期六),January 18th.20.Its _(健康的)to eat more vegetables and less meat.【2019贺州】Saturdayhealthy三、用所给单词的适当形式填空Saturdayhealthy21.The meeting room is on the _(第八)floor(层)of the building.【中考广安】22.The Tshirt is only eight _(dollar).23.The three _(boy)always play soer after school.eighthdollarsboys21.The meeting room is on the24.In China,there are many traditional _(festival).【中考吉林】25.The teacher says English is a _(use)subject.【中考临沂改编】festivalsuseful24.In China,there are many t一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.Frank is good at making m planes so you can see them everywhere in his room.2.December is the t month in a year.3.Tara plays basketball very well.Thats for s .She is in the school basketball team.odelwelfthure一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词odelwelfthure4.J 1st is Childrens Day(儿童节).【2019杭州】5.The last(最后的)day of a week is S .uneaturday4.J 1st is Childr6.We have seven w teachers but we only have two men teachers.7.F es after Thursday,and the next day is the weekend.【2019百色】8.I lost a set of keys.I must f them.9.An EnglishChinese d is useful to students.10.Its important for us to have good eating h .omenridayindictionaryabits6.We have seven w 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空11.Whats _(he)phone number?12.My _(one)name is Dale.13.What color is _(she)jacket?14.Jenny and Li Ming are _(friend).15.My phone number _(be)0965967.hisfirstherfriendsis二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空hisfirstherfr16._(this)rulers are white.17.Mary and Helen are both _(girl).18.She took lots of beautiful _(photo)during her stay in Europe.19.March 8th is _(woman)Day.20.Look at the photo.They are my _(parent).ThesegirlsphotosWomensparents16._(this)rulers are 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1.Tuesday es after M .2.Today,students dont have much f time for their hobbies(爱好).ondayree一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 ondayree3.Its 12:00.Lets go to a restaurant(餐馆)to have l .4.Jack doesnt like math because its b .5.Where is my schoolbag?Its u the bed.unchoringnder3.Its 12:00.Lets go to a r6.The coat is big.Can you show me a s one?7.S is the first day of a week.8.Your mothers or fathers brothers are your u .9.He has his car on s for only$1,000.10.She cant go to school this morning b she is ill(生病的).mallundaynclesaleecause6.The coat is big.Can you sh二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空11.Some _(watch)are in the box.12.The puter is in my _(father)room.13.Is this ruler _(you)?14.You must _(say)sorry to your parents.15.Where _(be)your pencil box?watchesfathersyourssayis二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空watchesfather一、单项选择一、单项选择1.I have a brother _ two sisters,_ Jack doesnt.A.and;but B.but;andC.and;and D.so;but A一、单项选择A2.My watch is in the room.Ask my mom _ it.A.for B.on C.in D.to A2.My watch is in the room.As3.Can I help you,Madam?Yes._,please.【2019玉林】A.Two pair of socks B.Two pairs of socksC.Two pairs of sock D.Two pair of sockB【解析解析】句意为句意为“夫人,需要帮忙吗?夫人,需要帮忙吗?是的,请给我两双袜子是的,请给我两双袜子”。基数词。基数词two后跟后跟可数名词复数形式,如果可数名词复数形式,如果of后名词可数,则后名词可数,则也需要用复数形式。故选也需要用复数形式。故选B。3.Can I help you,Madam?B【解析4.Linda likes singing,so her favorite _ is music.A.color B.sportC.subject D.schoolbagC4.Linda likes singing,so her5.Lucy,how about going to the _?Sounds great!Reading books can give us much pleasure(乐趣).【2019青岛】A.library B.cinemaC.museum D.concertA【解析解析】语境法。由答语语境法。由答语“听起来很棒!读书听起来很棒!读书能给我们很多乐趣。能给我们很多乐趣。”可判断是建议去可判断是建议去“图图书馆书馆”,故选,故选A。5.Lucy,how about going to t二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 6.W do you usually go to school?At 7 a.m.7.We have shirts in different c and sizes(尺寸).henolors二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 henolors8.Good morning,boys and g .Lets begin our class.9.Spring is ing and the trees turn g .10.Wed better drink a glass of m every day.Its good for our health.【中考海南】irlsreenilk8.Good morning,boys and g 11.Ill be 9 years old,and my parents will celebrate(庆祝)my n birthday next week.【中考黄石】12.My sisters favorite f is bananas.She eats them every day.13.May is the f month of the year.14.Where is my phone?I cant f it.inthruitifthind11.Ill be 9 years old,and m15.Were _(迟到)for school.16.Do you know your teachers t number?Yes,its 13615826688.17.Some students like playing c games,and they spend too much time on it.lateelephoneomputer15.Were _(迟到)for sch18.Its a piece of cake to you,but for me its quite d .19.There are seven days in a w .20.She is t and next year she will be fourteen.ifficulteekhirteen18.Its a piece of cake to yo三、根据短文内容和所给的汉语提示补全短文三、根据短文内容和所给的汉语提示补全短文Dear Tom,How are you?I am _21(健康的)._22(谢谢)for your family photo.My name is Hong Tao.I am a Chinese boy.I am _23(九)years old.fineThanksnine三、根据短文内容和所给的汉语提示补全短文fineThanksI study in No.5 _24(中间的)School.I like reading(阅读).I _25(总是)read in the school library.I have a _26(棕色的)baseball,but I _27(丢失)it yesterday(昨天).I dont _28(知道)where it is.My parents are teachers in my school.MiddlealwaysbrownlostknowI study in No.5 _24(中间They usually _29(帮助)me with my study(学习).There are two nice _30(狗)in my family.One is black and the other is white.We are good friends.Yours,Hong TaohelpdogsThey usually _29(帮助)me四、短文填空四、短文填空(一)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空I am Lin Tao,a _31 boy.Look!This is a _32 of my family.Chinesephoto四、短文填空 ChinesephotoThey are my father,mother,my sister and _33.My parents are _34.They teach in a school.My _35 is a student.meteacherssisterThey are my father,mother,myShe is ten _36 old.Her favorite _37 is English.She has _38 good friends.They always _39 each other.She likes playing _40.I have a happy family.yearssubjectsomehelpbasketballShe is ten _36 old.Her(二)根据短文内容或所给提示补全短文Dear Linda,H 41 are you?I have a new friend at school._42(she)name is Wang Mei.She is 12 _43(year)old.Every day we go to s 44 together(一起)after breakfast.owHeryearschool(二)根据短文内容或所给提示补全短文owHeryearsch句型专题训练句型专题训练句型专题训练一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Hello!Nice to meet you._.A.Thank you B.Good morningC.Nice to meet you,too D.My names GinaC一、单项选择C2.How is Jim Smith?_.A.He is OK B.His pen is blackC.He is my friend D.He is 12A2.How is Jim Smith?A3._?Smith.A.Whats this B.How are youC.Whats your last name D.Whats your first nameC3._?C4._?Shes my aunt.A.Is she your aunt B.Whats itC.Whos she D.How old is sheC4._?C5.I think Ms.Gao is great fun._.All the students like her.A.Thats for sure B.That sounds funC.Youre wele D.Thank youA5.I think Ms.Gao is great f6.Whats this in English?_.A.Its a baseball B.No,it isntC.Yes,it is D.Its very interestingA6.Whats this in English?A7.This blue notebook is Lucys._ this yellow notebook?Its Li Chengs.A.Whats B.What aboutC.Hows D.Why isB7.This blue notebook is Lucy8.Thank you for your help,Tom._.A.Good morning B.Im fineC.Youre wele D.e onC8.Thank you for your help,T9._?No,its in the bookcase.A.Where is his dictionary B.Where are his booksC.Is his book on the desk D.Is that OK with youC9._?C10._?She is in the library.A.How is the girl B.Where is the girlC.What is the girl D.Who is that girlB10._?B二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子11.这家书店的一些书在减价出售。Some books in the bookstore _ _ _.areon sale二、根据汉语意思完成句子areon sa12.这些袜子20元三双。These socks are 20 yuan _ _ _.for threepairs12.这些袜子20元三双。for thre13.我们以非常优惠的价格出售这些食物。We sell the food _ _ _ _ _.at a verygood price13.我们以非常优惠的价格出售这些食物。at 14.这件T恤多少钱?_ _ is this Tshirt?How much14.这件T恤多少钱?How much15.咱们午饭吃水饺吧,你看可以吗?【2019枣庄】Lets eat dumplings for lunch.Is this _ _ you?OKwith15.咱们午饭吃水饺吧,你看可以吗?【2019枣庄】16.我的生日聚会在六月。My birthday party _ _ _.is in June16.我的生日聚会在六月。is 17.本学期我们学校有一场足球赛。We _ _ _ _ in our school this term.have a soer game17.本学期我们学校有一场足球赛。have 18.中国音乐听起来很棒。Chinese music _ _.sounds great18.中国音乐听起来很棒。sounds gre19.在周末,小汤姆和他的朋友在家看电视,在外踢足球。Little Tom and his friends _ _ at home and _ _ outside at weekends.watch TVplay football19.在周末,小汤姆和他的朋友在家看电视,在外踢足球。20.下课后你做什么?_ _ _ _ after class?What do you do20.下课后你做什么?What do 三、按要求完成句子三、按要求完成句子21.Im in a middle school.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ in a middle school?Are you三、按要求完成句子Are you22.I am John Smith.(用he作主语改写句子)_ _ John Smith.He is22.I am John Smith.(用he作主语改写句23.My telephone number is 4368818.(对画线部分提问)_ _ telephone number?Whats your23.My telephone number is 43624.Im Tom.(改为同义句)_ _ Tom.My names24.Im Tom.(改为同义句)My n25.The English party is on May 18th.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the English party?When is25.The English party is on Ma26.My grandfather is sixtynine.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is your grandfather?How old26.My grandfather is sixtyn27.Jennys favorite subject is Chinese.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Jennys favorite subject?What is27.Jennys favorite subject i28.I like Tuesday because I can have art.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you like Tuesday?Why do28.I like Tuesday because I c29.Mike likes Friday best.(改为同义句)Mikes _ _ is Friday.favorite day29.Mike likes Friday best.(改为30.The pair of shoes is 200 yuan.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ the pair of shoes?How much is30.The pair of shoes is 200 y一、根据汉语意思完成句子一、根据汉语意思完成句子1.八点钟我上科学课,它很难但是很有趣。_ 8:00 I _ _.It is difficult _ _.At have sciencebut interesting一、根据汉语意思完成句子At 2.我想星期六晚上和你见面,我那时将有空。I want to meet you _ _ _ and I will be _ then.on Saturdayevening free2.我想星期六晚上和你见面,我那时将有空。on 3.我喜欢星期二,因为我上音乐课和地理课。它们是我最喜爱的科目。I like Tuesday _ I have music and geography.Theyre my _ _.becausefavorite subjects3.我喜欢星期二,因为我上音乐课和地理课。它们是我最喜爱4.两点二十下课,但在那之后我上一个小时的美术课。从两点半上到三点半。My class _ at 2:20,but _ _ I have an art lesson _ _ _.It is _ 2:30 _ 3:30.finishes afterthatfor an hourfrom to4.两点二十下课,但在那之后我上一个小时的美术课。从两点5.我最喜爱的科目是语文,因为语文老师是个有趣的人。_ _ _ is Chinese because my Chinese teacher is _ _.My favorite subjectgreat fun5.我最喜爱的科目是语文,因为语文老师是个有趣的人。My6.这儿有一套书。_ _ a set of books.7.这些是你的钢笔吗?_ _ your pens?Here isAre these6.这儿有一套书。Here isAre 8.请向杰克要你的学生证。Please _ Jack _ your school ID card.9.这件蓝色的夹克怎么样?_ _ the blue jacket?ask forWhat about8.请向杰克要你的学生证。ask 10.请拨打电话4660877联系艾伦。Please _ Alan _ 4660877.11.妈妈,这是我的朋友汤姆。Mom,_ _ my friend Tom.12.那是我的全家福。That is a _ _ my _.call atthis isphoto of family10.请拨打电话4660877联系艾伦。call 13.他们是谁?_ _ they?14.彼得在下一张照片里。Peter is_ the _ _.15.我的笔记本在哪里?_ _ my notebook?Who arein next pictureWhere is13.他们是谁?Who arein 16.那些书在椅子下面吗?_ _ books under the chair?17.让他们把我们的字典拿来吧。_ _ _ our dictionaries.18.杰克喜欢运动,但安娜不喜欢。Jack _ sports,_ Anna _.Are thoseLet them getlikes but doesnt16.那些书在椅子下面吗?Are tho19.埃里克有足球吗?_ Eric _ a soer ball?20.打篮球对于我来讲很容易。Playing basketball _ _ _ _.Does haveis easy forme19.埃里克有足球吗?Does 二、按要求完成句子二、按要求完成句子21.I have English on Wednesday.(改为否定句)I _ _ English on Wednesday.dont have二、按要求完成句子dont have22.Bai Jie likes history very much.(改为一般疑问句)_ Bai Jie _ history very much?Does like22.Bai Jie likes history very23.My favorite subject is history.(对画线部分提问)_ _ favorite subject?Whats your23.My favorite subject is his24.We have science on Friday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ you have on Friday?What subject do24.We have science on Friday.25.He eats chicken every day.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ chicken every day?Does eat25.He eats chicken every day.26.My favorite color is yellow.(对画线部分提问)_ _ favorite color?Whats your26.My favorite color is yello27.Those black shorts are thirteen dollars.(对画线部分提问)_ _ are those black shorts?How much27.Those black shorts are thi28.What can I do for you?(改为同义句)Can I _ _?help you28.What can I do for you?(改为29.What about this yellow sweater?(改为同义句)_ _ this yellow sweater?How about29.What about this yellow swe30.Jane likes English because its interesting.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Jane _ English?Why does like30.Jane likes English because语法专题训练语法专题训练语法专题训练1.Can you play _ basketball,Mike?Yes,I can.A.a B.an C./D.theC【解析解析】句意为句意为“迈克,你会打篮球吗?迈克,你会打篮球吗?是的,我会是的,我会”。play球类运动,中间不加任球类运动,中间不加任何冠词,何冠词,play basketball固定词组,固定词组,“打篮球打篮球”;结合选项可知结合选项可知C选项符合题意,故答案选选项符合题意,故答案选C。1.Can you play _ bask2.I have _ English book.A.A B.a C.an D.AnC【解析解析】根据根据“I have _ English book.”可可知这里泛指一本英语书,所以用不定冠词知这里泛指一本英语书,所以用不定冠词;又因又因空格后面的空格后面的English是以元音音素开头的单词,是以元音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词所以用不定冠词an修饰。故答案选修饰。故答案选C。2.I have _ English boo3.I go to _ school after _ breakfast.A.an;the B.an;/C./;an D./;/D【解析解析】根据根据“I go to _ school after _ breakfast.”可知,句意为可知,句意为“我早餐后我早餐后去上学去上学”。go to school固定词组,固定词组,“去上学去上学”,after breakfast早饭后,固定搭配,故答案选早饭后,固定搭配,故答案选D。3.I go to _ school aft4.This is _ apple and thats _ pear.A.a;an B.an;a C.an;an D.a;aB【解析解析】句意为句意为“这是一个苹果,那是一个梨这是一个苹果,那是一个梨”。apple是以元音音素开头的单词,所以前面用是以元音音素开头的单词,所以前面用an修修饰饰;pear是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以前面用是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以前面用a修饰。结合选项可知修饰。结合选项可知B选项符合题意,故答案选选项符合题意,故答案选B。4.This is _ apple and 5.Bill bought(买)_ useful book._ book is very interesting.【2019黄石】A.a;The B.a;AC.an;The D.an;AA【解析解析】句意为句意为“比尔买了一本有用的书。这本书比尔买了一本有用的书。这本书非常有趣非常有趣”。第一个空表示。第一个空表示“一一”的概念,用不定的概念,用不定冠词,冠词,useful以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a。第二。第二空特指上句提到的空特指上句提到的book,用定冠词,用定冠词the。故选。故选A。5.Bill bought(买)_ use一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Whats your QQ number?_ is 355994127.A.I B.He C.It D.SheC【解析解析】QQ号码用号码用it代替。其他选项都是表示代替。其他选项都是表示“人人”的代词。故选择的代词。故选择C。一、单项选择C【解析】QQ号码用it代替。其他选项都是表示2.Wheres your sister?I dont know.Is _ in the bedroom?A.he B.she C.him D.herB【解析解析】由句意知,充当句子的主语应该用人由句意知,充当句子的主语应该用人称代词的主格,因称代词的主格,因your sister指女性,故此处指女性,故此处用用she。故选。故选B。2.Wheres your sister?B【解析】由3.Is that blue pencil case _?A.you B.your C.yours D.heC【解析解析】空后没有名词,故此处用名词性空后没有名词,故此处用名词性物主代词。物主代词。3.Is that blue pencil case _4.Is that your watch,Mike?No,it isnt._ is on the table.【2019湘西】A.I B.Me C.MineC【解析解析】语法判定法。句意为语法判定法。句意为“迈克,那是你迈克,那是你的手表吗?的手表吗?不,不是。我的在桌上不,不是。我的在桌上”。I为人为人称代词主格称代词主格“我我”,在句中作主语,在句中作主语;Me为人称代为人称代词宾格词宾格“我我”,在句中作宾语,在句中作宾语;Mine为名词性物为名词性物主代词,主代词,“我的我的”。空后并无名词,据此可知,。空后并无名词,据此可知,空格应表达空格应表达“我的我的”,指代,指代“我的手表我的手表”,应用,应用名词性物主代词,故选名词性物主代词,故选C。4.Is that your watch,Mike?C5.Is this Kates bicycle?No,_ is under the tree.She put it there this morning.【中考河北】A.his B.hers C.mine D.yoursB【解析解析】句意为句意为“这是凯特的自行车吗?这是凯特的自行车吗?不,她的在树下。今天早上她把它放在那里了不,她的在树下。今天早上她把它放在那里了”。这里指代凯特的自行车。故选这里指代凯特的自行车。故选B。5.Is this Kates bicycle?B【解二、用括号内所给代词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给代词的适当形式填空6.The oranges are good.Are they _(you)?No.They are _(he).7.Is the skirt Lilys?No,it isnt _._ skirt is green.(she)yourshers Herhis二、用括号内所给代词的适当形式填空yourshers 8.This isnt _ hat._ is yellow.(I)9.These arent _ pens._ are in your pencil box.(you)10.Can you talk to _(they)and play games with them?【2019常德】my Mineyour Yoursthem 8.This isnt _ hat._一、按要求完成句子一、按要求完成句子1.Those are her erasers.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ her erasers?2.Is this her dictionary?(补全答语)No,_ _.Are thoseit isnt一、按要求完成句子Are thoseit 3.Kate Green and Jim Green are my friends.(改为一般疑问句)_ Kate Green and Jim Green _ friends?Are your3.Kate Green and Jim Green ar4.Her QQ number is 50347289.(改为否定句)Her QQ number _ _ 50347289.5.This is my schoolbag.(改为复数句)._ _ our _.is notThese are schoolbags4.Her QQ number is 50347289.(二、单项选择二、单项选择6.I _ a basketball.She _ a soer ball.A.has;have B.has;hasC.have;has D.have;haveC【解析解析】第一个空前主语是第一人称,所以谓语动第一个空前主语是第一人称,所以谓语动词用词用have;第二个空前主语是第三人称单数,所第二个空前主语是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用以谓语动词用has。故答案选。故答案选C。二、单项选择C【解析】第一个空前主语是第一人称,所以谓语动词7.I _ know Tom.A.am not B.dont C.isnt D.arentB【解析解析】know是实义动词,而且主语是第一人称,是实义动词,而且主语是第一人称,则助动词用则助动词用do,其否定形式为,其否定形式为dont,故答案选,故答案选B。7.I _ know Tom.B【解析】kn8.He _ sports.He only _ them on TV.A.doesnt play;watch B.dont play;watchC.doesnt play;watches D.dont play;watchesC【解析解析】句意为句意为“他不做运动。他只在电视上看它他不做运动。他只在电视上看它们们”。根据句意可知,第一个空应该表达否定的。根据句意可知,第一个空应该表达否定的意思,本句的主语是意思,本句的主语是he,是第三人称单数,故用,是第三人称单数,故用doesnt,排除,排除B和和D;第二个空前的主语也是第二个空前的主语也是he,是第三人称单数,故动词用是第三人称单数,故动词用watches。故选。故选C。8.He _ sports.He only9.The music _ so beautiful.Who _ it?Oh,Lang Lang.A.sounds;plays B.sounds;playC.sound;plays D.sound;playA【解析解析】第一个空前第一个空前music是不可数名词,动词用是不可数名词,动词用第三人称单数形式,所以填第三人称单数形式,所以填sounds;第二个空所在第二个空所在句指的是句指的是“谁演奏的它?谁演奏的它?”动词也用第三人称单动词也用第三人称单数形式数形式plays。故答案选。故答案选A。9.The music _ so beau10.Uncle Wang often(经常)_ to work by subway.【2019绥化】A.going B.go C.goesC【解析解析】根据句中的副词根据句中的副词often,可知为一般现在,可知为一般现在时,主语为单数时,主语为单数Uncle Wang,所以动词应用第三,所以动词应用第三人称单数形式。故选人称单数形式。故选C。10.Uncle Wang often(经常)_根据语境或汉语提示补全对话根据语境或汉语提示补全对话1.Where is the puter?Its _ _ _(在桌上).2.Wheres the map?_ _ the wall(墙).on the tableIts on根据语境或汉语提示补全对话on the 3.Wheres the basketball?Its _ _ _(在床下).4.Where are the desks and chairs?Theyre _ the classroom.5.Wheres Jack?He is _ _ _(在汽车里).under the bedinin the car3.Wheres the basketball?und一、填入恰当的疑问词一、填入恰当的疑问词(词组词组),完成对话完成对话1._ is your chair?Its brown.2._ is your Chinese teacher?He is thirtyfive.What colorHow old一、填入恰当的疑问词(词组),完成对话What color3._ is your yellow Tshirt?Its 35 dollars.4._ is the school trip?Its on September 25th.5._ is his name?Eric Green.How muchWhenWhat3._ is your y6._ is the woman on the bed?She is my aunt.7._ are you late?Because my bike is broken on the way.8._ do you finish your classes?At 12:00.WhoWhyWhen6._ is the wo9._ is your grandfather?He is fine.10._ subject do you like?English.HowWhat9._ is your 二、按要求完成下列句子二、按要求完成下列句子11.Janes notebook is in the schoolbag.(对画线部分提问)_ is Janes notebook?Where二、按要求完成下列句子Where12.Pauls favorite day is Thursday.(对画线部分提问)_ is Pauls favorite day?What12.Pauls favorite day is Thu13.My uncle is fine.(对画线部分提问)_ is _ uncle?How your13.My uncle is fine.(对画线部分提问14.Mr.Green is our math teacher.(对画线部分提问)_ is your math teacher?Who14.Mr.Green is our math teach15.Bill likes math because it is useful.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Bill _ math?Why does like15.Bill likes math because it一、写出下列名词的复数形式一、写出下列名词的复数形式1.banana_ 2.carrot_ 3.tomato_ 4.card_ 5.radio_ 6.question_ 7.desk_ 8.library_ 9.map_ 10.school_ bananascarrotstomatoescardsquestionsdeskslibrariesmapsschoolsradios一、写出下列名词的复数形式bananascarrotstom11.room_ 12.basketball_ 13.tape player_ 14.pencil box_ 15.model plane_ roomsbasketballstape playerspencil boxesmodel planes11.room_ roomsbasket二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空16.Can I help you,sir?A box of _(tomato),please.【2018宿迁】17.Eating more _(vegetable)is good for us.18._(banana)are my favorite fruit.tomatoesvegetablesBananas二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空tomatoesveget19.The rabbits love to eat _(carrot).20.I have many _(friend).I dont feel lonely(孤单的).carrotsfriends19.The rabbits love to eat _三、单项选择三、单项选择21.Some salad _ on the plate(盘子)and some vegetables _ in the bag.A.are;is B.are;areC.is;is D.is;areD三、单项选择D22.Linda doesnt like _.A.apple B.tomatoesC.potato D.pearB22.Linda doesnt like _23.Jane is very thirsty(渴的),so she needs some _.【2019毕节】A.water B.bread C.cakes D.riceA【解析解析】语境法。句意为语境法。句意为“简非常渴,所以她需要简非常渴,所以


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