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前言Introduction我们有极好的葡萄酒,在北京朗豪酒店,必须由有礼貌,专业,接受良好培训的员工在适合的温度下小心地打开并使用正确的玻璃器皿来服务葡萄酒。As we have an excellent selection of international Wines,these need to be opened carefully and served at LPBCA with correct Glassware,at the right temperature by courteous,professional and well trained Employees.前言Introduction我们有极好的葡萄酒,在北京朗豪1前言Introduction我们希望每位客人体验We want every Guest to feel the感动Touch前言Introduction2目标Objective到这次课程结束的时候,我们的目标是要求你了解符合我们酒店标准的“如何为客人展示和服务一瓶白或红葡萄酒”。By the end of this Session,our Objective is to ensure that you have learned“How to present and serve a Bottle of White or Red Wine”with Confidence,and according to our defined Standards.有什么问题吗?Any Questions?目标Objective到这次课程结束的时候,我们的目标是要31.准备用具Prepare the Equipment What Equipment do we need?我们需要什么用具?A round Beverage Tray一个圆形饮料托盘A clean Tray Cloth一块干净的托盘布Red Wine or White Wine Glasses红或白葡萄酒酒杯Red Wine or White Wine Bottle一瓶红或白葡萄酒1.准备用具Prepare the Equipment W1.准备用具Prepare the Equipment服务巾 Waiters Cloth 开瓶器 Waiters Friend 冰桶 Ice Bucket 底盘 Under Liner 1.准备用具Prepare the Equipment服务1.准备用具Prepare the Equipment我们需要检查什么?What should we check about the Equipment?托盘是干净和干燥的 The Tray is clean and dry托盘是抛过光的 The Tray is well polished托盘布是干净而无破损的 The Tray Cloth is clean and free from Stains,Holes or Tears服务巾是干净和干燥的 The Waiters Cloth is clean and dry1.准备用具Prepare the Equipment我们1.准备用具Prepare the Equipment玻璃杯干净明亮,没有破裂 Glassware is clean,polished and not chipped冰桶是干净且抛过光的 Ice Bucket is clean and polished红葡萄酒杯用来服务红葡萄酒 Red Wine Glasses are used for Red Wine白葡萄酒杯用来服务白葡萄酒 White Wine Glasses are used for White Wine1.准备用具Prepare the Equipment玻璃2.检查葡萄酒Checking the Wine我们要检查什么?What do we need to check?列在酒单上正确的葡萄酒和年份 Correct Wine and vintage as listed on the Wine List瓶子的标签是否完好 Label is in good condition 2.检查葡萄酒Checking the Wine我们要检查83.检查温度Check temperature服务葡萄酒适合的温度是多少?At what temperature is Wine being served?白葡萄酒需要被冷藏,10-12度为合适 White Wine will be served chilled at 10 12 degrees Celsius红葡萄酒在常温下饮用,18度为合适 Red Wine will be served at room temperature around 18 degrees3.检查温度Check temperature服务葡萄酒适4.将用具放在托盘上Place the Equipment on the Tray将什么用具放在托盘上?What Equipment should we place on the Tray?酒瓶 Wine Bottle 酒杯 Wine Glasses 4.将用具放在托盘上Place the Equipment4.将用具放在托盘上Place the Equipment on the Tray底盘装红酒 Under Liner for Red Wine 把托盘放在工作台上,当我们把酒杯放在台上的时候,将酒瓶放在工作台上 Carry the Tray to the Side Station,leave the Wine Bottle on the Side Station while we deliver the Wine Glasses to the Table 4.将用具放在托盘上Place the Equipment5.放置冰桶Position the Ice Bucket 我们应该把冰桶放在什么地方?Where do we position the Ice Bucket?靠近工作台 餐桌旁 Near the Side Station in the Restaurant close to the Table 5.放置冰桶Position the Ice Bucket6.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses on the Table我们应该把酒杯放在餐桌的什么位置?Where do we place a Wine Glass on the Table?从托盘中拿葡萄酒杯的时候应当握住杯脚,放置在在客人座位两点钟的方位 Pick up the wine Glass from the Tray holding by the Stem and place it at the 2 oclock position from where the Guest is seated6.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses6.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses on the Table宴会活动通常将酒杯预先摆设在餐桌上Wine Glasses are preset for all Banquet Functions where Wine is Served6.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses146.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses on the Table在摆放好酒杯之后回到服务台取葡萄酒瓶 After placing the Wine Glass on the Table return to the Side Station to collect the Wine Bottle使用服务巾拿起葡萄酒瓶平放在右手臂上 Using the Waiters Cloth pick up the Wine Bottle and lay flat in our right Hand6.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses6.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses on the Table关于酒标的位置我们应当检查什么?What should we check about the position of the Label on the Wine?酒标应当向上 The Label of the Wine is facing upwards6.把酒杯放在餐桌上Placing the Glasses7.展示葡萄酒Presenting the Wine我们应该向谁展示葡萄酒?Who do we present the Wine to?点酒的客人 The Guest who ordered the Wine 7.展示葡萄酒Presenting the Wine我们应7.展示葡萄酒Presenting the Wine我们如何向客人展示葡萄酒?How do we present the Wine to the Guest?尽量从客人的右边进行展示 Present from the right hand side of the Guest wherever possible 右手扶着瓶子向客人展示酒标 With the Wine laid down in our right Hand,show the Label to the Guest7.展示葡萄酒Presenting the Wine我们如7.展示葡萄酒Presenting the Wine我们要对客人讲些什么?What do we say to the Guest?“先生/小姐,您的(葡萄酒名字)。”“Excuse me Sir/Madam,your Wine(Using the name of the Wine)”7.展示葡萄酒Presenting the Wine我们要8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of Wine我们应该在哪里开葡萄酒?Where do we open the Bottle of Wine?在客人的餐桌上 At the Table我们应该如何开葡萄酒?How do we open the Bottle of Wine?用左手把酒放在桌上并握住瓶颈 Place the Wine Bottle in our left Hand holding by the Neck8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of W8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of Wine右手使用开瓶器上的小刀割开酒瓶上面的箔纸 In our right Hand using the Knife of our Waiters Friend remove the Foil of the Wine从开瓶器中拔出拔塞钻嘴Open the Waiters Friend and release the Corkscrew把拔塞钻嘴对准酒塞中间 Place the Tip of the Corkscrew onto the middle surface of the Cork 8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of W8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of Wine用力均匀地把钻嘴旋转入酒塞 Apply an even amount of pressure,twisting the Corkscrew in a clockwise direction into the Cork以瓶嘴为支点,用开瓶器把酒塞轻轻地拔出来。When the Corkscrew is in the Cork gently pull the Cork out of the Bottle using the Lever on the Rim of the Bottle 8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of W228.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of Wine我们应该确保什么?What do we need to ensure?酒商标要朝上 The Label of the Wine is facing upwards 开酒的时候要小心,确保酒塞不破损 Open the Wine slowly and carefully ensuring the Cork does not break 8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of W238.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of Wine我们应该把酒塞放在什么位置?Where do we place the Cork?白葡萄酒 把酒塞放在制服口袋里 White Wine place the Cork in our Jacket Pocket 红葡萄酒 如果客人要求的话,把酒塞放在酒架上 Red Wine if the Guest requests place the Cork on the Under Liner8.开葡萄酒Opening the Bottle of W9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine我们应该先为谁服务?Who do we serve first?主人先尝,然后女士 Host first to taste,then ladies 9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine我们应该先为谁9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine我们如何倒葡萄酒?How do we pour the Wine?尽量站在客人的右边 Stand on the right Hand side where possible将服务巾搭在左前臂上 Place the Waiters Cloth over our left Forearm右手持瓶,确保稳固的拿着酒瓶 Hold the Wine Bottle in our right Arm,ensuring you have a firm hold9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine我们如何倒葡萄9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine确保酒标朝向客人 Ensure the Label is facing the Guest首先倒少量酒供点酒的客人尝试 Pour a small amount of the Wine and offer the Host to taste在客人试酒的时候观察客人对酒是否满意 Watch the Host as he tastes the Wine and shows us that they are happy with the Wine9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine确保酒标朝向客9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine如果客人对酒不满意的话请参看“客人对酒不满意时该如何处理”课程 If not refer to Training Course“How to handle a Wine that is rejected”9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine如果客人对酒不9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine绕着桌子按顺时针方向服务 Walk in a clockwise direction around the Table最后把点酒的客人的酒杯添满 Return to the Host and top up the Hosts Wine Glass每杯葡萄酒斟倒的标准量是多少?How much is the standard measure pouring Wine by the bottle?10毫升10 cl9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine绕着桌子按顺时9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine在倒葡萄酒时我们必须确保什么?When pouring the Wine what do we need to ensure?当葡萄酒倒到标准量时,将瓶口转动45度,以免酒液滴落 Once the Wine has been poured to the standard level,turn the bottle at a 45 degree angle to prevent the Wine from dripping 倒完酒后,把瓶子放回冰桶/酒架里 Return the Bottle to the Ice Bucket/Under Liner9.倒葡萄酒Pouring the Wine在倒葡萄酒时我10.放置葡萄酒Placing the Wine我们应该把酒瓶什么位置?Where do we place the Wine Bottle?白葡萄酒 放在冰桶里 White Wine place the Wine Bottle in the Ice Bucket in our section红葡萄酒 放在酒架最上面,确保商标面向客人 Red Wine Place the Red Wine on top of the Under Liner ensuring the Label is facing the Host10.放置葡萄酒Placing the Wine我们应该把11.离开餐桌Leave the TableHow do we leave the Table?我们如何离开餐桌?发自内心真诚地微笑 Smile as we really mean it我们要对客人讲些什么?What do we need to say to the Guest?“先生/小姐,请尽情享用您的(葡萄酒名字)。”“Enjoy your Wine Sir/Madam(Using the name of the Wine)”11.离开餐桌Leave the TableHow do 检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们需要什么用具?What Equipment do we need?Q:我们需要检查什么?What should we check about the Equipment?Q:我们需要检查什么?What do we need to check?Q:服务葡萄酒适合的温度是多少?At what temperature is Wine being served?Q:将什么用具放在托盘上?What equipment should we place on the tray?Q:我们应该把冰桶放在什么地方?Where do we position the Ice Bucket?检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们33检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们应该怎样走近餐桌?How do we approach the Table?Q:我们应该把酒杯放在餐桌上的什么位置?Where do we place a Wine Glass on the Table?Q:我们应该确保什么?What do we need to ensure?Q:我们应该向谁展示葡萄酒?Who do we present the Wine to?Q:我们如何向客人展示葡萄酒?How do we present the Wine to the Guest?检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们34检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们应该对客人说什么?What do we say to the Guest?Q:我们应该在哪里开葡萄酒?Where do we open the Bottle of Wine?Q:我们应该如何开葡萄酒?How do we open the Bottle of Wine?Q:我们需要确保什么?What do we need to ensure?Q:我们应该把酒塞放在什么位置?Where do we place the cock?Q:我们应该先为谁服务?Who do we serve first?检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们35检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们如何倒葡萄酒?How do we pour the Wine?Q:每杯葡萄酒斟倒的标准量是多少?How much is the standard measure of pouring Wine by the bottle?Q:在倒葡萄酒时我们必须确保什么?When pouring Wine what do we need to ensure?Q:我们应该把酒瓶放在什么位置?Where do we place the Wine Bottle?Q:我们如何离开餐桌?How do we leave the Table?Q:我们要对客人讲些什么?What do we need to say to the Guest?检查标准Checking the StandardQ:我们36 有问题吗 Any Questions?3711、人生的某些障碍,你是逃不掉的。与其费尽周折绕过去,不如勇敢地攀登,或许这会铸就你人生的高点。12、有些压力总是得自己扛过去,说出来就成了充满负能量的抱怨。寻求安慰也无济于事,还徒增了别人的烦恼。13、认识到我们的所见所闻都是假象,认识到此生都是虚幻,我们才能真正认识到佛法的真相。钱多了会压死你,你承受得了吗?带,带不走,放,放不下。时时刻刻发悲心,饶益众生为他人。14、梦想总是跑在我的前面。努力追寻它们,为了那一瞬间的同步,这就是动人的生命奇迹。15、懒惰不会让你一下子跌倒,但会在不知不觉中减少你的收获;勤奋也不会让你一夜成功,但会在不知不觉中积累你的成果。人生需要挑战,更需要坚持和勤奋!16、人生在世:可以缺钱,但不能缺德;可以失言,但不能失信;可以倒下,但不能跪下;可以求名,但不能盗名;可以低落,但不能堕落;可以放松,但不能放纵;可以虚荣,但不能虚伪;可以平凡,但不能平庸;可以浪漫,但不能浪荡;可以生气,但不能生事。17、人生没有笔直路,当你感到迷茫、失落时,找几部这种充满正能量的电影,坐下来静静欣赏,去发现生命中真正重要的东西。18、在人生的舞台上,当有人愿意在台下陪你度过无数个没有未来的夜时,你就更想展现精彩绝伦的自己。但愿每个被努力支撑的灵魂能吸引更多的人同行。19、积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会中看到了某种忧患。莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。20、每一个成就和长进,都蕴含着曾经受过的寂寞、洒过的汗水、流过的眼泪。许多时候不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才能看到希望。1、有时候,我们活得累,并非生活过于刻薄,而是我们太容易被外界的氛围所感染,被他人的情绪所左右。2、身材不好就去锻炼,没钱就努力去赚。别把窘境迁怒于别人,唯一可以抱怨的,只是不够努力的自己。3、大概是没有了当初那种毫无顾虑的勇气,才变成现在所谓成熟稳重的样子。4、世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。将帅的坚强意志,就像城市主要街道汇集点上的方尖碑一样,在军事艺术中占有十分突出的地位。5、世上最美好的事是:我已经长大,父母还未老;我有能力报答,父母仍然健康。6、没什么可怕的,大家都一样,在试探中不断前行。7、时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。纽扣第一颗就扣错了,可你扣到最后一颗才发现。有些事一开始就是错的,可只有到最后才不得不承认。8、世上的事,只要肯用心去学,没有一件是太晚的。要始终保持敬畏之心,对阳光,对美,对痛楚。9、别再去抱怨身边人善变,多懂一些道理,明白一些事理,毕竟每个人都是越活越现实。10、山有封顶,还有彼岸,慢慢长途,终有回转,余味苦涩,终有回甘。11、失败不可怕,可怕的是从来没有努力过,还怡然自得地安慰自己,连一点点的懊悔都被麻木所掩盖下去。不能怕,没什么比自己背叛自己更可怕。12、跌倒了,一定要爬起来。不爬起来,别人会看不起你,你自己也会失去机会。在人前微笑,在人后落泪,可这是每个人都要学会的成长。13、要相信,这个世界上永远能够依靠的只有你自己。所以,管别人怎么看,坚持自己的坚持,直到坚持不下去为止。14、也许你想要的未来在别人眼里不值一提,也许你已经很努力了可还是有人不满意,也许你的理想离你的距离从来没有拉近过.但请你继续向前走,因为别人看不到你的努力,你却始终看得见自己。15、所有的辉煌和伟大,一定伴随着挫折和跌倒;所有的风光背后,一定都是一串串揉和着泪水和汗水的脚印。16、成功的反义词不是失败,而是从未行动。有一天你总会明白,遗憾比失败更让你难以面对。17、没有一件事情可以一下子把你打垮,也不会有一件事情可以让你一步登天,慢慢走,慢慢看,生命是一个慢慢累积的过程。18、努力也许不等于成功,可是那段追逐梦想的努力,会让你找到一个更好的自己,一个沉默努力充实安静的自己。19、你相信梦想,梦想才会相信你。有一种落差是,你配不上自己的野心,也辜负了所受的苦难。20、生活不会按你想要的方式进行,它会给你一段时间,让你孤独、迷茫又沉默忧郁。但如果靠这段时间跟自己独处,多看一本书,去做可以做的事,放下过去的人,等你度过低潮,那些独处的时光必定能照亮你的路,也是这些不堪陪你成熟。所以,现在没那么糟,看似生活对你的亏欠,其实都是祝愿。11、人生的某些障碍,你是逃不掉的。与其费尽周折绕过去,38


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