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形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成规则 专题专题 7 7 形容词和副词形容词和副词 1一般在词尾直接加er或est。如:talltallertallest2以不发音的字母e结尾的单词在词尾直接加r或st。如:nicenicernicest 3以“辅音字母y”结尾的词,变y为i,再加er或est。如:busybusierbusiest4元音字母加一个辅音字母,双写该辅音字母,再加er或est。如:bigbiggerbiggest专题专题 7 7 形容词和副词形容词和副词 5部分双音节词和多音节词在原级前加more构成比较级和加most构成最高级。如:interestingmore interestingmost interesting carefullymore carefullymost carefully2不不规则变化:两多,两好,两坏病,化:两多,两好,两坏病,一少,一老,一少,一老,远距离。距离。口诀原级比较级最高级口诀原级比较级最高级两多many/muchmoremost一老oldelder(家庭中表长幼)eldest两好good/wellbetterbestolder(岁数大,东西旧)oldest两坏病bad/badly/illworseworst远距离farfarther(距离远)farthest一少littlelessleastfurther(程度深,深入)furthest专题专题 7 7 形容词和副词形容词和副词 4形容词和副词原级、比较级和最高级的用法形容词和副词原级、比较级和最高级的用法1原级常用的句型结构原级常用的句型结构(1)A、B 两者相比,两者相比,AB 时,用时,用“as形容词原级形容词原级/副词原级副词原级as”表示。如:表示。如:(2)A、B 两者相比,两者相比,AB时,用时,用“比较级比较级than”表表示。如:示。如:33(2)A、B两者相比,哪一个更两者相比,哪一个更/较较,用,用“the比较级比较级of the two”表示。如:表示。如:140 集训集训12(3)“比较级比较级 and 比较级比较级”,表示,表示“越来越越来越”。如:。如:集训集训16专题专题 7 7 形容词和副词形容词和副词 (4)“the 比较级,the 比较级”,表示“越就越”。如:集训集训13(5 even/much/far常修饰比较级。37 集训集训 15 20专题专题 7 7 形容词和副词形容词和副词 3最高级常用句型结构(1)“主语v.the最高级(单数名词)in/of短语”表示“是中最的”。如:38 集训集训11(2)“主语v.one of the最高级复数名词in/of短语”表示“是中最之一”。如:35 专题专题 7 7 形容词和副词形容词和副词 (3)“特殊疑问词v.the最高级,A,B or C?”用于三者以上的比较。如:集训集训14(4)“主语v.the序数词最高级”表示“是中的第几”。如:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长的河流专题专题 7 7 形容词和副词形容词和副词 5比较级形式表示最高级含义1“Av.比较级比较级thanany other单数名词单数名词介词短语介词短语”表示“A比同一范围内的任何一个人/物都”,即“A最”。如Av.比较级比较级than+the other名词复名词复数介词短语数介词短语:Av.比较级比较级than+anyone else介词介词短语短语考点二考点二 形容词、副词三个级别的选用形容词、副词三个级别的选用1三个比较等级如下:三个比较等级如下:This story book is interesting.(没比较,原级)This story book is more interesting than that one.(两者比,比较级)This story book is the most interesting of the three books.(三者比,最高级)2原级的考点:原级的考点:1)very,so,too,quite,rather+原级 如:The man is very(so,quite,rather)kind.这个男人是非常(如此,相当,十分)仁慈的。Its too cold outside.Come in please.外面太冷,请进来吧。Jack and I want to lose weight.After some time I am still fatter than before.Jack is even fatter than before.杰克和我想减肥。过了一段时间我仍然比以前肥,杰克甚至比以前更肥。3)越来越:er and er;more and more+多音节词如:Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.我们国家正变得越来越强。She grows taller and taller.她长得越来越高。4)比较级的平行关系:The+er,the+er 越,就更如:The harder you study,the better you will be at your lessons.你学习越努力,你的功课就越好。The more we get together,the happier well be.我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。5)两者中比较的那个(特指):the+er of the two()14Many students say that if there were no examinations they should have at school.Athe happiest timeBa more happier time Cmuch happiest time Da much happier time4最高级的考点:最高级的考点:1)最高级+of all.,of the three.,among them.,in+地点 范围如:Lisa runs fastest in her class.莉莎在她班中跑得最快。Jordon is the most famous player of all the basketball players.乔丹是所有篮球运动员中最闻名的。This picture is the most beautiful among these.这幅画是这些画中最漂亮的。2)之一:one of+the 最高级+名词复数(+谓语单数);如:Tom is one of the best football players in his school.汤姆是他学校最好的足球运动员之一。D3)第几最:序数词+最高级:如:()15She prefers football because she thinks its among all sports.AinterestingBmore interesting Cthe most interesting ()16Chiang Mai(清迈)has been one of _ tourist places for Chinese since the movie Lost in Thailand(泰囧)was shown.AhotBhotter ChottestDthe hottest()17Which month has days in a year?February.Afew Blittle Cthe least Dthe fewestCDD专练:用括号内所给词的适当级别填空。I was very .Mary was a little than me.Lucy was the of us.(happy)Of all the subjects he likes physics .(well)Which is ,English or math?(difficult)Its quite in winter in Hunan.But its even in Heilongjiang.(cold)This bridge is as (wide)as that one.But its much (long)and (old)than that one.Beijing is one of (big)cities in China.And it is the second (large)city in China.Roses handwriting is (good)among us.The (many)friends you have,the (much)help you will get.happy,happier,happiestbestmore difficultcold,colderwide,longer,olderthe biggest,largestthe bestmore,more The boy studies and ,(hard)I think he will be .(successful)Tom is child in his family.But I am far than him.(old)6.注意1)比较级前面一般没有定冠词the,但遇到以下句型时要用the如:He is the heavier of the two boys.他是两个男孩子中更重的那个。Lily is the cleverer of the twins.莉莉是双胞胎中更聪明的那个。harder,harder,successfulthe elder,older 2)最高级的句型有时可以用比较级句型表示,但要注意搭配。具体如下:如:Shanghai is the largest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。=Shanghai is larger than any other city(any other+单数)in China.(上海和其他城市都属于中国,同范围)=Shanghai is larger than the other cities(the other+复数)in China.(上海和其他城市都属于中国,同范围)区别:Shanghai is larger than any city(any+单数)in Indian.上海比印度的任何城市都要大。(这里上海是中国的,而其他城市是印度的,所以它们的范围不同)考点三考点三 易混词汇、易混词汇、短语辨析短语辨析1.alone,lonelyalone单独的,独自的adj;独立地adv(常用词组:(常用词组:do sth.alone单独做某事)lonely adj.(精神上的孤独的,寂寞的;荒凉的,偏僻的 如:He lives alone,but he doesnt fell lonely 他独自住,但不感到孤独。2.interesting“有趣的,令人感兴趣的”,形容的通常是物。interested人对物感兴趣,“be interested in sth.”。类似的-ing形容词和-ed形容词有:surprising 令人惊讶的 surprised感到惊讶的;exciting 令人兴奋的 excited感到兴奋的;moving令人感动的moved受感动的 boring令人无聊的 bored感到无聊的;tiring令人疲劳的 tired感到疲劳的。3.also,too,either,as well also“也”,用于肯定句,常放在句中(be动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前)。如:They went to see the movie.We also went to see the movie.too“也”,用于肯定句,常放在句末。如:He likes apples,I like apples,too.either“也不”,用于否定句,常放在句末。如:If you dont go to the park,I wont,either.as well“也”,用于句末,前面没有逗号。如:He is a scientist.I am a scientist as well.4.yet“还、尚、迄今”,用于否定和疑问句句尾。already有“已经”的意思,常用于肯定句。如:I have already come,but she hasnt come yet.Have you had your lunch yet?hard 和 hardlyhard作形容词表“硬的”,作副词表“努力,猛烈地”。而hardly是一个否定词表“几乎不”。如:To get good grades,he works very hard.The floor is so hard that I feel uncomfortable.Its raining hard I can hardly see the things in front of me.sometimes,some times,sometime,some timesometimes 有时,用于一般时。如:Sometimes I go to school on foot.some times 几次,几倍,用于现在完成时。如:I have been to Hong Kong some times.sometime 某时,用于过去或将来时。如:I will go to see you sometime tomorrow.some time 一段时间,用于将来时和现在完成时。如:I will stay here for some time.考点四考点四 动词与形容词、副词的搭配动词与形容词、副词的搭配系动词后接形容词,其他动词后接副词。形容词一般是没有ly,副词一般是有ly,特殊情况除外。The mountain looks so beautiful.这山看起来真漂亮。He seems energetic.In fact he is tired.看起来他很有活力,实际上他累了。The music sounds soft.Whenever he hears it,he feels happy and relaxed.这音乐听起来柔和,无论他什么时候听,他都感到开心和放松。When he heard his teachers words,his face turned red at once.当他听到他老师的话,他的脸马上变红。Summer comes,it is getting hotter and hotter.夏天来了,天气变得越来越热。Jim was/became happy again after his fathers visit.吉姆在他爸看望之后再次高兴起来。If you dont put the food in the fridge,it will go bad easily.如果你不把食物放入冰箱,它就容易变质。What he said made me happy.他所说的话使我高兴。We should keep our classroom clean.我们应该保持教室干净。We must try our best to keep/stay healthy.我们必须尽力保持健康。专练:用括号内所给词的形容词或副词填空。Rainy days make me .(sad)His face turned (pale)when he saw the report.Listen to me (careful).Then you will find it (easy)to do it by yourself.The fish smells (bad).You should throw it to the dustbin as (quick)as possible.The cloth looks (beautiful)and feels (smooth).We should keep our hands (open)and eyes (close).The mooncake tastes (sweet).But the price sounds too (expensive)Its getting (dark).You cant walk home (slow).sadpalecarefully,easybad,quicklybeautiful,smoothopen,closedsweet,expensivedark,slowly


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