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人的差异在于业余时间开放英语I1作业一重点难点讲解知识点:知识点:Unit 4谈论工作:谈论工作:What do you do?They work in computers.l(B)3.would you like some crisps?No,Im sorry.A.Right B.Wrong知识点:知识点:Unit 3提议与应答提议与应答(重点)(重点)Would you like a drink?/some crisps?Yes,please./No,thanks.Would you like to come to the shop one day?Yes,I would,thanks./No,I wouldnt,thanks.What would you like to drink?Id like a gin and tonic,please.What would you like,Polly?Id like some crisps.l(B)4.How much does the flat cost a month?Its on the tenth floor.A.Right B.Wrong询问价格询问价格(重点)(重点)询问价格时要用询问价格时要用How much 开头,开头,动词用动词用 to cost 或者或者to be.例如:例如:How much does the flat cost a month?It costs 500 yuan.How much do they cost?They cost 50 each.知识点:知识点:Unit 5l(A)5.Could you sign the register,please?Of course.A.Right B.Wrongl提出请求提出请求(重点)(重点)Could you+do sth?常用于表达常用于表达请求。请求。Could you spell it,please?Yes,of course.Could you tell me your car number,please?No,sorry.Could you sign the register,please?Of,course.Could you call me at 7oclock,please?Yes,of course.词汇与结构词汇与结构 阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2 2分)分)l(B )6.He _ for an IT company.A.work B.works C.working知识点:知识点:Unit 1l规则动词规则动词 live,work 都都是是动动词词,主主语语是是第第三三人称单数时,动词词尾加人称单数时,动词词尾加-s,如如 Mary lives in London.Mary lives in London.Mary works for an IT company.To live To workI live I workyou live you workhe lives he worksshe lives she worksit lives it works we live we workl(A )7.I have coffee _ breakfast time.A.at B.in C.on 知识点:知识点:Unit 1介词介词 at,for,in at(在在时刻时刻)e.g:I have tea at breakfast time.(at lunchtime,at dinnertime)for(作为作为)e.g:She likes fish for breakfast.(for lunch,for dinner)in(在在期间期间)e.g:I work in the morning.(in the afternoon,in the evening)l(C )8._ name is Wang hua.A.He B.Hes C.His知识点:知识点:Unit 1形容词性物主代词表示所属关形容词性物主代词表示所属关系系:(my,your,his,her,our,their,its)(重点)(重点)My name is David Your job is in London.His parents are from Italy.(意大利)(意大利)l(C )9.She is _ only accountant in my sons company.A.a B.an C.thel(C )10.Maria often has a walk with_ parents in the morning.A.she B.their C.herl(B )11._ you got any family?A.Do B.Have C.Hashave got 和和 have 的用法的用法 (重点)(重点)表示表示“拥有拥有”的时候,的时候,have got 和和 have 意思是一样的。意思是一样的。注意它们在疑问句和否定句中注意它们在疑问句和否定句中的用法的用法:to have got Have you got a book?No,I havent(got a book).to have Do you have a TV?No,we dont(have a TV).l(B )12.Hes responsible _ the central computer system.A.in B.for C.ofl(C )13.The Business Banking Department is on _ floor.A.second B.the two C.the secondl(C )14.Wang Li is _ a new marketing campaign at the moment.A.plan B.planning C.planning知识点:知识点:Unit 4现在进行时(现在进行时(1)(重点重点)表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作,用现在进行时:进行的动作,用现在进行时:l结构是:主语结构是:主语+“be”+动词动词-ing 形形式式 I am waiting for an important call from my boss in Shanghai.He is talking to a customer.(1)否定形式是:在否定形式是:在“be”动词后动词后 面加面加“not”:My computer isnt(is not)working.Im(am)not eating lunch.They arent(are not)working today.l现在进行时(现在进行时(2)(重点)(重点)l现在进行是也可以表示这一现在进行是也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻这个活动可能然在此时此刻这个活动可能并没有进行。并没有进行。Li Jun is working on a new database at the moment,but right now she is sleeping.(Li Jun 正在建一个新的数据库正在建一个新的数据库,不过此刻他正在睡觉。),不过此刻他正在睡觉。)Wang Li is planning a new marketing campaign at the moment,but right now he is visiting New York.(Wang Li 正在策划一个营销正在策划一个营销活动,不过此时他正在访问纽活动,不过此时他正在访问纽约。)约。)Liu Fan is currently working on TV advertisements,but right now hes on holiday.(Liu Fan 目前正在从事电视广告目前正在从事电视广告的工作,不过此刻他正在度假。的工作,不过此刻他正在度假。)注意:注意:currently要放在要放在be和和 working之间。之间。l(C )15.Polly enjoys _ the guitar in a band in her free time.A.play B.to play C.playingl(B )16.There _ three plants in the corners of room.A.is B.are C.havelThere is/there are 句型的使用句型的使用(重点)(重点)(1)表示)表示:某处存在,有某处存在,有.There are two plants in the house.There is a man in the office.(2)疑问句要将)疑问句要将is/are 至于句首至于句首 Is there a fax in the office?Yes,there is.l(A )17.I work in _ IT Department of _ large bank.A.the,a B.a,the C.a,a知识点:知识点:Unit 3l不定冠词不定冠词a/an和定冠词和定冠词the的的 区别区别(难点难点)(1)不定冠词)不定冠词 a/an与可数名与可数名 词的单数搭配,相当于词的单数搭配,相当于 汉语中的汉语中的“一一”,指某一,指某一 类人或事物中的类人或事物中的 非特指非特指 的的“任何一个任何一个”。(2)定冠词)定冠词the与可数名词的单与可数名词的单 数、可数名词的复数和不可数、可数名词的复数和不可 数名词搭配,指独一无二的数名词搭配,指独一无二的 事物或已被提到的人或物。事物或已被提到的人或物。I am an accountant.(我是一名会计。会计中的一员。我是一名会计。会计中的一员。)These are the books I like.l(B )18.What _“nr”mean?A.is B.does C.dol(B)19.I sometimes go to the pub_ Friday.A.in B.on C.atl(A)20._ people are my friends._ people are my husbands friends.A.These,Those B.This,That C.Here,There知识点:知识点:Unit 3l指示代词指示代词this,these,that,thoselSingular Plural this these that thosel通常通常this/these指离说话人较近的指离说话人较近的物品,物品,that/those指离说话人较远指离说话人较远的物品。即可以单独使用也可以的物品。即可以单独使用也可以与名词连用。与名词连用。l(B )21.He _ in Beijing,but his parents _ in Hangzhou.A.live,lives B.lives,live C.live,livel(A )22.My husband doesnt _,but I like it very much.A.like shopping B.likes shopping C.likes to shop 知识点:知识点:Unit 2l行为动词的否定形式行为动词的否定形式 (重点难点)(重点难点)行为动词的否定式由行为动词的否定式由 do not(dont),does not (doesnt)+动词原形构成动词原形构成.比较比较肯定句肯定句 否定句否定句I like swimming.I do not (dont)likeYou like You do not (dont)like.He/She likes He/She does not(doesnt)like We like We do not(dont)like They like They do not(dont)like.l口语中通常用缩略形式口语中通常用缩略形式 dont/doesnt I dont like playing the piano.She doesnt like playing football/basketball/tennis.l在在正式的文体中正式的文体中不用缩略形式不用缩略形式.I do not like bungee jumping.He does not like playing computer games.l(C )23.-_ are you from?-Im from Nanjing.A.What B.When C.Wherel(C )24.He _ lunch in the canteen right now.A.has B.have C.is havingl(A )25._ children has his brother got?A.How many B.How much C.How about句型变化句型变化将下列句子改写为一般疑问句。将下列句子改写为一般疑问句。l26.He is a manager.Is he a manager?l27.She usually goes to work by bus.Does she usually go to work by bus?l28.There are fifty students in the class.Are there fifty students in the class?l29.They have a large house.Do they have a large house?l30.Hes currently working on TV advertisements.Is he currently working on TV advertisements?阅读理解阅读理解l阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(子是正确(RightRight),还是错误(),还是错误(WrongWrong),并并将答案写在各题前的(将答案写在各题前的()中。)中。lHi Rob!You want to know about my new boyfriend.His name is David Manning.He lives in London and hes British.His parents are from London,but they live in Oxford.He is 34 years old.Hes an IT manager and he works for ABHK Bank.Hes lovely,of course.See you on Thursday.Love,Pollyl(B )31.Rob is Pollys new boyfriend.A.Right B.Wrongl(A )32.David is British.A.Right B.Wrongl(A )33.Davids parents are British.A.Right B.Wrongl(B )34.Davids parents live in London.A.Right B.Wrongl(B )35.David works at a university.A.Right B.Wrongl阅读理解阅读理解4 4l36-4036-40小题:阅读下列短文,从小题:阅读下列短文,从A A、B B、C C 三个三个选项中选出一个正确答案选项中选出一个正确答案 ,并将答案写在各,并将答案写在各题前的()中。题前的()中。lXiaoyan tells David about the people she works with.lDavid:So who do you usually work with in Shanghai?lXiaoyan:I work in an office with three other people,Jung,Lee and Liu they are the Marketing Department and I am their IT expert.lDavid:What about the others?lXiaoyan:Yes,theyre great people.Lee is the Sales Manager.He is responsible for 25 sales people in China.Hes planning a sales campaign for companies at the moment,but hes visiting the New York office right now.lDavid:What about the others?lXiaoyan:Liu is the advertising manager.Hes responsible for the advertising.Hes currently working on TV advertisements.Actually,hes on holiday in Bali right now.lDavid:So the office is empty at the moment.lXiaoyan:Oh no.Jung is always there.Shes the secretary.Shes responsible for the office.At the moment shes working on new databases.But actually its 1:00 o clock in the morning in Shanghai,so I think shes sleeping right now.l(B )36.How many people does Xiaoyan work with in Shanghai?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.l(B )37.What does Xiaoyan do in the Marketing Department in Shanghai?A.She is a secretary.B.She is an IT expert.C.She is the Sales Manager.l(B)38.What is Lee responsible for?A.The advertising.B.The sales people.C.The office.l(A)39.What is Liu doing right now?A.He is on holiday.B.He is working on TV advertisements.C.He is visiting the New York officel(C )40.What is Jungs current project?A.A sales campaign.B.TV advertisements.C.New databases.翻译翻译l将下列句子翻译成汉语。(每题将下列句子翻译成汉语。(每题3 3分)分)41.The Meeting Rooms are on the ground floor.会议室在一楼会议室在一楼.l42.Hes talking to a customer right now.他此刻正在与顾客交谈他此刻正在与顾客交谈.l43.David usually have a sandwich in his office at lunchtime.大卫经常在午餐时间在他的办公大卫经常在午餐时间在他的办公 室吃三明治。室吃三明治。l44.I have a reservation for a single room.我预定了一个单人房。我预定了一个单人房。l45.Im waiting for an important telephone call from my boss in Shanghai.我正在等老板从上海打来的一我正在等老板从上海打来的一 个重要电话个重要电话.6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。斯宾诺莎斯宾诺莎7、自知之明是最难得的知识。、自知之明是最难得的知识。西班牙西班牙8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。塞内加塞内加9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。赫尔普斯赫尔普斯10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。笛卡儿笛卡儿 Thank you拯畏怖汾关炉烹霉躲渠早膘岸缅兰辆坐蔬光膊列板哮瞥疹傻俘源拯割宜跟三叉神经痛-治疗三叉神经痛-治疗


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