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Unit 251.到达到达2.火火车站站3.搬运工搬运工4.重复重复5.几个几个6.外国人外国人7.互相互相8.感到奇怪,想知道感到奇怪,想知道9.我的英我的英语讲得不但非常得不但非常认真,而且真,而且咬字也非常清楚。咬字也非常清楚。10.默写默写课文第文第2段段*Unit 25到达*1Lesson26Thebestartcritics*Lesson 26 The best art2Daily English1.Doyoulikepainting?2.Howmanypaintersdoyouknow?3.Isiteasytounderstandthepaintings?4.Whoisthebestartcritics?齐白石*Daily EnglishDo you like paint3徐悲鸿*徐悲鸿*4达芬奇*达芬奇*5梵高*梵高*6毕加索*毕加索*7Watch the video and answer the questionsWho is the students best critic?His sister is the students best critic.*Watch the video and answer the81.The writer is a famous painter and he paints a lot of pictures.2.Many people like pretending that they understand modern art.3.The writer thinks young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else.4.The writers sister is only seven years old,so she cant understand the pictures.5.My sister looked at the picture critically for only a moment before she said that it was all right.TRead the story&decide True or FalseTFFF*The writer is a famous painter9art n.艺术art student 艺术系的学生an art gallery lri 画廊画廊artist n.艺术家,画家家,画家【New words and expressions】*art n.艺术art student 艺术系的学生【N10critic n.评论家a music critic 音乐评论家a theatre critic 戏剧评论家a literary litrri critic 文学评论critical adj.批评的,苛刻的,岌岌可危的 You are critical.你很挑剔。critically adv.苛刻地,非难地 She looked at my picture critically.criticize v.批评,批判 He criticized my painting.becriticalofsb./sth.*critic n.评论家*112024/6/15paint 1)n.U 油漆油漆 a pot of pant Give the door two coats of paint.Wet Paint!2)n.C 绘画颜料绘画颜料 oil paints 油画颜料油画颜料3)v.刷涂刷涂,油漆油漆,涂涂 paint the house blue4)v.画;化妆;把画;化妆;把(药等)涂于(药等)涂于paint a picture painting n.画oil painting 油画 Chinese painting 中国国中国国painter n.画家,油漆工 a portrait painter 肖像画家肖像画家*2023/8/1paint*122024/6/15noticen.注意,察觉The girl in red caught his notice.The girl in red caught his notice.take notice of take notice of 注意到,留心到(通常用于否定句)注意到,留心到(通常用于否定句)注意到,留心到(通常用于否定句)注意到,留心到(通常用于否定句)Take no notice of what others say about your way Take no notice of what others say about your way of life.of life.别理会别人对你生活方式的评论。别理会别人对你生活方式的评论。别理会别人对你生活方式的评论。别理会别人对你生活方式的评论。n.(书面的)通知,布告,海报put up a notice put up a notice 张贴布告张贴布告张贴布告张贴布告without notice without notice 没事先通知,擅自没事先通知,擅自没事先通知,擅自没事先通知,擅自v.注意到,看到notice sb do sth notice sb do sth 注意到某人做某事(全过程)注意到某人做某事(全过程)注意到某人做某事(全过程)注意到某人做某事(全过程)notice sb doing sth notice sb doing sth 注意某人正在做某事注意某人正在做某事注意某人正在做某事注意某人正在做某事 DidyounoticethenoticethatIwantyoutonotice?*2023/8/1notice*13pretendV.伪称,假装,佯装pretendedadj.虚伪的,只是表面的 pertended illness*pretendV.伪称,假装,佯装pretendedadj.14pretendtodo哈哈,被骗了吧The boy always pretends to cry when his mother wants to beat himpretendnottodonot to hear*pretend to do哈哈,被骗了吧The boy al15dontpretendtodoDont pretend to know what you dont.pretendtobedoingThe students pretended to be reading books*dont pretend to doDont prete16dontpretendtobe+adj.别跟我在那装傻Dont pretend to be foolish.不要哭穷Dont pretend to be poor.*dont pretend to be+adj.别跟我17pretend that+从句He always pretends that he knows everything.she pretended that she was not at home.*pretend that+从句He always prete18pattern 1)n.图案,花样,式样=design What a pretty pattern!She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it.2)n.模式,方式 behavior pattern 行为方式3)n.模范,榜样;She is a pattern of good behavior.4)adj.榜样的a pattern wife/husband*pattern *19curtain 窗帘,幕布curtain material/curtain cloth 窗帘布窗帘布 ring up the curtain 开幕开幕 ring down the curtain 落幕落幕 behind the curtain 在幕后地,秘密地在幕后地,秘密地*curtain 窗帘,幕布*20material 1)n.C 材料,原料 listening material building materials2)pl.工具,用具 writing materials*material *21appreciateVt.感激感激 欣欣赏,鉴赏=understand+enjoy*appreciateVt.感激 欣赏,鉴赏=under22appreciateVSthankI appreciate your kindness.I appreciate you for your kindness.I thank your kindness.I thank you for your kindness.appreciate+感激的事件/thank+感激的对象 记*appreciateVSthankI appreciate 23appreciatesth.appreciatedoingsth.喜喜欢做做感激感激I appreciate your help.=Thank you so much for your help.很感激你的帮助appreciation,pri:i:en n.U 欣赏,感谢I show no appreciation of jazz.*appreciate sth.appreciate d24hang vt.&vi(将)悬挂,hang hung hung 绞死,吊死 hang hanged hanged The coat was hung.The thief was hanged.vt.&vi 垂下 John was very tired.He sat in a chair and hung down his head.vt.&vi安装使能转动/摆动 Have you hung the door?你把门装上了吗?*hang*25upsidedown上下上下颠倒地倒地adv./adj.乱七八糟,混乱不堪乱七八糟,混乱不堪*upside down 上下颠倒地adv./adj.乱七26The painting was hung upside down.The painting is upside down.Mylittleboyalwaysmakestheroomupsidedown.*The painting was hung upside d27【课文讲解】1、They are just pretty patterns.just在此处指“只是,仅仅(是)”It was just a wrong number.just另一个意思是“刚才,正好,正是”Its just six oclock.Ive just heard the news.*【课文讲解】*282、We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.pretty curtain material 漂亮的窗帘布in the same way that=as 正如一样The son walked in the same way that/as his father walked.I love you in the same way that I love my father.I love you just in the same way that I love money.*293、I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else.else跟在疑问代词和不定代词的后面,表示“另外/加、其它/他的、不同的”,who else,what else,anything elsebetter than anyone else 比其他任何人(表示最高级的含义)用比较级表示最高级:The teacher is the tallest.The teacher is taller than anyone else.(“else”不能少,把主语从“anyone”中排除)The book is more expensive than anything else.*3、I think that young children 304、My sister is only seven,but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not.连接词whetheror not可以表示选择:I dont know whether you are interested(in it)or not.You must help him,whether you like him or not.*4、My sister is only seven,but315、Im hanging this picture on the wall,I answered.the windows in the wall the picture on the wall 注意介词的不同*5、Im hanging this picture on326、Its all right,she said,but isnt it upside down?Isnt it upside down?Its upside down.否定疑问句,没有否定的意思,起肯定作用,起强调作用,表达一种情绪Arent you lucky?你真幸运Isnt it a boy?*6、Its all right,she said,33pDoes the writer study art,or does he study music?Does the writer study art,or does he study music?Does he paint a lot of pictures or not?Does he paint a lot of pictures or not?(and)(and)pDo many people really understand modern art or not?Do many people really understand modern art or not?pDo paintings always have a meaning or not?Do paintings always have a meaning or not?pAre they sometimes pretty patterns or not?Are they sometimes pretty patterns or not?pDo young children appreciate modern paintings better Do young children appreciate modern paintings better than others or not?Do they notice more or notthan others or not?Do they notice more or not?(not?(not onlybut)onlybut)pWhen did the writers young sister go into his room?When did the writers young sister go into his room?Did she examine his new picture or not?Did she examine his new picture or not?(and)(and)pHad he hung it upside down,or had he hung it the Had he hung it upside down,or had he hung it the right way up?Did she notice this immediately or not?right way up?Did she notice this immediately or not?(and)(and)Enjoy the story and find the answerEnjoy the story and find the answer*Does the writer study art,or 34【Key structures】一般现在时一般现在时1 表示现在发生的表示现在发生的动作动作、情况情况、状态状态和和特征特征。My mother is a doctor.2 习惯性习惯性、经常性经常性动作。动作。He always helps others.3 客观事实客观事实和和普遍真理普遍真理。The earth is smaller than the sun.The sun rises in the east.客观事实和真理客观事实和真理无论无论谓语的时态是什么都用一般谓语的时态是什么都用一般现在时。现在时。4 表示一种表示一种自然现象自然现象。Days are long in summer.在夏天,白天很长。在夏天,白天很长。*【Key structures】一般现在时*355 在以在以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示正在发生正在发生的动作。的动作。Look!Here comes the bus.=The bus is coming here.6 部分动词如部分动词如be,begin,leave,come,go等的一般现在等的一般现在时可以表示按时可以表示按规定规定、计划计划或或安排安排预计预计将要将要发生的动发生的动作或状态。作或状态。Tomorrow is Saturday.The train leaves for Beijing at seven.7 在在时间时间和和条件条件状语从句里经常用状语从句里经常用一般现在一般现在(有时(有时也用现在完成时)表示也用现在完成时)表示将来将来事情。事情。When you finish the report,I will have waited for 3 hours.If it rains tomorrow,we will stay at home.8 习惯用语习惯用语 口语中常说口语中常说 believe it or not,”信不信由你信不信由你”,“我说的是真的我说的是真的”。相当一个相当一个插入语插入语,短语中的短语中的believe没有词形没有词形变化。变化。*5 在以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表36有些表示有些表示状态状态和和感觉感觉的动词通常用的动词通常用一般现在时一般现在时。这些动词一般这些动词一般不用于进行时不用于进行时:appear,appreciate,be,believe,notice,feel,find,forget,resemble,hear,know,like,look like,remember,see,think,understand等:等:Hes listening to that music!He must like it!Hes listening to that music!He must like it!I cant understand this picture.I cant understand this picture.*37频率副率副词是表示是表示动作作发生的生的频率率,多与一般多与一般现在在时连用。用。100always“总是是;一直一直;始始终”。Healwayscomeslate.90usually“通常通常,经常常”。Iusuallygotobedat10:00.70often,frequently表示表示“常常常常,经常常”。Theyoftencleantheclassroomafterschool.*频率副词是表示动作发生的频率,多与一般现在时连用。*3840sometimes“有有时,不不时”。Wesometimesgoskiinginwinter.5hardly,ever,rarely,seldom“几乎从不几乎从不;很少很少;难得得”。Hehardlygoestobedbeforenineoclock.never(从不)(从不)once(一次一次),twice(两次两次),fromtimetotime(间或,有或,有时),almost(几乎)几乎)*40sometimes“有时,不时”。*39还记得那些年我们一起学过的宾语从句么?宾语从句:在在Vt.后或介后或介词后后I hate that she always takes my things away without asking me.They always pay attention to whatever the teacher says.*还记得那些年我们一起学过的宾语从句么?宾语从句:在Vt.后40宾语从句 引引导词语序序 时态*宾语从句 引导词语序 时态*41who,whom,whose,what,which.when,where,why,how thatthat,if if,whetherwhether 引引导词*who,whom,whose,what,which42the picture is aboutwhat is the picture about?what the picture is aboutWhat?找找词 变式式还原原I can tell you*the picture is aboutwhat is th43Look and think1.Whose bike is it?Do you know 你能得出结论吗?特殊疑特殊疑问句作句作宾语从句:从句:1、用疑、用疑问词引引导 2、从句用、从句用陈述句述句语序。序。3、宾语从句从句时态受主句限制受主句限制whose bike it is?2.How can I get to the post office?Could you tell me how I can get to the post office?3.Where does he live?She wants to know She asked where he lives.where he lived.*Look and think1.Whose bike is 44由从属由从属连词whether,if 引引导的的宾语从句从句1.Will he go to the park with us?I want to know _.2.Can he come?He is worried about _?3.Is it going to rain tomorrow or not?I dont know _.if/whether he will go to the park with us whether he can come whether it is going to rain or not*由从属连词whether,if 引导的宾语从句 if/w45 将下列每组两个句子用适当的词连接起来(注意时态和语序)1.Do you like English?Wei Fang asked me.Wei Fang asked me _ _ English.2.Were you at home before nine last night?The policeman wants to know.The policeman wants to know _ _ _ at home before nine last night.3.Has he come back from Guangzhou?I asked my teacher.I asked my teacher _ he _ _ back from Guangzhou.4.Ill go to the park.It doesnt rain tomorrow.Ill go to the park _ it _ rain tomorrow.5.Can Mike drive a car?Could you tell us?Could you tell us _ Mike _ _ a car?6.Did Alice work out the problem herself?I asked the teacher.I asked the teacher _ Alice _ _ _ the problem herself.If/whetherIlikedIf/whetheryouwereIf/whetherhadcomeIfdoesntIf/whethercandriveIf/whetherhadworkedout*将下列每组两个句子用适当的词连接起来(注意时态和语序)If46I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else else 跟在跟在anyone,anything等不定代等不定代词的后面的后面 else 也可跟疑也可跟疑问代代词连用,如用,如whoelse,whatelseelse:“另外另外/加、其它加、其它/他的、不同的他的、不同的”Eg:Icanfindnothingelsehereexceptanolddictionary.比较表最高比较表最高*I think that young children of47I love you more than anyone else in the world.Theteacheristhetallest.Theteacheristallerthananyoneelse.ThewatchisthemostexpensiveThewatchismoreexpensivethananythingelse*I love you more than anyone e48比比较级 +than+any other+单数名数名词ChinaislargerthanallthecountriesinAsia.ChinaislargerthananycountryinAsia.ChinaislargerthananyothercountryinAsia.*比较级+than+any other+单数名词49Who is the tallest student in our class?elseI am taller than anyone else in our class.I am taller than any other student in our classotherI am the tallest student in our class.est*Who is the tallest student in 50在比在比较句型中使用句型中使用 no,nobody,nothing 等等词Ilikenothingbetterthanswimmingno/nobody/nothing+adj./adv.比较级+than 世界上没有比他更大的鼻子了There isnose bigger than his in the word.no*在比较句型中使用 no,nobody,I like511.Chinaislargerthan_inAsiaandalsolargerthan_inEurope.A.anycountry;anycountryB.anycountry;anyothercountryD.anyothercountry;anyothercountryC.anyothercountry;anycountryExercise:*1.China is larger than _522.Mr.Smith,ourEnglishteacher,isolderthanstudentinourclass.A.anyotherB.theotherC.anyD.anyoftheExercise:C.any*2.Mr.Smith,our English teach531.你比任何人都懂我Exercise:You know me better than anyone else*1.你比任何人都懂我Exercise:You know me54Thank you*Thank you*55


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