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PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPT15 六月 2024买手和商品企划师的职买手和商品企划师的职能分工能分工09 八月 2023买手和商品企划师的职能分工1PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTLecture agenda Lecture agenda 课程结构nWhat is retailing?零售业是什么?Supply chain roadmap 供应链流程图nReview of the UK market size and shape 英国市场的规模和形式Analysis 分析And the relevance 相关的因素Strategy planning tools 策略制定nReview of fashion B&M structures 时尚买手和商品企划师B&M structure charts 工作结构图Roles of Buyer and Merchandiser 买手和商品企划师的职能2 2 2Lecture agenda 课程结构What is rPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTRetailing what is it?什么零售产业?The right product,at the right price,in the right place,at the right time(合适的产品,适当的价钱,合适的场所进行销售,还要注意在适当的时间)3 3 3Retailing what is it?什么零售产PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTSupply chain roadmap4 4 4Supply chain roadmap44PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTUK market size and shapeUK market size and shape英国市场的规模和形式n nMarket data is important for any retailer/designerMarket data is important for any retailer/designer来自市场的 数据对零售商和设计师都是至关重要的信息 Awareness of market Awareness of market 对市场的清楚认识n nSize,segments,customers Size,segments,customers 市场规模,组成,消费者 Awareness of opportunity Awareness of opportunity 对所存在机遇的认识n nGrowth areas of the market,demographic changes Growth areas of the market,demographic changes 市场中在发展的 部分,人口统计的变化 Awareness of risks Awareness of risks 对潜在风险的认识n nDeclining areas of the market,competition levels Declining areas of the market,competition levels 市场中正在走下坡 路的部分,竞争对手的水平 Awareness of trends Awareness of trends 对流行趋势的感知n nShopping habits,attitude to price Shopping habits,attitude to price 消费者的购物习惯,对价格的态度5 5 5UK market size and shape英国市场的PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTUK market size and shapeUK market size and shape英国市场的规模和形式n nAwareness of the market Awareness of the market 对市场的了解认识 UK retail market valued at 250bn in 2005 UK retail market valued at 250bn in 2005 英国零售业在2005年价值25000亿英镑 One third of retail sales in stores 1/3One third of retail sales in stores 1/3属于店铺零售业 Clothing&footwear market valued at 15%of retail salesClothing&footwear market valued at 15%of retail sales 服装,鞋业占了整个零售市场的15%Womenswear represents 60%of clothing/footwear salesWomenswear represents 60%of clothing/footwear sales 女装占了整个服装,鞋业销售的60%Retail represents 6%of UK GDP Retail represents 6%of UK GDP 零售业占了整个英国国内生产总值的6%6 6 6UK market size and shape英国市场的PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTUK market size and shapeUK market size and shape英国市场的规模和形式nAwareness of opportunity 现有的机遇Silver consumers to grow by 40%in the next 20 years 年长顾客会随社会人群 老龄化而变得越来越多,未来20年后会增长到40%Post war baby boomers have highest disposable income战后生育高峰后的这代 人收入很高,用于消费的钱相应提高。Youth customers have more time to shop 年轻的消费者有更多时间去购物消费On line shopping just 4%of market 网上购物只占了市场的4%Value retailers market share 20%,doubling in 6 years 零售业占整个市场的 20%的,在六年后还会翻番7 7 7UK market size and shape英国市场的PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTUK market size and shapeUK market size and shape英国市场的规模和形式n nAwareness of risk Awareness of risk 现存的危机 Retail inflation at 7%versus 29%for economy over the last 10 Retail inflation at 7%versus 29%for economy over the last 10 years years 最近十年内零售业通货膨胀率高 Brand and retailer loyalty is declining Brand and retailer loyalty is declining 顾客对品牌的忠诚度下降 Consumer spending being diverted from clothing to non clothing Consumer spending being diverted from clothing to non clothing markets markets 消费者转向非服装类消费 Retail market is mature Retail market is mature 零售市场非常成熟 Price competition fierce in womens entry price point basicsPrice competition fierce in womens entry price point basics 刚进入市场的女装品牌的价格战十分激烈8 8 8UK market size and shape英国市场的PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTUK market size and shapeUK market size and shape英国市场的规模和形式nAwareness of trends 趋势的感知Consumer awareness of designer market results in less loyalty 市场变得选择越来越多,设计款式越来越丰富,顾客开始产生疑问,为什么要对某一品牌保持忠诚呢 Shopping seen as key social event for youth customers 对年轻消费者来说,购物消费被看成是一项主要的社会活动Womenswearwear style and price led 女装趋势由款式和价格所引导Menswear brand and ease of shopping led 男装消费则更注重品牌和休闲Price key factor in customer purchasing 在消费者购买中,价格是关键因素9 9 9UK market size and shape英国市场的PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTRetail structures 零售职能结构Buying and Merchandising购买和商品企划10 1010Retail structures 零售职能结构BuyinPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTManagement structure Management structure 管理结构Director总经理H of Buying产品购买部门总监H of Merchandising商品企化部总监H of Design设计部总监Buying teams购买小组Merchandising teams商品企化部小组Design teams设计部小组11 1111Management structure 管理结构DirecPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTBuying structure Buying structure 购买部结构Buyer买手Assistant Buyer助理买手Buyers Assistant买手助理12 1212Buying structure 购买部结构BuyerAPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTMerchandising structure Merchandising structure 商品企划部Merchandiser商品企化师Assistant Merchandiser助理商品企划师Allocator配货员13 1313Merchandising structure 商品企划PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTRelated roles Related roles 相关的部门nDesign 设计部门设计部门Head of design ensures consistent brand equity across all categories 设计总监要确保品牌内的所有产品都保持品牌品质的一致性Individual designers work with individual buying teams 一个设计师和一个 购买小组一起合作nPR and Marketing 公共关系和市场营销部门公共关系和市场营销部门Communicate brand equity to customers 向顾客传达品牌品质Work in liaison with buying teams 和购买小组协调一致进行工作nQuality assurance 质检部门质检部门Monitor supplier quality versus UK regulations 按照英国的质检会要求检查 供应商的货Involvement in supplier base management 参与到供应基本管理nRetail 零售部门零售部门Ensure store design and layout is consistent with buying strategy 保证店铺 设计和陈列都和买手制定的销售战略保持一致nSupply chain 供应链供应链Manages stock management logistics,systems and process 管理库存,配 货,系统和整个过程14 1414Related roles 相关的部门Design PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTNotes on structure chartsNotes on structure charts对职能结构图的说明nGuide to structure charts 结构图Structures vary according to complexity,size of business and market positioning 职能分布可能会因为不同情况,商业大小或市场定位而不同nDirectors roles 主管的角色Single multi category 单一多元化类别 Set strategic vision 战略计划的制定nHead of Buying or Merchandising 购买部和商品企划部的总管Oversee all buying teams in category 监视下属的每个购买小组Regularly review decisions and have veto power 定期的检验之前的决定和具有否定权nBuying teams 购买小组Buyers and Merchandisers equal on team 买手和商品企划师的地位等同Defined roles:Buyers product,Merchandisers financial 买手负责商品,商品企划师负责财务计划15 1515Notes on structure charts对职能结PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTBuyers 买手The role 角色和职能16 1616Buyers 买手The role 角色和职能1616PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPT17 17171717PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTWhat do retailers look for in a buyer?What do retailers look for in a buyer?零售商寻找什么样的买手呢?nInterest in product 首先要对产品感兴趣nAwareness of trends and relevance to customer profiles 要了解流行时尚并把此结合到顾客的分类中nCommercial mindset 商业头脑nCharacter strength to include decision making 有决定问题的能力nRelevant university education 相关的教育背景Textiles,design,retail courses,brand management 纺织品,设计,零售 品牌管理nRelevant work experience 相关的工作经验Buying,office based work,team based experience 购买,办公室工作经历 团队工作经验18 1818What do retailers look for in PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTBuying role Buying role 买手的工作内容n nDevelop product proposition Develop product proposition 给产品定位n nDevelop planning strategies Develop planning strategies 经营策略的制定n nDeliver balanced product ranges Deliver balanced product ranges 品类设置的实施n nSource and maintain supplier base Source and maintain supplier base 寻找和保持供应源n nSupport and deliver marketing proposition Support and deliver marketing proposition 支持和实施市场发展计划n nSupport and deliver store planning initiatives Support and deliver store planning initiatives 支持店铺的工作19 1919Buying role 买手的工作内容Develop pPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDevelop product proposition Develop product proposition 给产品定位20 2020Develop product proposition 给产PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a Buyer Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容n nDevelop product proposition Develop product proposition 给产品定位 Review top level company strategy,competitors and market data Review top level company strategy,competitors and market data 分析回顾公司战略,竞争对手情况和市场数据 Identify key gaps in product proposition Identify key gaps in product proposition 发掘产品种类的空白 Identify changes to structure,direction and design of product areaIdentify changes to structure,direction and design of product area 决定产品的结构,方向和设计的变化21 2121Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容DevPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDevelop planning strategiesDevelop planning strategies经营策略的制定22 2222Develop planning strategies经营PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a BuyerProfile of a Buyer买手的工作内容n nDevelop planning strategies Develop planning strategies 经营策略的制定 Review competitor positioning Review competitor positioning 竞争对手的产品定位 Create minimum credible offer(MCO)Create minimum credible offer(MCO)创建自己的最小摆放量 Agree sales plan growths/declines for product area Agree sales plan growths/declines for product area 决定销售计划 Develop price architecture Develop price architecture 建立价格结构 Visit trade shows/suppliers:be aware of trend prediction Visit trade shows/suppliers:be aware of trend prediction 参观贸易 展,供应洽谈会,对流行趋势预测充分了解23 2323Profile of a Buyer买手的工作内容DevePPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDeliver balanced product rangesDeliver balanced product ranges实施均衡的产品品类设置24 2424Deliver balanced product rangePPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a Buyer Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容n nDeliver balanced product ranges Deliver balanced product ranges 实施均衡的产品品类设置 Work with Designers to develop range designs Work with Designers to develop range designs 与设计师合作做产品设计 Review product through sampling&sealing process Review product through sampling&sealing process 通过样本检验产品 Develop necessary packaging design Develop necessary packaging design 必要的包装设计 Ensure strategy variables are delivered Ensure strategy variables are delivered 保证实施战略的各个方面n nPrice,margin,quality,lead time Price,margin,quality,lead time 价格,利润,质量,订货至 送货时间 Ensure range width and depth complies with range plans Ensure range width and depth complies with range plans 保证产品品类设置的实施(种类、数量)25 2525Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容DelPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTSource and maintain supplier baseSource and maintain supplier base寻找和保持供货商的基础26 2626Source and maintain supplier bPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a Buyer Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容n nSource and maintain supplier base Source and maintain supplier base 寻找和保持供货商的基础 Source supplier base suitable for product plans and designsSource supplier base suitable for product plans and designs 寻找合适产品风格类型的供应商 Review fit of existing supplier baseReview fit of existing supplier base 调整与现有供货商的关系 Work with Quality assurance on sampling and sealing processWork with Quality assurance on sampling and sealing process 在制作样本的过程中与质检部门合作 Negotiate trading terms with suppliersNegotiate trading terms with suppliers 与供应商谈判贸易条件 Manage in season issues,disputes and opportunitiesManage in season issues,disputes and opportunities 在销售季内寻找新的机遇27 2727Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容SouPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTSupport marketing propositionSupport marketing proposition支持市场营销的工作28 2828Support marketing propositionPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a Buyer Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容 n nSupport marketing proposition Support marketing proposition 协助市场营销工作 Decide on marketing spend Decide on marketing spend 决定市场营销所要投入的花费 Propose marketing strategy to support product strategyPropose marketing strategy to support product strategy 通过市场营销战略来支持产品战略n nFinancial support,promotional support,retail support Financial support,promotional support,retail support 财务,促销 零售上的支持 Agree artistic direction for editorial or point of sale collateral(POS)Agree artistic direction for editorial or point of sale collateral(POS)决定产品宣传方向和销售点29 2929Profile of a Buyer 买手的工作内容 SPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTMerchandisers 商品企划师The role 职能30 3030Merchandisers 商品企划师The role PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPT31 31313131PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTMerchandising structure reminder Merchandising structure reminder 商品企划部结构Merchandiser商品企划师Assistant Merchandiser助理商品企划师Allocator配货员32 3232Merchandising structure remiPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTWhat retailers look for in a MerchandiserWhat retailers look for in a Merchandiser零售商需要什么样的商品企划师呢?n nLogical numerate minds Logical numerate minds 有很强逻辑性的数学头脑 n nCommercial mindset Commercial mindset 商业头脑n nProblem solving approach to work Problem solving approach to work 在工作中解决问题的能力n nStrong negotiation skills Strong negotiation skills 很强的沟通技巧n nInterest in product useful Interest in product useful 对产品用途感兴趣n nStrong management skills Strong management skills 很强的管理技巧33 3333What retailers look for in a MPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTMerchandiser role Merchandiser role 商品企划师的角色n nDevelop financial plans Develop financial plans 财务计划n nDevelop planning strategies Develop planning strategies 发展经营战略n nDeliver balanced financial targets Deliver balanced financial targets 财务目标n nDeliver balanced product plans Deliver balanced product plans 产品计划n nDeliver effective in season trading Deliver effective in season trading 保证销售季中的计划实施34 3434Merchandiser role 商品企划师的角色DevPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDevelop financial plans Develop financial plans 发展财务计划35 3535Develop financial plans 发展财务计PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a Merchandiser Profile of a Merchandiser 商品企划师职能n nDevelop financial plans Develop financial plans 发展财务计划 Review top level company strategy,financial history and market Review top level company strategy,financial history and market data data 公司战略制定,财务历史和市场数据 Identify key financial opportunities for growth Identify key financial opportunities for growth 财务上发展的机遇 Identify changes to structure,direction and logistics of product Identify changes to structure,direction and logistics of product area area 鉴别产品结构,方向和物流36 3636Profile of a Merchandiser 商品企划PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDevelop planning strategies Develop planning strategies 发展计划战略37 3737Develop planning strategies 发PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a Merchandiser Profile of a Merchandiser 商品企划师的工作内容n nDevelop planning strategies Develop planning strategies 发展经营战略 Develop risk contained financial parameters Develop risk contained financial parameters 发现财务参数中存在的风险n nSales,margin,markdown,stock targets,stock turn,rebates Sales,margin,markdown,stock targets,stock turn,rebates 销售,利润,打折,库存目标,库存变化,回扣 Incorporate changes to store portfolio in parametersIncorporate changes to store portfolio in parameters 把计划中做出的调整体现到店铺内的货品上 Develop range assumptions for range planningDevelop range assumptions for range planning 进一步完善产品品类设置的计划 Plan critical path to ensure delivery of strategyPlan critical path to ensure delivery of strategy 保证战略实施的正确路径38 3838Profile of a Merchandiser 商品企PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDeliver balanced financial plansDeliver balanced financial plans实施均衡的财务计划39 3939Deliver balanced financial plaPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a MerchandiserProfile of a Merchandiser商品企划师的工作内容n nDeliver balanced financial plans Deliver balanced financial plans 实施均衡的财务计划 Review past season performance to set base for financial plansReview past season performance to set base for financial plans 通过回顾上一年的销售表现 来制定财务计划的基础 Agree growth plans including like for like(LFL)plansAgree growth plans including like for like(LFL)plans 做出未来发展的计划,例如执行去年同样的销售方式 Develop store sales plans and store grading structureDevelop store sales plans and store grading structure 发展店铺销售计划和店铺分级结构 Develop gross profit plans Develop gross profit plans 毛利润的计划n nMarkdown,shrinkage,rebates,margin,phasingMarkdown,shrinkage,rebates,margin,phasing 打折,货品流失,回扣,利润差额,调整定位 Develop open to buy spend(OTB)and issue to BuyerDevelop open to buy spend(OTB)and issue to Buyer 为买手制定出可用于购买的总金额40 4040Profile of a Merchandiser商品企划PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDeliver balanced product plansDeliver balanced product plans实施均衡的产品计划41 4141Deliver balanced product plansPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a MerchandiserProfile of a Merchandiser商品企划师的工作内容n nDeliver balanced product plans Deliver balanced product plans 实施均衡的产品计划 Complete range planning process based on financial plansComplete range planning process based on financial plans 根据财务计划,完成产品品类设置的计划 Ensure range plans reflect initial range assumptionsEnsure range plans reflect initial range assumptions 要保证品类设置是受最初的计划指导的 Ensure range plans reflect MCO assumptionsEnsure range plans reflect MCO assumptions 制定的品类计要满足最小摆放量的要求 Complete range plans for all stock phases to be launchedComplete range plans for all stock phases to be launched 品类计划的实施保证库存量42 4242Profile of a Merchandiser商品企划PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTDeliver effective in season tradingDeliver effective in season trading使每季销售都有效率的进行43 4343Deliver effective in season trPPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTProfile of a MerchandiserProfile of a Merchandiser商品企划师的工作内容n nDeliver effective in season trading Deliver effective in season trading 保证在销售季中高效率的工作 Review performance of product area Review performance of product area 产品的销售表现 Action stock changes requirements as agreed with BuyerAction stock changes requirements as agreed with Buyer 需要与买手达成调整库存的计划 Reforecast performance at regular intervals Reforecast performance at regular intervals 重新预测产品的销售n nAction changes to store grading and allocation quantities based on Action changes to store grading and allocation quantities based on actual performance actual performance 随时调整店铺的分级n nAgree repeat buys,cancellations or re phasing with suppliers Agree repeat buys,cancellations or re phasing with suppliers 对重新补货,清货的决定n nPlan and execute end of season sale activity Plan and execute end of season sale activity 在销售季结束后的计划工作44 4444Profile of a Merchandiser商品企划PPTPPTPPTPPT文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板文档演模板 Office Office Office Office PPTPPTPPTPPTLecture summary Lecture summary 课程总结nWhat is retailing?零售业是什么?Supply chain roadmap 供应链流程图nReview of the UK market size and shape 英国市场的规模和形式Analysis 分析And the relevance 相关的因素Strategy planning tools 策略制定nReview of fashion B&M structures 时尚买手和商品企划师B&M structure charts 工作结构图Roles of Buyer and Merchandiser 买手和商品企划师的职能45 4545Lecture summary 课程总结What is r


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