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BeijingXianYunnan英语趣配音欣赏英语趣配音欣赏 Lead inBeijingXianYunnan英语趣配音欣赏 LeadSection B Crossing the river to schoolHow do you get to school?How do you get to school?Section B Crossing the river Today,we are going to learn:1.Some key words and phrases.2.Two sentence structures.Our aims:Today,we are going to learn:How do the students in the village get to school?They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.Fast readingCrossing the River to SchoolHoHow-do-you-get-to-school教学讲解课件Read paragraph 1 to answer the question.Why do they go to school by ropeway?There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.Careful readingRead paragraph 1 to answer thHow-do-you-get-to-school教学讲解课件Read paragraph 2 to answer the question.Does the boy like his school?Why?Yes,he does.He loves to play with his classmates.He loves his teacher.Careful readingRead paragraph 2 to answer thHow-do-you-get-to-school教学讲解课件Read paragraph 3 to answer the question.What is the villagers dream?Careful readingTheir dream is to have a bridge.Read paragraph 3 to answer thHow-do-you-get-to-school教学讲解课件1.Do you think their dream can come true?Why?2.What can we do for them?Yes,I do.Maybe the government can build a bridge for them.We can give our pocket money(零花钱零花钱)to them.Post reading-group discussion1.Do you think their dream can(1)It is easy to get to school.It is their dream to have a bridge.句子中_作形式主语,真正的主语是_ 和_。(2)Hes like a father to me.句中的be like 应翻译成_ 其中like的词性为_。itto get to schoolto have a bridge像像.介词介词 探究活动一探究活动一It is do sth.It is do sth.句型句型(1)It is easy to get to school Practice-翻译句子翻译句子1.上英语课很有趣。(上英语课很有趣。(It is do sth.)2.能成为能成为优秀的(优秀的(excellent)人是我们的梦想。人是我们的梦想。(It is do sth.)3.秦汉学校的老师想父母一样爱我们。秦汉学校的老师想父母一样爱我们。(介词介词like)It is interesting to have English classes.It is our dream to be the excellent people.The teachers in Qinhan school love us like our parents .Practice-翻译句子1.上英语课很有趣。(It i 探究活动二探究活动二1.Read the passage carefully and find out the difficult words,phrases and sentences that you cant understand.(自主探究)自主探究)2.Discuss the difficulties with your group members.(小组探究)(小组探究)探究活动二1.Read the passage carefHow do you master the knowledgTAXI Group competitionTAXI Group competition plane翻译短语翻译短语(每题(每题5分)分)1.骑自行车骑自行车_2.对于许多学生来说对于许多学生来说_3.在学校和村庄之间在学校和村庄之间_4.一个一个11岁的男孩岁的男孩_ride a bikefor many studentsbetween the school and the villagean 11-year-old boy plane翻译短语(每题5分)ride a bikef taxiafraid 的用法:(每题5分)1.afraid 的中文意思_2.afraid 的词性_3.翻译句子:The little girl is afraid to answer the questions._4.翻译句子:My sister is afraid of snakes._害怕的害怕的形容词形容词我的姐姐害怕狗。我的姐姐害怕狗。小女孩害怕回答问题。小女孩害怕回答问题。taxiafraid 的用法:(每题5分)害怕的形容词用括号内单词的适当形式填空(每题5分)1.The fish looks _(like)a boat.2.Jane _(like)history very much.3.Her teacher loves her _(like)her mother.4.Johnson likes _(go)to school by car.carlikelikeslikegoing/to go用括号内单词的适当形式填空(每题5分)carlike用恰当的介词填空(每题5分)1.How do you get _ school?2._many students,it is easy to get to school.3.So these students go _ a ropeway to cross the river to school.4.I love to play _ my classmates.toForonwith high-speed rail用恰当的介词填空(每题5分)toForonwith hig选词填空(每题5分)1.Theres a shop _ our school and the park.2.How do they cross the big river?They go _.3.What do you _ the new classmate?4.His parents dream is to have a big house.They think it can _ soon.trainthink of,come true,on a ropeway,between between on a ropewaythink ofcome true选词填空 trainthink of,come tru用括号内用括号内单词的适当形式填空(每的适当形式填空(每题5分)分)1.The river runs too _(quick)for boats.2.His brother _(cross)the river on a ropeway every day.3.Can this dream _(come)true?4.All the _(village)want to have a nice bridge.busquicklycrossescomevillagers用括号内单词的适当形式填空(每题5分)busquick选用选用difficult、big、quickly、afraid、true中的单词填空。(每题中的单词填空。(每题5分)分)1.The mountain is _to climb.2.She is a _ eater.3.Eating _is not good for our health.4.Are you _of snakes?subwaydifficultquickly afraidbig选用difficult、big、quickly、afraid翻译句子(每题翻译句子(每题10分)分)1.学英语很有趣学英语很有趣。(。(It is do sth.)2.能拥有一辆新的自行车是我的梦想。能拥有一辆新的自行车是我的梦想。(It is do sth.)bikeIt is interesting to learn English.It is my dream to have a new bike.翻译句子(每题10分)bikeIt is interes说出下列单词的词性(每题说出下列单词的词性(每题5分)分)1.between_2.leave_3.bridge_4.true _ school bus介词介词动词动词名词名词形容词形容词说出下列单词的词性(每题5分)school bus介词动How-do-you-get-to-school教学讲解课件 summarySummarywordsphrasessentence structuresbridge,ropeway,afraid,.cross the river,play with,between.and.,come true.It is do sth.It is do sth.summarySummarywordsphrasessen 片段配音片段配音走路上学走路上学Challenge yourselves片段配音走路上学Challenge yourselvesShow timeShow time片段一片段一片段二片段二片段三片段三Show time片段一片段二片段三The villagers dream has come true.The villagers dream has come Lets travel there together!Lets travel there together!Lets travel there together!Homework1.1.给给山区的学生写一封信进行心灵的沟通。山区的学生写一封信进行心灵的沟通。(不少于(不少于8080词)词)2.2.完成高效作业完成高效作业P23-P24.P23-P24.3.3.预习第三单元的预习第三单元的3a3a和和self checkself check部分。部分。Homework1.给山区的学生写一封信进行心灵的沟通


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