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DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONGEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING(GDT)A COURSE MODULE IN CONCURRENT ENGINEERING FOR GATEWAY EEC PROJECT.GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOL1DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONOVERVIEW 1.History and What is Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing(GDT)?2.Why GDT?3.Types of Dimensioning 4.Symbols and Abbreviations 5.Types of Tolerancing.OVERVIEW.2DUTHE GATEWAY COALITION*HISTORY*WHAT IS GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING&TOLERANCING?INTRODUCTION.*HISTORY*WHAT IS GEOME3DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONINTRODUCTION(Cont.)WHY GDT?MAIN ADVANTAGES.INTRODUCTION(Cont.)WHY GD4DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONDimensioning and Tolerancing should clearly define engineering intent and should conform to the following rules.FUNDAMENTAL RULES.Dimensioning and Tolerancing s5DUTHE GATEWAY COALITION Millimeter Dimensioning Decimal Inch Dimensioning TYPES OF DIMENSIONING.Millimeter Dimensioning Dec6DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONGeometric Characteristics&SymbolsSYMBOLS&ABBREVIATIONS.Geometric Characteristics&Sy7DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONDATUM REFERENCINGDatum Reference Frame.DATUM REFERENCINGDatum Referen8DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONDATUM FEATURE SYMBOLDatum FeatureDatum Feature Symbol.DATUM FEATURE SYMBOLDatum Feat9DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONDATUM FEATURE SYMBOL(Cont)Feature Surface and extension line.DATUM FEATURE SYMBOL(Cont)Fea10DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONWhen the datum is the axis or center planeDATUM FEATURE SYMBOL(Cont).When the datum is the axis or11DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONWhen the datum is the axisDATUM FEATURE SYMBOL(Cont).When the datum is the axisDAT12DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONWhere no geometrical tolerance and feature control frame used DATUM FEATURE SYMBOL(Cont).Where no geometrical tolerance13DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONWhen the feature controlled is the datum axis/datum center planeDATUM FEATURE SYMBOL(Cont).When the feature controlled is14DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONMAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITIONMMC.MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITIONMMC.15DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONLEAST MATERIAL CONDITIONLMC.LEAST MATERIAL CONDITIONLMC.16DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONStraightnessTOLERANCES OF FORMStraightness Tolerance ZoneStraightness Tolerance.StraightnessTOLERANCES OF FOR17DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONFlatness Tolerance ZoneFlatness TOLERANCES OF FORMFlatness Tolerance.Flatness Tolerance ZoneFlatnes18DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONCircularity TOLERANCES OF FORMCircularity Tolerance ZoneCircularity Tolerance.Circularity TOLERANCES OF FO19DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONCylindricity TOLERANCES OF FORMCylindricity Tolerance ZoneCylindricity Tolerance.Cylindricity TOLERANCES OF F20DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONPerpendicularity TOLERANCES OF ORIENTATIONPerpendicularity Tolerance ZonePerpendicularity Tolerance.Perpendicularity TOLERANCES 21DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONAngularity TOLERANCES OF ORIENTATIONAngularity Tolerance ZoneAngularity Tolerance.Angularity TOLERANCES OF ORI22DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONParallelism TOLERANCES OF ORIENTATIONParallelism Tolerance ZoneParallelism Tolerance.Parallelism TOLERANCES OF OR23DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONProfile TOLERANCE OF PROFILEProfile Tolerance Zone of LineProfile Tolerance of Line.Profile TOLERANCE OF PROFILE24DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONProfile Tolerance of SurfaceProfile(Cont)TOLERANCE OF PROFILE(Cont).Profile Tolerance of SurfacePr25DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONRunout TOLERANCE OF RUNOUTCircular Runout Tolerance Zone.Runout TOLERANCE OF RUNOUTCi26DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONRunout(Cont)TOLERANCE OF RUNOUT(Cont)Circular Runout Tolerance Total Runout Tolerance.Runout(Cont)TOLERANCE OF RUN27DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONConcentricity TOLERANCE OF LOCATIONConcentricity Tolerance ZoneConcentricity Tolerance.Concentricity TOLERANCE OF L28DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONPosition Tolerance ZonePosition TOLERANCE OF LOCATION Position Tolerance.Position Tolerance ZonePositio29DUTHE GATEWAY COALITIONSymmetry TOLERANCE OF LOCATIONSymmetry Tolerance ZoneSymmetry Tolerance.Symmetry TOLERANCE OF LOCATI30


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