仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 1 Section B 课件(共31张PPT)

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Topic 1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm?Section B Dinghu Mountain bluer fresher greenerclearer airskyt swater Panlong Gorge beautifulmore friendlyclearfriendliermore beautiful friendlynicenicererinterestingmore Which do you like better, Dinghu Mountain or Panlong Gorge?I like better. plantsrose/ rz/ insect-Because butterflies are more beautiful than other insects./nsekt /- Which do you like better ,butterflies or spiders? spider butterfly locust- Why do you think so?- I like butterflies better. animals frog/ frg /- Which do you like better ,birds or snakes?best ,birds , snakes or frogs? - Because are more than other animals.- Why do you think so?- I like better ./ best the most of all the animals . Which do you like better , plants or animals? Why? plants animals I have English every day . Which animal do you like best? Why? Talk about your favorite things, the following expressions may help you.-Which kind of do you like better, or ? best, , or ?- I like better/best.-Why do you think so?-Because its more than the most of all the .plants animals cow horse hen bird dog cat duck pig goose复数geese sheep复数sheep mouse复数mice Check your sounds Look at the pictures and write down the words according to the sounds. Then listen and check the vowels and stress./ frDg /_ / Insekt /_ / sneik /_ frog insect snake3录音3-P84 / fDks /_ / gu:s /_/ kau /_ / i:p /_ fox goosecow sheep What does each of them like better ? Now watch the flash of 1a, and finish 1b.1a视频1a-P83 Wang WeiMichaelJaneMaria dogsbirdsrosescats cuterfriendlierbeautifulthe nicest of allGroup work Match the people with the things they like and their reasons according to 1a. 1c Read 1a and fill in the blanks. Then report the passage to your partner. Wang Wei likes _ better and he thinks roses are the _ of all the flowers. Michael likes _ better because he thinks they are _. They make us happy. Jane likes _ best because they are _ than other animals. Maria likes _ because they are _ and they can _ to us. Kangkang likes both _ and _ because they are both _ to us. We _ the same world with them.plantsnicest animalsfriendliercats birdsbeautiful singplants anim lsimportant sh recuter录音1a-P83 Language points:1. I think animals are friendlier / more friendly.2. Roses are the nicest of all the flowers. 3. play with 与. 玩耍 4. As we know, plants and animals are important to us. 5. We share the world with them.与分享 more+多音节形容词构成比较级最高级+of allEg. 别玩火。Dont play with fire.Eg. 据我们所知,书对于我们是重要的。As we know, books are important to us.Eg.让我们和朋友一起分享糖果吧。 Lets share the candies with our friends. 谈论更喜欢动物养宠物狗使我们快乐所有花之中最美丽的跟狗玩耍唱歌给我们听据我们所知对我们来说很重要跟某人共用某物 talk about like animals better keep a pet dog make us happy the nicest of all the flowers play with the dog sing to us as we know be important to us share sth. with sb.Underline the phrases Name Do you like plants or animals? What animal/plant do you like better,or? Why ?S1S2S3S4Report like this: In our group S1 likes animals, he keeps a pet cat, he thinks animals are more interesting. Because animals are our friends. They make us happy. S2 likes plants better, he thinks roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. S3 likes birds, he thinks they are beautiful like flowers, and they can sing to people. Make a survey in groups and report in class -Which kind of do you like better, or ? best, , or ?- I like better/best.-Why do you think so?-Because its more than the most of all the .Theme: Share the world with the plants and animals. Practice1.The news is _than that. A. important B. importanter C. more important D. the more important2. What color do you like_, blue or green ? A. best B. better C. the best D. the better3. He is _better today. A. more B. much C. many D. most4. Rowing is _ _ _walking. (划艇比走路更有趣。) 5_ _ _,dogs are our friends. (众所周知)6.Good friends s_ happiness and sadness.C BBmore interesting thanAs we knowhare


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