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Stand up,please!Spring FestivalUnit One Men and Women Prejudice Passage A Listen&TalkLetLet s listen.s listen.Listen to the following passage,and identify which pictures are mentioned in it.First timeSecond TimeSecond TimeIn Britain,people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions,or to _(S1)stereotyped views of them.For example,sailors are_(S2)to have a“wife”in every port,university professors are often seen as_(S3)or forgetful.There are a lot of dirty jokes about sales representatives,and they are generally regarded as not particularly _(S4).Other jobs may be well-paid or very _(S5),but the general public thinks they are funny or rather _(S6).For instance,in most other European countries _(S7).Funnily enough,in Britain engineers are thought of as gloomy rather than cheerful _(S8).Second timeThird TimeThird TimeIn Britain,people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions,or to _(S1)stereotyped views of them.For example,sailors are_(S2)to have a“wife”in every port,university professors are often seen as_(S3)or forgetful.There are a lot of dirty jokes about sales representatives,and they are generally regarded as not particularly _(S4).Other jobs may be well-paid or very _(S5),but the general public thinks they are funny or rather _(S6).For instance,in most other European countries _(S7).Funnily enough,in Britain engineers are thought of as gloomy rather than cheerful _(S8).Third timeCheck upCheck up In Britain,people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions,or to _(S1)stereotyped views of them.For example,sailors are_(S2)to have a“wife”in every port,university professors are often seen as_(S3)or forgetful.There are a lot of dirty jokes about sales representatives,and they are generally regarded as not particularly _(S4).Other jobs may be well-paid or very _(S5),but the general public thinks they are funny or rather_(S6).For instance,in most other European countries_(S7).Funnily enough,in Britain engineers are thought of as gloomy rather than cheerful_ _(S8).holdsupposedabsent-mindeddependableresponsibleboring engineers are assumed to be somebody as result of peoples ignorance of the importance of engineers in the societyProverbs about men and womenA woman,a dog and a walnut tree,the more you beat them,the better they will be.女人,狗和胡桃树越打越出息。A man of straw is worth of a woman of gold.草包男人也比得上金做的女人。Man,woman and devil are three degrees of comparison.男人老大,女人老二,恶魔是老三。Upon graduation from a medical college,a male student wants to look for a job as a nurse at a hospital.But his mother strongly opposes it.On the phone,they are discussing whether the son should go for it.SituationSituationRoleRoleARoleRoleBYou are the male student(Mike),intending to work as a male nurse.You should try to persuade your mother who is against your plan.Upon graduation from a medical college,a male student wants to look for a job as a nurse at a hospital.But his mother strongly opposes it.On the phone,they are discussing whether the son should go for it SituationSituationRoleRoleARoleRoleBYoure the mother of the student.You cant agree to your sons plan to be a nurse because you dont think the job is suitable for a man.Upon graduation from a medical college,a male student wants to look for a job as a nurse at a hospital.But his mother strongly opposes it.On the phone,they are discussing whether the son should go for it SituationSituationRoleRoleARoleRoleBImportant Words abusiveabusive 词源词源:拉丁语拉丁语 ab-离开离开 to use 使用使用 v.&n.abuse Eg.abuse drugs/the abuse of drugsrelating to abuse/physically injurious to anotherabusive punishment:体罚体罚 E.g.He made many abusive remarks to me.他对我口出恶言。applaudapplaud 词源词源:拉丁语拉丁语 ad-前缀,表示前缀,表示“添加添加”plaud 轰鸣轰鸣 n.applause鼓掌;喝彩鼓掌;喝彩 To express approval of(someone or something)especially by such clapping.E.g.Everyone applauded when the play ended.称赞称赞 praise:E.g.I applaud your decision.同义词同义词 synonyms:root for/cheerapplaud sb.向喝彩;赞扬applaud sth.称赞1.They applauded the singer.2.Chinese,African Presidents applauded New Strategic Partnership.为为喝彩喝彩称赞称赞新型战略合新型战略合作关系作关系bombard bombard worry with questions,requests,complaints,etc.E.g.to bombard with questions 连珠炮似地质问连珠炮似地质问E.g.E.g.The audience The audience bombardedbombarded him him withwith many questions.many questions.I I m not very keen on watching TV,because whenever m not very keen on watching TV,because whenever you turn it on,you are you turn it on,you are bombardedbombarded withwith a lot of a lot of advertisements.advertisements.consequentlyconsequently adv.,as a result E.g.Mr Foster has never been to China.Consequently/Hence he knows very little about it.福斯特先生从未去过中国,所以对中国了解得很少。bomb 炮轰;炮炮轰;炮击击困扰;质问困扰;质问bomb 炸弹missile 导弹bullet 子弹bomb 炸弹炸弹 a time bomb 定时炸弹定时炸弹 a smoke bomb 烟烟幕弹幕弹 原子弹原子弹Has the country got the bomb now?那个国家现在有原子弹吗?那个国家现在有原子弹吗?deadbeat/dead-beat (infml.)person who has no job and no money and has lost the will to live an active life 事业而穷途潦倒的人事业而穷途潦倒的人 a.精疲力尽的精疲力尽的dead heat result in a race when two competitors finish at exactly the same time 两个竞赛者同时到达终点的比赛成两个竞赛者同时到达终点的比赛成绩绩This game was amazing,for the puzzled everyone.dead heatHaving been wandering the street for a whole day,the deadbeat was deadbeat in the evening.这个游手好闲的人在街头闲逛这个游手好闲的人在街头闲逛了一整天,晚上感到疲惫不堪。了一整天,晚上感到疲惫不堪。devalue devalue v.(=devaluate)n.devaluationcause or be responsible for a lessening of value or cause or be responsible for a lessening of value or quality quality E.g.Lots of people tried to Lots of people tried to devaluedevalue the great writer the great writer s s work,all in vain.work,all in vain.dubious dubious dubious about sth.-doubtful of/about sth.synonyms:uncertain/questionable/doubtfulentailentail v.en-使成为使成为 tail 尾部尾部/继承继承 involve;make necessary Writing a history book entails a lot of work.entail sth.on sb.使使负担负担/继承继承E.g.The land is entailed on the eldest son.辨析辨析opp.revalue 升值;重新估价升值;重新估价近近 appreciate 升值升值depreciate 贬值贬值要花要花doubtful 语气较强,明确表示怀疑 怀疑“不是/不行E.g.It is doubtful whether she will be admitted to graduate school.她能否考上研究生很可疑。She was doubtful of their good intensions.她怀疑他们的好意。dubious 语气较弱,带有“猜疑”、“半信半疑”mistrust:E.g.dubious about agreeing to go迟疑不决到底同意还是不同意去;suspicious 怀疑“是”E.g.I feel suspicious that he is a thief.我怀疑他是个贼。sb./sth.作主语都行sb./sth.作主语都行sb./sth.作主语都行flaunt v.show off E.g.flaunt ones new clothes,car 炫耀自己的新衣炫耀自己的新衣服、汽车服、汽车 He is always flaunting his wealth.他总是摆阔。他总是摆阔。flexibility flexibility of the body 身体的柔韧性身体的柔韧性flexible(adj.)灵活的;柔韧的;弹性的灵活的;柔韧的;弹性的flaunt ones wealth 炫耀自己的财富;摆阔fulfill v.perform,carry out,accomplish E.g.He had fulfilled many of his youthful ambitions before he was fifty.The administration failed to fulfill its promises to revive the economy of the country.glaringE.g.This glaring light hurts eyes.这耀眼的灯光伤眼睛。这耀眼的灯光伤眼睛。fulfill ones duties 尽职尽职fulfill a command 执行命令执行命令fulfill sb.s hopes 满足满足的期的期望望household n.family,housework household chores 家务杂活家务杂活household appliances marginalize neglect;ignoremargin n.边缘;页边空白边缘;页边空白marginal a.边缘的;页边的边缘的;页边的marginalize:使边缘化使边缘化 忽略;排斥忽略;排斥Eg.Never marginalize anyone and anything.n.一家人;家庭一家人;家庭 a.家庭的;家用的家庭的;家用的家用电器家用电器The household was still sleep at six in the morning.household 指抽象的家庭,也指家务和家事 住在一个房子里的都可叫household eg.寄宿家庭house 指房子home 强调“窝”的意思family 指家庭成员obligation v.duty E.g.under an obligation有义务;必须有义务;必须We are under an obligation to help.I have no obligation to that child.omit 源自源自 拉丁语拉丁语ob-against mittere to send To fail to include or mention;leave out:n.omission omitted规律规律:permit permission commitcommission.omit=leave out delete=write offhave obligation to sb.对对负有责任负有责任petty insignificant;trifling;trivial/mean(sb.)petty 指与同类的其他事物相比,显得小或不指与同类的其他事物相比,显得小或不重要,有琐细、微不足道之意。重要,有琐细、微不足道之意。trivial 除具有除具有petty 之意外还含有平凡、常见、之意外还含有平凡、常见、不值得考虑或注意之意。不值得考虑或注意之意。trifling 小得几乎无价值或意义可言。小得几乎无价值或意义可言。Dont be so petty.不要那么小气。presence n.being present antonym:absence E.g.She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.These famous film stars presence greatly brightened up the evening party.Your presence at the meeting is requested.in the presence of sb.在在面前面前presence of mind 镇定;沉着镇定;沉着proportion 比例比例 absence of mind心不心不在焉在焉reactionary react v.to对对做出回应做出回应 against 反对反对reaction n.strive v.struggle hard strove,striven,striving 奋斗;抗争奋斗;抗争 E.g.He strove for recognition as an artist.strive for 为为而奋斗而奋斗strive against/with 与与作斗争作斗争strive against fatesupposedly ad.as believed,as it appearsE.g.Supposedly she is a rich woman,but no one knows for sure.He went home to his father supposedly to help him.token phrases:by the same token:in/like manner;similarlyin token of:as an indication of:作为作为的标志的标志/成为成为的纪念:的纪念:a ring given in token of love由于同样由于同样原因;同原因;同样的样的in proportion as(+句子)in proportion to(+n.)按的比例;与成正比 in proportion with 与成比例,相称trend general direction,tendency Eg.She always follows the latest trend in fashion.她总是追求最新的潮流款式。她总是追求最新的潮流款式。follow the trend 追求潮流追求潮流set the trend 引领新潮流引领新潮流at the worst 在最坏(不利)的情况下在最坏(不利)的情况下Eg.At the worst shell be expelled from school.at best 充其量;至多充其量;至多Eg.充其量他们也就得个亚军。充其量他们也就得个亚军。They will win second place at best.at large 一般;整个;总体上一般;整个;总体上Eg.Did the people at large approve of the government policy?是否所有人都赞同政府的政策呢?是否所有人都赞同政府的政策呢?hold upas 举出举出作为例子,提出作为例子,提出作作为榜样为榜样Eg.They held him up as a model to the young people.take on 承担,从事承担,从事/呈现呈现take on a festive air 呈现出一派节日景象呈现出一派节日景象take on more work 承但更多工作承但更多工作throw up 呕吐呕吐,猛地举起猛地举起,放弃放弃,产生产生,使显眼使显眼Eg.Never throw up your hand.Exercise1.The schoolmaster _the girls bravery in his opening speech.A.applauded B.enhanced C.elevated D.clapped(A)2.The whole _used to live together,and Grandmother managed the entire _.A.familyhousehold B.householdfamilyC.homehouseD.housefamily(A)3.Parents have a legal _ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.A.impulse B.influenceC.obligationD.sympathy(C)4.The amount of money you get will be in proportion the work you do.Theyve built a house thats completely in proportion the size of the lot.Youve got what you should get in proportion you paid.towithasThe EndThank you for your attention!


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