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2002 Mark A.Huselid Rutgers University,SMLR 94 Rockafeller Rd.Piscataway,NJ 08854-8054 Tel:732-445-5445 email:huselidrci.rutgers.eduThe HR Scorecard:Linking The HR Scorecard:Linking People,Strategy,and PerformancePeople,Strategy,and PerformanceMark HuselidMark HuselidProfessor of HR StrategyProfessor of HR StrategySchool of Management and Labor Relations,School of Management and Labor Relations,Rutgers UniversityRutgers Universitywww.rci.rutgers.edu/huselidwww.rci.rutgers.edu/huselidApril 10,2002April 10,20022 2002 Mark A.HuselidKey Points For TodayWhat is the role of HR strategy in employee and organization effectiveness?Why what is the role of HR measurement and the HR Scorecard in implementing strategy?What questions should an HR Scorecard answer?How do we build one?How can we use it to help us rapidly implement strategy?Strategic Choice and People“Fit”-Ulrich&Beatty,HRMJ,2001Operational ExcellenceProduct LeadershipCustomer Intimacy-Cost-Innovation-Solutions Core Workforce Mindset Identifies with process Trainable/can learn Follows the battle plan Dedicated to organization Shorter-term focus Avoid waste and cost Driven by incremental improvement High concern for output quantity High concern for process High comfort with stability Identifies with,values,and is humbled by the discovery process Challenges the possible/status quo Anti-bureaucratic Longer-term focus Versatile Driven by learning Higher concern for outcomes Higher tolerance for ambiguity Greater degree of risk-taking Identifies with customers Shares secrets readily,easily Seeks customer intelligence Adaptable/flexible Makes customer results happen Quick Study Driven by customer success Anticipates customer needs NOT:Free spirits/ostentatious NOT:Structured/StreamlinedNOT:Clones Typical BehaviorsExamples TeamworkWorking to fit in/find a role Relatively repetitive/predictable behaviors Primarily individual activity Problem solving Challenging one another Cross-functional collaboration High degree of creative behavior Share ideas and solutions Thinks/works across boundaries Develops broad-based skills Networks effectivelyFederal Express,Dell,Nucor,Wal-Mart,UPS,Home DepotGlaxo,Merck,3M,Intel,Nike,Microsoft,AstraZeneca,Novartis,Ralph Lauren,Donna KaranFour Seasons,Airborne,Roadway,Cott,Cable&Wireless,Price-Waterhouse-Coopers,McKinsey&Co4 2002 Mark A.HuselidTangible Versus Intangible AssetsTangible AssetsIntangible AssetsReadily visibleInvisible Rigorously quantifiedDifficult to quantifyPart of the balance SheetNot tracked thru accountingInvestment produces known returnsAssessment based on assumptionsCan easily be duplicatedCannot be bought or imitatedDepreciates with useAppreciates with purposeful useHas finite applicationsHas multiple applicationsBest management with“scarcity”mentalityBest managed with“abundance”mentalityBest leveraged through controlBest leveraged thru alignmentCan be accumulated and storedDynamic,short shelf life when not in useSource:Hubert Saint-Onge5 2002 Mark A.HuselidMarket Value of Intangibles Is Increasing6 2002 Mark A.Huselid Caterpillar APrice to earnings10.68 N/APrice to book 3.08107.79Price to cash flow 7.95 4,532Price to sales 0.76 31.89Revenue per employee$350,000$993,000New Wave AccountingNew Wave AccountingSource:New York Times7 2002 Mark A.HuselidMeasures That Matter-Mavrinac&Siesfield(1997)35%of an institutional investors valuation of a company is attributable to non-financial information such as:Strategy ExecutionManagement CredibilityStrategy QualityInnovativenessAttracting and Retaining TalentManagement ExperienceCompensationFinancial PerspectiveCustomer PerspectiveInnovation&Lrng PerspectiveInternal Business PerspectiveHow do we look to our Investors?How do our customers see us?How can we improve&create value?What must we excel at?GOALSMEASURESMEASURESMEASURESMEASURESGOALSGOALSGOALSEquityProfitsMarket ShareShare Price GrowthReturn on EquityEVA/MVAControllable ProfitsMarginsProductivityValue/PriceCustomer ServiceQualitySpeedMarket ShareSurvey Questions -Recommend -Shop again?-AssessmentTechnologyLeadershipSpeedUse of Information TechnologyUse of Logistics TechnologyEmployee GrowthWork EffectivenessCostSpeedQualityLine of BusinessSuccessProcess CostsOrder to DeliveryContribution Margins*Source:Adapted from Kaplan&Norton(1992;1993;1996)A Sample Balanced Scorecard 9 2002 Mark A.HuselidHuman Capital Architecture Is a Key Driver of Strategy ImplementationThe HR Function-HR Professionals with strategic competenciesThe HR System-High performance-Strategically aligned Employee Behaviors -Strategically Focused10 2002 Mark A.HuselidWhat Do We Mean by“HR Measurement?”1.ROI of individual practices(e.g.,training,selection,etc.)?2.Activity metrics in the HR function(e.g.,cost per hire,days to fill)?3.An HR Scorecard as a tool for strategy implementation?4.External reporting(to shareholders)of human capital investments and values?11 2002 Mark A.HuselidWhat Questions Should an HR Scorecard Answer?Do our HR managers have the requisite competencies?Have the right HR practices been developed and effectively implemented?Do employees experience this system as internally consistent and aligned with strategy?12 2002 Mark A.HuselidQuestions(Cont)Have we developed the right culture?Are employees responding to this system in a way that will drive strategy implementation and business results?Have we developed and implemented this system in a cost efficient manner?Can we estimate the degree of impact of investments in HR on buyer behavior,and ultimately shareholder value?13 2002 Mark A.HuselidA Key MetricEmployee Strategic Focus:To what extent can your employees accurately describe your strategy and how their job contributes to its implementation?14 2002 Mark A.HuselidIncreasing Measurement Sophistication Creates Employee Strategic FocusTraditionalHR-Focused Operational Measures1Strategic(Clear Causal Chain Identified)Measurement-led Management(Acting on Measures)Measure ProfitRelationshipsTracking Intangibles without Managing Intangibles432NF NF$NF NF$NF NF$.46.62.82$=Financial MeasuresNF=Non-financial Measures15 2002 Mark A.HuselidLevel 4 Example:SearsLevel 4 Example:SearsCompelling Place to WorkCompelling Place to ShopCompelling Place to Invest16 2002 Mark A.Huselid The Revolution at SearsThe Revolution at Sears“It was exciting stuff.We could see how employee It was exciting stuff.We could see how employee attitudes drove not just customer service but also attitudes drove not just customer service but also turnover and the likelihood that employees would turnover and the likelihood that employees would recommend Sears and its merchandise to friends,recommend Sears and its merchandise to friends,family,and customers.We discovered that an family,and customers.We discovered that an employees ability to see the connection between his or employees ability to see the connection between his or her work and the companys strategic objectives was a her work and the companys strategic objectives was a driver of positive behavior.We were also able to driver of positive behavior.We were also able to establish fairly precise statistical relationships.We establish fairly precise statistical relationships.We began to see exactly how a change in training or began to see exactly how a change in training or business literacy affected revenues.”business literacy affected revenues.”FFSource:Rucci,Kirn,&Quinn,HBR,Jan-Feb 1997Source:Rucci,Kirn,&Quinn,HBR,Jan-Feb 199717 2002 Mark A.Huselid Sears(Cont)Sears(Cont)FFPredictive model:A 5 point increase in employee attitudes will lead to a 1.3%increase in customer satisfaction which leads to a 5%increase in store revenueFFSource:Rucci,Kirn,&Quinn,HBR,Jan-Feb 1997Source:Rucci,Kirn,&Quinn,HBR,Jan-Feb 1997 Clearly Define Business StrategyCreate a Strategy Map Leading and Lagging Indicators Tangibles and Intangibles Align the HR Architecture with HR DeliverablesHR Function HR System Strategic Employee Behaviors Design the Strategic Measurement System Develop HR Scorecard(leading,lagging,cost control,&value creation measures)Measure HR Intangibles Firm Performance Relationships Implement Management by Measurement Regularly test measures against strategy mapLinking Human Resources Architecture and Measurement SystemsBuild a Business Case for HR as a Strategic AssetIdentify HC Deliverables Within the Strategy Map Step 1:Clarify Strategy20 2002 Mark A.HuselidStep 2:Build a Business Case for investing in HR and in MeasurementBe clear about how&why HR matters for strategy implementationUnderstand HRs role in value creationUnderstand HRs role in cost control21 2002 Mark A.Huselid Step 3:Create a Strategy MapDevelop consensus about how the business creates valueResults in cause and effect statements about leading and lagging performance driversLeading:what you manageLagging:performance outcomesReprinted with permission of GTE Corporation23 2002 Mark A.HuselidCompetenciesMotivationWork OrganizationXX=HumanCapitalDeliverableStep 4:Identify HC Deliverables Within the Strategy Step 4:Identify HC Deliverables Within the Strategy MapMapn n Not all“people”issues drive strategyNot all“people”issues drive strategyn n This step is about determining which ones do This step is about determining which ones do24 2002 Mark A.HuselidStep 5:Align HR Architecture With HC Deliverables HCSystem HR FunctionStrategically FocusedBehaviorsHR FunctionHC SystemStrategic Employee Behaviors25 2002 Mark A.HuselidStep 6:Design a Strategic Measurement System Develop HC Scorecard(leading,lagging,cost control,and value creation measures)“Nest”measures to ensure that success at lower levels leads to success at higher levelsCreate appropriate line-of-sight at all levels of the organizationHR Scorecard TemplateHR AlignmentHR Deliverables Skills Motivation Work EnvironmentHR Manager CompetenciesPersonal Credibility*Change management*Culture Management*Delivery of HR basics*Knowledge of the Business*Strategic Performance managementHigh Performance Work SystemSelection&promotion linked to competency model*Development&promotions linked to the needs of the business*Performance management&compensation systems attract,select,and motivate employees Internal Alignment(Fit)among HR management practices External Alignment(Fit)with line managers strategic goalsHR Efficiency Relative Cost TimelinessHR Scorecard Template HR DeliverablesHR AlignmentHigh PerformanceWork SystemHR EfficiencyHR ScorecardObjectiveMeasureTargetInitiativeHR Manager Competencies HR initiatives and systemsPeople Competenciesand HR outcomesEmployees actively work to implement strategyGoals from Strategy Map“Big Fabulous Ideas”Are Created!Employee performance rated on Selling and Generating ideas gets physical engagement of the right people demonstrates pt of view generates interest in ideas develops compelling business case strong relationship management performance%of Inspirational Players retained avg.Ideas Profile score of new hires.%employees who see compensation linked to BFI performance drivers%who understand how their job contributes to S&S performance%new hires thru Ideas Brief Training%new hired using Ideas Profiler competency model%rollout of new incentive pay plan%rollout of strategic focus initiativeStrategy Map at Advertising,Inc.Implementing an HR Scorecard:Advertising,Inc.HR DeliverablesHR AlignmentHigh PerformanceWork SystemHR EfficiencyHR ScorecardObjectiveMeasureTargetInitiativeHR Manager CompetenciesGenerate Ideas(IP)demonstrates pt of view engages right people generates interest 90%of PPI ratings at“Peak”No Final PPI rating below“Expected”Ideas Brief Training by deadline Training costs at or below industry norm 75%new hires trained with 3mths start date.actual/industry norm 100%trained 90-100%of industry norm Hiring Focuses on Ideas People Rewards aligned to motivate HR Deliverables Development focused on HR Deliverables Alignment Index No negativeratings Average ratingof at least 50%Peak.Selection using Ideas Profiler Reward system for“Inspirational Players”Implement Ideas Brief Trg.360 Appraisal System HR Directors possess competencies that are linked to the needs of the business Rating on validated competency assessment tool(360)New hire score on Idea Profiler Pay differential.Training Pre-Post Idea Score.360 feedback completed as required At least half of all criteria are rated at Peak Performance.x%above 90 avg differential of x%number trained by deadline 100 participation Targeted in-house and external development programs.Special developmental projects.Develop partnerships agency/acct.leaders Track progress of implementation BFI competency model Idea Profile Training Design and roll out equity and bonus program.Develop and impl 360.Sell Ideas(IP)relationship mgt performance dev.persuasive bus.case360 feedback clients team members leader30 2002 Mark A.HuselidStep 7:Overview of Change Processes(GEs Model)Leading change(WHO)Creating a shared need(WHY)Shaping a vision(WHAT)Mobilizing commitment(WHO ELSE)Using levers for change(HOW)Monitoring progress(HOW)Making it last(HOW)31 2002 Mark A.HuselidThe Importance of CommunicationSeven times,seven modesExample:Verizons MovieExample:Learning Maps(From Root Learning,Inc.)32 2002 Mark A.Huselid33 2002 Mark A.HuselidWhat Have We Learned So Far?Best Processes in Measuring and Evaluating HRM SystemsDerived from a very clear understanding of firm strategy and operational goalsLinked to the key value drivers throughout the business Is focused on the“vital few”measures that really make a differenceBased on sound behavioral science research methodsUses“nested”measures of performanceIs used by managers as a key decision-making tool34 2002 Mark A.HuselidYour Questions:


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