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IDIOMS About Animalsby julia大家好IDIOMS About Animalsby juliaLet us begin?在英语写作中我们总是在思考怎么做到严谨与优美,但是我觉得有时在写作中也可以考虑加入一些趣味元素,比如用到一些关于动物的俚语。来给文章增添一丝情趣和幽默。当然因为东西方文化的差异,对于同一种动物我们会有一些不同的理解,下面就给同学们分享一些相关信息。大家好2Let us begin?在英语写作中我们总是在思考怎么做到Rat?汉语中的“胆小如鼠”,“鼠目寸光”等词皆有猥琐、卑微等意。作为英语俚语中的rat指人时喻意与汉语稍有出入,但也含有贬义eg.I can smell a rat.我觉得事有蹊跷He rats me out.他把我给卖了大家好3Rat?汉语中的“胆小如鼠”,“鼠目寸光”等词皆有猥琐、卑微he is not loyal and always tricks other people.he is such a disgustngrat.he didnt keep his promise and ratted on it.鼠辈,卑鄙小人,讨厌的人背弃诺言大家好4he is not loyal and always triCow&horse?中国人以牛比喻强壮、勤劳,而在英国马曾经是最重要的交通工具,牛则很少干活,故马在英国文化中是勤劳和吃苦耐劳的象征。eg.work like a horse 力大如牛change horse in the midstream 临阵换将大家好5Cow&horse?中国人以牛比喻强壮、勤劳,而在英国马?I am so hungry.I can eat a horse.?he eats like a horse.?when facing difficulties,dont complain.it is toflog a dead horse?I am fired.I heard it from the horse mouth.?Our principal,Mr.Williams,is the top banana at our school.eat like a horse?to flog a dead horse吃的很多 eat like a bird?徒劳,没用的.老板的口中头头,大老板大家好6?I am so hungry.I can eat a hhave a cow till the cows come homedont have a cow;it is not a big deal!dont wait for the result anxiously.it willnt come out till the cows come home.Why buy the cow when the milk is free?焦虑不安,暴跳如雷很长时间舍近求远大家好7have a cow till the cows cometiger&lion?如果在中国文化中老虎是“林中之王”,那么在英美文化中这顶桂冠就要送给狮子。狮子隐喻勇敢、彪悍的人。?as majestic as a lion勇猛威严?The British Lion 不列颠之狮(指英国)?the lions mouth虎穴?a lion in the way拦路虎大家好8tiger&lion?如果在中国文化中老虎是“林中之王”If you dont enter a tigers den(兽穴),you cant get his cubs(幼崽).fight like a tiger?she fought like a tiger to protect her children.he is tigerish.像老虎的,凶猛有力的大家好9If you dont enter a tigers dthe lions share?lionhearted?mom divided the cake into four.Tom got the lions share.he is lionheartedand fights like a lion.最大的一份勇猛的大家好10the lions share?lionheart兔子几种表达:rabbit(家兔),hare(野兔)bunny(小兔子)。?兔子在中国文化中可谓有褒有贬,生性温顺老实,所以属兔的人多被认为高贵大方、深受爱戴。但“狡兔三窟”,“兔崽子”等词又可以看出它的不好之处。在英语中则常用作贬义。大家好11兔子几种表达:rabbit(家兔),hare(野兔)bunRabbit?:he plays the game so badly.?:yean,such a rabbit?he runs like a rabbit.?even a rabbit will bite when it is cornered.?The fox preys farthest from his hole.rabbit 在口语中指拙劣的运动员(尤指网球运动员)兔子逼 急了会咬人runs very fast.兔子不吃窝边草。大家好12Rabbit?:he plays the game soharehe got on the train without a ticket;he isa hare.he grew so angry,and as mad as a march hare.mad as a march hare十分狂野的,野性大发的没有买票的人大家好13harehe got on the train withouSheep/Goat/lamb 羊在中国上古人的眼中,形象漂亮,温驯忠厚,腼腆害羞,羊肉可口,因此便有了甲骨文的“美“善”“鲜”“羞”等汉字。西方圣经中把耶稣喻为羔羊,有时也把普通的基督教信徒比喻为羊。略有不同的是,耶稣常为未成年的“羔羊(lamb)”,而信徒们却是成年的“绵羊(sheep)”。羊具备许多人类所具有的高贵品质:心地善良、温良谦恭、纯洁无暇,本性上很少有挑衅性但却有宽容度,因而基督教徒对它的赞扬几乎达到登峰造极的地步。大家好14Sheep/Goat/lamb 羊在中国上古人的眼中,形象漂She had a rather sheepish smile.she casts sheeps eyes at me;she seems to like me.he drinks alcohol a lot,fight;and gradually becomes a lost sheep.a lost sheep 误入歧途的人向 送秋波温柔、害羞的大家好15She had a rather sheepishsmile?sheep作褒义时作褒义时he was as coward as a sheep.nobody wants to be called a black sheep.?goat(山羊)(山羊)指色鬼,淫荡的人 an old goathe acts rudely like a goat.eg.separate the sheep from the goats a wolf in sheeps clothing 胆小鬼害群之马。行为莽撞的人分辨善人与恶人披着羊皮的狼大家好16?sheep作褒义时he was as coward as Dog在中国文化中狗的寓意有褒有贬,狗虽忠实但有些用于形容人的词语都是贬义,比如:狗东西、狐朋狗友、狼心狗肺等。而在西方文化中,狗是家中的宠物,可享受较高的待遇,是人类最好的朋友,也是人们寄托感情的对象。Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残sick as a dog 病得厉害病得厉害top dog 最重要的人物as faithful as a dog 像狗一样忠诚an old dog barks not in vain(老狗不乱吠)比喻“老年人做事有经验”大家好17Dog在中国文化中狗的寓意有褒有贬,狗虽忠实但有些用于形容人he is a lucky dog.Love me love my dog.Barking dogs seldom bite.Every dog has his day.An old dog will learn no new tricks.爱屋及乌爱叫的狗 不咬人凡人皆有得意时凡人皆有得意时老狗学不了新把戏老狗学不了新把戏大家好18he is a lucky dog.Love me loveCat?猫在中国人眼里温顺可爱,猫在中国人眼里温顺可爱,中国人喜欢猫,而在西方文化中,猫是魔鬼“撒旦”的化身,是中世纪巫婆的守护神。尤其是黑猫让西守护神。尤其是黑猫让西方人深恶痛绝。cat 在英语中喻指“可鄙的女人”、“恶妇”。?eg.old cat脾气坏的老太婆A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命;吉人天相Cats hide their claws.知人知面不知心。大家好19Cat?猫在中国人眼里温顺可爱,中国人喜欢猫,而在西方文化中They lead a cat-and-dog life,so they decided to separated.?They are like cats and dogs.?cats and dogs 是指猫狗打架的时候嘈杂的声音是指猫狗打架的时候嘈杂的声音its raining cats and dogs.经常吵架的生活他们水火不相容下着倾盆大雨。大家好20They lead a cat-and-dog life,?I wanted mothers present to be secret,but my sister let the cat out of the bag.?she was like a cat on hot bricks before driving bricks.?when the cat is away,the mice will play.let the cat out of the bag a cat on hot bricks泄露机密坐立不安猫儿不在,老鼠玩的自在.指管事的人不在,下面的人玩的痛快。大家好21?I wanted mothers present to Pig/Swine猪,贬义,提及猪意味着自私、贪吃、迟钝、懒惰、固执、粗鄙、肮脏。如“死猪不怕开水烫”。What can you expect from a dog but a grunt?猪除了咕噜还能指望什么?猪除了咕噜还能指望什么?teach a pig to play on a flute(长笛)(长笛)赶鸭子上架赶鸭子上架大家好22Pig/Swine猪,贬义,提及猪意味着自私、贪吃、迟钝、懒he can win a million pound?pigs might fly./when pigs fly.I had a box of chocolates and pigged a lot.太阳从西边升起;不可能吃的过量,大吃特吃lets pig out.大家好23he can win a million pound?piFox指诡计多端,狡猾的人指诡计多端,狡猾的人He is an old fox.He is crazy like a fox he always plays the fox An old fox is not easily caught老狐狸不会被轻易捉住老狐狸不会被轻易捉住耍花招耍花招大家好24Fox指诡计多端,狡猾的人He is an old fox.She is a fox.She is foxy.她是很迷人的女郎,她她是很迷人的女郎,她非常地性感。非常地性感。the questions fox even the experts.i must i am totally foxed.把.难倒;使.猜不透困惑的大家好25She is a fox.She is foxy.她是很迷背口诀记单词有一个year(年)天空很clear(晴朗)下有个bear(狗熊)被割掉ear(耳朵)气跑了dear(爱人)想起了swear(誓言)流出了tear(眼泪)把眼镜wear(戴上)啃一个pear(梨)心里很fear(害怕)老虎在near(附近)可能会hear(听见)马上就appear(出现)赶快找spear(矛)大家好26背口诀记单词有一个year(年)天空很clear(晴朗)Bear在中国人的心目中,熊的形象一般是“行为缓慢”,具有“呆傻”之态。指人时常说“熊样”,股市中有“熊市”之说。?In English,such as a bad-tempered or bad-mannered person(粗鄙、鲁莽之人)(粗鄙、鲁莽之人)?be like a bear with a sore head 脾气暴躁脾气暴躁大家好27Bear在中国人的心目中,熊的形象一般是“行为缓慢”,具有“Kill two birds with one stone.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.Birds of a feather flock together.The early bird catches the worm.一箭双雕;一举两得。双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。物以类聚,人以群分。(早起的鸟捉到虫。)捷足先登。大家好28Kill two birds with one stone.others?asbusyasabee.忙碌至极忙碌至极?catspaw.?被人当爪牙利用的人;受人愚弄的人?Dont countyour chickens!?不要打如意算盘?till/until thecowscomehome.?遥遥无期;无限期?let sleepingdoglie.莫惹是非?like abull in achinashop.?非常笨拙卤莽?alittle bird told me.?有人私下告诉我?other fish to fry.?另有要事;有更重要的事要干seehowthecatjumps.?观望形势;窥探虚实大家好29others?asbusyasabee.忙碌至极?cats?aspoorasachurchmouse.?一贫如洗?thesheepandthegoats.?好人与坏人好人与坏人?let thecatout of thebag.?露出马脚;泄露秘密。?hang-doglook.?卑鄙的摸样;惭愧的脸色?white elephant.?无用的而且累赘的赠品?donkey-work.?沉重的苦活儿?dont countoneschickensbefore?they arehatched.?不要过早乐观?break abutterfly onawheel.?小题大做大家好30?aspoorasachurchmouse.?一贫如洗?thThanks for listening大家好Thanks for listening大家好结束大家好结束大家好


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