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英语写作之成文英语写作之成文1PART 01中 考 英 语 写 作 冲 刺中 考 英 语 写 作 冲 刺 记 叙 文记 叙 文写 人 篇写 人 篇PART 01中考英语写作冲刺记叙文2PART 01任务一:熟记写作四步走写作四步走审题提纲成文检查PART 01任务一:熟记写作四步走写作四步走审题提纲成文检3任务二:简单句升级方法基础写作话题之个人情况自古以来“友善”是中华民族的传统美德。英才国际学校广播台正在进行“我友好,我善良”系列人物介绍。请你根据下列表格提示和要求,写一篇介绍李华同学的文字稿。姓名:李华班级:九年三班日常表现:1.文明礼貌,主动热情问候他人2.团结友好,能与他人和睦相处3.富有爱心,力所能及帮助他人具体事例:任选日常表现之一,举例介绍愿望:做一个善良,有爱心的人参考词汇:say hello to;make friends;kindness;get on well with;care aboutsay hello to;make friends;kindness;get on well with;care aboutStep2:提纲开头(略)简介(姓名+班级)正文(详)日常表现结尾(略)愿望(善良+有爱)Step1 体裁 人称 时态 要点 写人 第三人称 一般现在时为主 人物简介 记叙文 一般过去时 表现事物 他的愿望任务二:简单句升级方法基础写作话题之个人情况自古以来“友善”4PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法自古以来“友善”是中华民族的传统美德。英才国际学校广播台正在进行“我友好,我善良”系列人物介绍。请你根据下列表格提示和要求,写一篇介绍李华同学的文字稿。S1:演讲稿万能开头:(1)Good morning,everyone!Its my honor to speak here.(2)Good morning,everyone!Its my honor to introduce one of my classmates.S2:人物介绍万能句式:(1)His/Her/My name is Lihua.(2)He comes from Class Three,Grade Nine.【简单句-并列句】(1)His name is Lihua and he comes from Class Three,Grade Nine.【简单句-复合句】(2)He is Lihua who comes from Class Three,Grade Nine.PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法自古以来“友善”是中华民5PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法日常表现:1.文明礼貌,主动热情问候他人;2.团结友好,能与他人和睦相处;3.富有爱心,力所能及帮助他人。具体事例:任选日常表现之一 举例介绍关键词:1.polite;greet others2.friendly;get on with others3.caring/warm-hearted;try ones best to help othersbe ready to help others in need简单句(主谓宾)1.He is polite and he always greets others.升级句1(+副词)1.He is polite and he always greets others warmly.升级句2(+时间/地点/原因/结果/条件)1.He is polite and he always greets others warmly whenever/wherever he meets teachers and classmates.1.He is so polite that he always greets others warmly whenever/wherever he meets teachers and classmates.PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法日常表现:关键词:简单句6PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法日常表现:1.文明礼貌,主动热情问候他人;2.团结友好,能与他人和睦相处;3.富有爱心,力所能及帮助他人。具体事例:任选日常表现之一 举例介绍关键词:1.polite;greet others2.friendly;get on with others3.caring/warm-hearted;try ones best to help othersbe ready to help others in need简单句(主谓宾)2.He is friendly and he gets on with others.升级句1(+副词)2.He is very/pretty/quite/extremely friendly and he gets on well with others.简单句(主谓宾)3.He is warm-hearted and he is always ready to help others.升级句1(+副词)3.He is warm-hearted and he is always ready to help others who are in trouble.when they are in trouble.PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法日常表现:关键词:简单句7PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法日常表现:1.文明礼貌,主动热情问候他人;2.团结友好,能与他人和睦相处;3.富有爱心,力所能及帮助他人。具体事例:任选日常表现之一 举例介绍关键词:1.polite;greet others2.friendly;get on with others3.caring/warm-hearted;try ones best to help othersbe ready to help others in need万能帮助别人/被别人帮助的模板遇到困难遇到困难第一句:One day,I met a quite difficuly math problem.第二句:I tried many ways to work it out,but I failed.尝试失败尝试失败李华帮忙李华帮忙进步感谢进步感谢第三句:When I was about to give up,Lihua explained it to me clearly until I understood it completely.第四句:Thanks to his help,I made great progress in learning math.PART 01任务二:简单句升级方法日常表现:关键词:万能帮8任务二:简单句升级方法愿望:做一个善良、有爱心的人参考词汇:say hello to;make friends;get on well with;care about;kindness表达“愿望”的万能模板He wishes to be a kind and warm-hearted person in the future.He wishes to be a man who is kind and warm-hearted in the future.表达“某人是榜样”的万能模板He sets a good example for us,so we should learn from him.Thats why he is the most respectable person in my life.任务二:简单句升级方法愿望:做一个善良、有爱心的人表达“愿望9任务三:写人记叙文素材AS the Chinese old saying goes,AS the Chinese old saying goes,Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.赠人玫瑰,手有余香。True friends should share joys and sorrows.A joy shared is a joy doubled;A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.真正的朋友应该同甘共苦,欢乐加倍,痛苦减半。任务三:写人记叙文素材AS the Chinese old 10成品展示 Good morning,everone!Its my honor to introduce one of my classmates.He is Lihua who comes from Class Three,Grade Nine.He is also polite that he always greets others warmly whenever he meets teachers and classmates.He is extremely friendly and he gets on well with others.He is warm-hearted and he is always ready to help others when they are in trouble.One day,I met a quite difficult math problem.I tried many ways to work it out,but I failed.When I was about to give up,Lihua explained it to me clearly until I understood it completely.Thanks to his help,I made great progress in learning math.He wishes to be a man who is kind and warm-hearted in the future.He sets a good example for us,so we should learn from him.成品展示 Good morning,ever11小结四步成文法StepStepStep先写简单句(主谓宾)+修饰名词的形容词+修饰动词的副词+修饰句子的时间/地点/原因/结果/条件+句子之间使用的逻辑联系词Step小结四步成文法StepStepStep 先写简单句(主谓宾)+12PART 01中 考 英 语 写 作 冲 刺中 考 英 语 写 作 冲 刺 记 叙 文记 叙 文记 事 篇记 事 篇PART 01中考英语写作冲刺记叙文13PART 01任务一:熟记写作四步走写作四步走审题提纲成文检查PART 01任务一:熟记写作四步走写作四步走审题提纲成文检14写事类记叙文某英文网站的“Student Life”栏目正在向中学生征文,标题为“A Time When I Made Someone Happy”请你写一篇稿件,内容包括以下要点1.Who was the person you made happy?2.When was it?3.What did you say or do?4.Why did it make him/her happy?5.How did you feel at that moment?Step1:审题体裁 写事类记叙文人称 第一、第三人称时态 一现、一过要点 人物/时间/内容/原因/方式Step2:提纲开头(略)人物正文(详)时间 经过 原因结尾(略)结果(感受)黄金分段:3段式+十句话写事类记叙文某英文网站的“Student Life”栏目正在15写事类记叙文审题提纲成文检查Step3:成文成文P1:Who was the person you made happy?(人物)I want to tell you a story about the time I made my classmate happy.I want to tell you my own experience about the time I made my classmate happy.叙事类作文都可以用下面的句式开头:I want to tell you a story about.I want to share you a story about.with you.I always remember the time.写事类记叙文审题提纲成文检查Step3:成文P1:Who w16写事类记叙文P2:时间、经过、原因2.When was it?3.What did you say or do?4.Why did it make him/her happy?万能帮助别人/被别人帮助的模板遇到困难遇到困难第一句:One day,one of my classmate met a quite difficuly English problem.第二句:He tried many ways to work it out,but he failed.尝试失败尝试失败帮助解决帮助解决进步感谢进步感谢第三句:When he was about to give up,I explained it to him clearly until he understood it completely.第四句:He made great progress in learning English,so he felt happy.写事类记叙文P2:时间、经过、原因万能帮助别人/被别人帮助的17补充更多的素材写事类记叙文不开心的原因:以学习上遇到困难为例He had difficult in learning.It was difficult for him to learn.He worked very hard to learn.But he didnt learn it well.So he was always unhappy.怎么做让他开心:鼓励+帮助I always told him not to give up.I helped him to learn.after school everday.He was very happy when his.became better and better.补充更多的素材写事类记叙文不开心的原因:以学习上遇到困难为例18P2:时间、经过、原因2.When was it?3.What did you say or do?4.Why did it make him/her happy?不开心的原因:以学习上遇到困难为例One week ago/Last week,my deskmate had difficult in learning math.He worked very hard,but he didnt learn it well.I helped him to learn math after school everyday.As time went by,I found him happy when his math became better and better.P2:时间、经过、原因不开心的原因:以学习上遇到困难为例On19【套入新模板】P3:How did you feel at that moment?I was extremely happy to see his improvement.In a word,not only did I help the people in need,but also I learnt a lot from this experience.写事类记叙文【套入新模板】P3:How did you feel at20写事类记叙文模板P1:Who was the person you made happy?(人物)I want to tell you a story about the time I made my classmate happy.I want to tell you my own experience about the time I made my classmate happy.P2:When/What/Why/HowOne week ago/Last week,my deskmate had difficult in learning math.He worked very hard,but he didnt learn it well.I helped him to learn math after school everyday.As time went by,I found him happy when his math became better and better.P3:How did you feel at that moment?I was extremely happy to see his improvement.In a word,not only did I help the people in need,but also I learnt a lot from this experience.写事类记叙文模板P1:Who was the person 21Thank you!Thank you!221.新闻特写则是用形象的事实说话。它常常抓住事物有特征的一面进行描述,比消息更细腻、更生动、更形象。2.由于新闻特写的画面感特别强,因此常给读者以身临其境的感受。3.“花香蝶自来,题好一半文”,一篇文章有一个好的标题,就像一个人有一双明亮有神的眼睛一样,留给别人的是将是十分美好而深刻的印象,同时也是文学修养,语言功底,思想魅力的最直接的流露,从考试的角度来说,更是作文质量高底的一杆标尺。4.对于话题作文的拟题我们一定要多一些有针对性的训练,掌握一定的技巧,达到需要应用时信手拈来,出语不俗的效果,感动自己,征服读者。5.这些根据材料提供的话题,进一步挖深、提炼出来的题目,源源源于材料而高于材料,加进去个体的感悟与理解,充满了理性的光辉,于平凡中见奇倔,也是很多喜欢定议论文的同学拟题一种好方法,很有思想深度。6.路在脚下,更在心中,“前方转弯”的路牌不是要你停下,而是提醒你该转弯了,心随路转,心路常宽。让思维转弯是人生的智慧,因为挫折往往是转折,危机同时也是转机。7.自主性是天才的基本特征。正如居里夫人所说:“我们每个人都有能力干好一件事。”古今中外,多少仁人志士以自主为经,以勤奋为纬,编织成功。8.生存于宇宙间,同顶烈日炎炎,共沐明月清辉,我不比别人多,也不比别人少。只要勇于展示自己的个性与风采,我就没必要仰视任何人。1.新闻特写则是用形象的事实说话。它常常抓住事物有特征的一面23


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