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Theme/Rheme 主位/述位118/05/2024 Theme/Rheme 主位/述位124/07/2 Theme and Rheme Content Types of Theme Thematic progression Theme/Rheme 主位/述位218/05/2024 Th Theme:the element which serves as the point of departure of the message.Rheme:the remainder of the message,the part in which the Theme is developed.Eg:He(T)/dictated his will.(R)What(T)/do you mean?(R)Theme/Rheme 主位/述位318/05/2024 Theme:the element which Types of Themes Simple theme Multiple themeTypes of Themes Clausal theme Marked theme Unmarked theme418/05/2024Types of Themes It refers to the Theme of a clause consisting of just one structural element,which can be represented by nominal group,adverbial group or prepositional group,whose number may be only one or more than one.Eg:Slowly(T)/he came into the classroom(R).Slowly and quietly(T),/he came into the classroom(R)Simple Theme518/05/2024 It refers to the Theme o If a sentence contains two or more than two clauses,the former one is called the clausal Theme.*当主位由一个小句表示时,它本身内部又可含有主位述位结构.Eg:If winter(T)comes(R)T/can spring far behind?RClausal Theme618/05/2024 If a sentence contains The multiple Theme refers to the Theme which is made up of many semantic constituents,which includes ideational,interpersonal and textual meaning.Eg:And(T Tex)maybe(T Int)you(T Id)/are wrong(R).sequential order:textual element interpersonal element ideational element.Multiple Theme718/05/2024 The multiple Theme refers Unmarked theme:The theme which is the Subject of the sentence.Eg:I(T)/am a singer(R)Marked theme:The theme which is something other than the Subject.Eg:Me(T)/they blame for it.(R)*一般来说,人们往往把无标记主语用作话语起点,但是为了达到强调某个成分的目的,讲话者可以选择有标记主位。Marked and Unmarked theme818/05/2024 Unmarked theme:The theme Constant Theme Pattern Patterns of Thematic Constant Rheme Pattern Progression Linear Theme Pattern Cross Theme Pattern Thematic Progression918/05/2024 Thematic Progression92(1)Constant Theme Pattern(主位同一型、平行型、放射型)Under this pattern,every clause shares the same Theme,different Rhemes.(几个句子的主位相同,述位各不相同。)R1 T R2 R3 Eg:My brother(T1)is in Japan(R1).He(T2=T1)has been there for two years(R2).He(T3=T1)is an engineer(R3).He(T4=T1)is working for a big company(R4).1018/05/2024Constant Theme Pattern(主位同一型、(2)Constant Rheme Pattern(述位同述位同一型、集中型、聚合型一型、集中型、聚合型)Under this pattern,the Themes in individual clauses are different;these different Themes all end up in the same Rheme.(几个句子的主位各不相同,但述位一致。)B T1 T2 R T3 Eg:John(T1)likes football(R1).Jim(T2)likes football(R2=R1).Every boy students in my class(T3)like football(R3=R1).1118/05/2024(2)Constant Rheme Pattern(述位同(3)Linear Theme Pattern (延续型、阶梯型延续型、阶梯型)Under this pattern,the Rheme or one part of the Rheme in the former sentence becomes the Theme for the next clause.(前一句的述位或述位的一部分成为后一句的主位。)T1R1 T2(=R1)R2 T3(=R2)R3 Eg:We(T1)visited the Great Wall(R1).The Great Wall(T2=R1)is in the northern part of China(R2).China(T3=R2)has witnessed many changes since the Great Wall was built(R3).1218/05/2024(3)Linear Theme Pattern (延续(4)Cross Theme Pattern(交叉型交叉型)Under this pattern,the Theme in the first sentence will become the Rheme in the second one.And then the Theme in the second sentence will become the Rheme in the third one,and so on.(前一句的主位是后一句的述位。)T1R1 T2R2 T3R3Eg:The play(T1)was interesting(R1),but I(T2)didnt enjoy it(R2=T1).A young man and a young woman(T3)troubled me(R3=T2).I(T4)turned round and looked at them(R4=T3),but they(T5)didnt pay any attention to me(R5=T4).1318/05/2024(4)Cross Theme Pattern(交叉型)谢谢观赏!145/18/2024谢谢观赏!147/24/2023


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