仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section D 课件(共22张PPT)

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What were you doing at this time yesterday? Learning goals( 目 标 ) :1、 Review the past continuous tense . ( 复 习 过 去 进 行 时 ) 2、 Learn some new words and phrases: ( 学 习 一 些 新 单 词 与 词 组 ) holy, however, solve, factory, closed, pray,a two-day weekend, tooto, blue Mondays, stop doing sth., in the early 1800s3、 Learn about the history of the two-day weekend.( 学 习 为 期 两 天 的 周 末 历 史 ) 4、 Talk about weekend activities.( 讨 论 周 末 活 动 ) What was he doing at this time yesterday ?He was listening to music.listen to musicplay basketballWhat were they doing at that time ?They were playing basketball. 过 去 进 行 时 : I _ _ a shower at this time yesterday.Many people _ _ together in their warm homes. _ you playing computer games? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.What _ you _ at this time yesterday? I _ _ some clothes.was taking were getting Were were doingwas washing was/were +doing Lead-in questions: How many days are there in a week?2. How many days are there in a weekend?3. Do you want to know anything about the weekend?There are seven.There are two. 基 督 教 的 圣 经 第 一 章 创 世 纪 。 大 意 是 :上 帝 the first day 创 造 了 天 地 , the second day 创 造 了 水 和 空 气 , the third day 创 造 了 植 物 , the fourth day 创 造 了 日 月 , the fifth day 创 造 了 鱼 、 鸟 等 生 物 , the sixth day 牲 畜 、 昆 虫 、 野 兽 以 及 管 理 这 一 切 的 人 。 the seventh day休 息 时 , 人 类 为 了 感 谢 上 帝 , 纷 纷 向 他朝 拜 。此 后 人 类 制 定 历 法 时 , seven days a week,the seventh day 休 息 , 但 必 须 朝 拜 上 帝 。 这 就 是 “ Sunday” 的 来 历 。 New words:holy hl adj. 神 圣 的 however haev adv. 然 而 ; 不 管 怎 样solve slv v. 解 决 ( 问 题 )factory fktr; fktri n. 工 厂closed klzd adj. 关 闭 的pray pre v. 祈 祷 ; 祈 求 a holy dayone and a half days holiday ( weekend )a two-day weekendA Short History of the Weekend 视 频 1-P771 Read and complete the passage with the correct expressions. felt too tired to work were closed all day rested and prayed made Saturday afternoon a holidayThe answers:C A D B a holy day When : Where:Who : What : before 1800at churchmany peoplerest and prayRead Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks. one and a half days holidayin the early 1800s the USA in 1874 England in 1930 Americaworkers played games,had fun,felt tootoblue Mondays made Saturday afternoon a holidaystopped workingthe beginning of the weekend0ffices were closed on Saturday afternoon1、 Read the rest paragraphs and underline the important phrases and sentences.2、 Find out the information about one and a half days holiday. a two-day weekend 一 个 两 天 的 周 末 Example: a three-leg table a two-floor building一 个 七 天 的 假 期 : a seven-day holiday一 个 八 岁 的 女 孩 : an eight-year-old girl Key pointstoo + 形 /副 词 to + do sth. 太 -而 不 能 - = so +形 /副 词 that 从 句 如 此 -以 至 于 - eg: 他 太 小 而 不 能 去 上 学 。He is young go to school. = He is young he cant go to school.too toso that in the 1800s 在 十 九 世 纪读 作 : in the eighteen hundreds也 可 以 表 达 为 in the 1800sin the1920s (1920s) 在 20世 纪 20年 代 读 作 : in the nineteen twenties in the 1790s in the 1350s in the 1970sin the 1480s Did you have a good time last Sunday? What were you doing at different times? Write a passage about it. The following words and phrases may help you.Activity Time Feelingdo ones homework play basketballwash ones clotheswatch a movie watch TV 8:00a.m-9:00a.m.10:00a.m.-12:00a.m.2:00p.m.-2:30p.m.3:00p.m.-5:00p.m.8:00p.m.-9:00p.m. happyexcited tired Work in pairsS1: What were you doing from8:00a.m.to9:00a.m. last Sunday?S2:I was doing my homework.Activity Time Feelingdo ones homework play basketballwash ones clotheswatch a movie watch TV 8:00a.m-9:00a.m.10:00a.m.-12:00a.m.2:00p.m.-2:30p.m.3:00p.m.-5:00p.m.8:00p.m.-9:00p.m. happyexcited tired You can write like this : Last Sunday I was very busy. I got up at 7:00 a.m. When Jim called me after breakfast, I my homework. He wanted me to play with him. We played basketball happily from 10:00 to 12:OO. In the afternoon, I my clothes from 2:00 to 2:30. From 3:00 to 5:00, I a movie. At 5:30 ,I helped my mother do the cooking. After supper, we all went out for a walk, and then we TV from 8:00 to 9:00. When I went to bed, I felt very tired. But I was happy.was doingwas washing was watching were watching ( ) 1. -Please take these books to our classroom. -Sorry. They are _ heavy for me _ carry them.A. too, to B . So, that C. so, to D. too, that( ) 2. I think classical music is pleasant. _ . I often listen to it.A. No, it doesnt. B. I agree with you. C. Yes, it does. D. No, I think so.( ) 3. Boys and girls . Well have a _ holiday next week. A. three days B. three-day C. three day D. three-days ( ) 5. May I speak to Mr. Smith ? _ , please . Ill see if he is in .A. Look out B. Hold on C. Keep up D. Come on( ) 4. When was the famous artist born? He was born_ . a t the early 1900s B. in the early 1900s C. in the early 1900 D. at the early 1900ABBBB Summary Some words: holy, however, solve, factory,closed,pray2. Some phrases: a two-day weekend, in the 1800s, tooto., the beginning of, stop doing sth. blue Mondays 1.Talk about the history of weekend2.Understand and use the past coninuous better. Please write a passage about your activities of last Sunday.


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