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高等教育电子音像出版社高 等 教 育 出 版 社1LEAD-INLISTENING AND SPEAKINGL2Lead-inLead-in3_Look and match.sales transportation health care law education IThealth caresaleseducationlawITtransportation_4patienceDiscuss and choose.related knowledge at school/collegecreativitywork experiencea good attitudea dream about the jobtrainingpatienceDiscuss and choose.Lea5Listen and answer.1.1.What does Li Dong do?What does Li Dong do?_He is working in a shipping company.He is working in a shipping company.2.How is Wang Yangs job going?2.How is Wang Yangs job going?_He is now boss of a company.He is now boss of a company.3.What is Li Dongs dream job?3.What is Li Dongs dream job?_His dream job is to be a lawyer.His dream job is to be a lawyer.Listen and answer.Lead-inWhat 6Listening and speakingListenin7Listen and answer.They are talking aboutThey are talking aboutjob searching.job searching.Listen and answer.Listening an8Listen and check.()()()()()Frank is surprised that Bob has just got a job working with his hands.1 2Bob is working for a plumbing company.1 1Bob had some experience in plumbing before he got the job.3Frank is a teacher and has to work very late at night every day.1 5Bob made some preparation for his new job.1 4Listen and check.Listening and9Listen and complete.Bob found a perfect position.He is _.working for a plumbing companyListen and complete.Listening 10Listen again and complete the fact file.Since he had no experience in that line of work,he got _.some quick training at vocational schoolListen again and complete the 11Listen again and complete the fact file.Frank is sick of his job and considering a change.He always _.has to work late at nightListen again and complete the 12Listen again and complete the fact file.He has always wanted _.Hes willing to _.to be a teacherbegin learning to teachListen again and complete the 13Listen and underline.Frank:Bob:Frank:Bob:Frank:Bob:How is your job search going,Bob?Ive found a perfect position.Im working for a plumbing company.Are you serious?Having studied mathematics at college for fouryears,now you have a job working with your hands?Plumbing work requires mathematics knowledge,and creativity.Thats what has been my dream work.I can see that.But do you have any experience in that field?No,but I got some quick training at a vocational school.SinceIve studied math,and I have a good attitude,my application wasaccepted.Listen and underline.Frank:How14Listen and underline.Frank:Bob:Frank:Bob:Frank:Bob:Congratulations!You do have the right attitude.What about you,Frank?Im sick of my job and considering a change.I always have to worklate at night,and the company keepsme working in the office.Why dont you find a newjob where you can do whatyou enjoy?Ive always wanted to be ateacher.Im planning to quit and begin learning to teach.Having that dream for so long,you surely will make it.Listen and underline.Frank:Con15Ask and answer.Open a restaurant Open a restaurant Be manager of my own Be manager of my own Pizza Hut restaurantPizza Hut restaurant Take a course Take a course Join the fashion industry Join the fashion industry Be a fashion designer Be a fashion designer Learn designing from next Learn designing from next week weekA:Im considering a change.B:What are you planning to do?A:_.That has been my dream work.Ive always wanted to _.B:But you have no experience in that field.A:Im planning to _.B:Go ahead if you have decided.You surely will make it.Ask and answer.Listening and s16Act and practice.1A banker2An engineer3A computer programmerAct and practice.Listening and17Youve done a good job.Youve done a good job.May you make even May you make even greater progress.greater progress.Wish you great success.Wish you great success.你做得很好。你做得很好。你做得很好。你做得很好。祝你有更大的祝你有更大的祝你有更大的祝你有更大的进步。进步。进步。进步。祝你成功。祝你成功。祝你成功。祝你成功。Everyday EnglishYouve done a 18ReadingReading19Discuss and decide.I prefer the work that can reward me with fulfillment in the long run.1I will choose my career based on my interest.3 2I will choose the hottest career.4 3I prefer jobs that dont need to deal with a lot of people.4I prefer jobs in public relations and social services.5Discuss and decide.ReadingI pr20What will the passage mainly talk about?What will the passage mainly talk about?_._.Read and answer.How to choose ones careerHow to choose ones careerWhat will the passage mainly t21 The best careers for the future are those that will reward you with long term joy and fulfillment.They may not be todays hottest or top careers.They may not be the best paid careers either.Being open to many choices,you are supposed to choose one based on your own interest.Then you will no longer look for other jobs,and use all your gifts in your career,and you will achieve much more and will be highly satisfied.When carefully chosen,the best careers for the future dont have to be a single career choice.It includes a set of careers where you can reach your goal of life.The best careers for t22 Changes in the economy and technology may affect jobs in unexpected Changes in the economy and technology may affect jobs in unexpected ways.For example,20 years ago there were almost no jobs in computers.ways.For example,20 years ago there were almost no jobs in computers.Now,however,having realized the importance of computers in daily life and Now,however,having realized the importance of computers in daily life and work,almost every employer wants people with computer skills.Besides,work,almost every employer wants people with computer skills.Besides,the greatest amount of growth in China may occur in industries that provide the greatest amount of growth in China may occur in industries that provide services:business,health care,services:business,health care,education and technology services.education and technology services.Remember,in some phases of your Remember,in some phases of yourlife you may experience several career life you may experience several career changes.But,once mastering skills changes.But,once mastering skills necessary for a new career,youll findnecessary for a new career,youll find both work and financial satisfaction both work and financial satisfaction along your career journey.along your career journey.Changes in the economy23Read and check.The best job of yours should always be a single one based on your skills.3The best job is the one that is the hottest in recent years.1When you find the job matches your interest,you can achieve more.2The best job today is different from that in the past.45Almost all employers prefer those with computer-related skills.Only when you experience career changes,can you find satisfaction along your career journey.6Read and check.ReadingThe best24Read and discuss.Once mastering skills necessary for a new career,youll find both work and financial satisfaction along your career journey.The best careers are those that will reward you with long term joy and fulfillment.The greatest amount of growth in China may occur in the service industries.Changes in the economy and technology may affect jobs in unexpected ways.The best careers for the future dont have to be a single career choice.Read and discuss.ReadingOnce m25WritingWriting26Ask and answer.What is your favorite job?_.Is it the hottest career in recent years?_.Why do you like it?_.Ask and answer.What is your fa27Ask and answer.What rewards will the job bring?_.Is the job your only choice?_.What is the most important thing for a new career?_.Ask and answer.What rewards wi28Read and complete.My favorite job is _._._._._.The most important thing about the job is _.Read and complete.My f29Language in useLanguage in use30Grammar focusHaving studied mathematics at college for four years,now you have a job working with your hands?Having that dream for so long,you surely will make it.When carefully chosen,the best careers for the future dont have to be a single career choice.Once mastering skills necessary for a new career,youll find both work and financial satisfaction along your career journey.Grammar focusGrammar focusLanguage in useHa31Read and underline.I stood there,listening to the broadcast.3Seeing the teacher entering the room,the students stood up.1Heated,ice will chang into water.2The children went away laughing.45Not knowing what to do,he went to his parents for help.Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.6Read and underline.Language in32Read and match.He went outFaced with difficulties,Considering he has been learning English only for a year,Reading carefully,he found something he had not known before in that book.shutting the door behind him.we must try to overcome them.he speaks it quite well.Read and match.Language in use33_,the Smiths were rather excited.Choose and complete.a.born into this worldb.having realized everything they did was in vainc.showing great interest in musicd.not knowing what had happenede.expecting their first babyf.hoping to cure their dear sonExpecting their first baby_,th34Choose and complete.a.born into this worldb.having realized everything they did was in vainc.showing great interest in musicd.not knowing what had happenede.expecting their first babyf.hoping to cure their dear son_,the baby seemed to be different from others he was blind.Not knowing what had happenedChoose and complete.Language i35Choose and complete.a.born into this worldb.having realized everything they did was in vainc.showing great interest in musicd.not knowing what had happenede.expecting their first babyf.hoping to cure their dear sonThe Smiths began to run from one hospital to another,_.hoping to cure their dear sonChoose and complete.Language i36Choose and complete.a.born into this worldb.having realized everything they did was in vainc.showing great interest in musicd.not knowing what had happenede.expecting their first babyf.hoping to cure their dear son_,_,they decided to do everything possible to make their son happy.Having realized everythingthey did was in vainChoose and complete.Language i37Choose and complete.a.born into this worldb.having realized everything they did was in vainc.showing great interest in musicd.not knowing what had happenede.expecting their first babyf.hoping to cure their dear son_,the boy lived a happy life,running and playing every day with other children,listening gladly to every sound in his world.Born into this worldChoose and complete.Language i38_,the boy began to teach himself to be a musician.Choose and complete.a.born into this worldb.having realized everything they did was in vainc.showing great interest in musicd.not knowing what had happenede.expecting their first babyf.hoping to cure their dear sonShowing great interest in music_,39Read and complete.1 _(walk)slowly across the grass,he pointed the gun at the lion and fired.2 _(wait)in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.3 _(follow)by some officials,Napoleon inspected his army.4 _(compare)to the size of the whole Earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.5 I thought he was making fun of me,and ran faster than ever,_(reach)the school yard quite out of breath.WalkingWaitingFollowedComparedreachingRead and complete.Language in 40Ill be highly satisfied if I can choose a career that requires special skills.5Vocabulary practiceRead and check.I want to apply for a position in the top ten careers.1I think teaching is still a rewarding profession.3 2However,it requires special gifts and training.4 3Id prefer a job based on my interest.4【】【】【】【】【】Ill be highly satisfied if I 41Read and complete.A:What do you think has led to your success in your career?A:What do you think has led to your success in your career?B:I think the most important thing is that I have B:I think the most important thing is that I have 1)1)_ for myself.It is not among todays _ for myself.It is not among todays hottest or hottest or 2)2)_ careers,but it has _ careers,but it has 3)3)_ me with long _ me with long term joy and fulfillment,for it is term joy and fulfillment,for it is 4)4)_ my own interest._ my own interest.I have never tried to look for other jobs,because I can I have never tried to look for other jobs,because I can 5)5)_._.top satisfaction requires use my giftsrewarded based on training chosen the best careerchosen the best careertoprewardedbased onused my giftsRead and complete.Language in 42A:So you can get great A:So you can get great 6)6)_ as well as success._ as well as success.Can you give us some advice on job-hunting?Can you give us some advice on job-hunting?B:The first step in your job-hunting involves self-assessment.You B:The first step in your job-hunting involves self-assessment.You have to be clear about what you really want based on your have to be clear about what you really want based on your interest and your skills.Nowadays almost every job interest and your skills.Nowadays almost every job 7)7)_ _ experience,so you may take some experience,so you may take some 8)8)_ if you do not _ if you do not have any in a certain field.Then you have to prepare your CV and have any in a certain field.Then you have to prepare your CV and a possible interview,for which you need a lot of skills.a possible interview,for which you need a lot of skills.Read and complete.top satisfaction requires use my giftsrewarded based on training chosen the best careersatisfactionrequirestrainingA:So you can get great 6)_43Discuss and talk.1)Jack is sick of his job and considering a change.(work late)2)_2)Jack majors in mathematics and is planning to work in a plumbing company.(require mathematics knowledge)_He always has to work late at night.He always has to work late at night.He knows plumbing work requires mathematics He knows plumbing work requires mathematics knowledge.knowledge.Discuss and talk.Language in u44Discuss and talk.3)His application for the job was accepted.(get training,a good attitude)_4)He has just got a promotion.(be willing to,try ones best)_Since he got some training at a vocational school and has a Since he got some training at a vocational school and has a good attitude.good attitude.He has been willing to do everything well and tried his best to do He has been willing to do everything well and tried his best to do his work.his work.Discuss and talk.Language in u45Unit taskUnit task46Design a poster to introduce a successful person.You must have read or heard about stories of successful people.Work with your partners and design a poster to introduce a successful person.1.Work in groups and decide whom you are most interested in.2._2.Find useful information about him/her on the Internet._ _3.Discuss among groups the most important factors for his/her successful careers._ _Design a poster to introduce a47Design a poster to introduce a successful person.4 Make a presentation in class.Make sure the following aspects are mentioned:1)general introduction 2)major achievements 3)the most important events in his/her life 4)comments on his/her success5 Find related photos and pictures.6 Design your own poster.7 Choose the best poster.Design a poster to introduce a48Self-checkSelf-check49()position()position()attitude()attitude()admire()admire()based on()based on()play a part in()play a part in()creativity()creativity()application()application()reward with()reward with()achieve()achieve()satisfaction()satisfaction()be sick of()be sick of()career()career()in phase of()in phase of()training()training()be willing()be willing toto()once()once()unexpected()unexpectedI learned:()positionSelf50()talk about job-hunting.()talk about job-hunting.()write about my own career planning.()write about my own career planning.()make comments on career choice.()make comments on career choice.()use a participle as an adverbial.()use a participle as an adverbial.I can:()talk about job-h51Words and expressionsWords and52v.完成;达到完成;达到n.事业事业v.创造创造n.创造力创造力n.经济经济n.目标目标v.掌握掌握n.耐心耐心adj.耐心的耐心的v.&n.回报;报酬回报;报酬adj.出乎意料的出乎意料的对对 厌烦厌烦长期的,长久的长期的,长久的achievecareercreatecreativityeconomygoalmasterpatiencepatientrewardunexpectedbe sick oflong termv.完成;达到n.事业v.创造n.创造力n.经济n.目标v.53Life and cultureLife and cultu54 To help you understand the best careers in the future better,here Ill describe the difference between a career and a job.In the corporate world,a job is something handed over to you by your employer,whereas a career is more like your personal belongings.Employers will look for a candidate to fill up a job opening but you will search for a job that matches your career path.Do you earn a living by having a job or pursuing a career?The Difference Between a Caree55 If you choose to pursue a career,it implies that you have conscientiously chosen this field.Since each job you take helps you advance to higher levels,youll incorporate it into your career plan.However,if you dont think about your career seriously,you might take education that has no direct relationship with what you do to earn a living.And you may focus solely on your current occupation without having any strategies prepared to anticipate(盼望盼望)changes in the job environment.Life and cultureThe Difference56Thank You!57


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