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6、纪律是自由的第一条件。黑格尔7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。马卡连柯8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律,否则一切都会陷入污泥中。马克思9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。夸美纽斯10、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天真而不幼稚,勇敢而鲁莽,倔强而有原则,热情而不冲动,乐观而不盲目。马克思Chapter 2 Connection with other branches 笔记见教材上 朱的讲义Chapter 2Connection of Lexicology with Other Branches of Linguistics如果我们赋予French一个次重音,teacher一个主重音,这时He is a French teacher中的French表示法国国籍:A,French teacher is French.Atoy,factory produces toys.A,toy factory is a model of a factory used as a old,friend (old:long known or long familiar)不可以转换成 :*My friend is new,friend 不可以转换成:*My friend is new.a pure,scientist 不可以转换成:*The scientist is pure.超切分特征传达了说话人的态度,即使是一个词,当被赋予不同的语调时,也会折射出说话人不同的态度:No(a matter-of-fact statement)No(questioning)No(doubtful but encouraging)No(indignant;emphatic prohibition and scolding)2.With grammar:Vocabulary and grammar are organically related to one another.In learning a language,attention to grammar is as important as attention to vocabulary.Grammar tells us how to form words into sentences.The vocabulary of a language assumes tremendous importance when it comes under the control of grammar,which is concerned with the modification in form of words and the combination of words into sentences.A bit,a littleA bit 和a little只能用在表语位置上,若与表示“令人不快”意思的形容词连用,则含有“过分”的意思:The weather is a bit(too)hot.*The weather is a bit lovely.*a bit hot weatherFind fault with:有些成语可以进行某些转换,而不允许其他转换:He found fault with them.这一短语可以进行被动转换:Fault was found with them.但是,跟He sought help from them.不一样,“He found fault with them”中的名词是不可以变换为代名词的。以He sought help from them.为基础,我们可以转换出“He didnt seek it from me,和“What did he seek from you?;但是,根据He found fault with them,我们不能转换出:*We didnt find it with me *What did he find with you.Certainlycertainly作为强调语不能用在否定结构之中,如:*Do they certainly want him to go?BadlyBadly常作方式附加状语使用。方式附加状语通常是信息的中心。如果方式附加状语是动词的必具性状语,它就只能处于句末的位置,如:They treated me very badly.*They very badly treated me.He put the point badly.*He badly put the point.但是在被动语态中,badly既可以紧放在过去分词之前,也可以紧放在过去分词之后,如:They were badly treated.They were treated badly.Badly作为增强语通常和need,want连用,不和wish 连用,如:*I badly wished him to go.ableWhen“able”is used predicatively,or when it is used as a modifier of another noun,it can be collocated with“very,really,quite”,not the words“perfectly,well,totally”,e.g.Mary is very(really,quite)able.Mary is a very(really,quite)able student.*Mary is perfectly(well,totally)able.*Mary is a perfectly(well,totally)able student.But in the pattern,“be able to do sth.”,it can not be collocated with“very”.It can,however,collocate with the words“really,quite,perfectly,well,totally”,for example:*Mary is very able to give the lecture.Mary is really(quite,perfectly,well,totally)able to give the lecture.3.With semantics:AbsolutelyAbsolutely作为强调语修饰动词时往往会受到限制。它常要求它的谓体具有某种夸张的含义,如:In her anger,she absolutely screamed at him.*In her anger,she absolutely spoke to him.The donkey ate hay.*The donkey ate silence.girl boy boy man woman carpretty flower handsome typewriter garden overcoat color airliner pretty +delicacy,+superficial,-manliness,-big,-dignity handsome +vigor,+dignity,+big,+manliness4.With Stylistics:Stylistics is the study of optional variations in the sounds,forms,or vocabulary of a language as characteristic of different uses of language,different situations of use,or different literary types.Lexicology studies stylistic variants on the basis of meanings of words and their changes:synonyms,antonyms,figures of speech,etc.Only words with similar stylistic meanings can be used together.Anglo-Saxon Norman French Latin/Greek ask question interrogate thin spare emaciated folk people nation fair beautiful attractive hearty cordial cardiac leech doctor physician rise mount ascend book volume text help aid assistance fear terror trepidation eat consume devourIn legal language:General Specialist theft larceny burning arson crime felonyIn the fields of science:General Specialist hole cavity speed velocity force intensity In medicine:General Specialist wound laceration skull cranium sweat perspiration谢谢46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。卡耐基47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。陆游48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。史美尔斯49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。孙洙50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。莫扎特


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