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This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.宏碁中国售后服务介绍字体:微软亚黑/Frutiger字号:12LindaDec.31st,2010This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.目录宏碁中国售后服务体系介绍服务政策&服务支持概述服务获奖&肯定This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.宏碁中国售后服务体系介绍This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.多品牌售后服务体系宏碁中国售后服务体系全面负责宏碁旗下Acer、Gateway、eMachines品牌产品在中国大陆地区的售后服务与支持。客户服务部8个区域CSD(上海、北京、广州、沈阳、武汉、西安、成都及香港);总部设在上海。服务网络呼叫中心,设于上海;全国近600家服务站,服务网络仍在拓展与完善。服务体系介绍This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.EQCS服务管理核心宏碁中国售后服务团队,由具备国际运作经验和本土操作经验的管理团队带领,围绕EQCS,对服务网络进行精细化管理。服务体系介绍This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.MISSION使命CSDiscommittedtodeliverprofessional,on-timeandcost-effectiveservicethroughexcellentmanagementofservicenetworktoachieveexcellentcustomersatisfactionandcontributetothegrowthofourbusiness.Acer宏碁透过对服务网络卓越的管理,为客户提供“专业”、“及时”及“具有竞争力”的服务,以期取得最佳的客户满意度,并提升公司品牌价值。服务体系介绍This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务政策&服务支持概述This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务政策全国联保服务3年有限保修台式机免费上门服务笔记本1年国际旅行者保证(ITW)*ITW适用于Acer品牌笔记本及上网本;Gateway、eMachines品牌不适用。产品品牌服务方式保修期笔记本Acer/Gateway/eMachines送修3年有限台式机Acer/Gateway/eMachines第1年上门第2、3年送修显示器Acer/Gateway/eMachines送修This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务支持品牌电话服务网站服务服务站服务Acer400-700-1000“服务支持”页面近600家服务网点,提供全国联保服务Gateway400-700-9888“客户服务”页面eMachines400-700-2000“客户服务”页面宏碁提供全方位的服务支持:电话服务、网站服务、服务站服务*400电话的资费标准为普通市话费,固话及手机用户均可拨打。This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务支持用户Acer/Gateway/eMachinesThis document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.Acer全国客户服务热线为用户提供专业全面的电话服务:2010年3月电脑报3.15电话调查,获五星及解决问题很快速的好评。2008年3月CCID赛迪网3.15电话调查,独获最高星级。服务支持电话服务This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.三个品牌网站提供产品服务政策与服务信息查询,以及产品驱动下载;透过“网上服务”栏目,用户可提交关心的问题,服务人员会及时处理与回复。服务支持网站服务“网上服务网上服务”This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务支持服务站服务休息区接待区受理区服务站形象截至2010年底,全国共有157家宏碁多品牌服务形象店。u位置:服务站地点的选择会考虑交通便利状况,方便用户送修与咨询。u环境:服务站按统一规范进行装修布置,让用户享受舒适的服务环境。全国现有近600家服务站,服务网络仍在不断拓展与完善。This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务获奖&肯定This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务获奖2010年12月荣获IT时代周刊代周刊“2010最佳客最佳客户服服务奖”2010年5月电脑报2009-2010年度中国年度中国IT品牌品牌风云榜最佳服云榜最佳服务品牌品牌连续第四年第四年荣获电脑服年度服务奖项2010年5月荣获“2009年电子行业职业技能鉴定先进单位”2009年4月电脑报2008-2009年度中国年度中国IT品牌品牌风云榜最佳服云榜最佳服务品牌品牌2008年4月电脑报2007-2008年度中国年度中国IT品牌品牌风云榜最佳售后服云榜最佳售后服务品牌品牌2008年3月荣获CCID赛迪网“最佳售后服务奖”2008年3月荣获“2007年度电子行业职业技能鉴定先进单位”2007年5月电脑报2006-2007年度中国IT品牌风云榜年度最佳售后服务品牌This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.服务奖牌&证书This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.用户表扬This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc,and was created for demonstration purposes only.It may not be modified,organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.ThankYou!


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