综英-Unit 1

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综英综英-Unit 1-Unit 1Work with your group to think of as many words/phrases/expressions as possible regarding the following topics.Personality/characterPersonal appearance/ones looksLikes and dislikesManaging relationshipsPeople we know or meetBrainstormingreliable selflessconsiderate faithful trusty versatile tasteful warm-hearted modest enthusiastic zealous generous Positive adjectives:easy-goinghonestopen-mindedhumorousinterestingpleasantpleasurablefranksympathetichelpfulloyalpoliteAdjectives for Describing Personality/Characterarrogantdishonestdifficultnarrow-mindedboringLoathsome讨厌的讨厌的unpleasantselfishrudecowardlyself-loving 自恋自恋cocky 自大的boastful vaingreedy prejudicedcruelpatronizingmeanPretentious 自命不凡的自命不凡的jealoushostileself-admiring Negative adjectives:complicatedreservedsilentquiettalkativesophisticatedambitiousaggressivetimidimpulsivesociable/unsociablecurious quick-wittedslow-mindedout-goingshyunapproachablealoof 孤僻的,冷淡的孤僻的,冷淡的introvertextrovertcommunicativeuncommunicative Neutral adjectives:thinslimslenderbiglargesmalllittlestoutplump 丰满的丰满的fatfattish 略胖的略胖的robust Sizeathleticmuscular 强健的强健的skinnychubby 丰满的丰满的tubby 桶状的桶状的strongweakslightwell-rounded 丰满的丰满的roly-poly 矮胖的矮胖的heavyoverweightshort and slightly fatshort,round and fatPersonal Appearance/Ones Lookssl.when one is young and doesnt have much experience when one is strongest and most successful Ageold younglook young/olddont/doesnt look ones agelook old/youngelderlymiddle-agedin ones thirties/forties/fifties,teenageadolescentyouthfuljuvenile 幼稚的幼稚的juniorin the springtime of life青春青春in the prime of ones life 壮年壮年in ones salad days少不少不更事更事/青少年时期青少年时期agedgrey-hairedseniorsenile老年的老年的very old and weak due to old age Resemblancelook like somebodyresembletake after somebodyhave someones eyes/nose/hairremind someone of someone elsebe similar tobear a resemblance tobe likemirrorecholove likeenjoybe crazy/mad/nuts about somethingbe keen onbe interested inlong forbe longing tobe eager tobe hungry forbe fond ofbe devoted tobe thirsty forcare forhave a great/strong/huge crush on someonea young girls crush on someoneLikes and Dislikesfeel/be sick about somethingdislikehatebe indifferent todont care forbe disgusted withbe uninterested insickenloathefeel hostile towardsbe unable to stand/bearbe tired ofbe unwilling tobe fed up with Improving relationsget along withhave a good or friendly relationship withbe on good terms withlive happily withbe kind/nice/agreeable tocomplimentpraiseappreciate ones help/adviceencouragebe tolerant toapproachableManaging Relationships Hurting relationslaugh atmock atcriticizeridiculequarrel withsplit withlook down uponinterfere with ones affairsbreak up withhave a bad relationship withthere is bad blood(恨,恶感恨,恶感)betweenandbe difficult/hard on somebody Neutral cope withkeep in touch withbe in/out of contact withcommunicate withapproachwrite tocallring upget hold ofspeak tophonevisitcall on somebodycall at some placefriendsstrangersacquaintancescolleaguesclassmatesschoolmatesroommatesplaymatesfellow students/workersneighborsalumnus(pl.alumni)男校友男校友alumna(pl.alumnae)女校友女校友relativescomradePeople We Know or Meetemployeremployeesuperiorinferior/subordinateteacherstudentdoctorpatientsalesmancustomerhostguestmasterslaveTask 1:Take notes of the questions the interviewer asked.nInterviewer:Im doing a survey,and Im interested in how brothers or sisters relate to each other.Do you have any brothers or sisters?How are you getting on?n Well,I have a brother.Hes_ than me,but a little_.He,er,hes_,and looks very_.We are both married and get on quite well right now,but we were very _to each other in our early teens.In fact,I was very afraid of him.He was too_.He used to ask me to do this or that for him.If I refused or didnt do well,he would either hit me,or _ not to take me to places I wanted very much to go to.You cant be very _if you have an elder brother or sister,you know what I mean?You would follow them around;they take you here and there.Theyre sometimes kind enough to do things for you,perhaps they want to _ but you become more _ on them,and you appear weak.You see what I mean?3 years older shorterwell-builtstronghostiledemandingthreatenindependentshow offdependentTask 2:Listen and answer the following questions.nWhy was Charlie afraid of his brother?nAccording to Charlie,what will someone who has an elder brother or sister become?nWhy did Charlie hate his brother?nHow did Charlie and his brother get over their hostile relations?1.Why was Charlie afraid of his brother?Charlies brother was very demanding.He used to ask Charlie to do things for him.If Charlie refused or didnt do well,he would hit Charlie or threaten not to take him to places he wants to go to.2.According to Charlie,what will someone who has an elder brother or sister become?He or she will become dependent(on the elder brother or sister)and appear“weak”.Reference Answers 3.Why did Charlie hate his brother?His brother used to order him about and there were many“clashes”between them,so he looked upon his brother as his enemy.4.How did Charlie and his brother get over their hostile relations?Once he was bullied(威吓威吓)by one of his classmate.His brother saw him crying,and became very angry after he told him the truth.His brother then taught the bully a lesson.Since then,they have never quarreled again.Task 1 Refer to page 2 for useful expressions.Ask your partner about his/her friends based on the following questions:-Have you any friends?-How does he/she look like?-What kind of person do you think he/she is?-When did you get to know each other?-How did you become good friends?-How are you getting on with each other?-What do you like to do when you are with him/her?InterviewspeakingTask 2In small groups,discuss the following questions:uIs friendship important in your life?Why?uWould you like to make friends with a nice person?uHow to be a nice person(a good listener or a good door opener)?Present the result of your discussion to the class.Group Discussion Suggested Points As we all know,friendship is very important in our life,and being a nice person(a good listener or a door opener)is a key factor to build close relationship with others.Therefore,many people wonder how to be a nice person(a good listener).Good listeners or door openers typically have the following elements:1.Showing that you are worried about him and you want to comfort him or her with goodwill;2.An invitation to talk or to continue talking;3.Giving the speaker time to decide whether to talk and/or what he wants to say;4.Using eye contact to demonstrate your interest in and concern for the speaker;5.Being trustworthy;6.Being understanding and tolerant to the speakers;7.Dont laugh at or mock at the speakers when they make mistakes;8.No argument.If you were the boy in the picture,what should you say to your mother?What are the causes of the generation gap1 the old generation and the young generation live in different periods.2different places have different cultures,different backgrounds3 the lack of communicationHow to narrow the generation municate with each other,try to understand each other2.keep silence3.have patience4.contain others Discover the generation gap between you and your parents by completing the following table.If there is a big gap between you and your parents,discuss what contributes to the gap.Pre-reading TasksPart II ReadingAttitudes to and preference of:My ParentsMyselfMoney and material wealth Work Friendship Leisure activities Personal relationships Reputation Appearance Modern technologies Pop music TV programText SummaryListen to the text and fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the Listen to the text and fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the text:text:In the article,the narrator presents her personal impression about her father from two perspectives:first,_ which is _;secondly,she tells the reader that _.We can conclude that they are not very close.she describes hershe and her father havefathers character,different from her owncompletelydifferent interestsText Organization 1st Paragraph2nd Paragraph3rd Paragraph4th ParagraphThe narrator tells of her school experience to show that her father is not aware of what she really needs and how she really feels.The narrator examines the different interests she and her father have and tells of the gap between them.The narrator cites a number of examples to support her statement that her father is quite self-centered and a little bit vain.The narrator describes her father in her eyes.5th ParagraphThe narrator tells the different attitudes she and her father have towards her marriage and having grandchildren.6th ParagraphThe narrator tells that she is not that interested in what herfather is doing.e.g.The new manager is easy to get on with.新经理易于相处。Please get on with your work.请继续你的工作。He gets along well with his boss/He and his boss get along well.他和他的上司相处甚好。get on with sb:work or live in a sociable way(与某人)相处get on with sth:continue 继续get along with sb:be friendly and in harmony(与某人)和好相处,相处和谐Words and Expressionse.g.vain hopes/promises 无结果的希望/许诺All our work was in vain.我们的一切工作均归徒然。take a persons name in vain 不尊敬地使用一个人的名字Hes as vain as a peacock.他极其自负。Shes vain of her beaugy.她自负貌美。vain-glory:n.自负或自傲,虚荣vain:adj.without use,value,meaning or result 无益的,无效的,徒然的;in vain:without the desired result;without due honor or respect 徒然,无效地;不尊敬地,冒渎地;having too high an opinion of ones looks,abilities,etc,conceited(对自己的容貌、能力等)自视过高的,自负的e.g.He likes to keep to himself.他不喜交际。He always keeps to his promises/an agreement/his word.他是个守信/约的人。Please keep to the subject/the point at issue.请把握讨论的主题(要点)。keep(oneself)to oneself:avoid meeting people 独居,不交际keep to sth:do what one has agreed to do 履行,遵守limit oneself to 限制自己 He is quite self-centered,and a little bit vain,I think,and in some ways quite unapproachable.The public must think hes very easy-going,but at home he keeps himself to himself.我觉得他比较以自我为中心我觉得他比较以自我为中心,还有一点而虚荣还有一点而虚荣,在某些方在某些方面还会让人觉得有距离感面还会让人觉得有距离感.公众肯定都认为他很随和公众肯定都认为他很随和,其其实在家的时候他基本上都是独处实在家的时候他基本上都是独处,不怎么跟我们交流。不怎么跟我们交流。interested only in oneself;selfish full of self-admiration;think highly of ones abilities difficult to talk to He is always been slightly out of touch with family life.His work always came first,and he was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing.他对家庭生活一直有点生疏。对他来说他对家庭生活一直有点生疏。对他来说,工作总是工作总是放在第一位放在第一位,而且他总是在外地演戏或是排练。而且他总是在外地演戏或是排练。out of connection His work is the most important thing in his life.Cf.lose touchkeep in touchget in touch withaway e.g.Mothers like to show off their daughters.母亲们喜欢宣扬自己女儿的长处。That man always shows off.那个人老是炫耀/卖弄自己。Hes an irritating show-off.他是个讨人嫌的喜欢卖弄之人。show off:make a display of ones wealth,learning,abilities,etc in order to impress people 炫耀,卖弄show sb/sth off:display(sth)to advantage 显示(某物)的优点,使显眼 show-off:n.爱炫耀、卖弄的人e.g.How did life arise in the first place?生命最初是怎样起源的?We wont travel this holiday.In the first place,we dont have enough time,in the second place,we dont have enough money.in the first place:(in making a list)as a beginning,firstly 首先,第一e.g.He settled down in his armchair to read a new novel.他安闲地坐在扶手椅上阅读一本新的小说。Wait until the children have settled down before you start your lesson.等孩子们安静下来你再开始上课。He settled down well in his new job.他在新的工作中安顿下来。settle down:sit or lie comfortably(after a period of movement or activity)(在活动过后)安适地坐下或躺下settle(sb)down:make or become calm and peaceful(使)镇定,(使)平静settle down(to sth):become established(in a new way of life,new work,etc)立身,安顿(于新的生活方式,新行业等)e.g.I dont see much of him.我不常见到他。They dont like those who dont see much of the world.他们不喜欢那些不知天高地厚的人。That man saw much of life.那个男人见过大世面。I can see so much of me.我能发现更多真正的自己。see much of sb:not see sb often 不常见到某人not see much of the world:not understand things 不知天高地厚,不懂事see much of life:experience a lot 见过许多世面e.g.Although they are twins,temperamentally they are as like as chalk and cheese.尽管他们是孪生儿,但性格却截然不同。Is badminton anything like tennis?No,as different as chalk from cheese.羽毛球有些像网球吗?不,根本不同。as like/different as chalk and cheese:essentially unlike 根本不同,实质不同My father and I are totally different,like chalk and cheese.My interests have always been the country,but hes into books,music and above all,opera,which I hate.我和父亲的性格大相径庭。我的兴趣一直都在乡村,而他我和父亲的性格大相径庭。我的兴趣一直都在乡村,而他则喜欢书和音乐,尤其是歌剧,这恰恰是我所讨厌的。则喜欢书和音乐,尤其是歌剧,这恰恰是我所讨厌的。alliterationbe keen on most important of alle.g.I am very much opposed to your going abroad,I am against the plan.我非常反对你出国。Oppose your will against mine/your views to mine 把你的意向与我的意向/你的观点与我的观点对照一下The army opposed a vigorous resistance to the enemy.军队猛烈抵抗敌人。oppose:vt.Set oneself,fight,against(sb or sth)反对,反抗;(against/to),put forward as a contrast or opposite,set up against 使对立,使相对,以对抗as opposed to:in contrast with 与对照,与成对比In Other WordsPut the following expressions from the text in the blanks.(page 6:A)Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks.(page 6:A)Click the wordhumble incrediblyunapproachablerehearsed autograph1.He did not talk much and always stood aloof.He was somewhat _ in the eyes of his colleagues.2.Clad in golden glory,the tree is _ beautiful in autumn.3.Many famous people are of _ origin.4.Since the release of her debut single,the pop singer has become very _.idealvain challengingClick the wordchallenging idealrehearsed autograph 5.Before going to the job interview,the applicant _ his presentation in his room.6.Many teenagers swarmed to the stage and asked for the _ of the movie star.7.Life and work in a new environment are usually very _ for new graduates.8.For most Englishmen,a commodious house with many trees around it in the country is a/an _ place to live in.Work with Sentences Rewrite the following sentences using the expressions below.(page 7:B)Rewrite the following sentences using the expressions below.(page 7:B)settle down in easy going above all let downout of touch with break up show off get on with sb.1.I chose the car for its speed,comfort and,most important,for its reliability.2.A good teacher should help his/her students earnestly instead of pretentiously displaying how knowledgeable he/she is.3.Examinations are a nightmare for some students,for they cannot apply themselves seriously to revision.above allshowing off his/her knowledge.settle down to4.The boy quarreled bitterly with his girlfriend,and I am afraid they will end their relationship sooner or later.5.Why wont that telephone ring?He promised to call me and he would not disappoint me.6.She is a very sociable girl and is on good terms with her colleagues.7.Soon after the satellite was launched into space,it was lost to the scientists on the earth.8.Doctors tell us that a good-tempered person is less likely to get ulcers.break up an easy-goinglet me downgets on well out of touch withWord Study(page 7:C)1.Study the five expressions in Exercise a together with the example sentences in Exercise b.2.Give English interpretations of the term based on the example sentences.Then try to translate the example sentences into Chinese.3.Try to finish Exercise b:work on one sentence out of the prompts.1.The public must think he is very easy-going,but at home he keeps himself to himself.公众肯定都认为他很随和公众肯定都认为他很随和,其实在家的时候他其实在家的时候他基本上都是基本上都是独处独处,不怎么跟我们交流不怎么跟我们交流。stay with oneself,not sociablea.The boy kept himself to himself both in class and after class.He felt very lonely in this new environment.b.A person who always keeps himself to himself is likely to have psychological problems.c.Being too shy,the little girl kept herself to herself watching other kids playing on the lawn.2.His work always came first.他的工作总是他的工作总是放在第一位放在第一位。is the most importanta.She was a family type and naturally her family came first in her life.b.In Japanese culture career and work always come first for a man.c.When you look for a girlfriend/boyfriend,what comes first in your consideration,appearance or personality?3.He was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing.他总是他总是在外地在外地演戏或排练。演戏或排练。be away somewhere doing a.It seems a tradition in this country that men are off somewhere earning money while their wives stay behind and look after the children.b.Grown-up children are always off somewhere pursuing their own careers but will be back to visit their parents at the Spring Festival.c.The mother was worried that her son was off somewhere making trouble again.4.He must have been very pleased to get me into the school.把我送到那个学校读书把我送到那个学校读书,他一定他一定很高兴很高兴。be happy to do somethinga.Parents are pleased to watch their children growing up healthily.b.Mr.Johnson was pleased to marry a widow with three lovely children.c.He was pleased to know that one of his students was awarded a college scholarship.5.You cant make someone have children just because you want grandchildren.人总不能人总不能仅仅因为仅仅因为自己想抱自己想抱孙子就逼着别人要孩子吧孙子就逼着别人要孩子吧 。for the only reason that a.You cant make someone study just because you didnt have a chance when you were young.b.You cant say that all Americans are wealthy just because the one American you know has three cars.c.You cant criticize your students for being lazy just because they didnt do well in an examination.1.James would rather have had a son than a daughter.2.A childs most lovely when it is under four.3.When Amy was a teenager,she had a lot of boyfriends.4.James liked the way Amy made friends with boys.5.To make Amy happy was more important than anything else in James life.6.Amy was not very choosy in selecting a job.7.Both James and Amy like reading detective stories.8.James likes new pop songs while Amy is fond of the opera.Read the story and do the True/False/Not mentioned exercise on page 9.TF TFFTNMFRead MoreRead the following two sentences quoted from the texts and pay special attention to the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns:I tried several jobs but I couldnt settle down in them.(Text I)Then she took up social work,and finally went to work for a designer (Text II)Put appropriate nouns in the blanks.jewellery jewel 1.She lost a treasured _ at the party last night.2.All of her _ was put in a safe.machinery machine3.Much agricultural _ has been introduced into that new farm.4.Some of the _ on the farm need to be repaired.clothing garment5.The staff at the chemical plant wear protective _.6.He always wears a strange shapeless _.jeweljewellerymachinerymachinesclothinggarmentCountable and Uncountable Nouns bread loaf7.Half a _ is better than none.8.Orwell often had to live on _ and butter during his down-and-out days in Paris and London.luggage suitcase9.Customs officers examined all our _ at the airport.10.How can you travel with so many _?laughter laugh11.She gave a happy _.12._ is the best medicine.coin note money13.Do you want the _ in _ or _?loafbreadluggagesuitcasesLaughterlaughcoinsnotesmoneyChoose the correct word from the choicesgiven.(page 11)Check your answers.1.d 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.a 7.bVocabulary Work1.She doesnt seem to get along with her new classmates.2.Id been out of touch with Mary for years,but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday.3.The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.4.Her husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad.Key to Translation(page 11)5.As Thomas couldnt settle down in his job,his parents were very worried.6.I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets.7.Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.8.I hope the food is to your liking.9.I told the boys off for making so much noise.pAnswer the following questions according to the cultural information.1.Who is a gypsy?2.Why are they often treated with disapproval in Britain?3.What does the word“gypsy”refer to in the US?Reference Answers Cultural Information1.A gypsy is a member of traveling people with dark skin and hair,speaking a language related to Hindi,and usually living by seasonal work,trade and fortune-telling.2.Because their way of life is so different from the way most other British people live.3.It refers to anyone who has a wandering way of life.Reference Answers


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