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综合英语综合英语2unit6-2unit6-footballfootballCommunicativeActivitiesBook 2-Unit 6IntroductionofFunctionsInteractiveListeningandSpeakingPragmaticImplicationReturntoMenuBook 2-Unit 6ExpressingWorriesandConcernsI am concerned/worried about I am worried sick over/about/by I am afraid I am very nervous(about)I am uneasy about I am fretting about/over I think I have jitters about sth/have sth jittersI am in a bit of flap over sth.I am frightened out of witsBook 2-Unit 6ExpressingWorriesandConcernsExample:My grandfather is over 80 years old,but he is still so independent that he always tries to do farm work in order to help the family.I am concerned about his health.I hope that he would stop working and enjoy the later part of his life.Whatdoyouconcernabout?About my family _About my friend _About my future career _Book 2-Unit 6ListeningInterpretationDiscussionandSpeakingBook 2-Unit 62.Listen to the conversation and consider:What is the problem(or conflict)between the player Sam and the coach?Is the coach really concerned about Sams family?1.Predict what they would talk about:In this recording,you will hear the talk between a football coach Mr.Harris and one of his players called Sam.a)Arrangement of the equipmentb)Division of bonusc)Selection of playersd)Arrangement of positions in the matchListeningBook 2-Unit 6InterpretationExplain the differences between the literal meanings and their implications of the conversation in this context.I want you to understand that Im concerned about you and your family.Id like you to know that the team has decided to drop you off this time.I have no problem with distance.I want to play this match.Dont drop me off.Book 2-Unit 6The opponent is very strong.We want to turn the situation.I am under pressure to win this game.I want to use a few new players.I want to replace you with new players.So you will be dropped off in this game.I have to tell you the truth that you fouled too much recently.But dont worry.There will be chance for you in the future.The truth is that you have to be replaced because you fouled too much.And you will not only be dropped this time,but perhaps forever.So youd better think of accepting this harsh fact of life.Book 2-Unit 6You have to make a choice,have me play and win the game,or drop me off and lose the game.I know its useless to bring the situation back.But I want to show my feelings and emotions openly to challenge this disgusting coach.I want to call his bluff!This is perhaps the last chance for me.I feel sorry for your situation.I wish to help,but the decision has been made anyway.Its useless to argue with me.This is final.You become a substitute player now or perhaps forever.But I understand your anger.Anyone in this situation would react in this way.Book 2-Unit 6DiscussionandSpeakingMakeupasimilarconversation.Useatleast10wordsorphrasesofthefollowingtables.under pressure from take it easy/hardreplace lay off sb.foul stand in formixed feelings take the game away from sb.play positionhave trouble inbe concerned about try some new blood to be frank with youhard gamedrop sb.put it straightBook 2-Unit 6Suppose you are the coach of the football team,and your partner is called Martin,a substitute player for many months.Its been decided that hes going to replace Sam in this game.You are telephoning him to tell him a piece of good news.Role-playBook 2-Unit 6 It is well known that language can express more than what words or sentences literally mean.The China Customs at the international airports of big cities like Beijing,Shanghai,or Guangzhou usually post big banners for welcoming the inbound passengers.Read the following list of candidates for English banners and choose the best one for them.Then discuss your choice in your group.You should reach agreement finally.If you are not happy with any of them,you may suggest your own version.Book 2-Unit 6There is no best in this list.But some are more friendly and appropriate in certaincontexts than others.Book 2-Unit 6l14 are all friendly and appropriate in different degrees.The political slogan usually creates a sense of imposition on the viewers.Warmly sounds over-zealous,to China perhaps is redundant;and Hi,step in to China sounds a little casual,informal,but very friendly.l511 are inappropriate although they are polite.Warmly you is redundant and unnecessary because the context is clear that the banner is addressing the viewer.Many sentences contain two parts:a welcome and a warning.The warning creates a threatening effect on the viewer.The political slogan is pointless to international passengers because they dont have the cultural background and knowledge to understand why China is full of so many political slogans.l12 is quite friendly.But it is not suitable for those passengers who are actually Chinese citizens.Co-operationTeam games such as football and volleyball require good cooperation amongst the players to win.HonorIn ancient times,as well as in today,it was a supreme honor to be an Olympic athlete.An Olympic athlete would be looked after by his people for life.OlympicSpiritBook 2-Unit 6How do you understand co-operation/honor/fairness/high moral and physical standards?FairnessPlayers and coaches work together to fight against doping in sports.Anyone who takes prohibited drug in order to win will be penalized by exclusion or suspension from future games.Book 2-Unit 6HighmoralandphysicalstandardsThe story of Haile Gebrselassie bears witness to true Olympic Spirit and the challenge to human physical limitations.Haile Gebrselassie overcame incredible odds to take the gold medal for Ethiopia with a surprise finish from behind in the 10 000 meter running event at the Atlanta Olympics.Formoreinformation:http:/ 2-Unit 6Book 2-Unit 6ReturntoMenu结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!19


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