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新概念第一册新概念第一册119-120119-120课课单词单词学学习习story n.故事故事happen v.发发生生thief n.贼贼enter v.进进入入dark adj.黑暗的黑暗的torch n.手手电电筒筒voice n.(说话说话的)声音的)声音parrot n.鹦鹉鹦鹉story n.1)故事,小故事,小说a detective story 侦探小探小说2)(关于某事的)(关于某事的)陈述,述,说法法Her story is hard to believe.她的她的说法很法很难令人相信令人相信Its another story.那是另一回事。那是另一回事。3)(口)(口语)谎话,说谎者者Dont tell stories.不要撒不要撒谎。happen v.1)发生生那是怎么那是怎么发生的?生的?How did it happen?2)碰巧碰巧我碰巧在街上我碰巧在街上见到他。到他。I happened to see him on the street.It(so)happens+that.碰巧碰巧那个有名的演那个有名的演员碰巧是她的哥哥。碰巧是她的哥哥。It so happened that the famous actor was her brother.thief n.贼小小偷偷走了我的全部走了我的全部钱财A thief stole all my money.thief的复数形式:的复数形式:thieves robber 使用暴力使用暴力抢夺他人他人财物的物的强盗盗housebreaker 侵入屋内侵入屋内抢劫劫财物的物的强盗盗enter v.1)进入入她悄悄地她悄悄地进入屋中。入屋中。She entered the room quietly.2)加入)加入,参加,参加他他21岁上了大学。上了大学。He entered the university at the age of 21.at the age of.在在.岁的的时候候Enter for 报名参加名参加很多学生很多学生报名参加名参加这个个竞赛。Many students entered for this competition.dark1)adj.黑暗的黑暗的太暗了,无法看太暗了,无法看书Its too dark to read.2)深色的,暗色的深色的,暗色的她的眼睛是深色的。她的眼睛是深色的。She has dark eyes.3)阴暗的,阴暗的,忧郁的,暗淡的郁的,暗淡的The future looked dark in those days.那那时觉得前途暗淡。得前途暗淡。4)n.黄昏,傍晚,黑夜(通常不加冠黄昏,傍晚,黑夜(通常不加冠词)before dark 天黑以前天黑以前torch n.1)手手电筒筒开手开手电筒筒turn on a torch 关手关手电筒筒turn off a torch 2)火炬)火炬Kindle a torch 燃起火炬燃起火炬torch relay 火炬火炬传递voice n.1)声音声音in an angry voice 以生气的声音以生气的声音in a sad voice 以以伤心的声音心的声音He told me this news in a sad voice.他以他以伤心的声音告心的声音告诉了我了我这个消息。个消息。lose ones voice 嗓子嗓子变哑Ive lost my voice because of a bad cold.我因重感冒,嗓子都我因重感冒,嗓子都哑了。了。过去完成去完成时过去完成去完成时构成形式:构成形式:had+过去分去分词否定式:在否定式:在had的后面加的后面加not疑疑问句式:把句式:把had提前提前I had finished my homework before I did the house work.I had not finished my homework before I did the house work.Had you finished your homework before you did the house work?(1)表示在表示在过去某一去某一时刻或刻或动作以前己作以前己经完成完成 的的动作,即作,即“过去的去的过去去”。这个个过去的去的时刻可刻可以用以用by,before等介等介词短短语,时间状状语或者从或者从句来表示。句来表示。The film had already begun when I got there.They had left before I came back.我到达的我到达的时候,候,电影己影己经放映了。放映了。我回来之前,他我回来之前,他们己己经离去。离去。(2)表示由表示由过去某一去某一时间开始,一直延开始,一直延续到到过去另一去另一时间的的动作或状作或状态。I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.我在我在车站等了站等了20分分钟,一,一辆公共汽公共汽车终于来了。于来了。课课文文讲讲解解1.Do you like stories?stories是是story的复数形式,前面没有定冠的复数形式,前面没有定冠词the,表示泛指,而不是数量概念。表示泛指,而不是数量概念。She likes cats.We like reading booksI hate the dog.2.I want to tell you a true story.tell a story 讲故事故事tell sb a story 给某人某人讲故事故事Can you tell us a story?The mother always tells her children stories.true adj.真真实的的a true story 真真实故事故事truth n.事事 实,真相真相Tell me the truth.3.It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.happen v.发生生What happened?When did it happen?sth happen to sb 某事某事发生在某人的身上生在某人的身上Good things always happen to me.I dont believe that it happened to him.sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事某人碰巧做某事I lost my key to the front door yesterday.My mother happened to find it in the garden.a year ago 一年前一年前.ago 以前(用于以前(用于过去去时态)I couldnt find a job in Pairs a year ago.4.While my friend,George,was reading in bed,two thieves climbed into his kitchen.in bed 躺在床上躺在床上stay in bed 躺在床上躺在床上climb into 爬到爬到 里里 面去面去while 表示表示“当当的的时候候”,相当,相当when,强调主句主句与从句的与从句的动作同作同时发生。生。While my father was cooking,the doorbell rang.While I was typing a letter,my friend called.5.After they had entered the house,they went into the dinning room.It was very dark,so they turned on a torch.turn on a torch 打开手打开手电筒筒6.Suddenly,they heard a voice behind them.Whats up?Whats up?someone called.suddenly 忽然,突然地忽然,突然地I suddenly remembered his name.voice是指嗓音,是指嗓音,说话的声音,由声的声音,由声带振振动发出的声音。出的声音。noise 尤指噪音尤指噪音sound 用来指一切声响用来指一切声响Whats up?干什么?有什么事?干什么?有什么事?7.The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.run away 跑开了,跑掉了,逃跑跑开了,跑掉了,逃跑Dont run away.I have something nice to tell you.-as quickly as they could能跑多快就跑多快。能跑多快就跑多快。I try to bring as many things as I can.He wrote the letter as clearly as he could8.George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.heard the noise 听到声响听到声响came downstairs 下楼来下楼来9.He turned on the light,but he couldnt see anyone.The thieves had already gone.turn on the light 开灯开灯someone用在肯定句中用在肯定句中anyone用在否定句中用在否定句中10.But Georges parrot,Henry,was still there.Henry 是是Georges parrot的同位的同位语。still 仍然仍然11.“Whats up,George?”he called.Nothing,Henry,George said and smiled.Go back to sleep.he called 指指the parrot called 动物有物有时用用he 或或she来代替,是来代替,是“拟人人“的写法的写法nothing 指什么事也没有指什么事也没有go back to 回到(地方,某种状回到(地方,某种状态)结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!23


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